During the more than ten days when Xiao Yao took part in "creation 101" and was busy preparing for the final exam in school, the topic of Xiao Yao and the animated film "robot Wali" continued to ferment in the public, media and Internet.

With 127 Hours released in November last year, Xiao Yao officially entered the film circle as a film actor. The box office performance of the film is quite good. In the comments of the audience on the rating website, Xiao Yao's acting skills in the film are very good. At the beginning of the year, he won the "Golden Dragon Award" for best new actor. Xiao Yao's acting skills are equivalent to the unanimous recognition of the audience and authorities.

Many people are waiting for his second film for such a new actor who has a good face, takes the lead in his first film and performs well. What many people didn't expect is that Xiao Yao, who joined the "127 Hours" film crew in Seoul Film Festival in March, will have a new film coming out in the summer.

After the movie trailers of several satellite TV stations and video websites were broadcast and launched, Xiao Yao also released movie trailers on his microblog. Xiao Yao has a lot of fans. After he sent out the movie trailer on Weibo, quite a lot of stars commented and forwarded it.

In some media reports, it is often said that when a star produces a new work, half of the entertainment circle will help promote it, so as to show that a star has a wide range of contacts and good relationship in the circle. Xiao YaoFa's microblog publicizes the new film. Whether the stars who help publicize account for half of the entertainment circle, I don't know, but the stars who help publicize are not just the entertainment circle. In addition to his parents, artists in his studio, his apprentices and star friends in the regular singer circle and actor circle, there are also a large number of people in the sports circle and fashion circle.

In the sports circle, Xiao Yao has taken publicity photos for both the men's basketball team and the women's basketball team of the national team, and has written songs for the girls of the women's basketball team. The total number of basketball players on active service and retired who helped Xiao Yao publicize and forward exceeded 20, of which Chen Yang, vice chairman of the Basketball Association, was the biggest. In addition, in terms of football, Yang Junyan, who has become the main substitute goalkeeper in Bayern Munich, has been selected into the national team. Driven by him, several national football players have also forwarded Xiao Yao's microblog. In terms of tennis, the influence of Li AI, who is close to retirement, is still unique. Her forwarding support has also caused some tennis players to follow suit.

In the fashion circle, the biggest brand is of course Yin Xi, and Xiao Yao is also the boss of a model agency. Star Donglin company's well-known models such as Xiang An'an, of course, are also actively forwarding publicity.

With such a wide range of star forwarding, Xiao Yao's microblog soon became a popular microblog. With the recommendation of home page videos on several satellite TV and video websites, Xiao Yao's trailer of this animated film soon entered the view of many viewers and netizens.

But what people didn't expect is that Xiao Yao's second film is actually an animated film. It's OK for him to take part in the dubbing. This animated film is actually made and directed by himself.

Xiao Yao's amazing performance in the early year's "sound in its realm" is that one person has voiced nine animated characters, and it's not too unexpected to participate in the dubbing of an animated film, but the director and screenwriter of this animated film are also him, which is quite surprising.

When it comes to the roles of director and screenwriter, Xiao Yao is not the first time to try. The MV of several music works of Xiao Yao is directed and shot by himself. The name of Xiao Yao is included in the screenplay of the TV series "the brightest star in the night sky", and the short film "tuner" is his own work. However, making MV, participating in TV drama writing and directing a short film for more than ten minutes are quite different from directing a long film in a cinema. Basically, they are two concepts.

In the performing arts circle, the best actor is the director. It's not that many actors have changed from actors to directors, but most of them have accumulated for more than ten or twenty years, and only after they were almost 40 years old did they try to change. For example, Xiao Yao's mother Ye Jiaying is a typical example.

Xiao Yao studies acting, not directing. Although Xiao Yao said he wanted to be a director when he took the art examination, he didn't transfer his major to study directing. Instead, he only acted in one film. Before graduating from the Acting Department, he began to be a director of long films. This progress is really too fast. So when the trailer of the animated film is broadcast, the audience is shocked to see that Xiao Yao's name is under the column of director and screenwriter in the trailer.

The audience was shocked. Naturally, there are all kinds of discussions on the Internet. Because there is only one name in the trailer, Xiao Yao did not appear on the camera. Some people even speculated that Xiao Yao in the trailer might have the same name, not the 21-year-old monster. However, the broadcast of several film and comprehensive interview programs soon dispelled this doubt and confirmed that the director and screenwriter of this animated film is Xiao Yao, a famous Chinese evil.

