We think that Xiao Yao has done enough. Considering that he will perform later, these fans who can't enter also cooperate very much. We are not only very orderly, but also very fast in signing or taking group photos. Before 7:30 p.m., Xiao Yao had already met the requirements of those fans who didn't buy tickets at the door to take a group photo and sign, and returned to the backstage of live house.

At 7:50 p.m., several musicians stepped onto the stage of live house and began to tune their musical instruments. The appearance of these people immediately attracted the attention of the audience below. As we all know, the performance is about to start, so we immediately put our eyes on the stage, and there are some sporadic shouts.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the lights in the live house changed and signaled the beginning of the performance to the audience. The audience below cheered.

The show really started. However, there was no introduction from the host, and there was no video clip on the back of the electronic screen wall. Xiao Yao came onto the stage with an acoustic guitar and appeared in front of the audience.

At this time, Xiao Yao's upper body is a red and Black Plaid shirt, his lower body is Khaki casual pants, and his feet are dark brown tooling boots. Although his image and dress are different from those when he was stamping at the door just now, on the whole, he is a more relaxed and casual daily dress.

"Oh ~" when Xiao Yao appeared, the cheers of the audience immediately increased.

"Hello, everyone! Welcome to my performance tonight. " Xiao Yao, with his guitar on his back, sat down on a high chair in front of the middle of the stage and waved to the audience in front of the microphone.

"Xiao Yao! Xiao Yao Then the audience called in unison.

"All right, all right, thank you!" Xiao Yao waved his hand, and when everyone's voice dropped, he continued with a smile, "today, I didn't invite the host. I didn't even have a narrator to introduce myself. I'll do the work of hosting and introducing myself. This will not only save money, but also allow me to chat with you more. Do you think that's good? "

"Good!" The audience below applauded.

"Well, I'll officially start." Xiao Yao said, "after I posted the microblog of this tour, many people left a message under my microblog. The most important thing is that tickets are sold out and can't be bought. It's a good thing that the tickets are sold out. Thank you first. For those who haven't bought tickets, I can only say sorry. " Said, Xiao Yao proud shrugged.

There was a hiss below.

"Don't those who have problems with me have no tickets? Don't all the people here buy tickets now? Why do you still boo me? " Xiao Yao pretended to be surprised and said, "are there any people who have not bought tickets? Well, the staff will check to see if there are people with or without tickets? Let's check the tickets again. The performance will be delayed for half an hour! "

"What? Whew ~ "this time, the hiss was even louder.

"All right, all right, you're kidding! Seriously Xiao Yao waved his hand with a smile and continued, "in addition to the ticket issue, there are people who ask questions in the microblog message. To sum up, I asked the following three questions: first, why live house tour is not held. Second, is there any new songs on this tour. Third, did the tour invite other singers as guests

There are only a few thousand tickets for Xiao Yao's nine performances, so he doesn't have to worry about selling them all. In the tour information of the ticketing website, Xiao Yao neither announced the repertoire of the performance, nor mentioned the guests, so after complaining that Xiao Yao couldn't get tickets for his performance, netizens asked the most about these two questions.

"The first problem is the time. The preparation time for the concert is relatively long. I don't have that long free time. Another reason is that I think the audio-visual experience in live house is better than that in the concert. Although the place is smaller and the number of people is smaller, the family is closer and the listening is more enjoyable." Xiao Yao himself replied, "the last two questions, there are both new songs and guests in today's first performance. As for whether there are any performances, we'll leave it to each performance. "

The first of these three questions is to complain. The answer is what can't be changed. The audience are more concerned about the latter two issues.

"Wow ~" Xiao Yao said that there was a new song and a guest tonight, and the audience cheered again.

"It seems that everyone wants to listen to new songs and see other singers in my performance." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "then I won't entertain you."

"First of all, let's welcome tonight's performance guests ~" Xiao Yao waved to one side of the stage, "Azi!"

We look along the direction of Xiao Yao's wave, and see a Zi in a long white dress holding a microphone, coming up from the side of the stage.

