Although Xiao Yao once said on the phone that the police should not be involved in the kidnapping case, neither Xiao Yao nor the robbers believe that the police will not know about the ransom.

To get the police to remove the wanted warrants of the robbers, it is necessary to show Xiao Yao's video to the police. The robbers could not have taken Xiao Yao for the police to remove the wanted order. Take down the wanted order and let Xiao Yao go? This is illogical. To give the police a reasonable reason to remove the wanted order, they have to tell the police about the kidnapping and extortion. Zhao Rui is not brainless, according to every word in Xiao Yao's phone. To rescue Xiao Yao, we must rely on the strength of the police. So when Xiao Yao's video was sent to the U.S. police, Xiao's family told the U.S. police about the ransom.

Now that the police know about the ransom, they will not stand by. By this time, the ransom has been handed over. The whole process of ransom payment was completed under the supervision of the police. Xiao Siqi and his wife, Zhao Rui and Zhou Zhihao have left the hotel to wait for the news of the robbers after they have paid the ransom, while the police have successfully kept up with several robbers who have taken the ransom.

In the robbery at the press conference, the robbers used signal jammers, obviously with certain electronic knowledge, and the police did not dare to install signal transmitters in cash or cash bags for tracking. They could only rely on human resources and traffic cameras in the city for visual tracking.

Mary was able to escape from the police and escape to Mexico. Obviously, she also had the ability of anti reconnaissance and anti tracking.

Central Park is located in the heart of the bustling Manhattan, out of the park, almost all the roads are full of traffic. Taking advantage of the time difference between the traffic lights at several intersections, the vehicles taken by the robbers successfully got rid of the agents who were tracking in ordinary private cars.

As for the traffic cameras on the road and the police helicopters with a certain height above their heads? After getting rid of the agents behind them, the robbers' vehicles quickly got into an indoor parking lot.

There are also surveillance cameras in the parking lot, but when Alan hall, the person in charge of this case, asked the technicians to call out the surveillance pictures in the parking lot, he found that five or six cameras in the parking lot were broken, and there was no picture at all. After contacting the person in charge of the parking lot, I learned that they only found out that several cameras in the parking lot were broken this morning. They are planning to arrange someone to repair them today. Alan Hale immediately decided that most of the robbers had cheated last night. They had planned to change cars in the parking lot.

There are four entrances and exits in this parking lot. Almost every entrance and exit has vehicles entering and leaving every minute. Now there are many agents who have been dumped on the road to the parking lot, but when they arrive, can they still follow the robbers? The agents on the road are temporarily thrown away, the helicopter can't see the parking lot, and the camera in the parking lot is broken. God knows what kind of car the robbers will take to leave, how can we track it?

Just as Ellen Hal is in a mess and can't help swearing, Xiao Yao's call comes.

"Yang? Oh, my God! Where are you now? Is it safe? " Hearing Xiao Yao's voice, Ellen Hal seemed to hear the sound of nature and said excitedly, "please tell me you have escaped!"

"I'm fine now! I have escaped from my captors, and my life is not in danger for the time being! " Xiao Yao said, "what's the matter with you? What happened to the ransom robbers? Did they get the ransom? Are they still under your surveillance? "

"They've got the ransom and we're tracking it. But we're afraid of your safety. Our movement is restricted. They're very cunning and well prepared. We're going to lose them." Alan Hale replied truthfully.

"My life is not in danger now, so you can safely start to arrest people!" Xiao Yaolian said busily, "you must not let them run away with my 10 million!"

Ten million dollars! Xiao Yao is not willing to use his family's money to make a movie. Instead, he plans to make crowdfunding. If Mary and her family run away with their ten million dollars, Xiao Yao will be heartbroken!

"Of course!" Alan Hale said, "as long as we know you're safe, we can let go!"

"Inform the person in charge of the parking lot immediately and ask him to seal the four entrances and exits of the parking lot for me. No car is allowed to leave! Let's get our commandos and NYPD commandos in the parking lot! Tell the detective on the road to help the people in the parking lot to block the entrance and exit to prevent the robbers from rushing out. When a large number of police officers arrive, search for me inch by inch! " Alan Hale moved his cell phone and turned to his men.