In the way of film publicity, it is also a very conventional way to participate in some interview programs to introduce films. Before the release of "127 Hours" last year, Xiao Yao, Ye Jiaying and Zhan Youcheng also participated in several such interviews. However, this time, Xiao Yao was lazy and did not take part, leaving the task to another producer and producer of the film, his teacher and partner Tong Luo.

Tong Luo is a person to participate in the interview program, but the content of the conversation is inseparable from Xiao Yao.First of all, the project of this animated film was approved because of Xiao Yao. Tong Luo is the teacher of Shen opera, but Xiao Yao is not a student of his class. He just listens in a few classes. Not long after new year's day two years ago, Xiao Yao wanted to make a special effect for his MV and found him. He took Xiao Yao to his company for a walk, and Xiao Yao took out a script for an animated film and said that he would cooperate with him in making animated films.

Secondly, Xiao Yao is the core of this animated film. What Xiao Yao took out at that time was a complete script. Not only the plot was perfect, but also the image of the characters had been designed.

The production cycle of this animated film is as long as two years. For an animated film, this time is not too long, but it is definitely not short. In the two-year production process, although Xiao Yao does not work with the staff in his studio every day, he always communicates with the staff regularly to keep track of the production situation and progress of animated films. When you are free, you go to the animation studio of their company to discuss with the staff face to face. Even if you are not free, you will contact the staff through the network to understand the situation.

Speaking of this, Tong Luo specially mentioned a detail. That is, during the singer period, when the program team went to Xiao Yao's office to shoot gags, Xiao Yao told the script writer that the animation he was watching was actually the one in production. In a word, the character image of this animation was exposed in the singer program of Xiangnan satellite TV two years ago.

When Tong Luo said this, the live director of the program specially released a freeze frame picture of the singer program the year before last on the big screen. After comparison, it turned out that it was the Wally in the trailer.

Then there is the issue of film investment. The production costs officially announced by the film producers have a lot of moisture. Tong Luo did not give the specific figures of the production costs of this animated film in the program, but emphasized that Xiao Yao is not only the director and screenwriter, but also the biggest investor in the film. In fact, there are only two investors in this film. Xiao Yao's investment accounts for more than his boss.

Finally, Xiao Yao also participated in some of the later work that did not show the name in the trailer. The post editing was completed by Xiao Yao and the editor. As for the score, Xiao Yao finished it alone. Tong Luo, or his company, just bought the copyright of a live action movie clip and an old English song in the United States under the instruction of Xiao Yao.

Investors, directors, screenwriters, dubbing, late participation in editing, a person to do the soundtrack. After an interview program, Tong Luo's words can be summarized as one sentence: this animated film is basically Xiao Yao's personal work.

After these interview programs were broadcast, Xiao Yao's name as a monster was once again rampant. The discussion on the Internet is becoming more and more heated.

In this network atmosphere of hot discussion, Xiao Yao's participation in several variety shows for film promotion undoubtedly adds a fire to Xiao Yao's name and the popularity of this animated film.

Xiao Yao has participated in many variety shows, and his performance is very eye-catching. In the eyes of many audiences, Xiao Yao's sense of variety is very strong. Whether he is the host or the main MC of reality show, Xiao Yao is competent enough.

In the past two years, many programs have invited Xiao Yao to be a resident guest. Xiao Yao was first invited to be a tutor by voice. Later, some staff members of running man revealed that the program team wanted to invite Xiao Yao to be the MC host. Even Xiang Lan took maternity leave in express and the host of day up was replaced. Some netizens mentioned Xiao Yao's name. But whether it's a clear refusal or nothing, Xiao Yao is still a variety show. He took part in variety shows, either for publicity or as a flying guest.

At the end of a variety show, there will be an announcement. Xiao Yao's popularity is high, and his performance in variety shows is quite good. When the preview of the next issue released at the end of the current issue reveals that the guest is Xiao Yao, there are many viewers in front of the TV in the later issue.

There are four programs on the air in a weekend, and Xiao Yao's fans and audiences who like to watch variety shows are addicted. Xiao Yao's performance is good in the two old variety shows of "fast book" and "day up", but on the whole, it's just ordinary publicity, and there are not many places for the audience to feel surprised and surprised. But "yearning for life" and "I want to sing with you" are not the same. In these two programs, Xiao Yao gave the audience and fans quite a lot of surprises.

