"Exchange things? Do you mean to let us exchange food?" Song Fengfu sneered at his words. She also knew how scarce food was. If she exchanged food for useless jewelry, she might as well collect it elsewhere.

"What do you say?" the man asked.

"If you take food, I'm sorry. We need food ourselves. After all, food is so scarce now. I think you may not take it if we let you take food, won't you?" she raised a smile. Song Fengfu nodded after she said that.

"Indeed, let's bring you food. We can't take it out. Now the outside world seems to have returned to ancient times. If you want to start over, unless there are no zombies and mutated insects."

The other party shivered at the thought of the mutant insect.

"Mutant insects?" Song Fengfu frowned when she heard these words. How could there be mutant insects here?

"Yes, mutant bug." nodded, and the other party looked very frightened.

"Well, then you have powers." Song Fengfu didn't believe that they could survive in the zombie siege without powers.

Although there seems to be no damage here, zombies are not ordinary zombies and people are not ordinary people.

"Powers? What powers? Now there are powers?" someone was stunned by song Fengfu's words. What powers? Are there powers in this world?

"Yes, now there are mainly fire powers and water powers outside. If you want to live, I'm afraid you'd better find a way to go to the south." Song Fengfu gave each of them such advice. After all, there is no condition of self-sufficiency here.

"We also want to go to the south, but the road to the south is more difficult than that of Monk Tang. We don't go there if we want." the man looked at the two people in front of him. Their clothes seemed too clean.

"Well, what are you going to do now? Stay here and die?" Song Fengfu felt that the wind and snow outside seemed to be getting bigger and more dangerous.

"No, we won't stay here to die. We'll try to get out of here." a man hiding behind the man shouted,

"From here?" Song Fengfu doesn't think they can leave here without powers. After all, powers are relatively powerful. Compared with ordinary people, at least these powers can give them more chances to survive.

"Yes." the visitor turned his head and stared at the man. Then he turned back and looked at Song Fengfu with a smile.

"Well, if you think so, let's go. Six, let's go." there are no gold and silver jewelry here, but there will always be elsewhere.

Song Fengfu didn't shout out Lu Jingxuan's real name. When she pulled Lu Jingxuan out of the supermarket, there was a sudden wind behind her.

"Be careful." Lu Jingxuan raised the wind and cut the incoming crossbow in half.

"You plotted against us." Song Fengfu turned her head and looked at the man not far away.

"What's this called a plot? For the prey, we are just hunters." the other party raised a smile. He is a hunter, but for the hunter, the role of the prey is to eat.

"Hunter?" Song Fengfu raised a smile. Who is the hunter is not sure.

"If you want to be a hunter, you have to see if you can have this ability." Song Fengfu used a wind knife to cut the man's eyes and split the counter in two.

"You, are you a power?"

The other party looked at Song Fengfu in amazement. Is she a power?

"Yes, so you are not qualified to hunt us, because we can kill you anytime, anywhere."

As soon as song Fengfu raised her hand, the gold and silver jewelry in the counter floated into the air and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

Seeing this, the other party suddenly had a very bad feeling. "Don't kill us, don't kill us."

"What do we kill you for? Are we afraid that there are not enough human beings now?" Song Fengfu didn't want to kill, especially killing would make her feel guilty in her heart.

"No, you don't know that there are many people living in a building like us nearby. Because they don't have food to eat, they have begun to eat people. As long as they are defeated, they will be locked up as food. Even if this person has starved to death, as long as his meat is not infected with the virus, it can be used as food."

The other party looked at Song Fengfu. In fact, the last month changed very fast. Doesn't she know that people can't find food now?

"It's strange. Even if the capital is not rich in products, at least there are many supermarkets? It's unreasonable to say that there is no food in the capital so soon."

Song Fengfu frowned. This capital is not like other cities. If you say you don't have to eat, no one really believes it.

"The food in the supermarket was long gone. Before the arrival of many of the space agents came to the site, the supermarkets in the city were emptied for a few days. Even the small shops were all closed. We were hiding in this place, which was also to be scraped. But because there were too many zombies, the army continued to everfount. The army gave up here, and they completely gave up us. "

When the other party said this, he looked at the people behind him and saw them all lowering their heads and crying.

"Then you lived to the present by relying on the things in the supermarket?"

Song Fengfu looked at him and should have guessed it long ago.

"Yes, we have lived to the present by relying on the things in the supermarket, but the things in the supermarket are not enough to eat. We have more than 200 people, and the food supplied by the supermarket is not enough."

The other party suddenly raised his head and looked at Song Fengfu fiercely, "so you must stay, and you must stay as food for us."

Just after he finished speaking, song Fengfu felt that the back door suddenly closed. It was a rolling shutter door, and the thick rolling shutter door was closed.

In the dark world, song Fengfu immediately took Lu Jingxuan into the space.

Just let the people who rushed up hit together.

"Where are people? Where have people gone?"

The collider was stunned to find that what appeared in the dark was his familiar friend.

"Missing, this man is missing."

Lighting the torch, they did not find Lu Jingxuan and others.

"Dad, I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I really want to eat meat, I really want to eat meat."

Looking at the leader, a little girl hiding behind the person talking to song Fengfu licked her mouth. She wanted to eat meat.

Hungry, hungry.

"Niu, don't worry. Meat people will never run. They must be hiding. If you look carefully, you can find them."