That night, Louis called Xiao Yao as promised. Louis has brought good news. He has adjusted his schedule and can come to Xiao Yao for diving training from tomorrow.

The next day, when Louis came to PADO island with diving equipment to find Xiao Yao, he heard two bad news for him.

First of all, according to Chen Xuan's shooting plan, today's shooting site is not on the beach by the sea, but at a waterfall surrounded by a rainforest in the center of the island, several kilometers away from the sea. Although there is water under the waterfall, but he and Xiao Yao's diving training is to be carried out in the sea, certainly can not be changed to the pool under the waterfall. It also means that it's hard for them to see models during the day.

To make matters worse, the shooting in PADO lasted only two days. This evening, the whole shooting team will move to Vieques, the last shooting place. Xiao Yao invited Luis to live with him. It seems that his plan to be a neighbor with the models is going to be lost.

Xiao Yao didn't care about the shooting at all, so he didn't know Chen Xuan's shooting arrangement. Yesterday's conversation with Louis was a little taken for granted. Chen Xuan is aware of these follow-up arrangements. He also heard Xiao Yao's conversation with Louis on board yesterday. But he saw that Xiao Yao was so interested in learning to dive, and he kept encouraging Louis, but he didn't tell the truth to dismantle Xiao Yao's platform.

What about Lewis being cheated? That's the problem Xiao Yao needs to solve. Chen Xuan doesn't care at all. Xiao Yao has been a human spirit since he was a child. Chen Xuan believes that he must have a way to deal with Louis. Of course, even if not, it's Xiao Yao's own business. Who let him completely ignore this shooting?

Although Lewis promised Xiao Yao is unlikely to go back, Xiao Yao doesn't want to give people the impression of a "liar". After learning these two news, he quickly made remedial measures. Don't you just want to see models? This is not difficult for Xiao Yao.

First of all, when we learn to dive today, we can't see the models, but they don't soak in the water all day, and the models don't stay in the rain forest all day. Do you always have lunch at noon? Xiao Yao decided to cook by himself in the cabin at noon and invite the models to have dinner together. Louis, the diving coach, will join in the dinner together, so he can have a good eye.

There's no way for Louis to be a neighbor to the models. However, Vieques island is not far away from Puerto Rico, where San Juan is located. After it is transferred to Vieques Island, Louis will come to Vieques island to continue to teach him how to dive. Vieques island is inhabited, and the shooting place must be on the seashore with few people. At that time, we can still satisfy Louis's desire to see supermodels.

It's expected to go to Vieques island to continue diving training, but Xiao Yao invited the models to dinner in order to let him see the beautiful women. Louis was very moved. To this end, Louis also gave Xiao Yao a free surfing course. Although Puerto Rico is not a holy land for surfing, the waves on the beach are not big, but it is enough to learn some basic surfing skills.

It's said that Xiao Yao personally cooks for dinner or at the same time entertains all the twelve models. The models are very happy to agree and say they want to see the cooking skills of this young Chinese.

Xiao Yao and Louis met at PADO island at seven in the morning, set out to dive in the sea for three hours, and then went back to their cabin to prepare lunch.

A small wooden house can't hold more than a dozen people to eat at the same time, and a table can't hold enough food for more than a dozen people. Xiao Yao put the dining place on the open space outside the house. He not only moved the tables out of his house, but also moved the tables in the two small wooden houses next door and put them out of his house.

This lunch, Xiao Yao didn't ask the support staff of the shooting team to help, even when he went to the next wooden house to move the table, Louis refused to help. From ten o'clock to twelve o'clock, Xiao Yao made enough food for more than ten people.

At noon, not only all the twelve models gathered in front of Xiao Yao's cabin, but also Chen Xuan, the photographer, came uninvited. Seeing more than ten plates of food full of three tables, a group of people ran up with a shout.

There are only six chairs in the three wooden houses, which is obviously not enough for more than ten people. Xiao Yao doesn't want to move chairs back and forth from far away, so he makes lunch a buffet and prepares more than ten dishes and forks for everyone to use freely.

"It's delicious!"


"Yang! I didn't expect your cooking was really good. "

Everyone is eating happily and praises Xiao Yao.

"The ingredients are limited, and that's all I can do." Xiao Yao modest way, "when you have a chance to go to China, I take you to eat real food!"

