Xiao Yao is not the one who casually agrees to go to the fans' home. During the earthquake rescue last year, Xiao Yao got to know Jiang Yan's family. During that time, Xiao Yao had a lot of contact with Jiang Yan's family, and had no star airs at all, which made Xiao Yao fade the star aura in front of them. Now, although we haven't seen each other for more than half a year, Xiao Yao and Jiang Yan don't feel too strange. When we eat together, Xiao Yao and Jiang Yan's family get along with each other without any embarrassment and unnaturalness, which can be regarded as happy.

It's not appropriate to visit people when they are eating. Every family has a meal sooner or later. Jiang Yan's family has just finished eating, but maybe Zhan Youcheng is still eating. It's not good to rush to visit people and disturb them when they are eating. So after dinner, Jiang Yan did not immediately take Xiao Yao upstairs to find Zhan Youcheng. Xiao Yao sat at Jiang Yan's house for a while. When it was almost eight o'clock, Jiang Yan thought that Zhan Youcheng must have had dinner before she took Xiao Yao upstairs and knocked on the neighbor's door.

"Brother Cheng, this is Xiao Yao. He's heard about you and wants to meet you. " Seeing Zhan Youcheng open the door with two crutches, Jiang Yan takes the initiative to introduce Xiao Yaodao to Zhan Youcheng.

"Brother Xiao, this is Zhan Youcheng, brother Cheng." Jiang Yan said to Xiao Yao again.

"Hello, brother Cheng. I'm Xiao Yao. Excuse me Xiao Yao greets Zhan Youcheng with a smile. Zhan Youcheng looks like he's twenty-six or twenty-seven years old. Xiao Yao also calls brother Sheng Cheng.

"Xiao Yao? Are you the singing star Xiao Yao Zhan Youcheng looks at Xiao Yaodao in surprise.

Xiao Yao came to Jiang Yan's house as a guest. Of course, he didn't have to do any disguise. Glasses, scarves and other camouflage props that will affect his appearance have been removed, and Jiang Yan and Xiao Yao have directly reported their names, so Zhan Youcheng immediately recognized Xiao Yao as a star.

"Yes, I'm really Xiao Yao, the singer." Xiao Yao nodded with a smile.

"Big stars want to meet me? What for? What's on the show? " Zhan Youcheng said. He also looked behind them, as if to see if there was a camera behind them.

"It's not a show. Brother Xiao came alone." Jiang Yan shook her head and said, "my parents invited him to my home for dinner tonight. He came to my home as a guest in his personal capacity. He just listened to what we said about you. He was very curious about you and wanted to know you

"Oh, can your parents still invite big stars to come home? What does he have to do with your family? " It is said that it is not a program. Zhan Youcheng smiles and gives way to the door. He asks them to come in

"When I was in the earthquake last year, brother Xiao drove me back. He knew our whole family." Jiang Yan explains as she enters the door.

"So you are the one who was sent back to the disaster area by him last year." Zhan Youcheng asked them to sit down and said to Jiang Yan with a smile, "it seems that it's not your parents, it's you!"

"After the earthquake last year, brother Xiao paid for the reconstruction of four primary schools in the towns below. Some time ago, the school was repaired, and now it's used after the beginning of school. Brother Xiao came to have a look and gave a lot of things to the school and students. We just came back from the four schools in the afternoon. My parents knew that he had come to Wuyou County, so they invited him to have dinner at home. " Jiang Yan said, and specially stressed, "this time brother Xiao came quietly, and brought some fans to help move things and send things, without informing any media reporters. He's not the kind of star you hate who likes to show off in front of the media. "

After living upstairs and downstairs for some time, Jiang Yan has a certain understanding of Zhan Youcheng's character, and knows how to help Xiao Yao get Zhan Youcheng's favor, which is convenient for Xiao Yao's next interview.

"I know," Zhan Youcheng said with a smile. "I saw a lot of news about him during the earthquake. After the earthquake, he worked as a doctor, a cutter, a loader and a translator in the disaster area. He really saved a lot of people. Of course, he is different from those stars who do shows. "

"I didn't expect that you donated four schools. It's really rare!" Zhan Youcheng said to Xiao Yao, "but it's a real good thing, not a show. There's no need to be furtive, right? Besides, you are a star with charisma and influence. Doing this kind of thing should be a typical example. Why not let the media know and report it? "

"I'm not secretive," Xiao Yao said with a smile. "I just didn't inform the media. It doesn't mean that what I did won't be known by the media. Sooner or later, the news will spread. I didn't let the media reporters come with me. I didn't want to make the war too big. Moreover, we are running in four places this afternoon. We are short of time. If a reporter comes with us, we will certainly have to take care of their shooting, interview and other work, which will affect our action process today. It is very likely that one afternoon will not be enough, and I don't want to delay one day's work to two days for them. "

Fans of his peers have taken a lot of photos and videos. The construction of the school and the delivery of things to the students will surely come out after a period of time. Xiao Yao doesn't want to make the other party feel that he is a person with different words and deeds.

