After the Star Charity basketball match, the media coverage is indispensable. As there are both performing stars and professional players in the team, and the purpose of the game is to raise funds for the reconstruction of the earthquake stricken areas, there are many types of media covering the game, including entertainment media, sports media and some social media. As one of the main sponsors and organizers of the competition, Haiyan video also released the complete video and various video collections of the competition on its own video website the day after the competition.

There are many points to report and talk about this game. Whether it's the former American all star player's first participation in China's public welfare game, or the match between professional players and amateur players, it's very topical. But when it comes to this game, the biggest highlight is undoubtedly Xiao Yao who finally won the MVP. The focus of these media reports after the game is naturally on Xiao Yao.

As soon as the 30 + 15 + 15 large triple double data is reported, many people who have not seen the game will be shocked. Although this is only a performance match, not a professional league match, we should know that this game is still attended by six professional players, including two former American all star retired players and four Chinese active players. Even if these six professional players do not give full play, such a triple double data is not just to get.

So how did Xiao Yao get the triple double data with the participation of professional players? Although there is no lack of media coverage of the whole game, but through the text is no video data to intuitive. As a result, many netizens flocked to the website of Haiyan video to watch the video of the game. On the website of Haiyan video, there is a special section of Star Charity competition. Naturally, the first one is the complete video of the whole competition, and the second one is Xiao Yao's personal video collection.

In the first half of the video, countless netizens marveled at the imaginative ways of passing the ball, especially the fantastic pass that used his left elbow to knock the basketball in the opposite direction during the fast break.

In the second half of the video, Xiao Yao started his scoring performance. Air pull shot, air relay dunk, air pull shot by changing hands, fast break after snatch, and even the urinal free throw made netizens dumbfounded.

Under the influence of media reports, Xiao Yao's personal collection video on Haiyan video soon received tens of millions of hits, and many of the clips were intercepted by netizens and spread to other social platforms.

No matter the media or netizens, more and more people put the title of "the best basketball star in the entertainment circle" on Xiao Yao's head.

This title belongs to another star before, but Zhuo Zhiyuan, the movie and TV song all-around star who returned from the United States, also participated in the competition. No matter from personal data or field performance, Zhuo Zhiyuan was obviously unable to compare with Xiao Yao, not to mention that at that time, the two had a head-on duel on the field and had a single round. Xiao Yao scored in singles when attacking and gave Zhuo Zhiyuan a big hat when defending. In addition to Zhuo Zhiyuan's brain powder, no one would think that Zhuo Zhiyuan's basketball is better than Xiao Yao's. The media and netizens give Xiao Yaoan such a title, which is worthy of the name.

But in some people's view, just "the best basketball star in the entertainment circle" is not enough to reflect Xiao Yao's strength. There are professional players in this game. From the data, in addition to scoring lower than Evans, Xiao Yao is only the second highest in the game. Besides, the number of rebounds, assists, blocks and steals is the highest among all the players. In addition, there are many scenes in the game where Xiao Yao confronts and wins with professional players such as Yu Junzhe and Xu Yue Xu Yue and other professional players made a comparison and discussed the possibility of Xiao Yao becoming a professional player and playing professional games.

Then, some good media interviewed several professional players who participated in the charity match at that time.

Xiao Yao's game data and performance on the field are all there. The professional players interviewed have a good impression on Xiao Yao. Naturally, they praise Xiao Yao to the media reporters. As for whether they can play professional games, they all gave a positive answer. It is said that Xiao Yao's physical fitness and players have the foundation to play professional games. If he can follow the professional club's team for a period of training, and do some targeted training and improvement on skills and tactics, it is not impossible to appear in the professional field.

Speaking of Xu Yue, the reporter who interviewed the current women's basketball player remembered a small episode in the competition and dug up a little gossip on the court at that time.

Xu Yue once played tit for tat with Xiao Yao for a period of time in the competition. Finally, Xiao Yao made a plea for mercy face to face. You know, the strength of men's basketball team is much stronger than that of women's basketball team. Xiao Yao has been beaten by you, but now you say Xiao Yao can play professional league?

As soon as the reporter raised this question, Xu Yue immediately told the reporter about the specific situation at that time: "Xiao Yao would make a begging gesture because he lied to me that my mouth was red, and he threw a ball when I was distracted. At that time, I was very angry, so he apologized to me. With his later performance, I know that he didn't cheat me because he couldn't get points, nor was he really afraid of being beaten by me. Instead, he apologized because he was bored and cheated me and made me angry. "If there is no performance behind, maybe some people will say that Xiao Yao is unscrupulous in order to score, but with those cool scoring methods such as dunk and air pull rod behind, we all feel like Xu Yue that Xiao Yao is just boring and has nothing to do. Originally, Xiao Yao thought that only with a very serious attitude could he have such brilliant data and performance in the game. But he didn't expect that Xiao Yao still wanted to make fun of Xu Yue in the game, as if he wanted to treat the game playfully.

Many people are speechless to Xiao Yao again after the news.

Whether Xiao Yao can play a professional game was just a boring conjecture of some netizens on the Internet. Media reporters also used it as a sideshow to interview several professional players to create topics and attract attention. Although several professional players have given a very serious positive answer, most people still think that it is a polite flattery of Xiao Yao from several professional players, and not many people think that Xiao Yao can really play professional games if they say so. But is it really impossible?

