After seeing the performance of her companions, Mary knew that they had been talked about by Xiao Yao and was full of blackmail for Xiao Yao's parents. Since she didn't want to kill him now, she certainly wouldn't let herself take him away, so she didn't mention the words she said in feicui palace that she took Xiao Yao alone.

After wandering around to make sure they were not followed, the black SUV drove back to their stronghold on the edge of the city, an old abandoned warehouse.

The car stopped at the door of the warehouse. The old black man got out of the car and opened the door of the warehouse and the lights inside. After the black SUV entered the warehouse, the old black man immediately pulled up the door of the warehouse. The robbers got out of the car one after another, and Xiao Yao was also detained.

In this robbery Gang, Mary is undoubtedly the woman with the lowest force value, but she is the most intelligent in the whole team. It is because of this high intelligence that she is most feared by others in the gang. Three Mexicans have only known Mary for a year, and the other three Americans have cooperated with the other four for the first time. They didn't trust each other as much as the three person team before Mary.

"Garcia, you are guarding the back door of jadeite Palace today. No one has seen you. Tomorrow you go outside to buy some disposable mobile phones, let this boy call home When Xiao Yao got off the bus and turned to observe the environment, Jose told a Mexican companion. When Mary, the most intelligent planning organizer, had a quarrel with other people in the team, Jose, the person with the highest force value, naturally acted as the boss and began to give orders.

"No problem!" An ugly man nodded.

"Mary," said Jose, looking at Mary again, "it's up to you to plan how the ransom will be paid, but until then, you'd better not be alone with him. We'll look at you and don't try to take him alone! "

"All right!" Mary nodded helplessly. In this situation, it's useless for her to oppose.

"Antonio, lock up the boy," Jose said to another man. "Let's check the harvest tonight, and then let Mary contact the buyer. Step by step, let's get the money for tonight. "

The "blue water drop" is worth eight million dollars. It can't be sold casually. If the black market buyers hadn't been contacted in advance, they wouldn't have taken the risk.

Antonio finds an empty warehouse in the warehouse and pushes Xiao Yao in. When Xiao Yao saw that the other party was going to close the door and leave, he quickly cried, "wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Asked Antonio, frowning.

"I'm locked up. Can you untie the rope in my hand?" Xiao Yao side body, sign a way, "you won't always bind me like this, let me sleep like this?"? Are you going to feed me when I eat? Come on, you all have guns. I don't even know where I am. Are you afraid I'll run away? "

"Turn around!" Antonio doesn't seem to think it's necessary to tie him all the time, so he pulls out his dagger and orders Xiao Yao.

"You're going to cut the rope with a knife? This is Jose's shoelace. Are you sure he doesn't need it? " Xiao Yao turns around and turns his head.

"Well," Antonio thought for a moment, turned his head and cried, "Garcia, come here!"

"What's the matter?" Garcia came up and asked.

The three Mexicans were a small gang before they met Mary. They had worked together for several years, but they had some trust in each other. With Jos é in, the other two are not afraid of other people's tricks when checking their belongings, so Antonio shouts and Garcia comes over.

"I want to help this boy untie the rope, you help me watch him, if he dares to move, according to his hand or foot to a gun." Antonio hands the gun to Garcia.

The rope on Xiao Yao's hand is a knot. One hand can't untie it. He must put down his gun and untie it with both hands. Antonio is thinking of Xiao Yao's skill, Jos é has been caught by him, afraid that he will take advantage of himself to untie the rope when he suddenly get into trouble and start to hold himself, so he found someone to help watch.

"I untie your hand. Don't be silly to lose your hand." Antonio threatened Xiao Yao again.

"So careful?" Xiao Yao helpless smile, hastily nodded, "of course not."

Antonio untied the rope in Xiao Yao's hand, took it out of the warehouse, locked the door from the outside, and then left with Garcia.

After the iron door was closed, Xiao Yao rubbed his bound hands and wrists and observed the warehouse.

This is a warehouse of brick and stone structure. Xiao Yao's warehouse has stone walls on three sides and iron doors on one side. There are no windows. Only the wall facing the iron door is equipped with an exhaust fan, and the fan blades are slowly rotating. The location of the exhaust fan is relatively high from the ground, which is difficult for ordinary people to reach. However, the hole where the exhaust fan is installed is also relatively small. Xiao Yao's body is absolutely unable to get in. The floor of the warehouse is relatively clean. There is nothing else except an old mattress. It is obvious that it has been cleaned before. It seems that it is a temporary sleeping place for them. Now it is the most suitable place to close him.

