After the title of sun Tingting and her photos spread on the Internet, more and more people in China are interested in her.

In recent years, the number of sun Tingting appearing in public view and media reports is not much, and the photos of sun Tingting circulated on the Internet before are not many. After seeing the beautiful street photos of sun Tingting in Xiao Yao's post, those netizens who are interested in her and want to know more about her and see more of her photos failed to find too many reports and photos about her on the Internet, so they began to search her social network account.

Sun Tingting is not an entertainment star, but as a famous second generation star more than ten years ago, she is now Xiao Yao's girlfriend. How can she be a celebrity. Her microblog account has been authenticated by her real name, and her number of fans has reached the level of over a million. Although these years are relatively quiet, and the number of fans who pay attention to her has a certain loss, the number of fans is still considerable. Her microblog belongs to a well-known VIP account, which is easy to find. Sun Tingting's microblog visits and the number of fans have also increased significantly after she became popular because of the photo and the title in Xiao Yao's post.

Sun Tingting is not an entertainment star, nor is she a person who likes to take self photos with her mobile phone. She didn't have many photos. Before going to the United States to be an exchange student, Xiao Yao once took a set of formal photo studio for sun Tingting, but Sun Tingting treasured that set of photos, and did not intend to make it public, so she did not post it on Weibo.

When many netizens enthusiastically check sun Tingting's microblog, they are disappointed to find that there are not many beautiful photos of herself in sun Tingting's microblog album. In sun Tingting's Micro blog photo album, there are some photos in the past, but most of them are from primary school and junior high school, when the whole person hasn't been fully open for a long time. Moreover, at first glance, they are just casual photos of life, which can't compare with the photos taken on the beautiful street at the latest fashion week in New York.

In the past two years, sun Tingting has only sent three pictures on her microblog. These three pictures are the calligraphy of Xiao Yao's modern poem "birds and fish", a necklace Xiao Yao gave her and a letter of acceptance from chambers Conservatory of music. Not to mention the exquisite Street photo, sun Tingting's Micro blog doesn't even have her self photo in the past two years. And in these three microblogs, two of them are related to Xiao Yao. The calligraphy of modern poetry and the microblog of necklace all show that they are gifts given to her by Xiao Yao. There is a strong sense of pride and happiness between the lines.

It's just that we didn't find sun Tingting's recent photos. Those netizens who went to see sun Tingting's microblog were forced to pack a handful of dog food, and some netizens replied to the messages under sun Tingting's two microblogs, saying that the single dog had been hurt. Due to the number of new fans and the number of such replies, sun Tingting's two microblogs nearly two years ago almost became a popular post on the microblog.

In addition, there are a lot of new reply messages under the microblog of the admission notice of chambers Conservatory of music, most of which are the comments of netizens who know what the existence of chambers Conservatory of music is. From this micro blog, some netizens have come up with new clues.

Since Sun Tingting went to chambers Conservatory of music in the United States to study, does she have an account of FreeSpeak, a popular social networking software in the United States? She hasn't tweeted for more than a year. Is it because she changed to FS after she went to the United States? As a result, many netizens searched sun Tingting's FS account.

After sun Tingting went to the United States, she did register an account of FreeSpeak, a popular personal social networking software in the United States. She mainly plays FS, but unlike Huaxia's microblog, sun Tingting is just an ordinary student in the United States. Her FS account is not a famous star account, and has not been authenticated by her real name. For Chinese netizens, sun Tingting's FS account is not as easy to find as her microblog account. However, the ability of netizens is amazing. Even though sun Tingting's FS account is named after an English name that few people know, and her avatar doesn't use her own photo, it was found by omnipotent netizens and published in the newly established sun Tingting's post bar and a reply message on Sun Tingting's recent microblog.

As a result, sun Tingting's FS account, which originally had only a few hundred concerns, also had hundreds of thousands more star accounts in just two days.

