CCTV is a national television station. The Spring Festival gala held by CCTV has great ZZ and symbolic significance. It has high specifications, high ratings, great influence, and can't tolerate any mistakes, so the content of the program will be more monotonous and boring compared with the evening party of some local TV stations.

Whether it's the instrumental performance performed by sun Tingting at more than nine o'clock or the Parkour performance performed by two Parkour teams at more than ten o'clock to give the background to Liang Xueying's singing, these two programs with Xiao Yao's appearance seem to be relatively novel. In the relatively monotonous and boring evening of CCTV Spring Festival Gala, these two programs give the audience in front of the TV a sense of instant brightness. In addition, the two programs are of high standard and the effect is good, which makes the two programs outstanding and outstanding.

but when watching these two programs, there is no audience make complaints about the Internet. It's not Xiao Yao himself or the performers of these two shows that make complaints about the show.

In the instrumental performance, many audiences and Xiao Yao's fans thought that the combination of Xiao Yao and sun Tingting had a new song when they saw the program list and the host's announcement. After watching the program, they found that the combination performed the song "Rejoice" in their album, but the name of the song and the combination were changed to Chinese, so they began to sing Someone spoke on the Internet and yelled that he had been cheated.

Of course, it's normal and understandable for the director group to change their names to Chinese at the gala of CCTV, a national TV station, and the Spring Festival, a major Chinese traditional festival. Most of us just make fun of them on the Internet.

and another singing show that make complaints about Parkour shows, the audience tucks not the name problem, but the lens allocation problem of the Spring Festival Gala program group.

From the perspective of Liang Xueying's fans, they think that Liang Xueying is the leading role of the show, and they think that there are too many close-up shots of Parkour people who are behind the show. Xiao Yao's fans and Parkour fans make complaints about the Parkour performance behind the show. The Tucao program group has too many close-up shots of Liang Xueying, who are singing in front of him. The face close-up shots of Parkour show and Parkour personnel are too few. The core of

perkor performers is Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao and Liang Xueying's personal friendship is good and fans are well known. The two sides are co operating a program. So fans from both sides make complaints about the program group on the Internet, but they also have disputes over each other, but they do not affect each other's idol, so that they can attack each other's idol. Degree.

A series of Parkour tours before the Spring Festival Gala, the Parkour program on the Spring Festival Gala, and the online debate on the program that Liang Xueying and Xiao Yao cooperated with after the Spring Festival Gala made Parkour a hot word on the Chinese Internet before and after the Spring Festival Gala. This will be in the new year's third release of Parkour film, is undoubtedly very favorable. The series of publicity plans arranged by Xiao Yao and the film publicists, at least in China, have achieved more than expected results.

However, these publicity activities are all before the release of the film, and Xiao Yao's task is not over.

The film was released simultaneously in China and abroad, and publicity should be taken into account both at home and abroad. However, Xiao Yao and others have no separation skills and can only make some stage choices.

Since Xiao Yao and sun Tingting have decided to sign up for this year's Spring Festival Gala in the form of a combination for a long time, for the convenience of program review and rehearsal, the publicity activities of the three members of yrf team and Chen Xiaoting before the release of the film are arranged in Huaxia, while the publicity activities overseas are mainly based on media advertisements and reports, and the film stars also have some publicity in the United States The event was just conducted by Mu Ying and Zhou Jingyi with the other three new stars. The main three members of the yrf team had to wait until after the release to go abroad for publicity.

The nodes before and after the release are the premiere of the film. Due to the global simultaneous release, Xiao Yao and others did not plan to hold a premiere in one country, but only one.

Although the film is actually a joint venture film in nature (most of the crowd fundraising items come from abroad), Xiao Yao and others also have greater expectations for the overseas box office of the film, but yrf, Chen Xiaoting and muying are all Chinese. The three members of yrf and Chen Xiaoting have more connections and talents in the Chinese entertainment circle than Xiao Yao, muying and Zhou Jingyi The American entertainment circle has much more contacts and coffee seats, and finally decided to put the premiere in China.

Before the release, the three members of yrf and the four members of Chen Xiaoting were separated from Mu Ying, Zhou Jingyi and the other three stars. When it comes to the premiere, of course, these creators will get together. So before the premiere, Mu Ying, Zhou Jingyi and the other three new stars also flew to China.

In addition, about half a month before the release of the film, the two episodes sung by "immortals" for the film and the MV were also published as Promo and promo of the film. These two movie songs and MVs are also released around the world, and can be heard and seen in Huaxia. However, the band did not perform these two songs in China. At the premiere, Xiao Yao invited the band to come with him. They also came to China with Mu Ying and others.

When muying and others arrived in Yanjing, it was the first day of Chinese New Year.According to Chinese tradition, a few days before the new year is a day to visit relatives and friends. Xiao Yao and his young people are going to pay New Year's greetings to their elders. Xiao Yao and others didn't delay this year, but in the past, they paid new year's greetings to their elders by basically putting down their things and saying a few words of good wishes for the new year. The elders know that they are going to hold the premiere on the third day of junior high school, and they have a better understanding of their behavior.

Muying and others arrived at night. On the first day of the lunar new year, Xiao Yao not only visited all the relatives who had to leave in the previous week, but also had time to meet Mu Ying and others at the airport.

Parkour movies are released on the third day of the new year. Xiao Yao conventionally put the premiere on the night of the second day of the new year, that is, at midnight on the third day of the new year. The night after muying and others arrived was the premiere, so they didn't want to go out to play during the day. Instead, they stayed in the hotel and prepared for the premiere at night, which saved Xiao Yao and others' time.

When the movie premieres, it's natural to invite stars to the platform.

