If one side is in trouble, all sides will support. In the event of a major disaster, not only the relevant government departments have a rapid response, but also people from all walks of life have their own response.

As a star group with high popularity, public image and superior economic conditions, the response and performance in the earthquake disaster in Wuyou county is naturally a focus of the media and the public.

The rescue work in the disaster area is still a relatively professional thing. It's not that the more people who go to the scene, the better. Sometimes more people will delay the work. Therefore, no matter enterprises or individuals, very few people are suitable and able to go to the disaster site for support. Most people express their support to the disaster area only in one way, that is, donation. On this point, the stars and ordinary people are not too different. Their main way of support is to donate money, but the amount of donation is different from ordinary people.

The reaction of the star group is still very rapid. Wuyou County earthquake occurred in the morning, around noon, someone has published the relevant information on the Internet, some media also reprinted. In the evening, the most authoritative CCTV broadcast the earthquake disaster in Wuyou County in the news program. After the CCTV news came out, many stars immediately posted their microblogs to pray for the people in the disaster area. From the next morning, many entertainment stars donated money to the disaster area, mixed with the news of reporting the situation in the disaster area.

In one day, more than a dozen stars offered their love to the disaster area. Among them, there are stars in the film and television circles, music circles and folk art circles. Basically, the more famous, the richer the wealth and the better the reputation, the faster the stars move and the more money they donate. As a result, some people began to compare the donation amount of stars, and discussed which stars were more generous and loving, and which stars were more stingy.

When it comes to fame, the most popular stars during this summer vacation are not the movie and television actors who dominate the screen on TV and the box office in the cinema, but Xiao Yao, who made an eye-catching performance in "singer" and then contracted the ears of fans with dozens of songs. So there are many people pay special attention to Xiao Yao's performance.

In terms of wealth, although no one knows how much wealth Xiao Yao has, we at least know that he has his own personal brand and is a boss. And just after joining the singer, they released so many songs in succession, whether they were sung by themselves or written for others, with good results. I think they have made a lot of money recently, so they are all a little rich.

In terms of reputation, Xiao Yao, who was once a gangster holding a knife in the subway, has been on the social news and is known as a "good young man who is brave for a just cause". The image is very sunny and positive, and the reputation of personal character is also very good.

The vast majority of people think that such a famous and rich star with a good public image would not be indifferent to the people in the disaster area. However, we were surprised to find that Xiao Yao was not the first star to respond to the donation.

Of course, everyone's reaction time is different, and not every star can be known by the media after donating. Without the news of Xiao Yao's donation, it does not mean that Xiao Yao has not donated or he will not. However, many people find that Xiao Yao, a star with "full of positive energy", was puzzled after he didn't even send a microblog to pray for the people in the disaster area after the earthquake.

Then, on the Internet, some sunspots and fountains began to send Posts attacking Xiao Yao for his indifference to the people in the earthquake stricken areas, and even some posts began to analyze Xiao Yao's wealth, compare it with those stars who have donated money, and ask how much Xiao Yao should donate.

In the final analysis, donation is a voluntary act of individuals. Although as a star, he will inevitably experience such "moral kidnapping" or even "forced donation", for Xiao Yao, who has always been a star of great character, most people don't think that Xiao Yao will be influenced by those comments on the Internet, and they don't follow blindly. Instead, they patiently wait for Xiao Yao's response and suggestions Action.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the next plot was far beyond their expectation.

Whether Xiao Yao had traveled to Jiuzhaigou, which is tens of kilometers away from the epicenter of the earthquake, or Xiao Yao had sent people to Wuyou, which is the worst hit County, Fang and Xiao Yao's parents didn't make it public to the media, so as not to cause unnecessary worries for Xiao Yao's fans. The media had no way to know where Xiao Yao was going. However, on the second night after the earthquake, a post about Xiao Yao's participation in rescue work in the disaster area suddenly appeared in Xiao Yao's post bar.