"Oh ~"

"ah Zi! Ah Zi

Although a few people feel a little disappointed, but they did not show this kind of emotion, still give face, like most people gave applause. Of course, there are also some people who feel surprised, so there is a burst of warm applause and some shouts of "Azi" name."Hello, everyone! I'm Azzi After standing on the stage, Azi bowed to the audience and introduced herself.

"Oh ~" after Azi said hello, the applause and cheers below were a little louder.

"The first song of the evening is a new song that Azzi and I cooperated on," Xiao Yao continued. "The name of the song is" want to sing me to you! "

With the introduction of Xiao Yao, the words "want to sing me to you" are also printed on the big screen behind him. Under the column of songwriter under the song title, naturally, Xiao Yao's name is the same.

"Wow ~" when I saw Xiao Yao's first song, a new song appeared, and there was a huge cheering below.

Because Xiao Yao said that this new song is a cooperation with Azi, the small part of the audience who thought Azi was a little interesting as a guest did not feel disappointed and cheered sincerely.

although Xiao Yao had ridiculed his own songs last year in the special works of singers' breakout competition, singers who chose to sing didn't have the sights, but no one really thought Xiao Yao's singers had no vision.

For example, Xiao Yao's song "because of you" was co premiered with Liang Xueying at the disaster relief Party of CCTV last year, but when the official version was released, the co singer was replaced by fan linxuan. At that time, many people were puzzled by Xiao Yao's unconventional operation. Not to mention that Liang Xueying's fame and status are much better than that of fan linxuan. It's a song that she appeared with Liang Xueying. Why change a singer temporarily?

When the official version of the song came out, most of the fans except Liang Xueying felt that the version of Xiao Yao and fan linxuan sounded better. As for why we didn't find fan linxuan but Liang Xueying in the first show, the reasons behind the scenes have also been reported by the media. Only then can we know that Xiao Yao had to temporarily change the female singer because of the request of CCTV.

Since then, Xiao Yao's "pills" have talked about it as a manifestation of their idol's profession and unique personality. If Xiao Yao invited Azzi as a guest because of this new song, then fans can absolutely accept it.

After Xiao Yao's introduction, he lowered his head and plucked the strings of his guitar in front of him. A fresh prelude to the guitar began to sound. After a short period of guitar solo, the sound of other instruments joined in, the music of the prelude became rich, and the mood of the audience was also aroused.

"I want to sing to you while I'm young. Let the flowers bloom freely, decorate your years and my branches ~ "

after the prelude, the music becomes soft, and Azi's soft voice also rings.

"Good! It's really a fresh folk style

"The lyrics are also very artistic. Xiao Yao's songs will not disappoint people!"

Since Xiao Yao began to play the prelude, the audience below has been quite quiet. As soon as a Zi's songs come out, many audiences feel like this song. In the process of singing, the lyrics of the song were released simultaneously on the background wall of the electronic screen behind the live stage. So the audience not only sighed about Azzi's singing, but also appreciated the lyrics.

"Who can replace you? Love while you are young ~"

after a Zi's four sentences, Xiao Yao began to sing the following two sentences. Different from the clarity of a Zi's voice, Xiao Yao's voice is obviously lower.

"Oh ~"

as soon as Xiao Yao's voice came out, there were some cheers under the stage. In the final analysis, the audience came here for Xiao Yuan, and the treatment is still different.

"Dearest person, it's a long way to go, let's get together ~"

after Xiao Yao sings two sentences, the next part is a Zi's part, which is also only two sentences.

This song "want to sing me to you" is the work of Xiao Ke, a former musician, with two different versions. The first version was sung by Wang Zheng, Lao Lang, Xiao Ke and Cao Fang. Later, Lao Lang and Wang Jing re performed a version of the duel. The theme of Xiao Yao's tour is folk songs, and he also sings with Azi. Naturally, he chose the version of folk songs that Lao Lang and Wang Jing cooperated with.

"I'll sing me to you ~"

at the beginning of the second paragraph of the song, the accompaniment music suddenly strengthened, and Xiao Yao, who sang at the beginning of the second paragraph, also aggravated the sound. In terms of lyrics, the first sentence at the beginning of the second paragraph is almost the same as that of the first paragraph. It's just a word change, which changes "want" to "I". When Xiao Yao sings, he also highlights the first word when he speaks.

