"Ah? I thought the big stone under my feet was loose. " Jiang Yan also surprised way, "you stand is mud land, how also can feel the foot is shaking?"

Xiao Yao's brain suddenly flashed "Wenchuan" two words, some nervous blunder called: "can't it be an earthquake?"

Xiao Yao was very impressed by the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. Although there was no Wenchuan earthquake in this life, he is now in Sichuan Province, and it seems that he is not too far away from Wenchuan County.

"How could it be?" Jiang Yan raised her eyes and looked around at a calm area. She also said nervously, "do you think it looks like an earthquake? Don't scare me on purpose

"Yeah, maybe it's something else, or we're both hallucinating." Xiao Yao looked at Jiang Yan's nervous appearance and did not mention the two words to stimulate her. He looked up and said, "where are we? Can you walk out? "

"It's OK. It's not big. I can walk out." Jiang Yan said confidently, "where do you want to go now? Go on to huanglonggou or go back to town? "

"Go back." Xiao Yao said, "although we are not hurt, but out of this accident, I did not continue to play the interest." Although he doesn't mention it, the shadow of the word "earthquake" has been left in Xiao Yao's mind. He is ready to go back to the town and set out directly to Shencheng. Jiuzhaigou doesn't want to go any more.

"Well, come with me." Jiang Yan nodded, looked up at the surrounding environment, identified the direction, and took Xiao Yao to the northwest.

After walking for about an hour, they were out of the falling forest. Although they were still in the mountains, they had a much wider view, which was not much different from the environment they had just come to.

"I'm quite familiar with this place. It's estimated that we can get out of the mountain and go back to the town after more than an hour's walk." Walking to a higher place, Jiang Yan was relieved and turned to Xiao Yao with a smile.

"That's good!" Xiao Yao was also relieved and nodded with a smile. My confidence in Jiang Yan, a private tour guide, is even more abundant.

But sometimes God just doesn't fulfill people's wishes. As soon as Xiao Yao's voice fell, a gust of wind came, followed by a burst of thunder. They looked up at the sky at the same time, and found that a large dark cloud in the southeast was coming towards them.

"Damn it! Is it going to rain again? It's still sunny in the morning! " Xiao Yao cried helplessly.

"I can't help it. The weather in the mountains will change as soon as it changes!" Jiang Yan also felt helpless, turned to Xiao Yao and said, "the rain must not be small. Let's find a place to avoid the rain first. The road is slippery when it rains. It's too dangerous to walk on a mountain road! "

Although Xiao Yao was eager to fly back at the moment, he knew how dangerous it was to walk on the mountain road when it was raining heavily, and it was quiet all around. After walking for more than an hour, he didn't feel the shaking of the ground under his feet. Xiao Yao's suspicion of the earthquake had weakened a lot, so he could only reluctantly nod his head and agree to follow Jiang Yan to find shelter from the rain.

When the two men walked nearly four or five hundred meters away, the big raindrops fell.

Xiao Yao stopped Jiang Yan, took off her assault suit, handed it to her and said, "you can't do that. Put this on. It's waterproof."

"And you?" Jiang Yan a pair of palms cover on the head, don't accept Xiao Yao's clothes, looking at him way.

"My backpack is waterproof." Xiao Yao will take off the backpack to the chest with the road.

"What can backpacks cover? At most, your head and back don't cover the front of your chest. " Jiang Yan said, "I don't want it. You'd better wear it yourself."

"I'm in good health. It doesn't matter if I get wet for a while!" Xiao Yao said, "I still expect you to lead me out. If you get gonorrhea, how can I go back?"

"Well," said Xiao Yao, seeing that Jiang Yan still didn't pick up her clothes. She reached out and took off the hat from her charging suit and put it on her head. "My clothes are too big for you. Pull them up to cover your head. I'm wearing a hat. I have a backpack on my chest. It doesn't matter that my back is wet."

"Come on! Otherwise, both of them will be drowned and no one will have to wear them! " Xiao Yao roared again. Jiang Yancai, with a grateful face, reaches for Xiao Yao's assault suit and puts it directly on the outside of his coat. As Xiao Yao said, he pulls up the big clothes and covers his head.

