The name of the film and television company is "young people", which sounds very energetic and is in line with the age of the seven shareholders. However, the English name of the company is "young", which is exactly the same as Xiao Yao's, and the legal person of the company is also Xiao Yao. It is obvious that Xiao Yao, the most famous one, is the leader of this group.

Last summer's animated film "Wali" was a hit. In addition to directing, dubbing and other production positions, Xiao Yao is also a major investor in the film, making a lot of money with this animated film. Then Zhao Rui, Xu Fei and others jointly invested with Xiao Yao and produced the Parkour film released in the Spring Festival this year, which also achieved great success at the box office.

From these two examples, at least the results of the first two films and television works invested by Xiao Yao and the first film and television works invested by Zhao Rui and others are good. Now that they set up a film and television company, it is obvious that they want to continue to invest in the film and television industry. After the establishment of this film and television company, what kind of film and television works they will produce will attract people's attention.

Since the news that Xiao Yao and others set up a film and television production company has been exposed, there are many people on the Internet guessing what they will do.

Before the establishment of the company, Xiao Yao and Lin Qisan, Zhao Rui and Zhu Zitong's two production teams were only doing the preparatory work of script creation, personnel selection and various schemes. After the establishment of the company, the funds of the two production teams arrived, and they soon moved to the substantive stage of contacting shooting sites, purchasing or leasing equipment.

At this time, there was a lot of discussion on the establishment of their film and television company on the Internet, and they also announced the two project plans on the company's official social account.

After the establishment of the film and television company, the certified official social network account has also been opened. Since the seven founders, such as Xiao Yao, are stars and have a lot of fans, this film and television company has a large number of followers in a very short time after its official social account was opened. After the official social accounts of the film and television companies announced some details of the two projects, there were a lot of discussions on the two projects on the Internet.

It's not uncommon for a company to open two projects at the same time, which is not surprising, but from the published information, the specific situation of these two projects is

When it comes to the investment of performing stars or the creation of film and television companies, many people will think of the words "bring capital into the group" or even "bring capital to build the group". For example, Li Ya, who is more famous in the performing arts circle, has become popular with many of the company's artists by investing in her own TV series and arranging her own company's artists to participate in them.

Although this "young people" film and television company has no contracted artists, five of the seven bosses are students in the performance Department of the film and Television Academy, and the other two are also stars who have been "shocked". Xiao Yao and other people's Parkour movie is their own investment in their own starring, now they set up a company, investment in their own starring film and television works is also a routine operation.

When it comes to film and television works, of course, the big production of luxury star lineup is more attractive. Six of the company's seven shareholders are the second generation of stars, and five of them are the descendants of performing stars. Five performing families are involved behind them. Together, their network resources in the entertainment industry can not be underestimated.

Although Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui, Zhu Zitong, Lin Qisan and Nina aiguli have different fame, different number of works, different levels of performing experience and different acting skills, their basic acting skills are online. With money, resources and acting skills, it is also a routine operation to bring money to participate in or set up a project for large-scale production.

What people didn't expect is that the first two projects of their film and television company are all unconventional operations in the eyes of the media and netizens!

There are two projects announced on the official social accounts of film and television companies. One is a TV play called "urban youth", which tells about the life and work of six urban youth in big cities. The other is a movie called "youth never ends", which tells about the campus accidents of high school students. From this point of view, it is very similar to the name of their "young people" company. However, from the released cast staff list, it is surprising.

First of all, in the TV drama project, in addition to the titles of producer and producer, Xiao Yao and Lin Qisan, only the name of Xiao Yao appears in the column of script editor. From director, screenwriter to actor list, there is no star boss of any company. The situation of film projects is similar, but the names of producers and producers have changed from Xiao Yao and Lin Qisan to Zhao Rui and Zhu Zitong. There is no star boss in the list of directors, screenwriters and actors.

This also means that this film and television company does not have a star boss to participate in these two film and television projects. Relying on these two projects, it can further enhance its reputation, which is totally out of touch with "bringing capital into the group" and "bringing capital to build the group". It just started these two film and television projects as an investment and planner.

