Most of Xiao Yao's acquaintances in the United States are singers, actors and models. Senior executives of fashion enterprises know Chen Xuan and photographers, but they really don't know several senior executives of film companies and distribution companies, so they want to ask Mu Ying to help introduce and contact them. But in practice, Xiao Yao found that it was far less difficult than he thought.

Not counting the film currently being filmed, there are only two long films that muying has filmed as a director, both of which are produced at a low cost. The others are short films such as BMW advertising films, or assistant directors in the production team. Generally speaking, muying is a rookie director in Hollywood. Although he does know many managers of film companies, he is not well-known and has no deep relationship with the top management of film companies.

After Xiao Yao tells Mu Ying that Tong Luo and Fang still come to the United States to sell films, Mu Ying agrees Xiao Yao to help contact the film companies in the United States. However, he also states that he only introduces them as a middleman and can't guarantee that they will play a big role in it.

However, in this matter, in fact, it does not need to play a big role in the middle of the wood.

The United States does not have the quota system of Huaxia's imported films, and there is no quantity limit when importing foreign films. "Wali" has won more than 2.1 billion box office in China and more than 300 million US dollars. Even in the United States, the box office is quite considerable. Businessmen pursue profits, and American film companies will not turn a blind eye to this "fragrant steamed bun".

Of course, due to different countries, different markets and different cultures, it does not mean that movies with big box office in China will definitely get good box office after they arrive in the United States, but the movie "Wali" is different. Most people who have really seen the movie are also very optimistic about the box Office of the movie in the United States.

In a movie, the appeal of the stars is an important factor of box office. But the appeal of stars in different countries and regions is not the same, even some famous Chinese stars in the United States, the box office appeal in the United States and in China is also very different. However, "Wali" is an animated film, and there is no live performance, which shows that the film's high box office in China is not the result of fans of stars appearing in the film. The first is to avoid possible differences in this respect.

Let's see the content of the film itself. The scene is space and the earth. In the movie, the earth and human beings are taken as a whole. There is no country in the movie, and no sensitive issues such as ZZ or race are involved. The theme is environmental protection and love, two popular themes all over the world. From this point of view, there should be no difference in the audience's acceptance between the two countries in this respect. Maybe the American audience's acceptance of "robot love" is even higher.

Finally, the quality of the film. Although it is a 2D animated film, all aspects of the film, such as character image, scene, tone, art, lines, special effects and soundtrack, are of high standard. Even in Hollywood's 2D animation film, it is a rare masterpiece.

The release of the film in China is basically over. After the box office of more than 2 billion came out, some well-informed American film companies learned about the film and became interested in the animated film.

Before Tong Luo and Fang still came to the United States to visit, some American film companies had contacted them on their own initiative, indicating their intention of cooperation in distribution and screening in the United States. However, Tong Luo wanted to come to the United States to have a talk with Xiao Yao, but he didn't make an easy statement.

Tong Luo and Xiao Yao want to sell the film and let the animated film be shown in the United States. American film companies want to buy tickets and let the animated film be shown in the United States. In fact, both sides have the intention of cooperation in this respect. However, Tong Luo's small special effects company has never cooperated with American companies, and Xiao Yao has little contact with American film companies. Both sides are very strange, so it's hard to avoid some scruples. With muying as a bridge, communication between the two sides is easier.

There are many film companies in the United States. There is more than one company that wants to act as an agent or purchase the copyright of this animated film for distribution in the United States. Naturally, it is the seller's market of Xiao Yao and Tong Luo. Since it is the seller's market, Xiao Yao and Tong Luo naturally take the initiative. In addition to letting the other party make do with Xiao Yao, who needs to work in the production team, and setting the negotiation time in the evening, Xiao Yao and Tong Luo can also strive for some better conditions.

When a film company introduces a finished film, it usually has two forms: buyout and split account. For Xiao Yao, who wants to share in selling songs, selling movie rights will definitely not choose to buy out. What he wants is to share. For film companies, it will be more convenient and cost-effective to buy out this one-off deal. The differences between the two sides in this regard have also led to the fact that negotiations on this issue will not be easy.

Xiao Yao is the seller's market. When the other side has competitors, Xiao Yao insists on the form of separate accounts. They finally reach an agreement with an American film company. But Xiao Yao also made some appropriate concessions, promised the distribution company will cooperate with some related publicity activities.

Star publicity is a very important way of publicity. Although this is an animated film, there are also stars that can be publicized.During the publicity period before the film was released in China, the stars running the publicity were Xiao Yao, He Ying and Huang Shi. He Ying and Huang Shi are hardly well-known among the non Chinese groups in the United States, so they are not stars. Naturally, they don't need to come to the United States for publicity. However, Xiao Yao has made a lot of hot events in the United States, and his popularity is not small. Even as a director, screenwriter, producer, dubbing and soundtrack of a movie, he is a very good publicity point, and combined with these identities, he is even more topical and interesting than a star actor in a real movie, and has won the distribution copyright in the United States Film companies will not let it go.

Xiao Yao and Mu Ying plan to shoot Parkour in two months. The visitors from China came to the United States at the end of the fourth week of filming, and they will be filming for more than a month later. Obviously, these visitors can not stay in the United States until the end of filming.