In yearning for life, Xiao Yao does many things that other flying guests haven't done or can't do.

Chopping firewood is a routine operation. Many flying guests will chop firewood for a while, but they chop all the firewood stored in the firewood room, but no one has ever done it.

In addition to the firewood chopping that many people have done, Xiao Yao also shows a lot of techniques. When ordering a meal on the phone, there was a lot of cross talk. The audience was surprised and commented on whether Xiao Yao was going to change his profession to talk about cross talk. The audience was also surprised by Xiao Yao's carpentry. To promote their films by giving gifts to the four hosts, and to change the gas for the four hosts by using the worn-out suitcases of the program group, the audience was astonished by this wave of operation. Of course, the most amazing thing for the audience is that Xiao Yao went to the morning exercise and came back with a tree on his back, claiming that it was broken. The audience all called Xiao Yao as a human.Xiao Yao has a lot of independent things in the program. He was arranged to catch fish, but he didn't listen to the command and insisted on cutting wood and sharpening his knife. However, he not only chopped the wood, sharpened his knife and axe, but also repaired the door that Xia LAN had broken. He did a lot of work. Although it broke the tradition of not making breakfast in the program, it didn't make Luo Chongwen work extra hard. He cooked his own breakfast for everyone. Therefore, Xiao Yao's achievements in these extraordinary things were basically well received by the audience.

In addition to these unconventional operations, Xiao Yao's conventional operations are also very attractive. During the activity time after dinner, many audiences guessed that Xiao Yao would have a talent show, but they didn't expect that Xiao Yao could also throw new songs out of reality TV programs. The song "childhood" not only made the four hosts and two female guests in the program red eyed, but also made the audience think of their childhood because of this song, and many of them felt deeply.

In addition, Xiao Yao's interaction with the four hosts and two guests in the program is also quite interesting. There is no lack of respect for Ke Jun and Luo Chongwen. For his peers, Qiu Zhihao and Yang Yu were both tricked and bribed. They played together completely, and even gave psychological counseling to Qiu Zhihao, who was depressed in filming. For the two female guests who were over ten years old, Xiao Yao was very gentlemanly. Although he made fun of them, he helped Xia LAN mend the door and publicize their works, which made Xiao Yao win a lot of warmth and emotional intelligence Shang Shuanggao's comments.

After the broadcast of this program, many viewers and netizens who watched Xiao Yao's performance in the program even called out the program group on the Internet, asking Xiao Yao to replace Qiu Zhihao in the next season, which made Qiu Zhihao's fans nervous for a while. However, most of the people who put forward this proposal are not Xiao Yao's fans. In addition, Ke Jun also sent a micro blog in time to say that he has no intention of changing people next season. Xiao Yao has no intention of staying in the program to be the host of mushroom house, so there is no battle between Qiu Zhihao's fans and Xiao Yao's fans on the Internet.

"Yearning for life" let Xiao Yao circle fans countless, then broadcast "I want to sing with you" is also not bad.

"I want to sing with you" is a music program, which is Xiao Yao's major. At the beginning, the chorus of Xiao Yao and Hong Wei was very amazing, but the biggest point was Xiao Yao's shameless argument of "proving it's not lip synching".

Half of the highlights of this program are the plain singers and fans, and the performance of plain singers and fans is closely related to the current star guests. In this issue of the program, the program team found many of Xiao Yao's "Acquaintances", which can be regarded as a concentrated disclosure of Xiao Yao. The audience were not only surprised, but also very happy.

The introduction of fans and plain singers is very interesting, and the chorus is also wonderful. Behind these wonderful scenes, the program also revealed that Xiao Yao participated in the arrangement of all choral songs, which once again proved Xiao Yao's talent in music.

But although the audience was happy, there were two regrets. One is that I didn't hear Xiao Yao's new song in the music program. Of course, it has something to do with the nature of the program. It's really not appropriate to sing new songs for a day or half with a plain singer. The opening performance with Hong Wei can sing new songs, but they performed a brand new version, which can be regarded as some novel hearing experience. Another part is the final chorus. Many viewers in front of the TV, just like the live audience, are upset because they can't hear Xiao Yao sing the female voice in "a night in Yanjing".

