"Today is the last day. Yang is still learning to dive for his ow diving license, isn't he?" Sally in the modeling team guesses, finds Chen Xuan and asks, "tiel, is Yang still learning to dive and hasn't come back?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him today either." Chen Xuan smiles and shakes his head, "but I'm sure he's not diving. As far as I know, he finished all the diving lessons yesterday. It's night now, and he's not learning night diving. He's definitely not in the sea at this time. "

"Where is he? You're not leaving early, are you Sally guessed again.

"What? Is it too much to leave early without saying goodbye to us? " Several other models heard this and immediately cried angrily.

"No!" Chen Xuan waved his hand and said, "he won't do that!"

"And where did he go?" Sally asked again.

"I don't know, but I can guess!" Chen Xuan said with a smile, "Gilbert doesn't say who is the performer who will perform tonight, and Yang is not seen, so I guess there is only one possibility. You know, young is not only a photographer, but also a singer. You've all heard him sing. Don't forget, he's also an entertainment star

"You mean, it's young who's performing for us tonight?" Sally said with wide eyes.

"Gilbert, is that true?" Abby, who was walking beside Albert Goodman, immediately took him by the arm and asked.

"Tiel, you big mouth! I wanted to surprise the girls Albert Goodman did not answer, but looked at Chen Xuan discontentedly.

"Wow, it's Yang!" The models exclaimed. Although Albert Goodman didn't say it directly, he obviously admitted it.

"Yes! Young is the performer tonight. As you know, tonight's performance is not in our original plan. Where can I find other stars to perform for you "Actually, it's Young's idea to have this show tonight," Albert Goodman told the models. He said that he would like to express his gratitude to you for being his MV actor for free, and also for having a very pleasant experience for him, so he asked us to help him prepare for tonight's performance. All day today, he was with the staff, preparing for the evening performance. "

"It's very kind of yang to prepare a performance specially for us!"

"What a lovely boy!"

"That's great. I heard him sing a song that night. I didn't think I had enough of it!"

"Go, go, I can't wait!"

Hearing that Albert Goodman confirmed that the performer was Xiao Yao, the models didn't feel disappointed. Instead, they quickened their pace with excitement.

The performance was performed on a beach not far from the team's residence. When we haven't arrived, and there is still a distance to the performance place, the scene we saw from a distance gives the models a surprise.

There were seven or eight bonfires on the beach, distributed in two semicircles, evenly spaced and arranged, very conspicuous. What's more striking is that on the side near the beach, three huge letters made of some kind of pipe stand up on the beach. Those pipes seem to be filled and wrapped with some kind of fuel in the middle and outside, and they are all burning. The letters "e", "V" and "a" made up of flames look spectacular on the beach as night falls.

"Gilbert, did you design this? It's really cool Abby pointed to the three burning huge letters, grabbed the nearby Albert Goodman, and asked excitedly.

"No, no," said Albert Goodman with a smile and a wave of his hand, "this performance is Yang's idea, and the layout of the performance is Yang's own design."

In the daytime, Albert Goodman once proposed that the letters of the background should be set as Xiao Yao's name "ys". However, Xiao Yao expressed his thanks to the models and staff of the shooting team for this performance. He did not intend to publicize EVA for himself, so he insisted that it should be set as EVA in English. He said that it would be more suitable to appear in future documentaries. When Albert Goodman saw that Xiao Yao was so considerate, he had a deeper impression on him.

"It's like Yang's hand indeed!" Chen Xuan also came over and said, "it's said that when he participated in the performance of TV programs in China, the stage lighting was always designed by himself."

"And I seem to have seen this scene somewhere." Chen Xuan felt his chin for a moment, slapped his hand and said, "I remember. I saw a video on Huaxia's Internet. It was Yang camping in a mountain when he was traveling with his fans. It was a similar background. At that time, the letter spelled out with flame was XY, a stage name Yang used in China. Of course, it's not that big, it's not that delicate. "

Xiao Yao's idea really came from the scene when he was camping with his fans in Guangyuan. That time, it was the temporary intention of the fans. They tied the wood, wrapped the cloth outside, and drizzled with oil. This time, Xiao Yao had already made preparations and wanted to make documentary materials. Naturally, he made them more spectacular and exquisite."Is Yang still traveling with his fans? Female fans? " Sally immediately began to gossip.

"There are many people in the video, both men and women. It is said that there are more than 20." Chen Xuan replied.

"Traveling with more than 20 fans and camping in the mountains?" The models next to him were surprised and said, "how could there be such a star? How bold of him

"It's not just about traveling with more than 20 fans." Chen Xuan said with a smile, "when Yang was a teenager, he once took dozens of fans to the street to dance and flash together. Others I dare not say, but in the stars I know, he is absolutely the most able to play, the most dare to play

"It's unbelievable," exclaimed several models standing beside Chen Xuan, shaking their heads. "The more you know about him, the more unbelievable you feel about him!"

"Well, girls, let's go! Yang is waiting for everyone there Everyone stopped before they knew it, and Albert Goodman slapped them.

"Go, go, go!" Several models simply ran on the beach.

"Ladies, no, girls, welcome Xiao Yao, sitting in front of three huge letters with his guitar on his back, saw the models arrive and welcomed them with a smile and a wave.

"It's a great honor to perform for you. Please have a seat." Xiao Yao pointed to a few big round logs not far in front of him and said, "of course, if you want to stand and watch, I don't mind."