The shooting team bought food materials from San Juan and brought them here. Naturally, they were mainly local food materials. Xiao Yao did not make Chinese food, but looked up the recipes on the Internet and made them according to the local food methods taught on the Internet. After these things are made, Xiao Yao has tried them himself, and the taste is certainly not bad, but it should not be as good as the models say. Maybe it's because of work. We always have fast food at noon. Few people can have such a big meal at lunch, which magnifies the taste."Well, when we have a chance to go to Huaxia, we will definitely come to you!" The models laughed and cried.

"Fay, control your appetite." Tracy pointed to Fay, who was eating so much, and cried, "as a model, it's taboo to be out of shape!"

"Don't worry, I will exercise and consume it!" Fay didn't care. "You don't say me. You don't eat a lot yourself."

"Lunch break is only one hour. How can you spend it? You are the first one to take photos in the afternoon. If you have a small stomach, how do you take photos? " Tracy said with a smile, "my shooting today is over. Of course, I can open my mouth to eat!"

"Ah?" Fay looked at the food on the plate, turned to Chen Xuan and cried, "tiel, I hate you! Why don't I do it in the morning? "

"Ha?" Chen Xuan, who ate happily, stopped for a moment in surprise and immediately transferred the artillery fire. "If you want to hate, you also hate Yang! Who knows he'll treat you to lunch today. " With that, Chen Xuan continued to bury himself in the elimination of food in his hands. As a photographer, he consumes more energy than models.

"Well, it's my fault how to treat people to dinner?" Xiao Yao's helpless way.

After a lively lunch, the shooting team went back to the waterfall in the middle of the island to continue shooting. Xiao Yao and Louis also went back to the sea to continue diving training.

In the evening, both sides finished their work. Louis sailed his boat back to San Juan, while Xiao Yao and the shooting team set off for Vieques.

At noon, Xiao Yao invited everyone to dinner. The dinner party was a surprise for the models. In the evening, the shooting team gave the models another surprise. After arriving in Vieques, the person in charge of the shooting team told the models that a party was prepared for you this evening. There will be a band performing for you and some local people present to join you. Hearing the news, the models naturally cheered again.

After dinner, we set out in several cars. As a translator, bodyguard and guide for the models, Xiao Yao naturally went together.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the location of the party. After getting off the bus, Xiao Yao found that in front of him was a big wooden house built on the beach, not far from the seaside. There is a large L-shaped wooden shed outside the wooden house. There are many colored lights on the roof, bars and columns. The place of the party should not be in the wooden house, but under the big wooden shed. At this time, many people have gathered there.

Xiao Yao and Chen Xuan walked into the wooden shed with the models, and the shooting team behind them set up cameras around them. This party is obviously an important part of the future documentary.

When they found out that the models and the shooting team were coming, the people in the wooden shed cheered and applauded to welcome them. But everyone just laughed, clapped and cheered, but no one surrounded the models like fans. This is a party prepared in advance. We have known for a long time that these supermodels are coming, and we have received some behavioral instructions in advance. Therefore, the models, Xiao Yao and Chen Xuan are very free to move and find their own interesting things to play with.

Xiao Yao looked around and found that the short side of the L-shaped wooden shed was where the band was. The band includes not only modern instruments such as drum, keyboard and bass, but also local characteristic instruments such as tambourine, which we saw in San Juan a few days ago. The lead singer of the band is a guitarist with a wooden guitar on his back, singing a light Spanish song. Judging from the performance style of the band, it is not a rock band, but full of Latin flavor.

However, it was not the band that attracted Xiao Yao most in the shed, but a square table at the junction of the long and short sides. Xiao Yao was surprised to find that in this place and environment, there were several local old people sitting at the square table in the shed playing cards.

Let's say it's playing cards, because Xiao Yao has never seen the things these locals play before. It's a flat, rectangular, white domino with different black spots on one side. Those black dots make this kind of dominoes look like Chinese Pai Gow at first glance, but this kind of dominoes is not only different in color, but also different in size and quantity. In addition, the game is totally different from Pai Gow.

These dominoes are played on a square wooden plate on the table. The four sides of the wooden plate are inclined, and there is a bracket under it. Everyone puts their dominoes on the inclined surface of the wooden plate in front of them, and the other three people can't see them. According to some rules, we put the dominoes in front of us in the middle of the table, which is a bit like "playing cards" in Chinese mahjong. But compared with mahjong, this kind of game is also very different, not only the number of dominoes is very different, it seems that there are no rules to touch, eat and touch.

Xiao Yao is not the only one who is attracted by this special card game. After the models entered the wooden shed, some people stood in front of the performing band, some people scattered among the local people, and several models gathered around the square table playing dominoes and looked up with interest.

