The American actors union not only requires eight hour work, overtime pay for extra time, but also stipulates that there must be rest days every week. In addition to Zhou Jingyi, the leading Latino American actor and some supporting actors are also members of the American actors union. In addition, some photographers and other department staff are also members of various labor unions in the United States, and those labor unions also have working hours regulations.

A few days after the start-up, the filming progress of the crew was still very good, so Xiao Yao and Mu Ying announced the shutdown on the first weekend after the start-up, giving the whole crew a day off.

I only take one day off a week. I'm sure I won't go back to China. Zhao Rui, Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting did not come to the United States many times, and even less to Los Angeles. They took advantage of the crew's holiday and went out to play by themselves. Xiao Yao came to Los Angeles when he ran around with Chen Xuan when he was a child. When he was a sophomore in high school, he worked as an international exchange student in Calabasas for a year. During that time, he came to Los Angeles twice after returning home. He was very familiar with Los Angeles, so naturally he didn't go out to play.

The trade union in the United States stipulates that actors and some crew members must rest, but it does not stipulate that Xiao Yao, the producer and non union director, must also rest. On the day of the crew's holiday, Xiao Yao chose to continue to work.

The cast and crew are all on holiday, so it's definitely impossible to shoot. But Xiao Yao is not only the producer, director and star of the film, but also one of the soundmakers of the film. Before the movie is finished, it's not easy for Xiao Yao to do the simple soundtrack, but Xiao Yao can do the theme song episode in the movie first.

As early as when the script of the film was finished, Xiao Yao had an idea for the songs to be used in the film, but he had not started to make them. Now that there is free time during shooting, Xiao Yao plans to use this time to produce the songs of the film, which can also save some time for later post production.

This is an action movie, in which many plots are more intense, more burning, when the soundtrack is certainly more intense, more burning style. In terms of movie songs, Xiao Yao is also preparing to use two rock songs.

When it comes to rock songs, Xiao Yao's first thought is of course the "immortals" band in Los Angeles.

At a party after the NBA All-Star celebrity game at the beginning of this year, Xiao Yao and Mu Ying discussed the preparation of Parkour film crew. At that time, in addition to Mu Ying and several partners of Huaxia, members of immortals band and Zhou Jingyi were also present. At that time, they also indicated that they would invest in Xiao Yao's film. As the co producer of the film, the band members of "immortals" also know that Xiao Yao and others came to Los Angeles to make films.

On the day Xiao Yao and others arrived in Los Angeles, immortals had a performance task, so they didn't pick up at the airport. But later, after the crew turned on, several members of the band came to see the class, and they also knew that Zhou Jingyi was one of the leading roles in the film.

Although the band members didn't say it clearly, Xiao Yao knew that they had some ideas in mind, so when they came to visit, Xiao Yao told them that he wanted to invite them to sing the songs in the film.

Zhou Jingyi, who was on the scene at the beginning, has joined the film as an actor, so naturally they are not willing to leave behind. Band members can't act, but they are a band that can sing for the songs in the movie. Xiao Yao's arrangement also happened to be in the heart of the band members, and he agreed without hesitation at that time.

Sammy Smith, like Zhao Rui, has just graduated from college. The other three, like Xiao Yao, have just finished their junior year. It's the summer vacation, so I don't have to go to school. This summer vacation, they did not tour, other business activities are not much, or relatively free. Xiao Yao plans to give the crew a holiday every Sunday. In order to take care of Xiao Yao's shooting, the band agreed to meet each Sunday in the next few weeks to rehearse and record songs together. As for the location, it was set in the studio of daydream.

On the day before the holiday, Xiao Yao contacted Dean and others in advance. After learning that there was no accident there, he drove to the studio of daydream alone on the morning of the holiday.

When Xiao Yao arrived, four members of the band were already waiting for him in the recording room. Not only the members of "immortals", but also Keith Craig and others of "daydream" were waiting for him in the recording room.

"Keith? Why are you here? " Xiao Yao was slightly surprised when he met Keith Craig and others.

"This is our place. Is it necessary to be so surprised to see us?" Keith Craig laughs.

"Well, my fault!" Xiao yaolue scratched his head awkwardly.

"I didn't expect you to be a director and make movies at such a young age!" Keith Craig asked as if he was guilty. "But why don't you tell Betty and me when you make a movie? You know Betty and I have invested in movies

Keith Craig didn't listen to the "immortals" band members about Xiao Yao's movie making, but saw the news on the Internet."This ~" Xiao Yao continued to scratch his head, "this movie was made by me and several Chinese friends. We didn't even ask for money from our parents, so we didn't ask other people for investment."

"Well," Keith Craig nodded, "it's OK to make a movie, but are you trying to hide it from me when you're recording in Los Angeles?"

"How did I try to keep it from you?" Xiao Yao laughingly said, "we are recording songs in your studio, Dean. Won't they tell you? Do I have to call you? "

"This ~" this time it's Keith Craig's turn.

"Well, let's not talk about that." Keith Craig waved. "Where's your song? Show me. "

In Keith Craig's impression, Xiao Yao has never sung or produced songs written by other musicians. This time, Xiao Yao came to "immortals" to record songs, and Keith Craig also decided that it would be Xiao Yao's own songs.

It's been more than four years since the band immortals was founded. In more than four years, the band has not only published the songs written by Xiao Yao. In the meantime, Dean has written his own songs, and Keith Craig has helped them write songs and bought them songs, some of which have achieved good results. But speaking of the band's best music works, the three songs written by Xiao Yao have the best results.

