Character of actors is the last arrangement before the release of the film in Xiao Yao's film promotion plan. After recording this program, Xiao Yao will only wait for the movie premiere in a few days.

Xiao Yao always does what he says in the program. On the third day after the recording of the public performance of the stage play, Xiao Yao contacted the program group of "character of actors" and asked about the list of new actors who were eliminated in the third stage, asking for leave for the new actors who were not eliminated in his group.

According to the program rules, the number of new actors eliminated this time is half. According to the proportion of the six new actors in Xiao Yao's group, three will be eliminated, but the actual result is that only two new actors in Xiao Yao's group will be eliminated.

Because the public performance won the first place in the audience's vote, all six people got extra points. In addition, every actor in the group played well in the public performance, and everyone's score was not low when the professional teachers group gave individual ratings. Therefore, the positions of all six new actors in Xiao Yao's group were improved. The two new actors who were originally in class D and ranked lower did not get rid of the fate of being eliminated, but the two new actors who were originally in class C were successfully squeezed into the top half of the personal performance ranking, avoiding the fate of being eliminated.

The two new actors who have just been eliminated have no work these days, so it's no problem to attend the premiere. As for the four new actors who are still on the show, Xiao Yao is going to ask for leave for them.

In "creation 101" the year before last, Xiao Yao invited his team members to the film premiere to make do with the time of the trainees. If you can't attend, you'll have to pay for it with the movie premiere in the future. This time, Xiao Yao directly said that he would ask for leave for them. In addition to the different recording stages of the two programs, Xiao Yao also put the premiere of the film in Shencheng. The location of the film premiere and the program is in the same city, which makes it much more convenient.

When the animated film "Wali" premiered the year before last, "create 101" had already been recorded, and the women's League had a work schedule immediately after its establishment. The character of the actor has not been recorded at this time. The four new actors are still recording in the shooting base. There is no other work arrangement.

The movie premiere is in the evening. New actors usually have no classes in the evening, and they usually practice by themselves or the program team arranges some independent tasks for them. It doesn't involve the professional teacher group to give them lessons, so the impact on the program and them is naturally smaller. It's relatively easy to ask for leave as long as you don't want to record large-scale activities such as public performances. The recording of large-scale activities is usually one week apart. The premiere of Xiao Yao's film is only three days away from the public performance of the third stage, so it's no problem to ask for leave.

When Xiao Yao recorded the show, the crew once said that he was allowed to take the new actors out of the shooting base. If Xiao Yao really took people out at that time, the program team would definitely follow him. Although the six new actors' participation in Xiao Yao's film premiere this time is regarded as personal behavior, it is only because Xiao Yao participates in their program that this kind of thing happens. In addition, the program is not over at this time, so when Xiao Yao asks for leave for four people, the program team also proposes to send a shooting team to the premiere together.

"Character of actors" has been on air for several times. Although it is not as popular as those talent shows of idol groups, it is still very popular. Even if the program team put the content of the six new actors' participation in the film premiere at the next stage after the public performance of the stage play, the film is still in the stage of release, which is good for the promotion of the film. Therefore, Xiao Yao did not refuse the request of the program team.

These six new actors must have a certain topic and star effect when they come to the film premiere, but compared with the whole premiere, the influence of these six actors and the program of is relatively limited. Although Xiao Yao agreed to follow the shooting requirements of the program team, he did not make any special arrangements for them. He only gave them the right to shoot and move freely within a certain range, and asked them not to interfere with the normal premiere activities and processes.

At the film premiere, the leading role is naturally the film's main creative team, followed by the stars who come to help the platform.

In terms of production cost, this film can only be regarded as a small cost film, and only Xiao Yao, He Ying and sun Tingting are well-known stars among the actors. Among them, sun Tingting is also a new actor for the first time in film and television works. Most of her popularity comes from her relationship with Xiao Yao and her achievements in music. So really speaking, Xiao Yao and He Ying are the only two in the main creative team who can hold up the field. However, the number of big stars who come to support and help the platform is no less than that of the general luxury production team and star cast.