Although the second day of the Lunar New Year is in the traditional festival, the premiere is in the evening, which does not affect visiting relatives and friends during the day. Moreover, there are few star artists who have jobs at this time. On the contrary, there are more people who can come to attend when they have time.

Xiao Yao's personal relationship in the entertainment industry has also been quite strong, and he has become a new two billion box office director. At the premiere of this film, many famous stars are willing to fight for Xiao Yao's face and support him. Besides, the main creator of this film is not only Xiao Yao, but also Zhao Rui and their other three stars.

Zhao Rui's reputation and status in the entertainment industry are worse than Xiao Yao's, but they all started earlier than Xiao Yao, and they also have their own contacts in the entertainment industry. In addition, in addition to their own relationship, there is also the relationship between the four elders.

Although from the early preparation to the final post production of the film, Xiao Yao didn't let his family's elders interfere in it, but when it comes to the publicity, it's understandable for the elders to help shout for publicity and express their support, and Xiao Yao and others won't refuse. When inviting the stars in the circle to participate in the premiere, Xiao Yao and others did not let their elders show up, but many of them agreed to attend.

Therefore, quite a few star artists came to the film premiere, which can be regarded as the largest film premiere Xiao Yao has ever experienced.

This premiere, Xiao Yao and others invited not only a large number of stars, but also considerable coffee seats. However, Xiao Yao's attention is not only on the big stars, but also on the less famous stars.

As a very good star in the network live broadcast circle and short video circle, Xiao Yao did not forget the network anchor. Although the general network red anchor is still unable to compare with the traditional star, but the network live broadcast is still a good propaganda channel. In the publicity before the film was released, Xiao Yao still cooperated with many network anchors and asked them to help promote his new film. At the premiere of the film, Xiao Yao still reserved a place for them.

In addition, Xiao Yao is a person who is not willing to bear the debt. Taking advantage of the film premiere, Xiao Yao also fulfilled a promise and paid a debt.

When he took part in the premiere of creation 101 last year, Xiao Yao made two promises in public. One is to write songs and choreographs for the last eleven members of the group, and the other is to invite six trainees of this group to participate in the premiere of their own films. Xiao Yao doesn't have time to pay attention to the promise in front, but the one behind can be fulfilled.

At that time, Xiao Yao said on the public stage that he invited six people to attend the premiere of the animated film "Wali". However, there was a conflict between the premiere of the film and the schedule of the last group. Only two trainees who did not enter the last eleven in the group went, and four others did not attend his premiere. The premiere was on the second day of the lunar new year. The women's troupe had no performance task. Xiao Yao invited the remaining four to make up for the premiere.

Not long after the formation of the 101 women's League last year, a member of the 101 women's League withdrew from the league. However, in less than a month, the agency of the three retired members was under various pressures, and the three retired members returned to the team, making the 11 member women's League complete again. After the storm, Haiyan also made some measures for the 11 members of the women's team, such as replacing the team leader and rearranging the C position. After these things, the newly integrated women's League finally went to the formal stage, and developed well in the past six months.

After hearing that four members of the women's League were invited to participate in the premiere of Xiao Yao's film, the agency responsible for the affairs of the women's League on HaiYan's side contacted Xiao Yao, saying that it wanted 11 people to come together. After all, the women's group is very popular now. It is good for both sides to participate in the premiere as a whole.

Xiao Yao invited a lot of stars for the premiere, including film and music, but the 101 women's group is not on their list. The invitation to Zhaodi, Wei Yunjing and other four people is to fulfill the promise. For the star battle of the premiere, he doesn't need the 11 person women's group to help him attract attention. So Xiao Yao didn't agree, but refused because there were only four seats reserved for the guest seat and there was no extra space.One of the characteristics of the film premiere with Xiao Yao as the main actor is that there is no red carpet link. However, Xiao Yao is just not happy with those complicated procedures, but also won't hide the invited stars so that they don't even show their faces. Outside the theater of the premiere, there is a special entrance for guests. The media and fans are at the door of the theater. You can still see the stars in full dress. It's just that there is no interview and signature. The whole process is much simpler.

Xiao Yao's treatment is the same regardless of the size of coffee seats. After the star arrives, Xiao Yao and others will come forward to greet each other in person.

Due to the large number of creators this time, the interview time before the screening is also much longer than that of Xiao Yao's previous animated film. In addition, Xiao Yao plans to let the band perform the episodes in the two films live, so the premiere starts earlier.

All four of them are familiar to the Chinese audience. At the pre screening exchange meeting, Xiao Yao first introduced to the guests and audience the relatively unfamiliar Mu Ying, Zhou Jingyi and three foreign stars.

Since they were introduced, the host of the premiere also had to do some interviews with them. At the premiere, Xiao Yao invited a beautiful host from the CCTV movie channel. There was no need to speak English. There was no problem communicating with several foreign actors. But as a host, it seems too busy to interview and translate. Xiao Yao also did Chinese translation for several people by the way.

After introducing a group of creators, the next step is to introduce the creation process of the film. When it comes to this movie, of course, we have to talk about Parkour. Hearing Zhao Rui's introduction, Xiao Yao thought about this sport in order to improve his action effect when he was shooting "Ling Yunzhi". As expected, it caused a cry of surprise from the guests and the audience.

Many audiences know that the film was crowdfunded on overseas crowdfunding websites last year, but after listening to Mu Ying's introduction, they know that the film was planned as early as three years ago when Xiao Yao went to France to attend the short film festival and met Mu Ying. It's said that four people have been writing scripts for two years, which surprised the guests and the audience. Their feelings about these young stars on stage are even more different.