"Yes The agent in charge of communication promised to direct the operation of various departments immediately according to Alan Hale's command.

"Yang, where are you now?" After giving orders to his subordinates, Alan hall asked Xiao Yao again.

"I'm still where I was caught." Xiao Yao said, "it's very remote and desolate here. I have no means of transportation and can't leave. Please send someone to pick me up as soon as possible! The address is on the west side of New York City. Go north along highway 16, pass the intersection of Highway 95, and then walk about 10 miles. Then turn to the northwest direction. There is a small path. Enter that path and walk about 8 miles. There is an abandoned warehouse. I'm here now! There are still three robbers here. They haven't left yet. If you are quick, maybe you can catch three robbers here. ""OK, I'll arrange for someone to pick you up right away!" Alan Hal said immediately, "you'll see me soon. Before that, you must be safe and protect yourself."

"OK, I'll wait for you!" Xiao Yaodao.

"Send me a commando to the West." After hanging up the phone, Alan Hale said to his opponent, "we're going west too. We'll join the commandos on the way. I'm going to help myself." Alan Hale is not in the New York branch of the FBI, but in a communications command vehicle.

Hang up Alan Hale's phone, Xiao Yao's heart is set. At this time, Xiao Yao should find a safe place to hide, and then wait for the police to pick him up. But there was no place to hide around except a warehouse, and Xiao Yao was a little curious about what the three guys in the warehouse were like now. So Xiao Yao set the mobile phone to vibration mode. After putting it close to his body, he reached for the outer wall of the warehouse and began to climb to the top of the warehouse.

The warehouse where Xiao Yao was held had no windows and the four walls were smooth. But the whole warehouse was not smooth and flat without windows. Xiao Yao's warehouse has not only windows on the side wall, but also some drainage pipes and other things. With the skill of playing parkour, Xiao Yao climbed to the top of the warehouse smoothly. He moved to the position of the skylight on the top of the warehouse. Xiao Yao wiped the dust on the skylight and carefully stretched out half his head to look inside the warehouse.

Meanwhile, Alan hale, who joined the commandos on the road, got bad news. On the other side of the parking lot, a black SUV broke the bar and ran away in front of the supporting commandos and police officers. In order to prevent the robbers from being distracted and deliberately attract the police's attention, two of the four agents who arrived at the exit drove with the SUV, leaving two security guards who helped the parking lot to continue to block the vehicles behind.

Alan Hal, who got the report from his subordinates, frowned and didn't give new instructions immediately. He took out his cell phone and called back the call from Xiao Yao just now.

Xiao Yao, who peered through the skylight glass at the confrontation and gunfight among three people in the warehouse, felt the vibration of his mobile phone. He immediately retracted his head, lay flat on the top of the warehouse and answered the phone.

"Young, it's Hal!" Ellen Hal said, "are you ok now?"

"Safe for the time being." Xiao Yao whispered.

"All right," Alan Hal said, knowing that Xiao Yao should be hiding at this time. It's not surprising that he spoke in such a low voice. He lowered his voice and asked, "I need you to give me some information."

"I think I've told you what I should have told you. I don't know what I'm missing." Xiao Yao whispered, "let's do this. What else do you want to know? Ask

"Can you tell me that there is a connection between the robber who is keeping you in the warehouse and the robber who comes out to get the ransom? Have they been in touch? " Alan Hale asked.

"I don't think so," said Xiao Yao, looking down again. Then he saw Walter, who was hiding at the table, take out the phone and put it in his ear. He said busily, "wait, there's a guy answering the phone."

"It should be the ransom robber who found that we blocked the exit of the parking lot and guessed that something should have happened to you." Alan Hale said, "can you tell me how you escaped?"

"No problem." Xiao Yao agreed and said the process of his escape.

"You're so good!" After listening to Xiao Yao's story, Alan Hale didn't have time to sigh. He just gave a quick compliment, and then asked, "do you mean that you don't have any transportation, and the three robbers don't have any vehicles to leave, right?"

"Yes." Xiao Yaodao. He has seen it. There are no vehicles in the warehouse or in front of the warehouse.