There has always been no red carpet in the premiere of Xiao Yao's films, and this time is no exception. With such a low-cost film and no red carpet link, it is still able to invite so many big stars. Many media reporters who came to report and interview were surprised.

On the one hand, Xiao Yao's popularity and popularity on the Internet are taken into account. On the other hand, Zhao Rui and Lin Qisan think of their identity and family background from their appearance. On the other hand, they think of the film and television company that they jointly set up.

After the release of last year's Spring Festival Parkour movie, Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui, Lin Qisan and others didn't have any films and TV works, but the action was not small at all. First, several people set up a film and television company, and then announced two very topical projects.A TV series project of Quanshen opera newcomer and a film project of Quanyan TV newcomer? At first glance, it seems that it's just two fun projects with more gimmicks than the actual project. But the reality is that the TV series project has good ratings and topics, which is a small blockbuster. The repercussions and box office of the film released at the end of the year are also good. The evaluation of the industry is that after these two projects, their film and television company basically has a foothold in the industry.

In addition, the two projects also revealed a lot of information.

First, whether in front of or behind the scenes, young people's film and television companies really dare to let unknown newcomers take the lead in projects.

Second, the company has no signed artists except for a few bosses who are star actors.

When the TV series and movies were shown, some media revealed that most of the new actors had not signed a brokerage company. After the TV series and movies were released, those new actors were also well-known, and they basically signed with the agency, but none of them signed with Xiao Yao, their young people's film and television company.

These new people are popular with young people's film and television companies. It's unreasonable for this company to compete in signing contracts. However, even if there are occasionally individual competitions that are not as high as the conditions offered by other companies, it's impossible that none of them can be signed. So the only conclusion is that the company is not going to sign artists.

Third, these two projects not only make a small profit in economy, but also have a good reputation. For a new company, the first two projects are based on brand-new people. They can not only make money, but also have a good reputation, which is very rare. It's not just about having contacts and resources. It absolutely needs excellent business ability.

After the publicity campaign of "donkey gets water" was launched, all aspects of the film's information was also reported by the media. From this film, the industry can see two more messages. First of all, all the actors in this movie have signed with other agencies or have not signed with them. Young people's company does not sign artists. Second, there are three generations of old, middle-aged and young actors in the cast of the film, as well as He Ying, a leading actor. Young people's film and television companies are not only looking for new actors, they only praise new actors.

In this way, no matter new actors who want to get ahead, or old actors who attach importance to word-of-mouth or want to transform and get good word-of-mouth, they will undoubtedly be very willing to cooperate with this company. And the agency companies of those artists must be very willing to let their artists participate in the company's projects.

Before Xiao Yao and others participated in the premiere of several films, a large number of famous stars came to the platform to help. However, generally speaking, the outside world still thinks that the bigwigs are aiming at the face of the elders in Xiao Yao's circle and the potential of their young people in the future. This time, a lot of media reporters suddenly feel that the film and television company founded by these young people seems to have become a new force in the industry that can not be underestimated.

Now that it has become a new force that can not be underestimated, it will not be ignored by both the individual stars and the companies behind them. It is not surprising that there will be such stars coming to help the platform tonight.

However, in any industry, the rise of an emerging force will face all kinds of challenges. In addition to its own survival and development, it will also be suppressed by the old forces. In the film and television industry, the same is true. Even if Xiao Yao and others are the second generation of stars, and they have a good family background and connections behind them, you wolf will rush in to grab the cake, and other established companies will not sit by. Can these young people hold up?

Xiao Yao, as the biggest boss of the company, needs to consider this issue. However, Xiao Yao's decision to open this film and television company was just a whim. Although Ye Jiaying and other elders implicitly suggested such problems, Xiao Yao did not plan to take precautions before such things happened.

The so-called "soldiers come to block, water comes to cover the earth." if there is a problem, Xiao Yao believes that with his own experience in two generations and his brain that is far beyond ordinary people in this life, he will not really be able to solve it. Even if it can't be solved, the big deal is to admit defeat and close the company. Anyway, they have the ability to take care of themselves and their families. Even without the company, their survival will not be a problem. Instead of worrying about what hasn't happened, focus on what's in front of you.

