On the first day, after running several cinemas in Yanjing, it was already late at night. Because the distributor ordered tickets for the roadshow team that night, we didn't go back to the hotel to have a rest at this time. Instead, we rushed to the airport overnight and flew to Xi'an, the next city for the roadshow.

When the roadshow team arrived in Xi'an, it was already the early morning of the next day. When they walked out of the passenger passage of the airport, the staff in Xi'an had been waiting for everyone in the reception hall.

There is only one team participating in the roadshow, but the distributor and the propagandist have staff in each roadshow city. These staff members are not only responsible for the roadshow itinerary and reception work of the roadshow team in the city, but also communicate with each other and link up their work.

The staff in Xi'an knew that the roadshow team rushed to the airport after the roadshow in Yanjing, and there was no time to have a midnight snack. Everyone on the plane might be sleeping and probably didn't eat anything, so they also reserved an all night restaurant in Xi'an in advance. After receiving the roadshow team, the staff proposed to take everyone to a midnight snack first.

However, it's early in the morning. Most of the people in the roadshow team are not in a good mental state. They don't have the interest of going out for a snack. They just want to go to the hotel to sleep. Ye Jiaying also declined the hospitality and asked them to send everyone to the hotel to have a rest.

After arriving at the hotel, most of the people went into the room to simply wash and then fell asleep, except that some of them were so hungry that they made instant noodles or went out to the night stand to fill their stomachs.

The next day's roadshow, the itinerary is still very compact. The six cinemas arranged were finished in the middle of the night. But at this stop, the distributor ordered you tickets for tomorrow morning. After that, you didn't have to rush to the airport. Instead, you found a place to have a good supper, and then went to the hotel to have a rest.

The time of the roadshow is tight, and most of the tickets are not regular time tickets. Generally, they are either evening or morning shifts. The roadshow team was a little relaxed the next day and had a good night snack at the cost of getting up early to catch the plane on the third day.

On the morning of the third day, when we yawned for days, we went through the check-in procedures, passed the security check, and entered the waiting area, we happened to encounter the flight delay. Boring sitting, coupled with poor spirit, many people in the team, regardless of their image, lay on the chairs in the waiting area and fell asleep.

When the flight of the roadshow team landed in the third stop of Chengdu, it was almost noon. Let alone go back to the hotel to have a rest. We didn't even care to have lunch, so we went straight to the roadshow cinema. This time, it's not only Ye Jiaying and Han Siying who make up in the car, but some even eat dry food for lunch.

The next stop after Chengdu is mountain city. Geographically, the two cities are located in Sichuan Province, only about 300 kilometers apart. It takes only two hours by high-speed rail, which is not much different from flying. The security procedures of the railway station are much simpler than those of the airport, so the transportation arranged by the distributor for the roadshow team has changed from airplane to high-speed railway. In the morning of the fourth day, a group of people rushed to the railway station.

The fourth day's journey was relatively smooth, but the road to the mountain city was not easy to walk. Six or seven cinemas ran down, and they were also very good.

On the fifth day, they arrived at Jiangcheng, the fifth stop. The plane was not late, but on the way to the cinema, there was a big traffic jam and it took me more than an hour. Originally a little relaxed, then a little bit of the journey has become extremely tense. We arrived at each cinema later than planned. When we met at the roadshow, we didn't say anything, so we apologized to the audience first. The distributor and the propagandist are even preparing to cancel the roadshow of one cinema temporarily. However, with the efforts of all of them, even though they arrived quite late, they finally managed to run to several theaters that had been arranged in advance.

On the sixth day in Yangcheng, there was a rainstorm, and the group was made miserable again. They also finished all the cinemas later than expected.

On the seventh day, in Hangzhou, there was a traffic jam again. What I didn't say is that I'm late and I'm in a hurry.

On the eighth day in Jinling, there was no accident at all. We finished the whole race in the expected time.

On the ninth day in Shencheng, I arrived at Xiao Yao's home. Xiao Yao acted as a guide, took the whole team through the streets, perfectly avoided all the traffic jams, and completed the road show without any delay.

