Xiao Yao spent an extra day in southern Hunan not only because he wanted to watch Ye Jiaying's performance in the final of the final, but also because he wanted to wait for his guest Wu you to return to the city.

After helping Jiang Kailin complete the seventh issue of "singer", Xiao Yao's focus in the next two weeks is to prepare for the final of "sound in its place" in two weeks. Xiao Yao is very confident in his own performance, so when preparing for the final, the first thing he has to do is to cooperate with the assistant voice guests.

During this period of time, Wu you only had the recording task of "singer" and "sound in its place", and had no other work. Usually, Wu You's participation in these two programs is only on the day of recording, which must be in southern Hunan.

Although Wu you was there last week when Jiang Kailin and the film production team went to Shencheng to shoot life gags, it was only because Wu you, as an introducer, took Jiang Kailin to Shencheng to find Xiao Yao the day before, and he was already in Shencheng. She also wanted to see what the song Xiao Yao had prepared for Jiang Kailin looked like, so she didn't go back by herself. In fact, the singer's daily gags do not require the participation of the program agents of the competing guests.

So, the day after the recording of the seventh episode of "sound in its realm", Xiao Yao took Wu you back to Shencheng. According to Xiao Yao, although he asked Wu you to help him become a guest of the finals, in view of his student status, he still had to ask Wu you to rehearse with him when he went back to Shencheng. Of course, Wu you has no opinion about it. After all, Xiao Yao has his own recording studio in Shencheng, and the practice place is much better than that in southern Hunan.

It was almost noon when Xiao Yao and Wu you arrived in Shencheng. After inviting Wu you to lunch, Xiao Yao didn't rehearse with Wu you that afternoon or evening. Instead, he arranged a hotel for Wu you and asked her to have a rest in the hotel for one day and start rehearsing the next day.

Xiao Yao has initially selected several video clips, but has not made a final decision. So on the afternoon and evening when she arrived in Shencheng, Wu you didn't have any other tasks except rest. She also needed to watch the video clips Xiao Yao sent her, and choose the ones she thought were appropriate and sure. Before the rehearsal started tomorrow, they had to discuss and determine the clips they wanted to perform together.

Although Wu you is a student of the new sound class of "sound in its territory" and participated in the recording of the program, she is not very clear about what happened backstage and in the dubbing room, and she is also quite curious about those things. The evening of that day is the broadcast time of the fifth program of "sound in its place". Since there is no need to rehearse, Wu you carefully read the clips Xiao Yao sent her in the afternoon and made a preliminary decision in his heart. In the evening, Wu you didn't go out to play. Instead, he watched the fifth issue of sound in front of the TV in the hotel room.

This evening, it was not only Wu you who watched the fifth issue of "sound comes to the scene" on TV, but also many ordinary viewers who had been waiting for a long time.

After the fermentation of four programs, "sound in its place" has become a phenomenal program in China during this period. The score of this program on the rating website is more than nine points, and its reputation is very good. This program is different from other programs. The most important point and the audience's favorite point is that the guests of this program are not traffic stars, but real old actors and powerful actors with super strength. All the performances of these powerful groups are admired by the audience. Therefore, after only four episodes of the program, the program has a large number of loyal audiences and fans.

At the beginning of the program, the audience was shocked. There is no other reason. The first guest on TV in this program is Xiao Yao in his early twenties.

"I'll go! Xiao Yao's on the sound of its territory Today's social networking software and we media are very developed. When Xiao Yao appeared, the audience immediately took out their mobile phones and released this amazing news to the Internet.

As soon as the news came out on the Internet, many netizens who didn't watch the program turned on the TV and tuned to Xiangnan satellite TV to watch the sound of the scene. The audience rating of this program is good. Because of this news, the audience rating has gone up again.

For the audience rating, the premiere of the program is only on Xiangnan satellite TV, and the video website has to lag a little bit. Generally, it will not go online until it is finished on TV. Due to the lack of comments and bullet screens on video websites, which can be a platform for watching and discussing at the same time, although the TV viewers feel very surprised and surprised at Xiao Yao's appearance as a guest in the competition of "sound approaching its territory", they also have some doubts in their hearts, but they are basically busy watching TV, most of which is sending messages, and they don't form too many conflicts on the Internet Discussion.

The biggest feature of this program is professional, the guests are very powerful, there is no pure traffic star. Although Xiao Yao is not a pure flow star, but he is not recognized as the strength of the school, can be called the backbone of the actor.