Xiao Yao stands with his back against the iron gate, finds it hard to see the position of the lower edge of the exhaust fan on the ground, squats down and takes out the dagger hidden in his socks. Xiao Yao rushed to the opposite wall. After a few steps, he jumped up and stepped on the wall. After two consecutive steps on the wall, Xiao Yao was able to install the exhaust fan. Xiao Yaoshen grabs the lower edge of the hole with his left hand and hides the dagger in the hole where the exhaust fan is installed.After he let go and landed, Xiao Yao reached out to erase the footprints on the wall, lay down on the mattress on the ground, and turned his brain to think of the way to get away.

Not long after Xiao Yao lay down, the iron door of the warehouse was opened, and Jose came in with Antonio with a pistol.

"Where's my dagger?" Jose points a gun at Xiao Yao and asks.

As a result, when Antonio returned the shoelaces, Jose also remembered that he was missing a dagger. It doesn't matter if the dagger is lost in the emerald palace. If it's on the Chinese boy, it's a hidden danger. So after wearing the shoelaces, Jose immediately brings Antonio to interrogate Xiao Yao.

Seeing Jose pointing a gun at himself, Xiao Yao immediately stood up, raised his hands and said, "I don't know. Maybe he fell on the second floor of the jade palace? I had your gun in my hand at that time. Where would I pay attention to your knife? "

"Anton, search him for me." Jose said to Antonio.

When they were in the car just now, they just turned over Xiao Yao's coat pocket, took out his mobile phone and threw it away, so as not to be tracked to their location by the police through Xiao Yao's phone. They did not search Xiao Yao's whole body carefully. Although he didn't look like a liar to Xiao Yao, he asked his companion to search Xiao Yao for safety.

"All right." Antonio nodded, went to Xiao Yao and searched him all over, even the ankle. After searching his body, Antonio specially turned up the mattress Xiao Yao was lying on and checked to make sure he didn't hide the dagger under or inside the mattress, but he still got nothing.

"No Antonio shook his head.

"It looks like it's in the emerald palace." Jose looked around the warehouse and found that there was no place to hide things. His face relaxed a little. He took out a bottle of water from his hip pocket and threw it to Xiao Yao. He said, "cooperate well. After we get the money, we will let you go."

"Thank you Xiao Yao catches the water bottle road thrown by Jose with both hands.

Jose said nothing more, took Antonio away and locked the iron door from the outside again.

"After you get the money, don't you throw me at Mary's disposal?" Seeing the iron door closed, Xiao Yao turned his lips and said in his heart.

Xiao Yao certainly won't believe Jose's words, but he has no worries about the water he gives. After working all night, Xiao Yao was really thirsty. He opened the bottle cap and poured half the bottle down. Then he jumped up again, grabbed the lower edge of the hole of the exhaust fan, felt out the dagger and hid it on his body. Now that you've searched your body, there's no problem hiding the dagger on your body. Of course, it is more convenient to use this weapon for self-defense.

After hiding the dagger, Xiao Yao flattens the mattress erected by Antonio and lies on it again.

Just as Xiao Yao is quietly lying in an unknown warehouse on the edge of New York City, the outside world has exploded.

The press conference of New York Fashion Week was robbed. The bandits kidnapped and ransacked all the people in the exhibition hall. Among the properties robbed by the bandits were a set of jewelry worth 8 million US dollars, the total amount involved was close to 10 million US dollars, and a Chinese star was arrested. No matter which one is enough to make the headlines, what's more, it still happens together?

The robbery at the emerald palace is not the case that happened at the airport more than a year ago. The police knew it when the plane was still in the sky. They could make preparations early and easily block and control the airport and apron. Media reporters were present when the press conference scene was looted. Although there was no mobile phone signal at the time of the incident, there was no way to report the news, the bandits took the Signal Jammer when they left, and someone had spread the news long before the police broke the door. The police couldn't do anything to block the news.

Just ten minutes after the police arrived at the jade palace, a large number of media reporters rushed to the scene.

Although there were some foreigners at the press conference, most of them were Americans, and many of them were stars. No matter stars or ordinary people, who don't want to show their face in the news media? Explain the course of the incident to the camera lens, reprimand the perpetrator severely, express concern for the Chinese boy who was taken away, and appeal to the police to solve the case as soon as possible. Tomorrow, you can see a not negative image of yourself in the news. Who will not do it? They are victims, not perpetrators. Of course, they are not afraid to interview the media reporters.

It was known at the press conference that Xiao Yao was taken away by Mary, but Yin Xi was not the only one. Even if he didn't find out at the beginning, Daniel ault called Yang's name, Mary's name appeared on the walkie talkie several times, plus Yin Xi's performance, and some people heard Yin Xi's later phone call, it was enough to make them think of Xiao Yao's recent hot news about Unifying the robbers in last year's plane robbery, and guess that Xiao Yao was killed by the robber in last year's plane robbery The escaped female robber was taken away.

When it is said that Xiao Yao, whom the media reporters have been looking for recently, is not only at the scene, but also taken away by the bandits. The robber who took Xiao Yao away is actually the "old enemy" of last year's plane robbery. While the media reporters are in silence for Xiao Yao, they are excited for this explosive news.