Although it will be used as documentary material, it is a performance on the beach after all. Xiao Yao wants to be casual and doesn't want to be particularly formal. There must be no seats like chairs. What Xiao Yao sat on himself was not a chair, but a square stone that was moved from the seaside. However, it is not suitable for the models to sit directly on the sand. Xiao Yao simply moved a few logs with the staff and threw them on the sand in front of him as stools for the models. If it is in the daytime, Xiao Yao may build a shelter for the models, but the performance is at night, so it is unnecessary.

"Oh, oh ~"



The models didn't have any problem with the simple seats, and even thought it was more suitable for the scene. They sat down on the log with bark, called out Xiao Yao's name, and raised their hands to applaud Xiao Yao.

"Thank you Xiao Yao smiles and raises his hands to signal to everyone.

"The show begins now!" When the voices of the models were quieter, Xiao yaocai went on to introduce, "the first song to perform tonight is my first English song, which is called" the lazy song ". I hope you like it!"

"Wow ~"

it's said that it's Xiao Yao's first English song, and the models all exaggerate.

This song of five years ago was very popular in China at the beginning, but it is not particularly famous all over the world, and many people have never heard it. We are very curious about the first English song created by Xiao Yao. When we hear this strange title, we will be more interested.

Xiao Yao put down his hand, but did not immediately press it on the string. Instead, he quickly slapped the front panel of the guitar case with his fingers to replace the drumming in the prelude to the song. Just this simple action attracted several models' applause.

"Today Idon't feel like doing anything, Hu ~ Hu ~ Ijust wanna lay in my bed ~ Hu ~ Hu ~ Hu ~"

after a brief prelude to the drum, Xiao Yao moved his fingers to the strings and began to sing while playing the guitar.

"Wahaha ~"

"it's so interesting!"

At the end of the first two sentences, Xiao Yao also whistled two short passages. In singing, Xiao Yao is laughing while singing and nodding, while in whistling, Xiao Yao is blowing while quickly shaking his head left and right. Just the first two sentences, we were all clapped and laughed by Xiao Yao.

The seats for this performance are relatively simple, in order to look more natural, and the sound should be guaranteed. In the beach side of this relatively open venue performance, sound and other amplifying equipment is ready. Xiao Yao sings in front of the microphone, and his guitar is also connected to the sound. Although the models laugh happily and make a lot of sound, at least it doesn't cause too much interference to Xiao Yao.

"Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone, cause today is I'm not doing anything!".

"Oh yeah ~"

"yes, I want to do that, too!"

The models laughed and cried.

The lazy song is a very interesting song. Cheerful melody with humorous lyrics, it is easy to let the people listen to the song relax and happy. Most of the people on the scene heard this song for the first time, but immediately fell in love with it.In the process of Xiao Yao singing this song, the whole scene was full of laughter, and the atmosphere of the performance soon became relaxed and lively. At the end of the song, everyone cheered and gave a burst of warm applause.

"Thank you Sitting on the stone, Xiao Yao bowed slightly to the audience in front of him, and then said, "everyone has worked hard these days. I hope that from tomorrow on, we can enjoy a very lazy holiday."

"I will listen to you! When I get home tomorrow, I'll turn off my cell phone! Lie down and do nothing A model replied with a loud smile.

"Fortunately, we didn't let Yang perform on the day when he came here, otherwise I'm afraid our swimsuit special won't be finished this time!" Gilbert Goodman widened his eyes and spoke to Chen Xuan with exaggerated voice.

"I agree!" Chen Xuan nodded his head again and again.

"Ha ha ~" their exaggerated performance naturally caused a lot of laughter from the models.

"OK," Xiao Yao continued to introduce the following repertoire after a pause of laughter. "The next song is the second English song I wrote in my life. It's called bwhat u wanab, and it's for everyone on the scene! I mean, everybody

There are 12 models sitting on the log in front of Xiao Yao, but the audience of this performance is not only 12 of them. Xiao Yao said last night that he wanted to thank both the models and the staff behind the scenes of the team, so Gilbert Goodman called all the staff of the swimsuit special to enjoy Xiao Yao's performance.

Because of the documentary shooting, except for Gilbert Goodman and Chen Xuan, who don't mind standing behind the models in the camera, the other people behind the scenes are a little far away from the models, so as not to appear in the camera.

These staff members will not appear in this part of the documentary, but Xiao Yao can see it. Xiao Yao's last words were also said by those people.

Similarly, due to the documentary shooting, Xiao Yao only introduced the songs to the staff, not too straightforward. More expression, Xiao Yao put in the performance of the second song.

Bwhat U Wanna B is an inspirational song by former Swedish singer Darin Zanyar. One of the characteristics of bwhat U Wanna B is that the lyrics contain a lot of vocations. Xiao Yao's first performance of this song was the opening performance of a guest in "goddess's fashionable Costume". At that time, he used to replace the president in the original lyrics with the designer for the effect of the program. For tonight's performance, Xiao Yao also revised the lyrics again. Some professions in the shooting team, such as makeup artist, stylist, cameraman and security, have replaced the police, doctor, fireman and Postman in the original lyrics.

Although it's just a common sounding inspirational song, because the overall rhythm of the song is cheerful, we are still very happy to hear it. What's more, the staff are very excited to hear the lyrics about their career. After the performance of this song, the applause and cheers on the scene were obviously bigger than at the end of the first song. Among them, naturally, the staff outside the camera lens have made a great contribution.