When Xiao Yao was a child, he mixed with many troupes. When he grew up, he directed short films and MVS, and acted in films and TV dramas. He was very familiar with the operation of the camera, but it was no problem to be a cameraman himself. The year before last, Hong Wei's cameramen were not found. Now he has seen two reality TV shows with follow-up. He has a better understanding of his position and status when working with the cameramen, and there is no problem in hiding from Shazhou.

After Jiang Kailin found out that Xiao Yao didn't come in with her, she found that Xiao Yao pretended to be her photographer. However, Jiang Kailin didn't expose Xiao Yao on the spot. Guessing that Xiao Yao didn't want to be exposed in front of the sandbank, Jiang Kailin didn't talk to the sandbank for a long time. After a polite greeting, she said goodbye to the sandbank temporarily and returned to her lounge with her team.

After returning to the rest room, Xiao Yao returned the camera to Jiang Kailin and the cameraman of the shooting team, and sat down in the corner of the room with a make-up box. Whenever other singers come to visit Jiang Kailin's lounge, Xiao Yao picks up the make-up box, puts it on his leg, opens it, and lowers his head to fiddle with the cosmetics inside, but no one finds it.

An hour before the recording began, all the singers arrived and the rehearsal was over. The staff of the program team came in and informed Jiang Kailin to go down to the first floor to gather and draw lots.

This time, instead of pretending to go with the photographer, Xiao Yao stayed alone in the lounge waiting for Jiang Kailin.

Some time later, Jiang Kailin and Wu you came back with the follow-up team. After coming in, Jiang Kailin also gave Xiao Yaoliang his signature. In this game, Jiang Kailin came in fourth place, which is also a very good ranking. In addition to Jiang Kailin's own drawing order, Wu you also told Xiao Yao about the appearance order of several other singers.

After confirming the order of appearance, the singers begin to prepare for the appearance. Jiang Kailin first went to the dressing room to put on her performance clothes, then sat down at the dressing table and asked Xiao Yao to make up for her. During this time, no other singer came to visit, Xiao Yao also stayed safely until the beginning of the recording.

After the recording started, the TV in the rest rooms was also turned on. Jiang Kailin is the fourth to appear. In the first two and a half performances, Xiao Yao and Jiang Kailin watched the live broadcast on TV in the rest room.

"By the way, I've seen all the programs in front of this season, and I always have a little question in my heart," Xiao Yao asked Wu you after seeing the host's introduction. "Why is the host of this season not called the host, but called the crosstalk speaker instead?"

"Not because of you!" Wu you said with a smile, "how can there be so many people in the singers who can speak Mandarin, speak tongue twisters, and host without writing? With you pestering in front, other singers are embarrassed to call themselves hosts, so the program team will change its name to "crosstalk speaker", otherwise, I'm afraid we won't find any guests willing to be guest hosts. "

"This is my pot?" Xiao Yao pointed to himself in surprise and said, "the hosts in this program are all guest singers! Guest hosts, who will use the standards of professional hosts to ask them? "

"You won't, netizens will!" Wu said, "you don't care, but some people may care!"

The tradition of "singer" is to let the singers who participate in the competition guest host the introduction, and this season is no exception. However, because of the excellent performance of Xiao Yao's guest host in the previous year's program, last year, two competing hosts were invited to make complaints about the difference between Shaw and Yao Xiao. In the programs before the final finals, those introduced by the guest stars of the competing singers are not called hosts, but are called program presenters instead.

"But your co speakers this season are not the most standard Putonghua singers this season!" Xiao Yao pointed to the TV screen.

The first speaker of this season is a female singer named Lin Huijun from Baodao. Her Mandarin is quite standard, and her accent has the special flavor of Baodao girls, which is also very distinctive. At present, the program has been recorded to the seventh issue, as the first singer, she has not been eliminated, so the crosstalk speaker of today's competition is still her.

"It's not the host, and there's no need to find the most standard Mandarin!" Wu you said with a smile.