"I didn't deliberately inform the media, but I'm not afraid of media reports. I see! " Zhan Youcheng nodded.

"Well, don't talk about me," Xiao Yao said with a smile. "I asked Jiang Yan to take me to visit you, but I didn't come to talk about my business with you. I want to talk about your business with you.""Talking about me? I'm an ordinary person. What can I talk about? " Zhan Youcheng.

"It's your legendary experience in the earthquake, of course." Xiao Yao took out a piece of paper from his body and handed it to him with a smile. "In fact, it's not chatting. I want to interview you!"

"Interview?" Zhan Youcheng took the paper from Xiao Yao and looked at it suspiciously. Then he was surprised and said, "introduction letter? Trainee reporter? Are you still a journalist? Or Xinhua? "

"I'm not an official reporter yet," Xiao Yao said, "but I've got an editor's qualification certificate. I'm a trainee reporter employed by Xinhua news agency, and I've got the qualification of editing news reports."

In China, it's not the only way to get a reporter's certificate if you have obtained the editor's and reporter's qualification certificate. True reporter card, need to be in the unit to provincial radio and Television Bureau application can get. Although the Xinhua news agency gives special preferential treatment to Xiao Yao, a star, and is willing to apply for a reporter's license for him, it must be after Xiao Yao has completed the six agreed news articles. After Xiao Yao obtained his qualification certificate as an editor and journalist, the Xinhua News Agency issued him such a letter of introduction as proof of identity, so that Xiao Yao, who did not have a reporter's certificate, could go to the interview in a proper way.

"You are still a trainee reporter of Xinhua news agency, Niu!" Zhan Youcheng first gave a thumbs up, then shook his head and said, "but I have nothing to interview! You should interview a hero like yourself who saved people during the earthquake rescue. I'm not! When I was in the earthquake last year, I just saved myself and didn't help anyone else. "

"Sure enough!" Jiang Yan said in her heart and turned to Xiao Yao.

"No, people like me have been interviewed and reported for a long time," said Xiao Yao, shaking his head. "People like you are more valuable in interviewing and reporting!"

"What's the value of an interview? Because I was buried for a long time? I don't want to apply for a world record Zhan Youcheng laughs and shakes his head. "I'm living a good life now. I don't need you to report my affairs to win other people's attention and sympathy. To put it bluntly, whether you are a star or a reporter, I don't want to satisfy your curiosity with my story. "

"Curiosity? I don't deny that I do have some. " Xiao Yao said, "but I want to report your story, not to satisfy my curiosity. In that case, I don't tell you my identity as a reporter, so I can chat with you and get a general idea from you. Plus Jiang Yan, they know that I can understand your experience almost as well. You just said that you didn't help anyone else during the earthquake. I turned your story into a news report so that you can help others. "

"What do you mean?" Zhan Youcheng and Jiang Yan look at Xiao Yao with some puzzlement.

"The earthquake in Wuyou county is a very rare disaster," Xiao Yao said. "Even though Wuyou county has been rebuilt for so long, its impact on people's psychology has always existed! Generally speaking, the effective rescue time for major natural disasters is 48 hours. Beyond this time, the chance of survival is very small, but you still survive five days after being buried. This is a miracle. The spirit of persistence, courage and optimism are all spiritual forces that can inspire others and bring them positive energy. "

"Don't underestimate the power of spirit." Xiao Yao then said, "a person who has been buried under the ruins for five days has not given up the hope of survival. He can still persist and make constant efforts. Finally, he was successfully rescued by the search and rescue personnel. What reason can other people give up their immediate life? Telling your story to more people can help them forget the pain, cheer up and become positive and optimistic again

"You can fool me! I'm going to be so excited about it. " Zhan Youcheng said with a smile, "but how do you know I didn't give up the hope of survival? How do you know I didn't despair or be negative in those five days?"

"I don't know, but I heard Jiang Yan say that you broke your leg, climbed to the ground floor and made a cry for help. You were not found lying in the basement. From the results, it is certain that the positive is greater than the negative, and hope conquers despair. " Xiao Yao said with a smile, "isn't it?"