Several models stood by and looked for a while and found that they didn't seem to understand. Sally looked up and saw Xiao Yao standing beside her, so she asked, "Yang, can you play this?"

"Not before, but soon!" Xiao Yao replied."What do you mean?" Sally didn't understand.

"It means I'll see them play a few games and I'll be able to learn." Xiao Yao explained with a smile.

In fact, Xiao Yao can also directly ask the local people who are playing. However, seeing that the local people who were playing were gray haired old people, they were afraid that they would not be able to explain clearly and would not want to disturb others, so they simply looked at them by themselves.

"Brag!" Sally rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"I'll show you later!" Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"I'll wait!" Sally said.

"Sir, may I have a try?" After watching two games again, Xiao Yao leaned over to say goodbye to an old man in front of him.

"Yes." The old man didn't ask Xiao Yao whether he would, so he stood up happily.

"Thank you Xiao Yao said thanks, sat down on the old man's seat and "fought" with the other three.

"Really so soon?" Several models have some silly eyes.

After Xiao Yao sat up, "shuffle" and "touch" the action are done like a model, "card" speed is also very fast, almost no hesitation. The three local people nearby didn't point out Xiao Yao's mistakes, and they couldn't see the difference of "shielding" Xiao Yao in their expressions. Several models could easily see that Xiao Yao really learned how to play with others.

"Yang, teach me, I want to play too!" Sally said immediately after the game.

"I want to play, too!" The other two models also said.

"Gentlemen, can you let them have a try?" Xiao Yao spoke to the other three local humanists.

"Of course!" The other three also moved out of the way.

"Oh yeah!" The three models sat down happily.

"I'll tell you how to play this rule first." Xiao Yao told the three people who sat down.

In fact, the way to play this thing is not complicated. Although several models can't understand it, after Xiao Yao's explanation, they immediately became clear and understood it quickly.

"This is very interesting! I want to buy a pair to take home and teach my family and friends to play together. " After a few games, Sally announced happily.

Xiao Yao curled his mouth and shook his head with a smile. This dominoes game is very simple, its fun than the Chinese mahjong, Pai Gow much worse. Xiao Yao played a few games. Once he was fresh, he had no interest for a long time. This is because there are three beautiful models at the same table. Xiao Yuan has been patiently playing with them until now. If they were the local old people just now, Xiao Yao would have got up and left. Xiao Yao couldn't agree with Sally calling how interesting the game was.

"Yang, why are you shaking your head?" Sally sat opposite Xiao Yao, very keen to find Xiao Yao's action, curious to ask Xiao Yao.

"Nothing," Xiao Yao said with a smile. "I just think that we have a kind of entertainment called" mahjong "in China, which is also played by four people. There are more than 100 cards in total. It's much more complicated and of course much more interesting."

"Mahjong"? More than 100 cards? How do you play? " Sally is very interested in the way.

"There's no mahjong here. It's hard to explain that." Xiao Yao said, "when you have a chance to go to China, I'll teach you!"

"Good!" Sally nodded with a smile.

"At noon, we talk about Chinese food, at night, we talk about Chinese mahjong. Are you going to hook them all to China?" Chen Xuan didn't know where to get out, patted Xiao Yao's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Why not?" Xiao Yao turned around and said with a smile, "China has a very long history, and now its economy is developing very well. There are all kinds of natural scenery such as islands, rainforests, deserts, grasslands and plateaus. It is a good place to go. In fact, I think the next time EVA comes to you for a swimsuit special, you can suggest EVA to shoot in China. Don't forget, you are half Chinese

"I'm only half Chinese, but you're all Chinese!" Chen Xuan said with a smile, "when EVA comes to you for a swimsuit special, you should go to Eva's senior management for advice."

"I agree!" Sally immediately raised her hand.

"I agree, too!" The two models agreed with each other with a smile.

I don't know whether they agree to go to China for the next swimsuit special or Xiao Yao for the swimsuit special, or both? In fact, few of them have ever been to China. After getting along with Xiao Yao, a young Chinese, these days, they are not only very interested in Xiao Yao, but also curious about the country where Xiao Yao was raised.

"Come on, EVA won't come to me for a swimsuit special." Xiao Yao shook his head with a smile and said, "even if they do find me, I don't have your ability to take this project next. In this kind of project, I'll be a busboy at most! "

"Come on!" Chen Xuan unconcerned Xiao Yao way, "you other ability I don't know, photography ability I don't know?"? Laziness is laziness. Why