In the four comprehensive programs of Xiangnan satellite TV, Xiao Yao appeared on the screen, and Xiao Yao also appeared on the network comprehensive program. This time the hottest web ensemble program is being laughed at by some netizens as "creation 101" of "earth creation". The most heated topic in this period is Xiao Yao and his animated films. Xiao Yao appeared in the creation of 101, and the two most popular ones were also very popular.

Xiao Yao took part in the public performance on Saturday. Through editing the practice content of the previous week, the latest program was broadcast on Haiyan video online on Sunday evening. Even though "I want to sing with you" broadcast at the same time diverts some viewers and fans who like Xiao Yao, the number of online viewers at the time of the premiere of this program is far higher than that of previous episodes. After three days, the cumulative number of hits of this program exceeded the previous several, becoming the highest number of hits.

This program has six star seniors with huge traffic to join, the number of online viewers and the number of hits after the premiere is not surprising. After the broadcast, there were a lot of comments and controversies on the Internet. However, compared with the previous disputes of intern fans pinching each other and intern fans dissatisfied with the lens allocation of the program group, most of the disputes focus on Xiao Yao after the program went online.

On the one hand, the fans of the five star seniors clamor that the program group should treat Xiao Yao differently. Xiao Yao's single shot is more than twice that of other single star seniors. On the other hand, many fans of trainees feel that Xiao Yao is a tutor, and his ability is much better than that of the other five star students. Being a star student is unfair to the other five groups of trainees.

These controversies are mainly aimed at the program group. Most of the audience are still very surprised by Xiao Yao's performance in the program. Whether it is his interaction with the trainees or his ability displayed in the practice stage, netizens rated him as the best of the six star seniors. Even if it was a temporary tutorial for all the trainees, most of the audience netizens thought Xiao Yao was very good.As soon as these variety shows are broadcast, the name Xiao Yao becomes a hot topic on the Internet again. Xiao Yao's participation in these programs is to promote films. His name has become a hot search. Along with his animated films, he has been on the hot topic list again this week, maintaining a high popularity.

A few days after the weekend, the popularity of several variety shows has not completely passed, and there are hot events on the live network.

First of all, two faceless voice actors revealed in the live broadcast that they participated in the dubbing of Xiao Yao's animated film.

An animated film released in a cinema, at the same time of inviting star actors and professional dubbing actors, also invited the voice actor anchor who played live on the Internet to dub together. This move, even if not shocking, is also very rare. Although the list of behind the scenes dubbing actors of the film has not been released, most of Shuiyou have no doubt about the disclosure of the two anchors, because the animated film has been confirmed to be Xiao Yao's work.

Xiao Yao has done live webcast, wrote songs for the network anchor, took the network anchor to radio programs, and invited the network anchor to be a guest on tour. He is one of the most closely connected stars in the entertainment industry. Inviting the network anchor to participate in the dubbing of the film may be unthinkable to others, but Xiao Yao is absolutely capable.

All along, a lot of people have been arguing that the network red anchor is not a star. Although many fans also admit that network anchor can't compare with traditional stars in influence, from Xiao Yao's action, it seems that there is not much difference between network anchor and those traditional stars and professionals, and its actual strength is also recognized by Xiao Yao. After the two voice anchor took the initiative to disclose the news, not only their fans cheered, but also many fans of other network anchor were very happy, and they called Xiao Yao one after another.

Then, nearly 20 network anchors released the movie trailer specially edited by Xiao Yao during the live broadcast. Although this trailer was later spread to the video website and bullet screen website by many water friends, before the anchors made it public in the live broadcast, this version of the trailer did not appear in the video website and TV station, and it can be said that it was specially made for water friends who like to watch the live broadcast. This move naturally won the favor of many water friends.

Several variety shows, together with the hot events in the aspect of webcast, make Xiao Yao's name and his animated movie trailer occupy nearly a whole week's events on the hot search list.

On the weekend before the premiere of the film, although there was no variety show with Xiao Yao's participation, Wei Yunjing, Lai Zhaodi, Lu mingshuang and Wu Huiyi entered the final list of 11 people with the broadcast of the final issue of "creation 101" on Sunday. The fans of 11 trainees collectively called to Xiao Yao on the Internet and asked him to make a team for the women's team After making a song, Xiao Yao and his animated films were on the hot search list and hot topic list again, and stayed until the film premiere.