"I see." Alan Hale said, "now the ransom robbers may have rushed out of our encirclement. Since the three people in the warehouse don't have a car, they should not find another place to meet, and the ransom robbers should go back to pick them up. There is no one around. It's just right for us to encircle and arrest! "

"Out of the siege?" Xiao Yao was a little speechless, but this was not the time for him to ridicule Ellen hall. He then asked, "are you going to catch all of them here? What can I do for you? "

"No, you just need to protect yourself!" Alan Hale said, "we'll let the ransom robbers go back to the warehouse. You should not only hide yourself from those who come out of the warehouse to find you, but also from those who come back to find you on the road! "

"I see. I won't let them find me!" Xiao Yao replied.

The warehouse area is not small, the top is not high in the middle, low around the dome building, but flat. Because of the line of sight, as long as you lie on the top of the warehouse, you can't find him standing on the ground. Xiao Yao thinks it's quite easy to meet the requirement of Alan hale.

"All right!" Alan Hale hung up and told his men, "let's turn off the sirens and lights in the commando car, and our command car.""Why? Chief, aren't we in a hurry to save people now? " He asked strangely.

FBI vehicles have no signs on the appearance. As long as they don't turn on the alarm lights and sirens, they look no different from ordinary vehicles. And now they are in a hurry to save people, only with the siren and lights on, can other vehicles give way, so that they can move at the fastest speed. When Alan Hal talked to Xiao Yao, he was quiet. The man still had a headset on his ear. Obviously, he didn't hear what Alan Hal and Xiao Yao were talking about.

"Inform all units that there is a change in the plan and I want to redeploy." Alan Hale answered the question directly, but said, "the search task in the parking lot is left to the New York police department. Two assault teams are left to assist them. The rest of the people rush to the west of the city as fast as they can. Turn off the sirens and lights on the road! Inform the agent who is following the SUV. Don't follow too closely. It's better to let the other party think that they are lost. Even if they are lost, it doesn't matter. Inform the helicopter, pay close attention to the road to the west of the city, especially highway 16, pay attention to the height, and don't be found by the robbers... "

During the deployment of Alan Hale's mission, the four robbers in the SUV also had some small disputes. After talking to Walter on the phone, dad told the rest of the car what Walter had told him, and then he began to accuse Jose of their Mexicans' bad intentions. Jose is also very angry, immediately to Walter first shot Garcia as an excuse to argue with his father.

Mary and Richard are not interested in the conflicts between the two groups. What they care about is Xiao Yao's escape.

"Now that the Chinese boy has escaped, I think the warehouse is unsafe. Shouldn't we go back?" Richard said.

"I won't leave my brother behind." Jos é immediately said, "even if the boy escaped from the three of them, but there were no people around for miles, and he didn't have a mobile phone, how could he inform the police of the location of the warehouse?"

"Then why did the police suddenly block the parking lot?" Richard askew his head.

"Didn't the security guard say it was because of a theft in the parking lot?" Jose road.

"Do you believe it?" Richard gave a sneer.

"Why not?" Jose said, "the police really want to do it. It's not the security guards in the parking lot who stop us. Will we rush out so easily?"

"I agree with Walter that you are idiots." Richard shook his head, turned to Mary and said, "Mary, let's not go back. Don't the three of them have a phone? After we find a new stronghold, we call them to leave the warehouse and find it by ourselves! "

"There's no car over there. All three of them are wounded by gunshot. How can they leave?" Just like Jose doesn't want to give up his brother, Torre doesn't want to give up his partner who has worked together for more than ten years.

"What do you say, Mary?" Jose also turned to Mary.

"The place is deserted and uninhabited. The Chinese boy can't go far even if he escapes. Maybe we can get him back." Before Mary began to answer, he added.

"Let's go back!" Maybe dad's last words played a role. Mary pondered for a while, turned the steering wheel and drove West. Three to one, Richard's no use opposing it.

"I hear the engine of the car. Who's coming?" Xiao Yao, who was lying on the roof of the warehouse, heard the sound of the car, took out the phone and dialed Alan Hal. He asked in a low voice, "is it your people or Mary? Are they back?"