Three days after the star charity match, the official website of Donghai sharks club announced a message: they have issued a formal trial invitation to Xiao Yao. If Xiao Yao agrees, they will be able to come to Donghai sharks for a two-week trial. If the result of the trial training satisfies the head coach and the management of the team, they will help Xiao Yao register as a professional player in the Basketball Association and provide a formal professional player contract!

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar of shock.

The media were confused, and after that they began to reprint the news excitedly. After the news spread, Xiao Yao's fans, countless fans and netizens were also confused. Are you kidding?

Are you kidding? No, this is the news published on the official website of Donghai shark club!

Hype? It's kind of like that. We can't rule out the possibility of the East China Sea Sharks' hype by Xiao Yao, but it's not necessarily pure hype. Since it is the news released on the official website, at least the invitation for trial training must be true.

In Xiao Yao's current situation, it is unlikely to be a professional basketball player. But Xiao Yao has always been unexpected in his work, and he has already had a lot of identities as a monster. He has been an actor, singer, photographer, director and screenwriter. What if he really wants to be a professional player and agrees to come to trial training? The East China Sea Sharks have to follow.

Although the news added the premise that only after passing the trial training can he be registered and provided with a professional contract, and the initiative is on the side of the club, when a big star like Xiao Yao comes to the trial training, and the club makes it public in advance, it is impossible to simply send an indifferent staff to fool Xiao Yao, and the news also said that it will follow the normal trial training process To complete the investigation of Xiao Yao.

Now it's only 20 days before the start of the new season. The team is in intensive pre match training. If it's just for hype, for a star who is destined not to be liked by them to use the club's resources to inspect his trial training, and then affect the team's preparation, it's not worth the loss.

From this point of view, whether or not Donghai shark club takes the opportunity to hype and come to Xiao Yao for trial training, hoping that he can meet the requirements and sign him is true, which also proves that Xiao Yao's level can reach the level of professional competition after technical and tactical training is true.

Soon, Xiao Yao's agent still admitted in an interview with the media that the East China Sea Shark club did send a formal trial invitation to Xiao Yao. In the invitation of trial training, Donghai shark club also listed in great detail the trial training plan and inspection content. Donghai shark really plays a real game! As for whether Xiao Yao will go to the East China Sea Sharks to participate in the trial training, Xiao Yao is still under consideration, and has not yet made a formal reply.

This time, the media and netizens not only said that Xiao Yao is the best basketball star in the entertainment circle, but also said that Xiao Yao is an entertainment star who can play professional league.

The trial is true. The venue of this charity basketball game is in Shencheng, and the venue of the game is borrowed from the home stadium of Donghai sharks. The chairman and head coach of the East China Sea Sharks team, as well as several senior managers, also attended the game as guests.

Donghai sharks is Chen Yang's parent team in China before he went to the United States to play, and has a very close relationship with many senior members of the club. The president and coach of the club have heard Chen Yang talk to them about Xiao Yao's talent in basketball. At a party after the game, Chen Yang mentioned to them the regret of not being able to bring Xiao Yao to the path of a professional basketball player. The club chairman and coach of Donghai sharks have been deeply impressed by Xiao Yao's performance. After listening to Chen Yang's words, they can't help thinking.

According to Gao Dongping, the head coach of Donghai team, Xiao Yao, who is only 20 years old, has a better performance in the game than many players in the youth team of the club. If he changes his career to play professional games, it is not that he has no future, on the contrary, he still has great potential. If we can sign Xiao Yao into the club, it will be a very good decision to start from the youth team.In the view of the club chairman of Donghai team, since the head coach and Chen Yang have recognized Xiao Yao's level, it is very worthwhile to sign Xiao Yao as a star player. Even if Xiao Yao refused Chen Yang when he was a child, it is unlikely that he would agree to change his career now, but as long as he formally invites Xiao Yao, it is also very eye-catching and a very good publicity for the club. Can come best, even if cannot come, the club also did not have any loss, also earned the media layout and the topic, therefore has planned such an invitation trial training matter.

Facing the trial invitation from the East China Sea Shark club, Xiao Yao is really excited.

When Chen Yang was refused to go to basketball school, he couldn't stand the boring life in basketball school, but professional clubs were different. Here are all professional players, are adults, in addition to training and competition, or have their own personal life space. The Donghai shark is a local team in Shencheng, the game is in the weekend, whether it is training one day or two days, the time is not very long. The only problem is that it conflicts with the time of class in my school.

Xiao Yao certainly doesn't think about dropping out of school or dropping out of school, so Xiao Yao still doesn't plan to change his career to become a professional player. But if it's just a two-week trial, Xiao Yao asks for a few days off to go to a professional club and try his level. It's a very good experience for the professional club to give him a professional contract.

The only problem is that if their trial training is passed, Donghai shark club really wants to help them register professional players with the Basketball Association, and put the contract of professional players in front of them, but they don't sign it. Will Donghai shark club, which has spent time and manpower to arrange their trial training, be dissatisfied and feel that it is a waste of their resources Play with them?