Although the roadshow process is very hard, but everyone's performance is very professional. Although there are all kinds of complaints on the way, once you enter the screening hall, you will be full of energy and face the audience with the best appearance.

At the same time of roadshow, we are also paying close attention to the performance of the film at the box office and word-of-mouth. Generally speaking, the performance of the film in box office and word of mouth is very good, even better than most people expected.

The film premiered in the early hours of Friday, and it made more than 10 million box office receipts on the day of its premiere. Next Saturday and Sunday, the box office exceeded 20 million. This is not a big production, and the subject matter is not particularly pleasant. The first three days of the movie, it received 60 million box office, which is a big surprise to Ye Jiaying and the whole team.In the next few days, the box office performance of the film was still strong, with a single day box office of more than 10 million, without much decline. By the end of the second weekend, the box office of the film also had a small rebound, and the one-day box office of the three days of the weekend once again exceeded 20 million.

When the roadshow team came back to Yanjing after the roadshow, the box office of the film, which had been on show for two weeks but only ten days, had already exceeded 170 million. For this film, which costs only over 20 million yuan to produce, only over 10 million yuan to publicize, and the genre is not particularly pleasing, the box office performance is now stable, and this is the result of the first ten days. Normally, there are still 20 days left for the film.

To achieve such a box office success, first of all, it is inseparable from publicity. Although the cost of publicizing and distributing the film is not very high, all the work is well done. As the first movie starring Xiao Yao, who has been at the forefront of the hot search list for a long time, has been quite attractive to the audience. Before and during the release of the movie, Xiao Yao once again became a topic character on the Internet, which is undoubtedly a great stimulus to the box office of the movie.

Before the release of the film, it was reported that Xiao Yao became a guest of this year's EVA show. This news not only made unexpected reporters and insiders appear at the premiere of the film, but also made many ordinary audiences walk into the cinema to see what the film starring the first Chinese star who will appear on the EVA show looks like.

In addition, Ye Jiaying and Xiao Yao took part in the recording of "day up" and "happy camp" together, and Xiao Yao took part in the recording of "running man" alone, all of which were broadcast on the weekend of the film's premiere. "Every day up" and "happy camp" two programs are OK, it is a more conventional means of publicity, also played the expected publicity effect. "Running man" is also a more conventional means of publicity, but the broadcast of this program, its effect is far more than expected.

In this issue of running man, there are too many highlights of Xiao Yao, which are the focus of the audience from the beginning to the end.

As soon as the first part of the game came out, many viewers felt that the game was specially prepared for Xiao Yao. Many viewers guessed that the result must be Xiao Yao's red team took the first place, but this process was beyond many audiences' expectation.

The first subject is mathematics, and the problem of ternary linear equations in junior high school is not very difficult for many viewers. However, Xiao Yao's super speed and super mental arithmetic ability surprised many viewers, and then exclaimed that this is the strength of senior high school to enter the Olympic team training. After that, when Xiao Yao played Ren bingnaomen, the sentence "Da Yi" made countless audiences laugh.

The second subject of reciting the text is Cao Bin's fighting, but Xiao Yao's gags when he interferes with others, especially when he recites the first lesson of the first semester of the first grade fluently, which makes the audience laugh and unconsciously recite together.

The first link, Xiao Yao's most brilliant or the third subject. At the same time to ensure that they take the first, but also really let the blue team fell to the last. This super ability of controlling the field makes the audience in front of the TV pay homage to it.

After the first link was broadcast, some dissatisfied voices appeared on the Internet. It is said that these are the intentional arrangements of the program team, which gave Xiao Yao the answers in advance, in order to highlight Xiao Yao.

