After a while of joking, people began to watch the film.

It's said that this time I watched the film to see the video material that hasn't been edited, but when Xiao Yao was writing the script, he was based on the movie wall. E in his mind. The video picture was very concise, and there was not much extra. All the materials add up to about two hours, which is almost the same as the length of a general movie after a rough cut.

In order to provide a time baseline for image production, Xiao Yao himself made the initial original dubbing for all the characters.

Tong Luo's company is a special effects animation production company. In the past, it mainly helped to make CG animation and some special effects for games. Making CG animations and special effects pictures of games will also involve sound effects. Tongluo's company also has talent resources in this field, so Xiao Yao also handed over the sound effects to Tongluo's technicians. After Xiao Yao made the initial original dubbing for the characters, the technicians of Tongluo company also completed the production of sound effects in the production of images.

The initial soundtrack and sound effects are available, and now these video materials, that is, only the soundtrack, are completely blank

although there is no production of soundtrack, such video materials seem to have poor effect, but they can better show the story of the film. Huang Shi and He Ying are both senior actors. They haven't seen the video material before the release or broadcast. Their judgment ability in this aspect is far beyond that of ordinary people. They can make a basic evaluation and standard judgment on this animated film through such material.

It is said that Xiao Yao is not only the investor, but also the director and screenwriter of this animated film. Huang Shi and He Ying are more interested in this animated film than before. Even if there is no soundtrack video material, they are very serious and devoted.

Xiao Yao has a reputation as a genius. Their expectation for Xiao Yao to make this film after more than two years is not low, but what they didn't expect is that after seeing the video materials of this animated film, they feel much better than they expected.

In terms of subject matter, this animated film is definitely a science fiction animated film. To do science fiction, whether it's film or novel, requires an extremely rich imagination. Whether it's a live action movie or an animated movie, it takes a certain amount of courage to dare to play science fiction. If you are careless, you will be criticized for nothing.

But in this animated film, whether it is the scene on the earth or in the spaceship in the future, it is very brilliant. Not to mention the exquisite pictures, all kinds of details also reflect a strong sense of science fiction, giving people a feeling at least not worse than those Hollywood Science Fiction animated films.

In terms of theme, this animated film is mainly about love, but the earth in ruins makes people think of environmental protection unconsciously, and the image and behavior of those human beings in the spaceship implicitly satirize some unhealthy lifestyles.

It's normal for young people to make a love movie, but in the atmosphere of love theme, they put forward these questions with great social significance in the form of concealment, which shows the creator's ambition and height on the ideological level. It's hard to believe that this is a script written by a young man in his early twenties. This is Xiao Yao's reputation for precocity and genius. Otherwise, Huang Shi and He Ying will doubt whether this play is really written by Xiao Yao.

Let two people feel surprised and unexpected, as well as the content of the role setting and form of expression, many new and very creative, characteristic place.

Robot can't make obvious facial expression, so it's very difficult to express emotion. This animated film takes robots as the protagonists to tell stories, which is very unexpected. I didn't expect that the two protagonists of robots designed by Xiao Yao are still two characters who don't even speak much.

There are many robots in people's mind that have language ability, that is, they can speak. But the two robots who are the protagonists in this movie seldom speak, which can be regarded as the least talkative of all the characters who can speak. The two protagonists are the least talkative characters in the whole movie, and they are also robots that are difficult to make obvious facial expressions. This kind of setting is extremely rare in both live action movies and animated movies. At least Huang Shi and He Ying have never seen such movies.

This kind of almost speechless robot's persona setting is likely to make people feel bored. It seems that it has a great risk. But after looking at it, Huang Shi and He Ying find that this kind of setting makes them have a lot of fun when they watch it.

First, they found that they could still feel the emotional expression of the two protagonists in the movie. In the movie, the robot's emotion is well expressed through the different shapes of the robot's eyes and some simple hand movements, which makes people seem to see the expression.

In addition, even if the protagonist doesn't speak, there is no soundtrack for these materials. They don't feel bored at all. On the contrary, they feel very wonderful and interesting.