"I think so." Zhan Youcheng nodded, "but don't these conflict with the positive energy?"

"You are human, not God. It's normal for you to despair and be negative in that environment, which makes you more real." Xiao Yao continued, "I don't want to turn you into a God to be worshipped, but to show everyone a real person. This person is an ordinary person. He will be afraid, afraid and desperate, but through his own efforts, he has a good result in the end. What he can do, others can't do, such a report is meaningful! So I'm also very interested in your mental journey at that time, which is one of the reasons why I want to interview you and listen to you tell your story personally. "

"Well, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you!" After thinking about it for a while, Zhan Youcheng seems to have made up his mind and breathed.

"So you're willing to be interviewed?" Xiao Yao confirmed, "from now on, what you said will be turned into words by me, and may appear in the newspaper!""Yes, I'm willing to be interviewed by you." Zhan Youcheng nodded.

"Well," Xiao Yao adjusted his posture and said, "first question, how long have you been buried? More than five days is too general. How many hours can it be? "

"Are you going to start now?" Zhan Youcheng looks at Xiao Yaodao strangely.

"Yes, didn't you agree to be interviewed?" Xiao Yaodao.

"But when I watch the reporters' interviews on TV, they all have a tape recorder on the desk and a notebook and pen in hand," Zhan Youcheng said, pointing to the empty coffee table in front of Xiao Yao. "Is that how you interview?"

"Oh, those are the recording methods for worrying about the omission in the back arrangement," Xiao Yao said with a smile, pointing to his head. "I don't need them. I can use them here. If I want to remember, I won't miss any of your words. "

"You never forget Ah, no, it's not forgotten, is it? No wonder he is the number one in the college entrance examination! It seems that the media coverage of you is not exaggerated at all. " Zhan Youcheng said with a smile.

"Ha ha," Xiao Yao said with a smile, "don't talk about me, just talk about you. My question just now is..."

"I remember how many hours I was buried. Although I don't have your memory, I still remember it. " Zhan Youcheng tapped his lips with his fingers and recalled, "it seemed that the earthquake happened at more than 9 a.m. that day. I climbed up on the afternoon of the sixth day. Before I fainted, I looked at my watch. It seemed that it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon. "

"It's seven hours from 9:00 to 4:00, plus five days and five nights, that's a total of..." Zhan Youcheng calculates as he talks.

"127 Hours!" Xiao Yao came out of his mouth.

"Yes, five days and five nights are 120 hours, a total of 127 Hours." Zhan Youcheng said with a smile, "you Xueba brain really turns fast!"

"Damn it! One hundred and twenty-seven hours Xiao Yao suddenly exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yan looked at Xiao Yao strangely. "Before, Xiao Jie told you that when brother Cheng was buried for five days, you knew it had been more than 100 hours. How can you still be so surprised now?"

"The number of 127 is more specific than the approximate number of more than 100, which gives people a stronger sense of impact." Xiao Yao explained.

Xiao Yao's surprise, of course, is not because the number has changed from rough to concrete, but because the number 127 reminds Xiao Yao of a biographical film in his previous life.

There was a biographical film called 127 Hours, which was adapted from an autobiographical book of the same name by an American named Alan laston. Xiao Yao had never seen raston's autobiography in his previous life, but he had seen the biographical film. He was deeply impressed by the film and knew the story of the archetypal characters in the film.

Alan laston, a mountaineer, slipped when he was climbing in a canyon. His right arm was crushed by a rock and he was trapped for five days and five nights. Later, he was able to get out of the rock by breaking his arm which was pressed by the rock. After leaving, he climbed across the canyon with his broken arm, lowered the rope to the bottom, and finally walked another five miles. He was rescued when he met the rescuers.

Allen laston and Zhan Youcheng, one is that they are in danger of climbing, the other is that they are hit by an earthquake, the other is that they are stuck in a stone, the other is that they are buried under the ruins, the other is that they break their pressed arms, the other is that they break their pressed legs. But the total time that Alan laston was trapped was 127 Hours. Both his autobiography and the name of the movie are called "127 Hours". Now it is calculated that the time that Zhan Youcheng was trapped is 127 Hours. From this number, Xiao Yao thinks of the character and the movie in his previous life.

After associating Allen laston with Zhan Youcheng, Xiao Yao unconsciously came up with an idea: "since the experience of Alan laston in his previous life can be made into a movie, so should the experience of Zhan Youcheng! During the Spring Festival, my grandfather said that my mother wanted to be a director and was looking for a script to help her pay attention to good scripts or stories. Now, isn't Zhan Youcheng's story just a ready-made material that can be adapted into a biographical film