"Cut ~ you choose guest host is not to speak Putonghua standard as the primary consideration." Xiao Yao said, "do netizens' comments have such a big impact? It's very unkind of you to change your name to Hu, which is a gimmick along with the program's version change, but throw the pot on my head

While they were chatting, Lin Huijun on the stage finished her opening speech and began to introduce the competition song of the first singer.

"Next, let's introduce the first competing singer. The song he brought to you tonight has a lot to do with our program. This song first appeared on the stage of our program, the year before last! " Lin Huijun looked at the card and said.

"The year before last, he made his first appearance on our program? That must be your song Wu you turned to Xiao Yao and said, "can you guess which song it is?"

During the recording of "singer" last year, the program team contacted Xiao Yao for the performance rights of his songs in order to compete as a singer. Xiao Yao doesn't have any opinions on the singer's cover up of his own songs in this program. In order to avoid the trouble of talking about one song, he simply authorized the program team with the copyright of all the songs under his name. Pay for a song with a song, just pay directly. In last year's "singer", there was a singer who covered Xiao Yao's song, so in theory, Xiao Yao didn't know which song Xiao Yao's first competing singer was going to sing."Most of the songs suitable for him are Li Ren!" Xiao Yao looked at Wu you and said, "what I am more concerned about is that this is not arranged by your program group on purpose, right? Does he know I'm coming today? "

The first contestant is a male singer from Baodao, named Li Chuanze, who is in his forties this year. His most popular time was more than ten years ago. He has been quiet for more than ten years, so his representative works are not too many. Only three or four of them are familiar to mainland audiences. Xiao Yao didn't see him in private, but he knew him after listening to his songs. In terms of his singing style, the song that Xiao Yao sang in "singer" the year before last is the most suitable one for him to sing is "Li Ren", which is not hard to guess.

Xiao Yao is more concerned about whether Li Chuanze's songs are inspired by the program. After all, Jiang Kailin's film crew went to Shencheng to shoot daily trivia. Even if they didn't know he would come to the scene of singer, they knew Jiang Kailin was going to sing the new song Xiao Yao wrote for her. After the broadcast of this issue, Xiao Yao will definitely become a topic of "singer", and other singers can also enjoy his old songs. This is good for the program group and the singer himself.

"I don't know, but I don't think so." Wu you shook his head and said, "just now we talked to Ellie and Jiang Jun about you. They didn't look like they knew you were coming. If the program group only tells some singers, it will not only tell Li Chuanze but not Shazhou teacher who has a better relationship with you. If Shazhou teacher knew you were coming, she would know you were with Kailin. When you installed a cameraman just now, it should not be so easy to hide it. "

"So it is Xiao Yao nodded and was relieved.

If Li Chuanze is the only one to sing his songs, it's nothing. Last year's singer also adapted Xiao Yao's songs. Xiao Yao is worried about another special concert of Xiao Yao's works in the "singer" program, or when he appears on the "singer" stage.

"Applause, let's welcome the first singer to compete in the performance of" leaving people! " Lin Huijun turns back and points to the back of the stage.

"It's really" leaving people! " Jiang Kailin clapped her hands and said with a smile.

"Do you know one of the most famous cover versions of my song Li Ren?" Xiao Yao suddenly remembered something and asked Jiang Kailin with a smile.

"Ah? I don't know! " Jiang Kailin shook her head.

"The majority of netizens and water friends, civil engineering class three of the students Chen is fake, Li Chuanze big brother sing" leave people "is true Xiao Yao turned to look at the camera lens.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Kailin asked with a puzzled face, "what's Chen from class three of civil engineering?"

"Some time ago, there was a hot topic on the Internet. An Internet anchor pretended to be a girl and went to treat a boy who was said to be a scum man. As a result, the scum man sang the song" leaving people ". On the contrary, he conquered the anchor and many netizens. Some people said that the classmate was better than my original singer!" Xiao Yao said, "the so-called slag man is a student surnamed Chen in class three of civil engineering in a certain school. It is said that there is also a brokerage company that wants to sign a contract with him to make his debut. "

"And such things?" Jiang Kailin and Wu you both asked, "really?"

