It's a temporary decision for sun Tingting to invite Xiao Yao to be the guest of the performance. In the early publicity of the concert, Xiao Yao was not used as the publicity content of the concert. Few of the audience who bought tickets to listen to the concert came for Xiao Yao. In other words, there are not many fans of Xiao Yao in the audience. However, even though there are not many dedicated fans of Xiao Yao in the audience, there are still a lot of passers-by fans who like Xiao Yao.

Due to the media reports in recent days, many people have known that Xiao Yao will be the guest of sun Tingting's concert. This news is a surprise for the audience who bought tickets for sun Tingting's concert in advance. Because there were not many "pills" and "iron powder" in the audience who bought tickets for Xiao Yao, the degree of surprise was limited. Moreover, because they knew the news in advance, the guest was not "mysterious", and the sense of surprise had been felt before the concert.

The prophase publicity of the concert introduced that sun Tingting, the main character of the concert, is a classical violin player. The audience who are interested in listening to this kind of music concert in the concert hall are different from the audience in music festivals or variety shows. Their performance is relatively calmer and quieter, and the surprise of Xiao Yao's appearance is not so strong So when sun Tingting introduced Xiao Yao as the guest of the show, and the next few songs will be performed with Xiao Yao, the audience just politely gave a burst of applause, not the kind of cheering, screaming and other more intense performance.

However, when Xiao Yao appeared on the stage with the introduction of sun Tingting, many audience members could not help but exclaim.

This is a classical concert in a professional concert hall. Both the front sun Tingting and the back musicians are dressed very formally. Women wear long evening dresses, while men wear formal dresses. Even the drummers, guitarists and bassists of some of the early modern musical instrument musicians all wear casual suits, trying to match the solemn and elegant atmosphere of the concert hall.

But as a guest of performance, Xiao Yao's dress is very different. The lower body is black trousers with black high top leather boots, and the upper body is a black shirt. Xiao Yao's shirt has a row of silver metal dots on both sides of the shoulders, and the shirt is sleeveless. Xiao Yao's two arms with obvious muscle lines are exposed. In addition, Xiao Yao rarely wears a pair of black leather wristbands on his wrists. Although there is no metal ornament on the Leather Wristband, such a dress gives people enough "rock" feeling.

Such a "rock" dress appeared on the stage of a classical concert, which not only attracted the eyes, but also fully demonstrated Xiao Yao's unique personality.

"Oh," Zhou Lixing in the audience said in a small voice of surprise, "when Bayi was here just now, he was still in a suit. Why did he become like this soon?"

When he was in the audience just now, Xiao Yao, like most of the audience, was wearing formal clothes to listen to sun Tingting's classical music. This suit of clothes is the one that sun Tingting changed when she went back to the lounge to perform the ninth song.

"I'll go!" Next to Zhou Zhihao also said, "Bayi dressed like this to perform classical music with dor? He didn't go up to the Dole's table, did he

"What do you think?" Lin Qisan said with a smile, "how can Bayi mess about in duo'er's concert? Dor is a classical player, but Bayi is not! He didn't go up there to play classical music! "

"Not classical music? How do you know? " Zhou Zhihao asked curiously.

"I haven't been to see the stone rehearsal all these days. I've also come to see them rehearse!" Lin Qisan said, "I not only know the repertoire of Bayi, but also know that the costume of Bayi has been approved by Uncle LV Siyuan and duo'er! In front of this concert, DOR shows his accomplishment of classical music. It's not from August 1. They're going to play tricks! "

"Pattern?" Zhou Zhihao guessed, "duo'er and Bayi are going to perform those two pieces that are not classical music in chambers' Graduation Concert?"

Zhou Zhihao is still a little interested in pop music, but he is not very interested in classical music. He attended the concert twice because the performer was Sun Tingting. He came to support her, but he was not interested in seeing their rehearsals.

"Listen and you'll know!" Lin Qi said with a smile.

"Cut ~" Zhou Zhihao gave Lin Qisan a look.

During the discussion between Zhou Zhihao and Lin Qisan, after bowing to the audience, Xiao Yao went to a grand piano on one side of the stage and sat down, putting his hands gently on the keys.

See Xiao Yao ready, sun Tingting step back, away from the microphone stand, the violin again on his shoulder.

There is no host for this concert. As the leading role of this concert, sun Tingting will introduce the musicians on the stage to show their gratitude and respect, but she does not undertake the work of reporting the curtain.

"The next performance," Croatian Rhapsody "!" A white voice beside the name of the repertoire was heard in the live sound.Xiao Yao turned his head and nodded to the orchestra. The string musicians in the orchestra nodded in response, indicating that they were ready. Xiao Yao finally looks back at Sun Tingting, who also happens to see sun Tingting, who puts the bow on the string. It seems to her that she is also ready.

Xiao Yao smiles and lowers his head to press the key of the piano.

Along with the sound of piano, the sound of violin, Cello and electric guitar immediately joined in. A few seconds later, a cymbal on the shelf drum rang, and the shelf drum also joined in.

Although it is a mixture of classical and modern musical instruments, the effect of playing several musical instruments together is surprisingly good, and it doesn't make people feel disharmonious at all. This song has a strong sense of rhythm, and the melody is also very gripping. After listening to more than ten classical symphonies and Violin Concertos, such a piece of music immediately made the audience feel bright in front of their eyes.

The Croatian Rhapsody played by Xiao Yao is one of the representative works of the famous Croatian pianist Maxim. This unique electronic piano talent is a piano player that Xiao Yao likes very much in his previous life. However, compared with his most famous "flying wild bees", Xiao Yao prefers his other two masterpieces, Exodus and Croatian Rhapsody.