The author of the post claimed to be a nurse who participated in medical support work in the disaster area, and also posted two videos in the post to his micro blog. Through the information on microblog and previous microblogs, it is easy for netizens to see that the author is indeed a nurse engaged in medical work. After a little investigation, they found out the work unit of the nurse and knew that she was indeed sent to the disaster area for medical support.

As a result, the Internet began to spread the news that Xiao Yao went to the scene of the disaster area to help rescue.

"Xiao Yao went to the disaster area in person, so the microblog didn't move, and there was no time to donate."

Xiao Yao's fans quickly "solved" the case, and there are also a large number of comments on the Internet praising Xiao Yao for going to the disaster area to make contributions to the people in the disaster area regardless of danger and doing his best. And in this praise, there are two voices of doubt.The first is to question whether the person in the video is really Xiao Yao. There is no doubt about the author's identity as a nurse, but the video she sent was taken secretly. In the video, the young man she claimed to be Xiao Yao did not show his face, and it is not sure that he is Xiao Yao from the video.

The second question is, even if the man is Xiao Yao, is it appropriate for him to appear at the rescue site in the disaster area? From the video, there are only two kinds of jobs he does, one is to help doctors carry the injured on stretchers, the other is to play harmonica in the tent in the evening. Now the disaster area, need him to do these things? The former is basically a person who can do it with strength. After being rescued, many people in the disaster area stay there to help. There is no shortage of hard-working people, but professionals in all aspects. The latter, in the eyes of many people, is totally unnecessary. What can playing harmonica and listening to music really help the people in the disaster area?

As a result, some people criticized Xiao Yao for running to the scene of the disaster area regardless of danger, just to show off! In doing so, he will not bring any benefits to the people in the disaster area, and will even interfere with the rescue work in the disaster area.

It's not that there are no stars who have been to the disaster area in person before, but most of the money raised by the big stars who have their own charitable foundation has been turned into materials and sent to the disaster area for distribution in person. They have carried out consolation activities to the affected people and rescue workers, and they have not stayed long enough to leave, so as not to interfere with other people's rescue work. As for singing and performing, it was not for the people in the disaster area at that time, but for the fund-raising party to help the post disaster reconstruction. Xiao Yao obviously stayed from day to night. At that time, he could not leave immediately. At least he would stay there for the night.

Therefore, those criticisms of Xiao Yao's going to the disaster area to make a show still have a certain market on the Internet, and also set off some debates among netizens.

But two days later, this kind of show speech was refuted completely. It is China's CCTV that refutes such comments.

During this period, CCTV news programs will regularly broadcast a CCTV reporter's report from the disaster area to introduce the rescue work and progress to the national audience. In the news on the third day after the earthquake, the reporter introduced to the audience the situation that a large number of trapped people were found in Zixu town the day before and the headquarters sent temporary personnel to support them. In this news, the reporter did not interview anyone, but introduced them to the audience in the form of a narration.

Entering the scene, we were surprised to find that the protagonist introduced by the reporter and shown in the picture was Xiao Yao, who caused controversy on the Internet recently. Although Xiao Yao in the TV is a professional outdoor dress with a suit and pants and a professional mountaineering bag beside him, what he is doing is to help the wounded treat their injuries.

It's hard to say how the ratings of CCTV's news programs are, but the news of Xiao Yao, an entertainment star, is absolutely eye-catching. After it was broadcast on TV, the news quickly spread on the Internet in the form of video, becoming a rare content on the Internet and a hot video of news.

"Isn't Xiao Yao singing and acting? When did you become a doctor again? " People who watched the news immediately raised such questions.

"It is understood that although Xiao Yao is not a professional doctor, he is a first-aid worker with first-aid certificate. Yesterday, he had been in a medical center in the county town to help treat the injured for a day. His first aid skills were approved by two professional emergency doctors there, so he was sent here alone to first aid the wounded Seems to know that the audience will have this question, the reporter also made an explanation in the narrator.

"Damn, Xiao Yao can cure the wounded, can he cure the wounded?"

"One person is responsible for the wounded in a town. Xiao Yao's first aid seems to be very professional?"