However, the Internet soon appeared against the voice. It's ridiculous to say that the program team deliberately arranged well, but to give the answer ahead of time to highlight Xiao Yao. If you really want to highlight Xiao Yao, you won't let Cao Bin recite the text in the second subject. Reality shows may be fake, but Xiao Yao's college entrance examination results are not fake, entering the Olympic Mathematics National team training is not fake, and Xiao Yao's recitation of more than 1000 words a minute in the Shenxi art examination video is also not fake. If only Xiao Yao could recite the text. The effect is not so good, it will not cause doubt, and the program group is not stupid.

In the second part of the game, Xiao Yao is also the focus of the whole game. Guiding the students in the grandstand to play shows that he likes to play. Before the game starts, he shouts to the students' parents through the camera, which causes a lot of cheers from the online student party. When it comes to the game, Xiao Yao actually teaches the students next to him how to cheat the female star's embrace, which is an eye opener for the audience. After Xiao Yao was eliminated, he stepped on the back of the students to attack Kong Zheng, which made many audiences scream that he was blind.

In the third game, the part of guessing the song's name is always joyful, but Xiao Yao's performance is not outstanding. However, in the previous warm-up session, Xiao Yao's ability to draw a sketch on the spot surprised the audience.

The fourth game, Xiao Yao and Lu Hang's performance is the most attractive. Although it's not a regular game, Lu Hang's football skills have helped him win a place. Many viewers once again lament that Lu Hang is the best star in the entertainment circle. But as Lu hang himself said in the program, he did not dare to recognize the title. After Xiao Yao appeared, many audiences seemed to be hesitant to put the title on Lu Hang's head. Xiao Yao's footwork is not very good, but can the goalkeeper tell him that he can't play football? Is Xiao Yao really worse than Lu hang in his performance that is comparable to that of a professional goalkeeper and does not lose a goal?

The last step is to tear up the famous brand. Xiao Yao sneaked on the stage and tore off the strongest Chen Li, which surprised many audiences. Then, the behavior of pulling Zhou Yunshan into his team also made many game fans sigh with him, saying that Xiao Yao can still pick up girls in the game of reality TV. At the end of the one-on-one competition, Xiao Yao suddenly attacked Kong Zheng, which not only surprised the three MC on TV, but also surprised the audience. When Xiao Yao explained the reason, the audience suddenly realized. Looking back, this dramatic turn is not only very reasonable, but also has a variety effect.In this program, although Xiao Yao has many scenes from the beginning to the end, except for a few star fans, most of the audience are not disgusted with it. On the contrary, they feel that they haven't seen enough of it.

After watching this program, the audience felt that Xiao Yao was no better than any resident MC in terms of game playing ability and sense of variety. After the broadcast of this program, some fans of running man even yelled on the Internet, saying that they hoped the program team could add Xiao Yao to the resident MC lineup of the program.

The reason why running man is called the trump card program of Zhedong satellite TV is that in addition to the high ratings when it is broadcast, the broadcast volume on the video website is also very considerable.

After the broadcast of this program, many netizens have commented on it. When the video of this program goes online on the video website, the number of hits is also very considerable.

In just a few days, the video hits of this program exceeded 20 million times. Because of the time, although it can't compare with the number of hits in previous seasons, it has surpassed the previous programs of this season and become a hot video on video websites.

There are many people watching this program. At the end of the program, Xiao Yao and Cao Bin and other people's advertisements for the film are also seen by many people. After watching Xiao Yao's brilliant performance in reality TV, the audience naturally have great interest in Xiao Yao's first movie.

In addition to the publicity work done by the publisher, the propagandist and the main creative team, the box office performance of the film is also closely related to the film's word-of-mouth fermentation.

After the release of the film, several mainstream rating websites in China also showed the rating of the film. On tudou.com, which is similar to Douban, 127 Hours scored more than 3000 people 24 hours after its release, with a score of 7.6. Three days after the film was released, it scored more than 20000 people. With the increase of the number of scoring people, the score of the film slightly decreased, but the decline was not much, there was still 7.5 points.

This score doesn't seem to be very high, but it's definitely a high score for a director's maiden work who has transformed from an actor to a director. For those who are used to watching reviews and film ratings before going to the cinema, such a score is enough to let them go to the cinema to see the film.