At lunch time, Tim haggis, who didn't understand how Xiao Yao counted cards on the gambling table, couldn't help asking Xiao Yao how to count cards. Xiao Yao is very generous to Tim haggis introduced the principle of card counting and the theoretical knowledge involved.

Although Tim haggis has changed from a commando who is mainly responsible for military operations to an agent who needs more brains and is mainly responsible for solving crimes, no matter before in New York or now in Los Angeles, Tim haggis is in the robbery group, and the criminals he deals with are mainly violent crimes. Through the knowledge of mathematics and probability to improve the probability of winning this sentence is clear, but it involves specific mathematical theory and probability problems, Tim haggis is a little difficult to understand.

As a result, Tim haggis just heard Xiao Yao say a Monty Hall paradox, and then he reluctantly stroked his forehead and called to Xiao Yao to stop.

Xiao Yao knows the career of Tim haggis and has a certain understanding of Tim haggis's specialty. That's why he selflessly shares the knowledge of card counting with him. Xiao Yao is psychologically prepared for this reaction of Tim haggis. As soon as Tim haggis shouts to stop, Xiao Yao stops with a smile.

After lunch, they had a little rest and then went to another casino in today's plan. In this casino, Xiao Yao still gave Tim haggis 50000 chips to play with him.

Tim haggis has given up observing how Xiao Yao counts cards and has focused on his own game from the beginning. But Tim haggis didn't seem as lucky in the afternoon as he was in the morning. Tim haggis no longer pays attention to Xiao Yao's card counting. At the beginning, he doesn't only bet the minimum amount. As a result, he won nearly 1000 yuan in the afternoon, and his performance is far from as good as that in the morning.

In the afternoon at the casino, Xiao Yao won nearly 300000 more. But Tim haggis knew that Xiao Yao won by counting cards, so he didn't compete with Xiao Yao at all. As far as Tim haggis himself is concerned, he is in a good mood because he has been paid for food, accommodation and business, and has won money in both casinos. However, Tim haggis's good mood didn't last all day. In the evening, Tim haggis was depressed.

In the morning, Xiao Yao and Tim haggis agreed to have a fight because of whether to exercise early. As there was no ring in the hotel gym, they agreed to find a ring in the evening. After dinner, they went to the street to find the boxing house.

In Las Vegas, a world-famous comprehensive entertainment city, it's not difficult to find a boxing house. What's a little more difficult is that Xiao Yao doesn't want to be seen in the process of fighting. However, this is only a little bit difficult. This kind of problem is not a big problem in front of money. Hotel restaurant can be reserved, so can boxing hall.

The temporary boxing hall is also temporary. At that time, the customers or students who practiced in the boxing hall might have some opinions. In addition to the Charter fee, Xiao Yao also gave several thousand dollars to go out. Those customers or trainees who stopped training for one night for several hundred dollars must be willing. Anyway, Xiao Yao is not bad for money. He has won a lot in the casinos during this period of time. It's nothing for him to give several thousand dollars more.

Because of the problem of whether Tim haggis should get up early every morning and go to early exercise with Xiao Yao, Tim haggis won't release water. He also thinks Xiao Yao knows that he won't release water. Xiao Yao asked for a booking. Tim haggis thought that Xiao Yao was afraid that others would see him beaten in the ring. So although Tim haggis thought that there was no need for a booking, he didn't raise his voice against it. As a result, what he didn't expect was that he was the one who was beaten down when they were competing in the ring!

So Tim haggis was depressed.

After Tim haggis turned from a commando to an agent, his physical fitness and fighting level have declined to a certain extent, but Tim haggis thinks that the decline is not much. Although Tim haggis knew from several cases a few years ago that Xiao Yao was very skilled, anyway, Xiao Yao was an acting star whose main business was singing and filming, and he was a professional. It's hard for Tim haggis to accept being beaten down by Xiao Yao in the ring.

Seeing that Tim haggis was in a bad mood, Xiao Yao didn't say anything to comfort or relieve him, so he directly took him to the bar to drink. In the ring of the martial arts center, both of them were wearing helmet protectors. Xiao Yao's hand was measured, and he didn't greet Tim haggis's face. Although Tim haggis was beaten to the ground, he didn't get any serious injury. After a short rest, he recovered. In addition, there was no obvious scar on his head and face. It's no problem to go to the bar to drink.