"I'll sing me to you ~"

the first part of the song is the two people's rotation. In the second part, the two people have more cooperation. In Xiao Yao's "listen" word has not yet completely fallen, a Zi followed closely and repeated Xiao Yao's first sentence.

"Give me your innocent smile ~"

also before the word "listen" of Azzi was finished, Xiao Yao's second sentence had already been sung.

"We should have a happy, happy, sunny time ~"

"happy, happy, sunny time ~"

in the second sentence, Azi did not repeat the following singing, but in the second half of the third sentence, Azi sang with Xiao Yao synchronously. And in the accompaniment, Azi not only lowered the tone, but also deliberately took the microphone away, making her voice lighter, but also had a more ethereal feeling."I'll sing me to you ~"

"I'll sing me to you ~"

in the second half of the second paragraph, Azi repeated the first sentence of Xiao Yao's singing.

"Can I touch you with my passion?"

In the second sentence, Xiao Yao sang a solo before ah Zi's voice dropped completely.

"Years are memorable, memorable, shy red ~"

"nostalgic, memorable, shy red ~"

the second half of the third sentence is still Azzi's synchronous accompaniment to Xiao Yao.

So far, the second half of the second paragraph is the same as the front in melody, structure and singing style, but at the end, it is a little different.

"Face ~"

"who can replace you?"

After "shy red", there is a lengthened "face" behind Xiao Yao's sentence. While Xiao Yao is singing "face", Azi starts the first sentence of the next paragraph directly.

"Love while you're young, dearest, it's a long way to go, let's get together ~"

after Xiao Yao's "face" fell, Azi's first sentence ended, and then she went on to sing the following three games. The end of this paragraph is actually the last four sentences of the first paragraph. Only a Zi sang the two sentences in the middle of Xiao Yao's singing, and finished all four sentences by herself.

After that, the song comes to an interlude. A Zi puts down the microphone and nods her head gently with the rhythm. Xiao Yao doesn't play solo, which highlights himself. Instead, he finishes the interlude with the whole band.

"I'll sing it to you while you are young. Let the flowers bloom freely, decorate your years and my branches ~ "

after the interlude, the accompaniment turns to be gentle, and Azzi's song starts again. The beginning of the third paragraph is the same as the opening part of the song.

"Who can replace you ~"

"who can replace you ~"

"love while you are young ~"

"love ~"

the first four sentences of a Zi are the same as the beginning, but Xiao Yao's next two sentences are different. When Xiao Yao sang the same two sentences as the beginning, Azi began to sing them repeatedly, and the two sentences were still different. The first sentence was a complete repetition of the whole sentence, but the last sentence only followed the last two words.

"Dearest person, it's a long way to go, let's get together ~"

after finishing the singing, Azi sang the last two sentences of the passage just like the beginning.

"I'll sing me to you ~"

"I'll sing me to you ~"

in the fourth paragraph, the opening part is the same as the second paragraph before the interlude, which is still the beginning of Xiao Yao, and Azi will repeat and sing. Apart from the beginning, most of the following sentences are the same as before, except for the last sentence.

"Face ~"

"Lala, Lala, Lala, Lala ~"

when Xiao Yao sang the long "face", Azi did not sing the first sentence of the second half of the first paragraph, but sang a humming. When Xiao Yao's voice falls, Azi doesn't add another three sentences, just another humming.

"We should have a happy, happy, sunny time ~"

"happy, happy, sunny time ~"

after Azi's humming fell, Xiao Yao did not completely repeat the second paragraph, but started the last paragraph from the place where Azi was accompanied, and Azi was certainly accompanied as before.

"It's a long way to go, let's be together ~"

"let's be together ~"

at the end of this paragraph, the song returns to the form of the end of the second paragraph before the interlude, but in the last sentence, Xiao Yao makes a accompaniment for Azi instead of a solo. This is the last part of the whole song. Xiao Yao and a Zi are also the last part of the chorus, which makes a conclusion for the whole song.

In the last four sentences, the number of accompaniment instruments began to decrease and the sound began to decrease. By the time of the last two sentences, the accompaniment has almost reached the point of being ignored. When Xiao Yao and a Zi sing the last half sentence, the accompaniment voice almost disappears, and the whole song ends with their voices falling.