"Too 6, who TM said Xiao Yao went to the disaster area to show off and interfere with other people's work?"

As soon as this piece of news came out, it immediately became a frying pan on the Internet. When a star goes to the disaster area to be a doctor and a first-aid worker to deal with the wounded in a town alone? No matter how evil Xiao Yao is, such a scene is something they never dreamed of.

The length of the news is limited, and not all the pictures of Xiao Yao dealing with the wounded are broadcast, but the scenes of Xiao Yao finally discovering and rescuing the dog from the rubble, and helping the dog heal and feed him are retained.

"I'm really a musician. I've got great ears!"

"Poor little dog, I'm so lucky to meet Xiao Yao!"

"How cute the dog looks for Xiao Yao to eat!"

"Xiao Yao is so devoted to puppies. He really loves them!"

"No, I can't. My heart has melted!"

Looking at the pitiful and lovely dog, Xiao Yao's loving behavior also attracted a large group of audience to shout that the girl's heart is melting.

In the first half of the news, Xiao Yao went to the disaster area as a first-aid worker to treat the wounded, which has surprised the audience. What we didn't expect is that something even more incredible is still to come.

In the second half of the news, the audience was introduced in more detail to the scene of everyone's collective transfer to Zixu hotel.First of all, Xiao Yao volunteered to go to the second floor of the building, which was in danger of collapse, so that everyone was surprised and worried. Some people began to think that Xiao Yao was too eager to show himself, so that he ignored his own safety. When Xiao Yao knew how to ask for gloves and safety helmet, everyone felt that Xiao Yao was not so reckless.

Next, the action of Xiao Yao climbing the second floor made the audience exclaim.

"Isn't that amazing?"

"it's said that Xiao Yao didn't use a stand in at all when he was shooting Ling Yunzhi, now I believe it."

"Flying over the eaves and walls, have I seen the legendary" lightness skill "

"Is Xiao Yao playing Parkour?"

Xiao Yao not only said that he had learned martial arts since he was a child, but also showed it several times. His skill is basically a well-known thing. Looking at Xiao Yao's natural and unrestrained wall climbing action, the audience have a lot of praise, but not how unexpected. But the next thing, let the audience completely shut up.

After turning around on the second floor, Xiao Yao brought back a piece of bad news. There was no road on the second floor, the most likely access on the first floor, and the hotel gate was blocked by a falling concrete wall, which could not be drilled and blasted. The person in charge of the troops and engineering experts on the scene were at a loss.

At this time, Xiao Yao turned the water gun on the fire engine into a water cutting machine that can cut the concrete wall by using the car, fine sand, a section of elbow water pipe, a rag, a drink bottle and his own shoelace on an abandoned construction site nearby. He cut a small door on the concrete wall and rescued more than a dozen people trapped on the first floor of the hotel .

After watching this magical scene, countless audiences, like the masses in the picture, are eager to lift Xiao Yao up and throw him into the sky. What's more, they all have the impulse to worship.

"Damn, that's all right!"

"Worship the great God, who can tell me what's going on?"

"Singing and acting, curing the sick and saving the people, and creating a machine that can cut the concrete wall, what else can Xiao Yao not do?"

"Who said Xiao Yao shouldn't go to the disaster area? Who said Xiao Yao was going to show and make trouble? Have the ability to say in front of the wounded who were treated by Xiao Yao and the people who were rescued from that building? If you can't fight, I'll lose! "

After the news video spread and became a popular video, the public opinion immediately became the voice of one-sided support for Xiao Yao's rescue at the scene of the disaster area.

After that, the voice of criticizing Xiao Yao's going to the disaster area on the Internet soon disappeared, but the discussion of Xiao Yao's going to the disaster area in person did not stop, on the contrary, there was a growing trend. Xiao Yao, who hasn't donated a cent to the disaster area, instantly stole the spotlight of the stars who were talked about because he quickly donated a lot of money to the disaster area with his performance in the news pictures, becoming the most eye-catching entertainment star in the earthquake incident and also the most praised entertainment star.