In recent years, none of the music works of "daydream" band can achieve the achievement of the song "sugar" written by Xiao Yao for them. In the eyes of Keith Craig and others, Xiao Yao is a true musical genius.

Keith Craig doesn't care much about Xiao Yao's film making. The main purpose of his visit is to see what new works the genius in his eyes has.

"Here it is Xiao Yao points his right temple with his right index finger and laughs.

"Then write it quickly!" Keith Craig said, "why don't you go to my office, where I'll spare the score books and pencils."

"In such a hurry?" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "how nice it is to listen to the finished product directly after we have recorded it. What music score can we watch?"

"It's OK," Keith Craig said with a smile. "You're going to write it for them anyway! I've come all the time, and I have nothing to do. Just look at the songs you've written before you leave! "

"All right!" Xiao Yao shrugged his shoulders. As Craig said, it's all about writing.

The party turned to Keith Craig's office.

"Come on!" Keith Craig put Xiao Yao on his office chair and offered to put pen and paper on him.

"Thank you. It's a great honor!" Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"It's OK," Keith Craig said, waving his hand. "The coffee table on the other side of the sofa is too low. It must be comfortable on the desk!"

Xiao Yao nodded and laughed. He stopped talking and took up his pencil to write.

After more than ten minutes, Xiao Yao sorted out the piece of music score paper on the table and stood up.

"It's done?" Keith Craig stepped forward and handed Xiao Yao a cup of coffee. With the other hand, he took the score in Xiao Yao's hand and said, "let me have a look!"

Xiao Yao didn't care, so he lowered his head and drank coffee.

"Great After Keith Craig finished reading it, he first praised it, then took out one of the scores and said, "Yang, I think it's more appropriate for us to sing this song by" daydream "! You give this song to us "Daydream!"

"Poof!" Xiao Yao's mouthful of coffee spurted out.

"Boss, you can't do that!" Xiao Yao, who sprayed coffee, didn't have time to speak yet. On one side, Samin stood up dissatisfied and said.

"Yeah," Dean said, standing up. "How can you rob our song?"

"Of course I can do it!" Keith Craig turned and looked at them. "I'm not robbing your song, but I think it's really more suitable for us!" With that, Keith Craig handed out all the scores in his hand.

Sameon reached for it, and Dean, Mike and George all came to see it.

"You're a rock band. That song suits you, of course!" Xiao Yao finally eased from the state of spraying coffee and said to Keith Craig with a smile, "in fact, what you want to say is that another song may not be suitable for you, right? Otherwise, do you want to pass both songs? " When Keith Craig raised the score just now, Xiao Yao saw the words on the score and knew which song he was interested in.

"No!" Keith Craig said, "I just think that if there are two bands to promote your film, it will be better than one band to promote your film! What do you think? "

These two songs are Xiao Yao's works, and the decision is naturally in Xiao Yao's hands. When Xiao Yao sells the song copyright, he will assign the original singer as an additional condition. When Xiao Yao was a high school student, Keith Craig wanted to buy the copyright of Xiao Yao's "imaginals" and return it to "daydream", but he didn't succeed. At this time, Xiao Yao was different from that time, so he was not afraid to refuse him. Therefore, Keith Craig could only fight for Xiao Yao's own interests from the aspect of that film."This ~" Dean and Sammy Smith, who were just about to speak, listened to Keith Craig's words, swallowed them back and looked at Xiao Yao together.

"Young, Keith is right," sammien thought for a moment. Seeing that Xiao Yao didn't respond to Keith Craig, he took the initiative to say to Xiao Yao, "I think it's better for you to sing two songs to two different bands."

It's not just that they're a signed band of daydream studio, Keith Craig is their boss. In fact, Keith Craig has always been a good boss for his band. Even now, Keith Craig doesn't threaten or force them as the boss, but persuades them with Xiao Yao's interests, which is very rare.

And Keith Craig is right. In terms of fame and status, the old rock band "daydream" is still much better than "immortals". Xiao Yao wrote these two songs for the movie, so before the movie is released, they must be used to promote the movie. Whether in the United States or around the world, the difference between a movie song sung by "daydream" and a movie song sung by "immortals" is obvious.

If we only consider from the aspect of film publicity, it is actually the best effect to let "daydream" sing both songs. I don't know if it's Keith Craig who really thinks one of the songs is not suitable for them, but considering the relationship between Xiao Yao and "immortals", they only need one of the two songs and put forward a plan for the two bands to sing two songs respectively. To Samin Smith, this seems to be the best solution for all.

But Xiao Yao doesn't think so.

"Sorry," Xiao Yao shook his head with a smile, "I don't agree with what you said!"

"First of all," Xiao Yao said, looking at Keith Craig, "Keith, I wrote these two songs for that movie, and I'm going to sing them myself. I was originally a member of the band "immortals". It's just right for "immortals" to sing these two songs. If one of the songs is given to you, it will become Yang feat. "Daydream" or "daydream" feat. I have my own band, and I don't like that way! "

"Secondly," Xiao Yao continued, "this movie about parkour is made by several of us who play Parkour together for Parkour fans. It's a movie we make and play ourselves, and it's also to realize a wish of us. Everyone involved in this film is very young, and the target audience of the film is also young people! "I don't deny that your" Daydreams "are bigger and more famous than" immortals ", but the young band" immortals "is more suitable for our young film."

"Of course, we hope that the more the box office, the better. But in fact, we don't set any targets for the box office of this film, and we don't have much ambition." Xiao Yao finally said, "compared with the effect of publicity, I care more about the youth of the team, so..."

"Young?" Keith Craig said with a wry, exaggerated smile over his chest, "I feel hurt!"