Now Xiao Yao's eyes, of course, is the premiere.

Xiao Yao has participated in many premieres. As the host, the investor and the producer, he has participated in the design and arrangement of the premieres several times. For the film premiere, Xiao Yao is not much new.

It's OK to go to other people's movie premiere. It's just to show up, watch a movie or add some performances. At most, it's just a simple boast in the face of media reporters. You can be one of the main creative teams or the producer of the film premiere. You should greet other stars who come to help the platform. Before and after the premiere, you need to go on stage to communicate, and you may have to perform. Even if the red carpet and roadshow were canceled, Xiao Yao felt a little annoyed.

When the animated film "Wali" premiere the year before last, Xiao Yao had the idea of not doing the premiere or not participating at all. However, last year's Parkour film is of great significance to the Parkour team. This year's "donkey gets water" is sun Tingting's first film performance, and it is also his first cooperation with sun Tingting in the film. It is very important for him, so even if he is tired, he still has to do it.The premiere is still the same process and routine. In the pre screening communication, the host introduces the main creative team and conducts on-the-spot interviews to let the main creative team talk about the creative feelings and creation as well as some interesting things during the shooting. The on-site media reporters and the audience ask questions, and the main creative team answers them. Then the film is played. After the film is finished, some post screening communication is conducted to listen to the audience's feelings, and then answer some questions. Finally, the organizer comes to send commemorative gifts, We wish the box office a great success.

In addition, some premieres will also arrange performances.

Xiao Yao's previous premieres didn't always have performances, but this time they did. The performance arranged for the premiere was accompanied by Xiao Yao and sang the theme song "I want you" by sun Tingting.

There is only one song in the film, which is not only the theme song, but also the epilogue, the interlude and the propaganda song. The songwriter is Xiao Yao, and the singer is sun Tingting. There is no copyright problem. Both of them sit on the stage as members of the main creative team. Naturally, they want to sing live at the premiere.

This is also the only performance at the premiere.

When planning the premiere before, the distributor and the organizer also suggested that Xiao Yao sing the Mongolian song that the blacksmith he played sang in the movie, or recite the few Mongolian words that the blacksmith recited when he fooled the education Commissioner in the movie, or say some nonsense English at the premiere.

All the three suggestions were politely and firmly rejected by Xiao Yao. If sun Tingting is allowed to perform something at the premiere, Xiao Yao is in favor of it. It's a pity that the song sung by sun Tingting in the film is the theme song of the film, which is originally a performance. As for the poem translated by "blacksmith" in the film, it really has no effect, and it has no significance to perform.

Xiao Yao doesn't think Huaxia has very authoritative and professional film critics, so after a movie is released, Xiao Yao doesn't care much about the evaluation of the media and the so-called film critics, but only about the box office and the general audience.

What attracts Xiao Yao most at the premiere ceremony is that he can see the audience's reaction when they watch the film and the communication link after the premiere. He can hear the media and audience's comments on the film face to face for the first time, especially the audience's comments. He can make a preliminary judgment on the future of the film.

The pre screening session of the premiere lasted more than half an hour, and the movie lasted about an hour and a half. So half an hour after the premiere, Xiao Yao can observe the audience's real reaction when they watch the film. Two hours later, Xiao Yao can hear the audience's comments on the film.

From the performance of the audience at the premiere and the comments of the audience during the communication after the premiere, the film gives the audience a very good feeling.

However, the premiere is just a show. Even if the venue is not the projection Hall of the cinema, but a theater with more seats, the audience is relatively limited. Moreover, the audience who will grab tickets for the premiere is more likely to be a fan of a star in the main creative team. In other words, the proportion of star fans in these audiences is relatively high. Therefore, the feedback from the audience at the premiere not only represents a small part of the audience, but also is likely to be biased.

How do the vast majority of ordinary audiences feel about the film, and how about the final box office and scoring results of the film, they still have to wait until a few days after the large-scale official release of the film, or even after the next release of the film.

Therefore, even if the audience at the premiere gave good feedback, Xiao Yao was optimistic about the future of the film, which was also a cautious optimism.