In sun Tingting's FS account, there are more pictures in the photo album than in the microblog. Although there are no very beautiful street photos like those in Xiao Yao's post, there are still a few self photos with foreign girls who seem to be classmates. These photos are obviously recent photos within the past year. Even if they are not as beautiful as street photos, they can see the appearance of sun Tingting clearly, which can be regarded as a waste of effort for those Chinese fans and netizens who have not easily found and paid attention to sun Tingting's FS account.

Now there is a big wave of new fans of sun Tingting in China. These new fans are attracted by the photos in Xiao Yao's post. They don't know sun Tingting very well. After finding the social network account that sun Tingting has mainly used for more than a year, I will not only look for her photos on it, but also take a close look at the FS content that she has released in more than a year, so as to learn about her recent study and life and deepen my understanding of her.In the eyes of most netizens, since Sun Tingting has not tweeted for more than a year and has been using FS, she should not tweet again in the short term, at least before she finishes her studies at chambers Conservatory of music and returns home. What people didn't expect is that two days after Xiao Yao sent out sun Tingting's street photo in his post, sun Tingting's FS account and microblog were updated at the same time.

About the afternoon of the fourth day of New York Fashion Week, sun Tingting sent out a new micro blog.

The latest microblog text sent by sun Tingting has a text description. At the beginning of the text, the blue font of sun Tingting's AI te Xiao Yao microblog account is very conspicuous, indicating that this microblog must also be related to Xiao Yao. This microblog is with pictures. The position of the picture thumbnail below shows that there are six pictures that look like Street Photos, so some netizens speculate whether Xiao Yao has taken a new street photo for sun Tingting. Some excited netizens didn't even have time to read all the contents of the text, so they couldn't wait to click on the picture and view the complete big picture.

After clicking on the big picture, we found that these photos were not sun Tingting's Street Photos. Street photo is street photo, but the person in the photo is obviously a young man. From the behavior of sun Tingting's Micro blog account, most people guess that the boy in the photo should be Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao posted the photo of sun Tingting in the post, and sun Tingting posted the photo of Xiao Yao in the microblog. It seems normal, but the posture and action of the boy who seems to be Xiao Yao in these photos are really weird.

"I'll go. Is this Xiao Yao? What are you doing? "

"This is Xiao Yao? Crazy? What is he playing with? "

"Isn't Xiao Yao crazy?"

many netizens who saw the photos make complaints about their eyes for the first time, and cry loudly in the heart.

In the first photo, the scene is an ordinary street with few pedestrians. From the perspective of architectural style, it should be in a foreign country. Xiao Yao and sun Tingting are both in New York, USA. the scene in the photo is not strange. The strange thing is Xiao Yao's posture and action in the photo. In the photo, there is a garbage can on the street. Xiao Yao only uses his abdomen to touch the top of the garbage can, lying on the garbage can, head down, limbs bent and open, like swimming in the water.

In the second photo, the scene turns into a park. The main character is Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao's action is not much different from that in the first photo. He is still lying face down and limbs bent like swimming, but this time he is not lying on the garbage can on the street, but on a corner of a bench.

In the third photo, Xiao Yao is still in the same posture, except that under his abdomen is not a garbage can or a bench, but a fist clenched by an outdoor figure sculpture.

In the fourth, fifth and sixth pictures, Xiao Yao has the same posture and action, but he is in different scenes, lying on different things.

The netizens who were so confused were reminded to check the text on Sun Tingting's microblog.

"@ Xiaoyao, who is carefree, said that in New York Fashion Week, you can feel the fashion trend, but fashion is not only about clothes, but also about behavior and sports. He suddenly had an inspiration (actually crazy) and made the following behavior in these photos. He gave this kind of behavior a name, and said that it would become a very popular and fashionable behavior art. What do you think? "

Seeing the text of sun Tingting's introduction to these photos, netizens suddenly realized that they also began to reply to the messages below, and the number of comments and forwarding on this microblog exploded.

"Does Xiao Yao play performance art? Is there anything else that he doesn't play or can't play? "

"New performance art? How does Xiao Yao's brain grow? "

"I suddenly feel that Xiao Yao's" street lie down "is cool!"