In terms of music, Xiao Yao is now recognized as an excellent singer and a powerful music genius. However, in terms of acting and dubbing, although Xiao Yao has also won a TV Newcomer Award, many people don't have much faith in his strength because his works are too few. Although he did very well in 127 Hours, which was released only two months ago, most people just think that he has great potential in acting, and he is not a strong school.Therefore, many viewers come to see this program with doubts about Xiao Yao and worries about the quality and effect of the program.

However, with the broadcast of the program, we are surprised to find that Xiao Yao's performance in the program is not inferior to that of the other three powerful actors, and even has a better appearance.

First of all, Xiao Yao's performance is the most eye-catching in the inter dubbing interaction before the program recording.

Zhou Xiao said that he was partial to himself and that he was sent by the sponsor's father to make soy sauce. Twice, Zhou Xiao, the assistant of the sound of the pit. Chatting with Huang Shi about his name reminds people of his short films. He has similar childhood experiences with Li Zhenxing, an old man. Chatting with Zhao Wenxin revealed that he had an acquaintance with Zhao Wenxin when he was a child. Not only did he go to EVA show as a backstage photographer when he was ten years old, but also he went to see stage plays on Broadway. What's more, Huang Shi revealed that he had played in commercial dramas when he was eight years old.

This passage not only strengthens the rationality of Xiao Yao's being invited to participate in this program (he has played a commercial drama since he was eight years old), but also makes him gain a lot of favor from the audience of this program.

In the opening stage, Xiao Yao unexpectedly uses Cantonese to make the sound. Because there are subtitles when the TV is broadcast, and the program team has done Mandarin translation for some words, the Cantonese monologue is not difficult for most of the audience to understand. In terms of voice, Xiao Yao is no worse than the other three, while in terms of content, his monologue is obviously more touching and better than the other three. In the later interaction with the host on the stage and the students of Xinsheng class, Xiao Yao spoke fluent Cantonese all the way to communicate with him, showing his language talent.

Of course, let the audience feel that Xiao Yao's language talent is not only Cantonese, but also the translation of Zhao Wenxin's five languages. After all, Xiao Yao has written and sung Cantonese songs. It's not unusual for him to know Cantonese, but he didn't expect to speak it so well. Zhao Wenxin can translate the five languages, but it really shocked all the audience. When I saw that place, some of the audience also sorted out Xiao Yao's foreign language level in their hearts.

Of course, English is needless to say. He worked as an exchange student in the United States for a whole year, and then he went to the United States. French, which he showed when he was a freshman in high school, but he said two words at that time. German. When he visited the BMW Museum in Germany in the first half of last year, he made a live broadcast, which also showed that he knew German. In Spanish, he has a Spanish song starred in MV by 12 models. What about Russian and Portuguese? Xiao Yao never showed it.

Zhao Wenxin is over 40 years old and has more than ten years of experience in Europe and the United States. It's shocking that he can speak so many foreign languages. In his early twenties, Xiao Yao, who studies in China most of the time, can speak so many foreign languages? No, maybe not. In the live webcast before the "singer" final that year, when Xiao Yao chatted with Chen Beila, he also said that his song "seve" contained Swahili, which was the language of Africa! In this way, isn't it possible that Xiao Yao knows more foreign languages than Zhao Wenxin?

Although this is not a program that knows more foreign languages than anyone else, the talent display will undoubtedly give the guests extra points. Before the stage of formal performance, Xiao Yao has made many viewers in front of the TV forget to question whether he is qualified for the program, and he has begun to circle fans.

In the first round of the two performances, Xiao Yao's performance is not weak. In these two performances, Xiao Yao did not use Mandarin segments, which continued to show his language talent, but not just his language talent.

In the first dubbing, Xiao Yao showed a very strong imitation ability. Although both characters speak English, not only the accents of the characters are very different, but the voices of the two actors are also very distinctive. Xiao Yao can imitate them perfectly.

In the second dubbing, Xiao Yao chooses a classic Hong Kong Island love movie. No matter the standard of Cantonese pronunciation, or the gentle and affectionate expression of emotion, they are very consistent with the original version, which is undoubtedly very good. However, because of the monologue in the bright stage and his experience of communicating with the people on the stage below in Cantonese, it's not too surprising for Xiao Yao to complete this dubbing to this effect, and it's less surprising. But what we never expected was that the screen in the dubbing room suddenly went black at this time. Xiao Yao actually finished the dubbing behind the screen in black, and still matched perfectly, which surprised many viewers in front of the TV.