Of course, because they were driving, and Xiao Yao was afraid that Tim haggis was depressed and had drunk too much, he had to work hard to get him back to the hotel, so Xiao Yao suggested that they go to the bar of their hotel instead of outside.

That night, Tim haggis drank too much. As a guest of his hotel, Xiao Yao said that the hotel sent two waiters to help Xiao Yao send Tim haggis back to his room. Watching the two hotel waiters leave the bar with Tim haggis and return him to the bed in his bedroom, Xiao Yao, after tipping the two waiters, is also very grateful for his choice of the hotel bar to drink.

The private detective hired by Matt is still following Xiao Yao.The private detective followed Xiao Yao for a few days, but he was not found by Xiao Yao. He must have a good ability, but he only followed Xiao Yao when he was out, and he didn't monitor Xiao Yao's phone. In addition, private detectives also need to sleep. Generally, after Xiao Yao goes back to his room to have a rest in the evening, the work of private detectives on that day ends. Therefore, the private detective didn't know that Xiao Yao contacted Tim haggis, and Xiao Yao didn't see Tim haggis at the first time when he went out of his room to meet someone in the hotel lobby in the early morning.

Private detectives have found out the law of Xiao Yao's life and action. Going out to the hotel gym in the morning has no value of tracking and observation. Only when there are many people in the gym, there is a greater possibility of things happening. The private detective observed Xiao Yao's performance in the hotel gym in the morning and went to the gym ahead of time.

The next morning, when the private detective went to the hotel gym as usual, he was surprised to find that Xiao Yao had an extra male companion.

Xiao Yao has a companion beside him, and the situation has changed greatly. The private detective immediately contacted Matt and told him about it. However, during the day, the private detective still has the task of tracking the two people. After Xiao Yao and his companion go back to their room to have a rest in the evening, the private detective meets Matt to explain what they have observed today. Of course, Nicky Thompson was also present, and the place where the three met was in Nicky Thompson's suite living room.

The private detective doesn't follow Xiao Yao at night, and is afraid that Xiao Yao will check out at night, so he bribes a night receptionist at the front desk of the hotel and the gate security guard to ask them to pay attention to Xiao Yao's check-out information and whether Xiao Yao will leave. Xiao Yao retired from his original room and changed his suite to live with Tim haggis. His room changed. The reception at the front desk of the hotel also secretly informed the private detective. However, Xiao Yao just changed his room and didn't leave. In addition, it was early in the morning. The front desk Hotel didn't contact the private detective at that time, but told him in the morning. As for the gate security, Xiao Yao didn't go out in the early morning, so he didn't even talk about it.

This evening, when tracking Xiao Yao and Tim haggis back to their rooms, the private detective confirmed that Xiao Yao was changing rooms. At this time, he also told Matt and Nicky Thompson.

"Changed rooms, two people in a suite, all day together?" After listening to the private detective's report, Matt said with a smile, "this young can't really...

" the suite has two bedrooms! " Nicky Thompson interrupted, "I said, he won't be g!"

"Maybe it's to cover up? Who knows if they use one or two bedrooms. " Matt shakes his head deliberately and says, "unexpectedly, he is not interested in the beautiful and sexy girl who comes to the door, but he finds a man himself!".

"Hey Sure enough, Nicky Thompson said, "don't talk nonsense!"

"How do you know I'm bullshit!" Matt said with a smile, "why do you react so much?"

Knowing that Matt was deliberately stimulating Nicky Thompson, the private detective said, "I don't think that man is what Mr. Dino said. He should be a professional in a special occupation!"

"Professionals in special occupations? What kind of special occupation? " Matt stopped smiling and asked the private detective with interest.

"That man not only looks strong, but also behaves differently from ordinary people. I think he should be engaged in some dangerous work." The private detective said, "if I had to guess, I think he might be a soldier I mean mercenaries, police, or bodyguards! "

"Bodyguard?" Nicky Thompson said, "because he met tiger yesterday, they asked him for trouble, so he hired a bodyguard. For the convenience of protection, the bodyguard shared a flat with him?"