Xu Fei's and Chen Xiaoting's parents returned home after only three days in the United States, together with Lin Qisan and Nina aiguli, a pair of hotel partners. Zhu Zitong and sun Tingting did not need to stay in a hotel, while the two girls who lived with their boyfriends in the hotel stayed in the United States for a whole week.

However, Zhu Zitong and sun Tingting did not spend the longest time in the United States. In the United States, Tong Luo and Fang still, who have been with Xiao Yao for business, and some business people in Tong Luo company, have been here for almost three weeks, only half a month earlier than Xiao Yao's film crew.

Tong Luo and Fang still stay in the United States for a long time, of course, because of the overseas release of the animated film Wali. After talking with the film companies in the United States about the release, Xiao Yao accompanied them to discuss the release with the film distribution companies in several European countries.

As Hollywood is the world's largest film production and export place, many European film companies also have branches or offices in Hollywood, and American film companies have relatively closer ties with European film companies. When selling the distribution rights of films in Europe, Xiao Yao, who was filming in the United States, certainly did not fly to Europe, but invited those interested European film companies to come to the United States for negotiation.

In addition to the film distribution rights in Europe and the United States, Xiao Yao and others also reached an agreement with one of the largest online film rental companies in North America to sell the copyright of Wali's overseas online broadcasting and DVD rental and sale business to each other. As the giant enterprise's business scope covers more than 100 countries around the world, Xiao Yao did not find any other European enterprises to cooperate, and only gave them one copyright in the sale and rental of network broadcast and DVD outside China. Of course, since it is exclusive, the conditions in this respect will naturally be better.

The online broadcast must be set after the movie is released. Although the films in China have been released, they have not yet been released in the United States. Overseas network broadcasting must wait for the films in the United States and Europe to be released.

The United States and European countries also have film censorship systems, but compared with China, the film censorship in these countries is more about grading films. This animated film does not have any problematic lines or shots. The rating is definitely g-level for everyone to watch, but the process still needs to go through.

Films need to be submitted for approval and classification. Before they are released, they need to make preparations and publicity. They need to organize movie viewing meetings in cinemas and strive for film arrangement. Therefore, after negotiating the copyright of the film, the film will not be released overseas immediately. The film companies in the United States expect that the release time in the United States will be in October, and that in Europe is about that time.

The film is expected to be released in October, but it is not yet in the publicity period. The producer has no task for the time being. Tong Luo and Fang are still back home.

After the copyright of animated films is settled, Xiao Yao can focus on Parkour movies.

After Tong Luo and Fang still returned home, the crew took another two weeks to shoot. During the two weeks, the crew took a day off every week as usual. During the holidays, Xiao Yao was not idle as usual.

Xiao Yao asked Keith Craig to help him organize a shooting crew for MV. During the two-day holiday, he took the members of "immortals" band to shoot some scenes needed for MV. Because the final MV product is to complete the editing of the band members' shot images and some pictures in the movie, after the shooting of these shots, the band members can not see the effect of the MV product, so they can only wait until the shooting of the movie is finished.

But the band members didn't wait too long, because four days after their MV shooting, the Parkour movie was finished.

The end of shooting does not mean the completion of the film. There are a series of post work to be done, such as editing and soundtrack. However, these post work is the work of directors, editors, sounders and others, so we don't need these crew members now.

In post production of some films, the crew will be called back to make up for various reasons. Since Xiao Yao and Mu Ying will go through the shooting materials of the day after shooting every day, they feel that there is no need to make up later. So after the film was finished, Xiao Yao, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting returned to China.It's September and the school has already started. Xiao Yao, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting, the three senior students, have asked for leave in advance, but they haven't gone to school to report. They are going to go back to school to report and cancel their leave. Zhao Rui stayed in the United States to participate in the post production of the film with mu Ying.

Later editing and music work, the director is also to participate in, and to play a very important leading role in it. Compared with the two directors, Mu Ying's strong point is to control the action scenes and the movie lens switching, while Xiao Yao's strong point is in plot design, character performance and music. So in terms of post production, although both of them are involved, there is also a certain lateral division of labor. In editing, it is mainly controlled by Mu Ying, while in music, it is mainly based on Xiao Yao's opinions.

The film's editors and sounders are invited here in the United States, and the post production site is also in the United States. Xiao Yao doesn't meet every day after returning to China. It's definitely not good for him to only communicate with the editor and sounder through the Internet. However, due to the existence of muying, Xiao Yao can understand the progress and achievements of post production through muying, discuss the post production with muying, and then give their opinions to the editor and sounder through muying. It's just feasible.

As an explanation to the crowd funding netizens, parkour's official website will update the film's production progress in real time. After the shooting, the film's official website not only updated the film production progress and announced the film's completion, but also randomly selected some shooting materials to be put on the official website, which can be regarded as a reassurance for those netizens who participated in crowdfunding.

However, the time between the end of shooting and the release of a film is not certain, so there is no release date of the film on the official website.

The filming time of the crew is relatively tight because the film is shot in Los Angeles. We have to make do with Xiao Yao and other students coming to the United States to shoot during the summer vacation. There is no expected release date for netizens on the official website, so we don't have to rush in the post production. We can grind it slowly. This is also an important reason why Xiao Yao dares to go back to China and participate in post production remotely through the Internet and muying.