"What, really? Network marketing, there is only hype script! " Xiao Yao said with a smile, "but as a topic, it's quite fun. It's already a web blocker. After this program goes online on the video website, there will be a saying in the barrage that "classmate Chen is a stem!"

In the meantime, Li Chuanze has appeared on the stage and the band is ready. The prelude music of the song came out on TV, and everyone was quiet, watching Li Chuanze's performance attentively.

Li Chuanze has made a lot of changes in the arrangement, music and performance of the song. In the performance, the whistle in Xiao Yao's original version is gone, and in the music arrangement, the most characteristic Saxophone accompaniment is changed to violin accompaniment. In addition, his age is quite different from Xiao Yao, and his timbre is different from Xiao Yao, so his song is quite different from Xiao Yao's original version, which gives the audience a different experience.

Although it is different from Xiao Yao's version, Li Chuanze's version is also very enjoyable, and the overall effect is very good.

"Good singer! How steady! It sounds so comfortable! " After Li Chuanze finished singing, Xiao Yao also applauded.

Li Chuanze left the stage amid the cheers of the audience, and Lin Huijun, the co speaker, returned to the stage.

"Thank you, brother chuanzege. His performance just now is really wonderful!" After returning to the stage, Lin Huijun praised Li Chuanze's performance and introduced the second competing singer, "the next competing singer brought you a very special song. This is a song of two dimensions

"Second dimension? Teacher Sha Chau Xiao Yao looked at the TV screen in surprise, then shook his head and said, "I can't imagine! Shazhou teacher is more and more able to play

Xiao Yao knows that after Li Chuanze, Shazhou, his old acquaintance, is the second one to appear.

"And this song is not only a two-dimensional song, but also a virtual human voice composed by computer. Its name is" bell bottoms "!" Lin Huijun then introduced the song, turned and waved, "let's invite the next competing singer.""I'll go!" Xiao Yao said with a smile to the camera lens, "teacher Shazhou, you are going to become a new generation of male god of bullet screen! And congratulations on joining the ghost animal star family

"Duan you's going out to fight, there's no grass left! Let's all act quickly! " Xiao Yao finally clenched his fist.

The two worlds are the same in many places. This world also has VOCALOID, but the virtual singers it creates are not Chu Yin future and Luo Tianyi, but other images and names.

"Bell bottoms" is a song of the Chinese Virtual singer in this world. Bell bottoms is a popular symbol of China in the 1980s and 1990s. This name alone is very attractive. The lyrics of this song are very simple and interesting, and the melody is also very brainwashing. It is definitely a two-dimensional brainwashing Divine Song. After it was released on the bullet screen website last year, the song was extremely popular on the Internet and among young people. Last year, a famous singer in the traditional entertainment circle even performed the song at the new year's Eve Party of Xiangnan satellite TV.

It's not the first time that this song has been covered by a traditional singer, but the one who sang it at the new year's Eve Party of Xiangnan satellite TV is a young female singer who is "very good at playing". As a traditional male singer over 40 years old, Shazhou's cover song is more attractive than that of the young female singer.

As a network anchor, Xiao Yao, who has seen many live barrages and is also very familiar with barrage websites, is very clear about the temperament of a certain group of netizens. No matter what Sha Zhou adapts this brainwashing divine song into, as long as he sings this song on "singer", his singing video will appear on the barrage website for the first time, and then countless ghost animal versions will be produced by netizens.

"Do you want teacher Shazhou to become a popular teacher?" Wu you said with a smile.

"Do I have a generation gap with you?" Jiang Kailin covered her forehead and said, "why can't I understand what you're saying?"

"These are all Internet blockers, too." Wu you said to Jiang Kailin with a smile, "Xiao Yao has been an Internet anchor. The number of interactions with netizens is not comparable to that of ordinary performing stars. He knows much more about internet jokes and Internet stalks than other performing stars. Some things you don't know, some words you don't understand are normal

"Yes," Xiao Yao said with a smile, "I'm talking to netizens. Netizens can understand what I'm talking about! You always have to find something interesting to do when you come to the program. If you have nothing to do, throw out some obstacles and strive to make the video of this program the one with the largest number of bullet screens on the video website after it goes online. "