No matter when, the response speed of the network is the fastest. Less than half an hour after the police rescued the people in the conference hall, someone released the relevant information on their personal social network account, and within two hours, the news had appeared on the network media.During this period, many foreign journalists came to New York to cover fashion week. The event took place at the New York Fashion Week Press Conference. Many foreign journalists came to the conference, among which the Chinese journalists who paid close attention to Xiao Yao were the most. As a result, this news soon appeared in the Chinese domestic network media, and naturally caused a great disturbance.

Within half a day, dozens of Chinese stars who got the news forwarded the news on their microblogs and other social accounts, publicly expressed their concern about Xiao Yao's life and safety, prayed that Xiao Yao would be safe and sound, and called on the US police to rescue Xiao Yao as soon as possible. Among these stars are Huang Shi, Chen Feng, Su Chengying and other well-known front-line actors, Shazhou, Hong Wei, Liang Xueying, Qin Xiaodong and other pop stars, as well as Chen Yang, Li AI, Guo Qi, Chen Nuo and other sports stars. Among them, Chen Yang, Li AI, Liang Xueying and other stars familiar with the United States even said that they would go to New York in person to care about the progress of the case.

Many of these stars are top leaders in their respective industries, and their influence is huge. Under their action, Xiao Yao was robbed by bandits in the United States. This incident soon became a well-known event in China, and many people's hearts were affected by Xiao Yao's safety.

After the stars made their public statements on the Internet, countless ordinary netizens also commented on the Internet. Netizens mainly expressed their worries about Xiao Yao and their indignation at the incompetence of the US police. Of course, there were also some voices of schadenfreude, but generally speaking, the former two accounted for the vast majority.

Xiao Yao is a Chinese. This is an accident happened to a Chinese citizen abroad. Even if it's just an ordinary person, the Chinese government will not say nothing. What's more, the ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in the United States will soon make a statement that he will communicate with the U.S. government and ask people to participate in the investigation of the whole case and the action of rescuing Chinese citizens, and report to the Chinese people at any time The public was informed of the progress of the case.

The pressure from the Chinese government and public opinion is quickly felt by the US police, but it is not all the pressure they need to face.

Xiao Yao's popularity in the United States is not as high as that in China, but this incident has also caused quite a stir in the United States. After the news came out, stars such as daydream, Betty bellette, immortals, Zhou Jingyi and former members of torrent also expressed their concern on their social network accounts. "Daydream" and Betty Bailette are also the top stars in their respective fields. "Immortals" is the most vigorous young band in recent years. Although Zhou Jingyi and "torrent" are less famous, they can be regarded as stars at least. They are all Americans, and their influence should not be underestimated.

Although Xiao Yao didn't make a public appearance in the United States in the past two years, his three rock songs, his two electronic music songs and MV, that folk song and sweet to sweet MV were all released in the United States, and they all achieved good results on the bulletin board. They were very popular with music fans, not to mention he wrote a champion single for "daydream" , which provided a creative idea for the MV of the wedding documentary that won the "people's Choice Award" and "MTV music TV Award". He has already had a group of fans in the United States. Now that he has an accident, the reaction of ordinary American netizens who know what happened is not small.

People in the United States are more unscrupulous than Chinese netizens in hacking their own government departments. It's been more than a year since I failed to catch a fugitive and let others come back to take away the foreign heroes who helped you catch the two robbers. Now there are voices in China saying that the American police are incompetent. It's a shame to go abroad! As a result, the local people of the United States began to denounce the incompetence of their police.

Then, some European countries began to report and discuss this issue.

Most of Xiao Yao's visits to European countries are as photographers. Except for a few English songs and MVs that are also released in European countries, ordinary people in Europe don't have much impression on Xiao Yao. However, when the media reports on Xiao Yao, they will also bring some of his life stories. "Tuner", a self-made, self directed and self performed short film, is the winner of the most popular short film award in "Cannes for short films". In addition to writing songs, singing and photography, he is also a promising young filmmaker!

Europe and the United States have more in common in terms of music, but in terms of movies, there are obvious differences in styles, and they are often against each other. Chinese filmmakers are still popular in Europe. The original version of the short film "tuner" is a French film. The version produced by Xiao Yao is not Hollywood style, but European style. Xiao Yao's music is more popular in the United States, and short films are more popular in Europe. As a result, the European people also joined in the camp of condemning the incompetence of the American police.

For a moment, it seems that the eyes of the whole world have turned to the U.S. police, concerned about the safety of Xiao Yao. Under this pressure, ensuring Xiao Yao's life safety has become a priority task far higher than capturing the jewelry robbers at the robbery press conference. In this case, it seems normal for the US police to do things that are not in line with their usual style.