After casting studio issued a supplementary explanation, not every actor on the audition list chose to continue to participate in the audition just like Yu shaoting, so the audition personnel list was changed.

The list of audition personnel has changed, so the audition time naturally needs to be rescheduled. Due to the different response times of the agents or agents where the actors work, and the producers hope (mainly required by the director Chen Jun) to arrange the auditions of the actors of the same role together as far as possible, so as to make a comparative judgment, it also takes a certain amount of time to reschedule the auditions. However, this does not mean that the audition time must be delayed.

In this TV play, some of the supporting roles are elderly roles. The actors considered in these roles are some middle-aged actors in their 40s and 50s. At this age, most of the middle-aged actors who are used to acting as supporting roles are experienced but low flow actors in the circle. They are basically not affected by the supplementary explanation. There is no change in the cast of this part of the audition.

In addition to filming, these actors do not have many other work activities, and their schedules are relatively free. When adjusting the audition list of actors and rescheduling the audition time, casting studio will advance the audition time of these older middle-aged actors, so that the producers can audition these actors first.

Xiao Yao and director Chen Jun are absolutely polite and respectful to the audition of these actors. The audition of these actors is not their audition, but the communication between them and their predecessors. The two talked with the older actors about the script and their understanding of the roles they were going to play in the play. For these actors, there are generally not many problems in acting skills, but more depends on their understanding of the role and whether they are in tune with each other.

Of course, this part of the audition has not been completely omitted even for the outstanding senior actors and veteran actors. However, in this part, the main thing for the two people is not whether the audition actors have the ability to play the role well, but whether their image, state and feeling when they perform the role are consistent with what they think.

In the audition, it is rare to decide the actor directly. Generally speaking, the producer and the director make a decision after all the actors who fight for the same role have auditioned. In the choice of actors in this play, Xiao Yao said that the final decision is in the hands of director Chen Jun. Because Chen Jun did not film any actors in the audition two days ago, he did not appoint any actors.

The audition time is basically arranged in the daytime, from 90 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the evening, it was Xiao Yao and Chen Jun who watched the audition video recorded during the day to discuss and decide the role. After the actors are identified, the results will be reported to the casting studio and the administrative department of the crew, and the relevant personnel of the company will negotiate with the actors and their agents to sign the contract. At the same time, those actors who are not used or their agents will be informed.

The show is expected to have only about 30 episodes. Compared with those big productions which often have 40, 50 or even 60, 70 episodes, the volume of this TV play is not large, so the number of characters in the play is relatively small.

Almost three days later, Xiao Yao and Chen Jun completed the audition of all the older actors in the play, and identified the actors of those roles.

Three days later, auditions for young actors were rescheduled in the casting studio. So after all the auditions for middle-aged actors were over, Xiao Yao and Chen Jun had no time to rest, and then they started auditions for young actors.

For today's actors, it's nothing new to audition for two or more roles in a film and television work at the same time. Even some actors went to audition for a certain role, but they were thought by the producers to be more suitable for another role and won another role. However, in this project, there are not many cases of applying for two or more roles at the same time.

When an actor applies for two or more roles in an audition, the proportion of the roles he applies for is almost the same.

Among the younger characters in the play, there are three relatively heavy roles, two women and one man. One is Anna, a colleague of shengxia, the other is Lin Dongyang's elder sister, Lin Dongyue, a classmate and best friend of shengxia, and the other is Shengwen, a classmate and best friend of Lin Dongyang.

It goes without saying that men and women are different. This is not an ancient costume drama. There is no possibility of anti drama. Although two of the female roles are relatively young, one is about the same age as female one, one is about the same age as male one, one is in his thirties and one is in his twenties, which is still a certain gap.

Although it is normal for an actress in her thirties to play a role in her twenties, there are obvious differences in the image and overall temperament of the two roles.

Although Lin Dongyue is a store manager, because she and her younger brother depend on each other all the year round, some parents feel that her image is simple and her temperament is home-based, while Anna is a young white-collar, her image is fashionable and exquisite, and her temperament is workplace elite. Due to the large gap between the image and the character, there is no coincidence between the two actors in the audition.However, even if there is no overlap between actors in applying for audition roles, there are still many actors competing for these roles.

The supplementary note issued by casting studio has achieved certain results. After issuing that supplementary note, it is true that some actors and their agents decided to withdraw from the audition of this project. However, the number of actors who decided to withdraw from the audition was not as large as Xiao Yao thought.

On the one hand, there are some actors and companies with the same ideas as Yu shaoting. On the other hand, it's because the time for those companies to reply to casting Studios is not the same.

After casting studio issued a supplementary explanation, Xiao Yao and Chen Jun directly started the audition of middle-aged actors. Audition is also a kind of interview, just like enterprise recruitment, it is also a process of choice. It's not just the cast that chooses the actors. The actors are actually choosing the cast.

Before the audition, the casting studio only said that it would not choose one male and one female. It did not disclose who the actors were. Many companies think that the first male is Xiao Yao. They even guess that the first male is Zhao Rui or Lin Qisan. In the process of actor audition communication, many people will naturally ask this. If an actor wants to make a film, he will naturally want to know who the other actors will be. On this point, Xiao Yao did not keep secret any more.