"I want to play, but I dare not. I can't afford to lose that man

"It's not something you can play if you want to. It also needs good balance and coordination. In the first photo, you can see from the garbage can next to Xiao Yao that the top of the garbage can is spherical, not flat. In the second photo, Xiao Yao only touched a very small part of the corner. In the third photo, I don't know how he climbed up without mentioning the fist area of the statue Forget it, I can't do it anyway! "

"He lies on the top of the garbage can. We can lie on it. The top is flat. As long as we don't take pictures of other garbage cans, we can't see it from the photos."

"It doesn't matter if I shoot it. There's no need to compare with Xiao Yao, who has been practicing martial arts since childhood! When I look at what he did in the photos, I feel that it is an extreme sport, but he said that it is a kind of performance art, which means that the less difficult "street lying" is also "street lying". We can't do the difficult movements of his lying down, so we should lie down in some ordinary places. If we can't, we should just lie down on the ground. I feel cool too! "

"I announced that I would become a" street prone "group, and I would go out and try to look at it later. At most, I'll do the laundry myself

"Wholesale washing machine, washing liquid, washing powder, price concessions, want to buy as soon as possible!""I'm going to organize a" street lie down "activity. Do anyone in Shencheng want to join us?"

As sun Tingting's microblog has become one of the top ten popular microblogs, the discussion about Xiao Yao's new performance art, which is called "jiepo", has quickly spread from sun Tingting's microblog comments to several website forums and post bars related to performance art, and has a trend of hot discussion all over the Internet. Although in a short time, no ordinary netizens have sent out their "street lying" photos, but from the heat and enthusiasm of netizens' discussion, it seems that it is only a matter of time.

Sure enough, just two days later, other people's "street lying" photos appeared on Weibo. The photo shows a young girl lying on a sports motorcycle parked on the road. The area of the fuel tank and cushion supporting her body is relatively large. Her posture is not too difficult, but her creativity is good. She is also the first ordinary person to send photos of playing with Xiao Yao, so it still attracts the attention of many netizens, Everyone is also generous in praising her "street lying" photo.

With leaders, other people who follow suit are also beginning to appear. After a period of time, "street lying" has really become a kind of behavior art slowly developed in China. There are not only a lot of public "street" fans, and even some people began to connect offline, organized a large number of large-scale "street" activities.

At the beginning, when sun Tingting took the camera and said that she wanted to take a picture for Xiao Yao, although her tone and eyes seemed to be very serious, through her slightly curved mouth, Xiao Yao also knew that sun Tingting said that she wanted to take a picture for her, just for fun. Since Sun Tingting takes photos for fun, what she wants to take is also fun photos. At that time, Xiao Yao was dressed in a photographer's work clothes, and he couldn't change his clothes. If he wanted to take funny photos, he had to work hard on his expression, posture and action.

Xiao Yao knew that there was a kind of behavior called "lying on the street" in his previous life. The purpose of those "Pake" playing "Pajie" is to have fun. Now sun Tingting wants to take funny photos. Xiao Yao thinks that "lying on the street" is just a good choice.

When Xiao Yao was lying on the garbage can and doing the action of "lying on the street", sun Tingting first widened her eyes in surprise. When Xiao Yao explained that this was his designed pose for taking photos, sun Tingting was amused to squat on the ground with her camera and smile for a long time. After standing up, sun Tingting did not rush to take a picture, but asked Xiao Yao what posture it was and what she said.

There is no "lying on the street" in this world. Xiao Yao told sun Tingting that this is a new kind of performance art created by him. Because "PuJie" is similar to "PuJie" in Cantonese, Xiao Yao changed his name from "PuJie" in his previous life to "Jiepu".

Looking at Sun Tingting with a smile, he said that he was crazy to come up with such a strange performance art. Based on his previous experience, Xiao Yao vowed to sun Tingting that this kind of performance art would become a new fashion trend.