At Sun Tingting's concert, Xiao Yao took out one of the two most favorite songs in his previous life. One of the reasons for choosing this song is that it's not too difficult. It's more suitable for only two days of rehearsal. Another is the association of the ruins of the earth at the beginning of the recent brain full animated film "robot tile".

There is a certain background for the birth of this song in the previous life, and this background also exists in this world. However, not everyone can think of the creative background of this song with a name like LV Siyuan.

Music without lyrics is a very subjective thing. Different people may have different associations when they listen to it. A Chinese song "Liang Zhu" to foreigners, may be able to think of Romeo and Juliet, but the basic feelings and emotions are similar. So even if the audience didn't know the background of the song, it still shocked the audience.

The melody of this song is extremely beautiful, and this feeling is basically common.

In addition, the arrangement of this piece, which is mainly composed of piano and string music and should be more classical, adds modern instruments such as drum and electric guitar, which greatly strengthens the sense of rhythm and strength of the piece, which is also a great feature.

This kind of arrangement form combining classical and popular instruments is not the first in the world, but it is very rare in Chinese music circle, including classical music circle.

"I'll go. Did Bayi create this song himself?" Zhou Zhihao turns around and asks Lin Qisan. Even if he is not too cold for classical music, he was shocked by this song and fell in love with such a pure music.

"Who but him?" Lin Qisan didn't sell this time. He nodded with a smile.

In Xiao Yao's previous music works, not only his music style is very diverse, but there are also many works combining pop and classical instruments. In the past, most of the music works were based on popular musical instruments, and Violin and other string music were added as auxiliary music, but Xiao Yao did play in this way, and he was a musician who played more in China. So many audiences, like Zhou Zhihao, immediately guessed that the song was written by Xiao Yao.

A classical music recital, came up to bring you such music, but it is really a very good song, Xiao Yao's performance is absolutely a big surprise to the audience.

But Xiao Yao's surprise to the audience is far more than that.

After the performance of the song, the audience gave a burst of warm applause. After the applause, there was another voice in the sound system: "the next performance," faded! "

"Another work of Bayi?" Zhou Zhihao said to Lin Qisan, "is Bayi helping or robbing?"

"It's like a fight." Lin Qisan said with a smile, "but although this piece is a work of Bayi, the version played this time is not the original version of Bayi, but the version played by dor at chambers' Graduation Concert. That version is not made by Xiao Yao, but adapted by duo Er himself! "

Compared with the first appearance of "Croatian Rhapsody", faded is even a well-known song. Even though there are not many Xiao Yao's iron fans in the audience, most people know that this is an electronic style song by Xiao Yao and Gong Chen, and some people know that there is also a string version of this song. After hearing the name, most people subconsciously think that the next song is the string version of Xiao Yao's song.

However, what the audience didn't expect was that the score of this performance version was quite different from that of Xiao Yao's string version. The melody is the same melody. There are also piano, Violin and Cello instruments. However, many wind instruments have been added in this version. This version with wind instruments not only makes the whole song more majestic in momentum, but also gives people a completely different feeling.Although this version of the arrangement is made by sun Tingting himself, because this song is Xiao Yao's work, he has made two different versions of the accompaniment before, and now he is acting as a guest on the stage, playing the piano. Many audiences also regard this version of the arrangement as Xiao Yao's handwriting.

The electronic version, the string version, and now this version, which can be called the symphony version, can make three different versions with a single song. Moreover, the feeling of the symphony version is close to the traditional classical music, which seems to mean that Xiao Yao, who originally created many excellent newage music, has the same attainments in symphony and classical music Not shallow, the audience was once again deeply shocked by Xiao Yao's musical talent.

At the end of the performance, the audience again gave a burst of warm applause. In the applause of the audience, Xiao Yao stood up from the piano stool and walked to the side of the piano. Two staff members lifted a stage to the stage and put it in front of Xiao Yao.

"That's the mixer? Is Xiao Yao going to be a live DJ at the concert See Xiao Yao picked up a pair of headphones button to the head, many of the audience were surprised to guess.

"The next show, secret emotions!" In the surprise of the audience, the narrator reported the name of the next performance.

After the audience calmed down, Xiao Yao began to operate on the mixing stage.

"I'll go. It's really electronic?" Seeing Xiao Yao's action, the audience was even more surprised. "It's just a matter of adding modern musical instruments. Even the electronic sound has been moved out. Is this still a classical concert?"

However, the audience is surprised, and the performance still needs to be heard.

In the beginning of the song, the sudden sound of the eagle shocked the audience and made them look forward to Xiao Yao's third song.

Again, to the surprise of the audience, the first half of the song seems to be played and recorded in advance. Except whether Xiao Yao seems to operate on the mixing stage in front of him, the other musicians on the stage have no action. Even half a minute later, the sound of drums was added to the music, and the string musicians on the stage, including sun Tingting, did not move.

"Is this still sun Tingting's classical violin concert?" Many live audience's heart once again suffused with this question.

It wasn't until about a minute later that sun Tingting put the bow on her violin and began to play.

As soon as sun Tingting joined in the performance, her violin voice was immediately highlighted.

Although sun Tingting is also playing the violin in front of the first two pieces, most of the time, her performance is almost synchronized with that of the other violinists behind her. Because in the first two pieces, the violin part matches the piano part, and there is no difference between them. In this song, sun Tingting's violin is a special existence. Her violin part is obviously different from other violinists. No matter Xiao Yao's electrophony or other violinists behind him, they obviously serve for sun Tingting's Violin Part.

In this song, sun Tingting's violin playing time is not long, probably more than half of the whole time. But under the background of electronic music, drum and other violin sounds, the violin she played in this song is the most brilliant and impressive.