Therefore, after the audition, the news that the actors of the TV series are Xiao Yao and Yin Xi spread in the industry. It's not the same for many companies to guess that male one is Xiao Yao and to confirm that male one is Xiao Yao. After the news came out, not only some agents and actors who had planned to quit the audition changed their minds, but also some agents and actors who had not planned to participate in the project.

The role of the primary stage has passed, those companies and actors who apply for the role of audition can be justifiably rejected, but the companies and actors who originally entered the audition list can not be rejected. When casting studio issued a supplementary note, it did not explicitly refuse any actor on the list to participate in the audition. It just hoped that they would consider those conditions and quit on their own. Xiao Yao and casting studio could not know who decided to continue the audition because they knew Xiao Yao was a male.

Due to the large number of actors participating in the audition, the audition time is relatively intensive. Therefore, in the casting studio, many actors participating in the audition on the same day meet each other while waiting for the audition.

Although the casting studio wants to arrange the audition time of the audition actors of the same role together as far as possible, due to the schedule of the actors, it is impossible to do so completely. Relatively speaking, young star actors now have more work than middle-aged actors, and it is more difficult to do so.

On the fourth day of the audition, young characters will be auditioned. The auditions arranged on this day are not all actors fighting for the same role.

As Yu shaoting was very resolute, the company agreed to continue the audition without long discussion. Relatively speaking, Yu shaoting's company replied earlier, and the audition time was arranged earlier. Not only on the first day of the audition for the young character, but also in the morning.

The audition starts at nine in the morning. Yu shaoting was not the first actor to audition. Casting studio informed him that the audition time was around ten o'clock. However, Yu shaoting attached great importance to the role and the audition, and the company did not arrange any work schedule for him this morning. He arrived at the casting studio before 9 am.

Before the audition time, when Yu shaoting arrived, he was naturally arranged by the staff of the casting studio to go to other places to have a rest and wait.

Casting studio is not a performance organization, so it is impossible to prepare many separate lounges for star actors, so Yu shaoting's waiting place is a public lounge. The rest room is not the rest room of a performance organization. It only has sofas, no dressing room and dressing room, and it has a lot of space.

Originally, Yu shaoting and his agent Zhang Wenqing thought they had come very early. Unexpectedly, when they entered the lounge, they found that there were other people inside.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Lin!" After seeing the two people sitting on the sofa for a rest, Zhang Wenqing immediately took Yu shaoting forward to greet them with a smile and a hand.

The two people sitting on the sofa are Zhao Rui and Lin Qisan. Although both of them are younger than Yu shaoting, they are not as popular last year as Yu shaoting, who has not yet got rid of the title of traffic star.

"Hello Sitting on the sofa, Zhao Rui and Lin Qisan both stood up and shook hands with Zhang Wenqing with a smile.

"I'm Zhang Wenqing of Yier media. I'm an agent." Zhang Wenqing pointed to Yu shaoting and said, "this is Yu shaoting, an artist of our company. We are here to audition today!"

"Hello! I'm Yu shaoting! " Yu shaoting also extended his hand to them.

"Hello! I've heard so much about you Zhao Rui and Lin Qisan have never cooperated with Yu shaoting. This is the first time they meet. They both smile politely and shake hands with Yu shaoting.

"Where," Zhang Wenqing said with a smile, "we have heard so much about you! Shaoting is about the same age as you, maybe a little older than you, but you started your career earlier. You can be regarded as shaoting's elder. He still needs to learn from you in acting! ""You just say that to the stone," Lin said with a smile. "He has been acting since he was a child, and he has been on the stage for many years. I'm different. I'm not as good as Mr. Yu, not to mention my late debut and few masterpieces. "

"You're joking." Zhang Wenqing said with a smile, "you are a graduate of the Shenxi performance department. You are a classmate with Xiao Yao, and your father is a movie king. Even if you don't perform many films and TV works, your acting skills are much better than shaoting."

"Thank you for your compliment!" Lin Qi said with a smile.

Although Lin Qisan's current film and television works are basically supporting roles, and he has not played the role of a man and two men, which is not a representative work, it's just that Lin Qisan's eyes are picky, he doesn't want to accept the play casually, and he doesn't want to compete with others or his brothers by virtue of his family and brother relationship. In terms of acting skills, even if they are not as good as Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui and Xu Fei, Lin Qisan thinks that he is not bad. At least, he is definitely not worse than the star who has transformed from a singing talent show.

"By the way, I remember that the main investors and producers of the project we are auditioning for today are young people's film and television companies. Young people are the company you and Xiao Yao set up in partnership, and you two are also the boss. " Zhang Wenqing asked, "are you two bosses here today to participate in the audition?"

"Yes, we're here to audition!" Zhao Rui nodded.

"Then why are you here?" Zhang Wenqing said strangely, "our audition time for shaoting is at ten o'clock, but I heard that the audition starts at nine o'clock. Now the audition is about to start. Shouldn't you two wait in the audition room for today's first actor to audition?"

Zhang Wenqing's first reaction was that they were both one of the examiners during the audition. After all, as the owner of the investor and producer, they are naturally the producer and producer, and they have a great say in the choice of actors. However, the fact is not as Zhang Wenqing imagined.

"You misunderstood," Zhao said with a smile. "Although we are both young people's shareholders, we are not the producers or producers of this TV series project. We're here to audition today, as audition actors, to fight for roles! "

"Ah?" Zhang Wenqing is very surprised way, "you two are to participate in the audition, fight for the role?"