Secondly, it's just that Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui and other star owners don't take part in the show. From the director, screenwriter, actor, art, photography and other departments, none of the performers in these two projects can be called a star. For the average audience, all the people on the list are small transparent people they don't know.Although the production cost of the two projects has not been disclosed, the production cost of an urban life TV series and a youth campus movie is not science fiction, not costume, not action. It can be expected that there will not be too much special effects cost. In the case that all the cast members are not big stars, the production cost of the two projects can be expected.

This time, many people can't understand.

If they don't take part in the film, they don't have any star directors, screenwriters and actors with charisma. Do they think Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui can have enough charisma to let the audience turn on the TV and go into the cinema to watch their TV play and film only by their position as producer and planner? In other words, after Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui, who made two big moves in succession last year and this year, set up a film and television company, they should first try out two low-cost projects?

Compared with the ordinary audience, the ability of media reporters is still stronger. For the general audience, the cast members of these two projects are basically small transparent people who have never heard of, but the media reporters quickly found out the identities of these people with these two lists of cast members.

In the TV drama project, those actors and actresses are basically senior students of Shenxi, among them, there are several junior students of directing department who just graduated last year and graduated next year, but without exception, all of them are Shenxi. In the film project, the director graduated from Yandian's directing department last year, and the screenwriter is a senior in Yandian's Literature Department this year. All the others are new people who graduated last year and will graduate this year, without exception.

After this special situation was reported by the media, everyone's enthusiasm for the discussion of the two projects rose again.

Xiao Yao and Lin Qisan, two students of Shenxi, set up a TV drama troupe composed entirely of Shenxi students. Zhao Rui and Zhu Zitong, two students of Yandian, set up a movie drama troupe composed entirely of Yandian students. This is their own famous, began to carry their classmates and alumni ah! It is said that "if they are poor, they will be good at themselves, and if they reach the goal, they will help the world at the same time". It seems that they have not reached the level of "helping the world at the same time", and have begun to "help their alma mater and alumni of the same class at the same time.

After the news came out, not only Shenxi and Yandian schools became hot topics on the Internet, but also Huaxi by the way.

In China, there are three most famous and recognized film and television colleges, namely Yandian, Huaxi and Shenxi. After Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui's two film and television projects were reported by the media, many netizens began to shout to the stars of Chinese opera on the Internet.

In any industry, it is very difficult for new people to get ahead. In the entertainment industry, even those who are from three famous universities may not be able to develop well. Therefore, after the background of the performers of the two projects was reported by the media, the students of other film and television colleges were also very envious. Especially for Huaxi, one of the three major colleges, many students publicly forwarded the news that some netizens called Huaxi Mingxing to open projects for new students of Huaxi on their social accounts.

The film and television industry still stresses experience and qualifications. Some new actors also said that, but all the students in school or fresh graduates are used in front of and behind the scenes, and such a crew is unlikely to succeed in the eyes of the vast majority of people. It's their business that Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui are willing to do this. Most people don't want to have a hard time with money. They do this kind of thing to lose money and help others make money.

In the face of the fierce emotions on the Internet, most of the Chinese opera stars who are loved by Aite are treated as jokes and laugh off. People with a little bit of entertainment spirit forward these shouting messages.

Who are the planners of these two projects? Xiao Yao and Lin Qisan are senior students of Shenxi opera, Zhao Rui graduated from Yandian last year, and Zhu Zitong is a senior student of Yandian. If you want to compare with them, it should not be those who have graduated from Huaxi opera for many years, but should find someone similar to them!

This seems to make some sense. Many netizens who yelled changed their targets and began to talk to the star students of Chinese opera.

In Chinese opera, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting are the closest to Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui.

They are not only close to Zhao Rui and Xiao Yao in age, but also senior students of the same year. Although the previous generation of these two people is not as famous as Ye Jiaying and Zhao Tao, it is also true that they are the second generation of stars. They also have a lot of film and television works like Zhao Rui. They are also child stars. Among the senior Chinese opera students this year, these two are also the most well-known. They also have a good personal relationship with Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui and others. They also invested in and participated in the Parkour movie together and made money from it.

Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting are the top four students in this year's Shen opera class, no matter in terms of their fame, experience, qualifications, family background or financial resources. If Xiao Yao, Lin Qisan, Zhao Rui and Zhu Zitong are the outstanding student representatives of Shenxi and Yandian in recent years, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting are undoubtedly the representatives of Huaxi in these two years. As a result, the news that the stars of Chinese opera had started projects for Chinese opera students finally came to Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting.

In the face of this situation, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting are also very helpless.I learned from the Internet that when Xiao Yao and others started a film and television company, they also had the idea of contacting them to become shareholders. However, after carefully looking at the list of shareholders of the company, they found that five of these seven people were met by "where's daddy going" in those years. They were faxiao who grew up together and had feelings for more than ten years. The other two were the girlfriends of two of them. Although they have been friends with Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui for seven or eight years, there is still a gap between them and the people in them.

If you want to talk about the stars who have a good relationship with these people, it's not just the two of them except for each other. For example, Huang Shi and Su Chengying, Cheng Xi and Yin Xi have known Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui for as long as they have known each other, or they have no potential relationship with each other. Since they didn't tell them when they started the company and didn't invite them to join the company, they obviously didn't have this idea, so they finally gave up the idea and didn't mention it to Xiao Yao and others.

Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui and others were not happy to start a company with them. Now, because of the two projects of their company, they are still inexplicably lying on the gun, and they have become the target of public criticism on the Internet. They are yelled by a group of people to invest their money in the students' projects, and their hearts are even more depressed.

Taking advantage of the depression of this time, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting called Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui, and complained to these two unfriendly teammates!

After complaining, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting also find more reasonable reasons from Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui.

"Yandian's film project was started by Zhao Rui and Zhu Zitong. Does it have nothing to do with Xiao Yao? Shenxi's TV drama project was started by Xiao Yao and Lin Qisan. Does that have nothing to do with Zhao Rui? None of them! These two projects are the projects of "young people" film and television company. In other words, the money invested in these two projects comes from seven of them! In addition, the script of Yandian's film project is not completely original, but is adapted from the static film that Xiao Yao made for Zhao Rui's Yandian graduates last year, only Xiao Yao didn't want to sign it. They run a film and television company and don't take us to play. Xiao Yao doesn't provide me with script ideas. What can Chen Xiaoting and I compare with their seven person company? "

Xu Fei's long micro-blog came out, and the news that make complaints about two people on the Internet was finally disappearing. Instead, some netizens ran to Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui's micro-blog, and two people did not talk about their loyalty.

started with make complaints about Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting, which was originally a entertainment for netizens. When netizens were Tucao Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui did not speak their loyalty, they were still entertainment of netizens. Xu Fei's microblog long article said that the first reason was Xiao Yao's teaching, and the second reason was Zhao Rui's disclosure, which was also his instigation to Xu Fei to say so, so such things will not affect their relationship.

In fact, from the heart, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting are really stimulated by the two projects of Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui. It's just that without the participation of Xiao Yao, a demon, they are left to work alone. If they find other film and television companies and senior industry practitioners to work together, they will lose their meaning.

From Xiao Yao's point of view, it's true that Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting are not taken into account in setting up a film and television company, but if they want to play like this, Xiao Yao doesn't mind helping.

However, the two projects of Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui started to look for candidates almost half a year ago and prepared in advance. Now they are looking for such a time node of graduation season. If Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting start to prepare now, they are unlikely to finish the preparatory work and the formation of the production team before graduation, and they can't start the production before graduation, so there is less significance and gimmick.

A year later, "young people" film and television company, together with Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting, jointly invested in a TV drama project. Xiao Yao provided script ideas. Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting acted as planners and producers. All members of the drama team were composed of senior Chinese opera students and one-year graduating students of the same class as Xu Fei, which complemented the student projects of the three major film and television colleges. Of course, that's all in the future.

In the comments of netizens, the preparations of the two troupes are ready, and they can officially start up.

The shooting location of the TV series is in Shencheng, while the shooting location of the film is in Yanjing. One day in May, the two troupes held a launch conference in Yanjing and Shencheng respectively.

The projects of the same company should hold press conferences separately, so as to attract more media and achieve better publicity effect. However, the two troupes held press conferences at different places at the same time. The members of the troupe were students and newcomers from Yandian and Shenxi schools, and the meaning of competition was obvious.