As for the black screen, some of the audience subconsciously felt that it was a deliberate effect made by the program team. Some even thought that there was no black screen at all when Xiao Yao was dubbing. It was completely edited in the late stage. However, considering that there are three other powerful talents sitting in the dubbing room, they can also see the dubbing screen, so most of the audience think that this situation is not very likely. More likely, at most, the black screen was deliberately arranged by the program team. Xiao Yao was told in advance and asked to practice dubbing on the black screen in advance.

Of course, the number of viewers who hold the latter idea is not too large. Because even if I let you practice in advance, not everyone can guarantee that there will be no problem in dubbing to the black screen.

This kind of competition program is usually recorded once and will not record the same segment repeatedly. If there is a re recording, it will be unfair to other guests. Other guests and the audience may disclose the re recording. In order to play this kind of fake for Xiao Yao, who has already performed well, once it is leaked, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of the program. Just like Xiao Yao's microphone failure on the singer, it is too risky to make the scene of a big car accident. Neither the program group nor the guests dare to try it easily.In this way, many audiences may think that Xiao Yao's acting skills are not as good as other predecessors, but only from the first round of performance, most of the audience think that Xiao Yao is the most amazing of the four.

After Xiao Yao was invited to the stage by the students of Xinsheng class, his interaction with the scene was also very interesting.

The interaction with Lu Manqing, the teacher of our school, shows his naughty and clever. The interaction with the students and the host of the new sound class shows his humor. Answering questions shows his specialty. Performing narration shows his voice charm again. Being asked to sing but insisting on not singing shows his character. Of course, the most important thing is that the style of saying three paragraphs of narration and only two paragraphs of narration in the performance once again showed the "shamelessness" of his canvassing methods. Such a wave down, the audience's favor for Xiao Yao also further increased.

Before the start of the second round of performance, Xiao Yao's refusal to exchange manuscripts with Huang Shi and his initiative to exchange manuscripts with Li Zhenxing made the audience feel more impressed with Xiao Yao.

Huang Shi must have the best relationship with Xiao Yao among the guests. What he has in his hand is the music channel manuscript, that is, singing, which is Xiao Yao's strongest item and the best opportunity to perform, but he didn't change it. The sports manuscripts in Li Zhenxing's hands may not be difficult for Xiao Yao, who has done football commentary in the live network, but Li Zhenxing, an old man, is his competitor. It's also very rare for him to help so simply. So, the audience looked up at the character of this seemingly small and big monster.

In the second round of performance, Xiao Yao's football commentary in the first paragraph was very wonderful. The speed and rhythm of the commentary, as well as the familiarity with the names of super long players, were quite shocking.

If some other guests say this, it may surprise most of the audience in front of the TV. However, when Xiao Yao was the host of singer, he showed his super fast speaking speed, explained the football match in the live broadcast on the Internet, and rushed into the field to give the goalkeeper a hat when watching the football at Allianz stadium. Obviously, he is a very senior fan, so he has a trace to follow. In addition to the shock, the unexpected feeling of the audience is relatively less.

Therefore, from the second round of performance, the performances of the four guests have their own characteristics, which are very good. Although Xiao Yao's performance was wonderful enough, it didn't make the audience feel much better than the other three guests.

When the last round of the sound show was the clip of "Ling Yunzhi", two of the four guests were actors of the original version of "Ling Yunzhi", but none of them played their own roles, which also made the audience feel very interesting. After listening to the introduction of the role assignment of the four people, the audience's expectation is even greater. They all want to see what kind of scene Xiao Yao, the "Chengying" in that year, would play "king Qi" in front of Huang Shi, the "king Qi".

The performance of the four guests in the last round did not disappoint the audience, including the youngest Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao, who plays "king Qi" in front of the original "king Qi", has no stage fright at all. He quickly enters the role from the beginning of his appearance, and soon makes the audience forget the original "king Qi" in their mind for a while, and is brought into the plot of this stage play by his performance.

After the end of the sound show, most of the audience's doubts about whether Xiao Yao is qualified to participate in the program have been thrown out of the air. No matter what kind of achievement Xiao Yao gets in the end, most of the audience feel that Xiao Yao's performance in this program will definitely not delay the program.

When the final vote came out, all the audience were shocked. No one thought that the champion of this period would be won by Xiao Yao, who is only in his early twenties. But most of the audience think about the whole program, and then suddenly feel that this result seems to be quite normal. If they were the audience, I'm afraid they would vote for Xiao Yao.

Therefore, after the broadcast of this program, Xiao Yao has a new name - "xiaoxigu"!