For example, in the first 50 minutes of the movie (40 minutes for the original version of the previous life, but more material is needed), there are only two robot characters and a completely speechless cockroach. In addition to a brief introduction of the name, the two robots basically did not speak, almost giving people the feeling of watching silent films. But it happened that the first 50 minutes were the most moving and interesting 50 minutes for He Ying and Huang Shi.In addition, the animated film also adds a real, live movie segment. There have been movies in the world that add animated characters to accompany performances in live action movies, but it is the first time in the world to add segments of other live action movies in an animated movie.

It's worth mentioning that in the original version of the movie, the part of the former CEO of BNL company was a live performance, but Xiao Yao didn't find a live performance. Instead, he changed the role into an animated character, just retained the real movie clips. Instead of the clip of Hello, Dolly, he used a classic American song and dance movie clip of the world. However, for Huang Shi and He Ying, who have not seen the original version of the previous life, just adding real movie clips is enough to make them feel surprised.

"Great After watching the video material, Huang Shi and He Ying sincerely applaud Xiao Yao.

Although Xiao Yao has written, directed and acted in short films and made many amazing MVS, long films, short films and MVs are different. It's a great thing for a young man in his early twenties to be able to make an animated film. However, Xiao Yao not only made an animated film, but also gave them a great shock in many ways. They have to sigh again that Xiao Yao is really a man who can't judge his ability and talent by his age The evildoer.

"Thank you for your compliment!" Xiao Yao laughed, "these are still materials, and there is still a lot of later work to do. In addition, you two should not just boast. If you feel anything wrong, you can also remind me. It's easier for us to change while we haven't done it yet. "

"Director Xiao, as a director and screenwriter, you are not my junior." Huang Shi said with a smile, "I think it's great. There's nothing to change."

"What about sister He Ying?" Xiao Yao looks at He Ying again.

"There's nothing wrong with movies, but I have a problem myself." He yingdao.

"What's the problem?" Xiao Yao and Huang Shi both look at He Ying.

"You said I should be the heroine, didn't you?" He Ying said with a smile, "but the heroine of this movie is eva robot, it seems that there are few words from the beginning to the end. Is my task too easy?"

"You want to play another part?" Xiao Yao asked.

"It's not," he said. "This role is very cute. I like it very much. I won't change it with others. But with just a few words, I feel sorry to ask you to pay for it. I'd better follow what I said in the program that time. This time, I'll be a guest star at that time, and I'll help you play this role for free. "

"Yo, He Ying, you saved money for this guy?" Huang Shi said with a smile, "this guy is so famous now, and he has shares in several companies under his name. Why do you need you to save him a little money? If you want it, you have to! "

"Brother Huang Shi, are you still my brother?" Xiao Yao looks at Huang Shidao deliberately.

"As far as I know, when you helped Xiao Yao to make that short film a few years ago, you were also a zero pay actor. Why didn't you ask him for payment at that time?" He Ying looks at Huang Shi with a smile.

"We're not in the same situation." Huang Shi said, "I didn't want it that time. He said in advance that he didn't get paid and asked me to help voluntarily. Besides, at that time, he was not as famous as he is now. He did not engage in fashion brands with Yin Xi. He did not invent a hand dish company. I didn't know that he had shares in a model company. "

"Also," Huang Shi continued, "the investment he made in that film was all his own savings. He didn't ask his family for money. After the short film is made, I can't go to the court. There's no business prospect and no return. I'm sorry to mention money to him. And I'm not completely paid for my role. Later, he won a prize in France for his short film and sold the copyright to the video website. He also paid me for it. "

"But I heard him say that he has invested his income in this animated film in the past two years." He Ying said, "we all know that making animated films costs a lot of money. When you see this animated film, there are only two investors, except for Mr. Tong's company, which I have never heard of."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tong, I don't mean any offense," He Ying said to Tong Luo, "but I'm also in this circle, but I haven't heard of you and your company's name, so I guess your company is not a powerful company."