"That's too careful, isn't it?" Matt said, "although he met tiger yesterday and they made trouble for him, didn't he win tiger? Do you need bodyguards? "

"But he didn't know we hired tiger!" Nicky Thompson said, "didn't tiger's girlfriend say that she wanted to blackmail him because she saw her come out of the casino? He's been in and out of casinos these days, and it's hard to avoid that he'll be watched by others. He is very good at fighting, but what if the other side is armed? "

"Miss Thompson has a point," said the private detective, "but I don't think that man is the bodyguard he hired."

"Why?" Matt and Nicky Thompson asked at the same time.

"Because they just went to the bar in the hotel. The man was drunk and helped back by the hotel staff. " The private detective said, "how can a bodyguard be so drunk when he is on the job of protecting his employer?"

"Today, when I followed them, I found that they all ate at the same table, and the conversation was very natural. They seemed to know each other very well." The private detective continued, "I think they should be friends! Even if that man is really a bodyguard and comes to protect Yang, it's not a simple employment relationship. "

"Can you find out what that man is for?" Matt asked.

"I've been checking." The private detective said, "I tried to bribe the night reception desk of the hotel and asked her about the check-in information of the man who lived with Yang. The man's name is Tim haggis, American, and the registered address on his driver's license is Los Angeles. I've asked my friends in Los Angeles to help me find out. "At this point, the private detective's cell phone rang. The private detective took out his cell phone and opened it. He was very surprised.

"What's the matter?" Matt and Nicky Thompson both asked, noticing the change in the private detective's expression.

"See for yourself, the news I just received!" The private detective handed the mobile phone to Matt, "this is the man who is with Yang today!"

“FBI?” Matt took a look at it. He was also startled and exclaimed.

A person's information on the mobile phone screen, in which the three letters of FBI are very prominent.

"Yang has friends with the FBI?" Nicky Thompson was also surprised.

"It seems that there are." The private detective thought for a moment, nodded and said, "in the robbery and kidnapping cases of New York Fashion Week, the first person to inform the police was an FBI agent. At that time, he was interviewed by reporters and said that he was a friend of Yang and was invited by Yang to watch the press conference. If you're not wrong, he should be the FBI agent at that time. "

"But the case of New York Fashion Week happened in New York. The FBI agent should be a New York agent?" Nicky Thompson said strangely.

"Look down here," said the private detective. "He was transferred from New York to Los Angeles two years ago. The New York Fashion Week case was more than two years away. "

Matt nodded his head and approved the private detective's words, exclaiming: "I didn't expect that guy had a friend working in the FBI in the United States!"

"Mr. Dino," said the private investigator, "tracking an FBI agent is not the same as tracking a star entertainer. According to my observation today, this FBI agent is likely to stay with Yang all the time, so my work will be more difficult. "

"I see," Matt said, "do you want to finish this job or do you want to pay more?"

"As a private detective, of course I like money!" The private detective said, "but to be honest, I've been following Yang these days, and I haven't found anything to do with him, except that I know he goes to the casinos more often. Now with FBI agents around, young is less likely to do anything out of line. I don't think it's necessary to continue this work. "

"Well, I agree to end the Commission. I'll send someone to settle the payment with you tomorrow." Matt nodded.

"Yes, thank you." The private detective stood up and said, "then I'll go first!"

"Matt, young has a friend who works in the FBI. Shall we continue the plan we said yesterday?" After the private detective left, Nicky Thompson asked Matt, "in case he knows it's our plan behind..."

"Go on, of course!" Matt said, "so what if he has friends at the FBI? What the media reported was the fact, and we didn't break the law. What if he and his FBI friends knew? Don't worry about his FBI friend using his work power to help him revenge us. I have friends in the FBI, too. "

"The most important thing," Matt went on, "is that even if we regret it now, it's too late. Yang's report has been published! "

"What?" Nicky Thompson said, "it's already out?"

"Yes," Matt nodded and said with a smile, "didn't you watch the news from those famous gossip websites today?"

"No Nicky Thompson shook his head. "It was decided yesterday. I didn't expect you to move so fast!"

"Ha," Matt said with a smug smile, "I've always been so efficient!"