"It's OK," Tong Luo said with a smile, waving his hand, "you're right. My company used to do CG animation and special effects for game companies. It's really not a famous company. Xiao Yao is the biggest investor in this movie, and accounts for more than me. "

"So I think Xiao Yao has really invested his savings in this animated film in the past two years." He Ying then said, "apart from the production of a film, the cost of publicity is not small. It's a good film, and I hope it will be well publicized in the future. I'd better keep my share of the reward and spend it on publicity. In addition, if you have any difficulties in publicity funds at that time, you can come to me and I will do my best. ""You really don't have any other investors in this movie?" Huang Shi is so said by He Ying, also thought of the problem of investment, turned to ask Xiao Yao. In terms of the effect of these materials, it's hard to believe that it can be supported by the funds of an individual and an unknown small special effects company.

"Not really." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"Can you tell me the cost of production?" Huang Shi asked again, but after asking, Huang Shi immediately added, "it's not convenient."

"It's estimated that the total amount is less than 200 million yuan," Xiao Yao and Tong Luo said after looking at each other, giving a rough figure. "At present, more than 100 million yuan has been spent."

The original animated film of the previous life was released in 2008, while Xiao Yao's film was only produced in 2018. In horizontal comparison, the production time is at least ten years late. In addition, the development of science and technology in the world is slightly ahead of that in previous generations. In 2008, many previous generations were still the leading animation technology in the United States. In this world, the 18 years are not only unique in the United States, but also not the leading technology mastered by any big company even in other countries.

In addition to reducing the technical cost, the labor cost of Tongluo's Huaxia special effects company is certainly much lower than that of Pixar studio in the United States.

The director, screenwriter, character image design and soundtrack of this animated film are all completed by Xiao Yao himself. Although these are converted into costs, at least in terms of communication and liaison, they are always saved.

In addition, dubbing, editing and other post production personnel will also be in China, and the cost of these aspects is greatly reduced.

There is also a gap in the amount of material production. The original version of the previous life was made according to the general film process, and there must be a lot of material cut out during editing. Xiao Yao has a film in his mind, and only about two hours of material was produced in a film of more than 90 minutes, so the cost saved in this respect is not a bit.

Animated movies are really expensive. The official production cost of the original animated film is 180 million US dollars. With the above advantages, Xiao Yao controls the production cost of the animated film within 200 million RMB.

"It sounds like a lot, but it's much less than I expected." Huang Shi said, "but in that case, you have at least invested tens of millions? If there are difficulties in financing and I need to invest, I can count on it as well. "

"I don't think so." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "I will do the soundtrack in the later stage. In terms of publicity, we must find the distribution company. That's their business. It's the cost of the film, not the cost of our producers. In addition, we can do pre-sale overseas. "

"Don't talk about your money. I haven't even moved my money." Xiao Yao continued, "in fact, at the beginning, we thought about looking for investors, but later we found that we could stick to it, so we didn't look for investors any more. Don't talk about other investors. Didn't you find out? We don't even have ad placement in this movie. "

The closest time Xiao Yao made this animated film was when he invested in BMW. After that trip to Germany, he planned to add a few vehicle scenes with BMW logo in the garbage dump of the earth in front of the animated film, and then ask for the sponsorship of BMW. However, after finding that the financial support could come down, Xiao Yao finally gave up the idea and decided to make a more "pure" film.

"Yes," Huang Shi suddenly said, "so I found that there was no advertisement in this movie! It's the first time I've seen you make a movie like this. "

"Is it some kind of mental cleanliness Huang Shi said with a smile.

"That's just a little bit." Xiao Yao hesitated and nodded.

Although the production cost of the previous animated film was as high as 180 million US dollars, the global box office also reached more than 500 million US dollars, which is not a loss from the box office alone. The film market in 2020 is much higher than that in 2008. Although Xiao Yao didn't expect that the box office of his animated film would reach as much as 500 million US dollars, the cost of 200 million RMB is basically guaranteed. Xiao Yao tries not to make other investments, but to ensure that his investment accounts for the majority in order to obtain greater economic benefits in the future.

Of course, these words are certainly not suitable to talk to Huang Shiming right now, and Xiao Yao's first film does have some ideas of spiritual cleanliness. He hopes that the fewer people who participate in the film, the better, and the greater the proportion of himself in the film, the better. So he agrees with Huang Shi's words.