The rain came quickly and heavily, soon let the ordinary back wet. Jiang Yan couldn't help but trot with Xiao Yao in the rain. They ran for nearly ten minutes, and finally found a cave to shelter in a steep cliff.

They ran into the cave, looked around and found that the place was not bad. The cave is more than ten square meters in size and relatively dry. The terrain is higher and higher, and you don't have to worry about rain coming in.

"It's a good place. Take a rest. I'll make a fire. Let's get warm." Although it's summer now, the temperature in ABA is not high, and the mountains are cooler than outside. With the rain, even Jiang Yan, who has not been wet, feels a little cold, and is more worried about Xiao Yao, whose back is all wet.

There are some traces of birds and animals in the cave, as well as many dry leaves and branches, which can make a fire. Jiang Yan Ran to collect the dead leaves and piled them into a small pile. Then she put up some dead branches on it, patted her head and said, "Oh, no lighter.""It's OK, I have!" Xiao Yao rummaged in his backpack, took out a lighter and said, "I'll do it!"

Xiao Yao took out a bag of tissue paper from his pants pocket, took out one and lit it with a lighter, then carefully put it into the dead leaves pile. The withered leaves were ignited by the paper towel. After they were completely burned, the flames leaped up and ignited the withered branches on the top. A small fire burst out.

“yes!” Xiao Yao cheered and sat down against the fire. He turned his head and went to the inner side of the cave to collect the dead branches. Jiang Yan said, "come and warm up too. Firewood won't run away on long legs. I'll pick it up later."

Jiang Yan came over with a small handful of dead branches in her arms, put the dead branches in her hand beside the fire and said, "there are not many dry branches in the cave. It's certainly not enough for us to burn. The branches outside are all wet now, so we have to pick them up first, put them on the side and bake them, dry them and then burn them. Otherwise, even if the wet branch can burn, the smoke will be too choking! "

"It's raining hard outside now. The mountain road is dangerous. I'd better go." Xiao Yao said, "you give me the assault suit."

"Your clothes are all wet now. How can you wear them? It's easier to get sick by covering wet clothes inside. You'd better dry your clothes first. " Jiang Yan said, "I've been playing in the mountains since I was a child. I just look for some branches nearby. It's not going up or down the mountain. It's OK!" Say, want to rush outside.

"Wait!" Xiao Yao took off his head's Stormtrooper hat and said, "put on the hat. You have to hold the branch. You have no hand to pull the clothes to your head."

"All right!" Jiang Yan thought about it, and nodded.

Jiang Yan reaches for Xiao Yao's hat, but Xiao Yao stands up, pulls her shoulder, turns her back to herself, and puts the hat on the back of her clothes.

"The hat and the clothes were originally together. If you wear them like this, the rain will flow in along the back collar." Xiao Yao is on the way.

After loading the hat, Xiao Yao let Jiang Yan out of the cave.

Jiang Yan went out of the cave, and Xiao Yao sat back beside the fire.

Xiao Yao felt uncomfortable wearing wet clothes. Now he was alone in the cave, so he took off his coat and held it to the fire to bake. As soon as he took off his clothes, Xiao Yao, who was sitting by the fire, soon warmed up, and the whole person was more comfortable.

About ten minutes later, when Xiao Yao began to worry, Jiang Yan came back with a handful of wet thick branches. See Jiang Yan come in, Xiao Yao also quickly put not completely dry clothes on the body.

"It doesn't matter," Jiang Yan, who saw Xiao Yao's action, put a pile of wet branches beside the fire and said with a smile, "clothes are not dry. It's hard to wear them. If you're embarrassed, I'll sit with my back to you and don't look at you." Then she sat with her back to Xiao Yao.

"It's OK. It's almost done." Xiao Yao said with a smile. Although the clothes were still a little damp, they were much more dry than when they first entered the cave, and Xiao Yao didn't feel too uncomfortable.

After hearing Xiao Yao's words, Jiang Yan didn't insist either. She turned around and started to take off her charging suit. She shook the water on it, then handed it to Xiao Yao and said, "thank you! It's really nice. It's like a raincoat. It's not wet at all. It's more breathable than a raincoat. "

"The money is good, too!" As a result, Xiao Yao of the assault suit laughed in his heart, but he didn't say it directly.

It's windy and rainy outside. They have nothing to do. Jiang Yan sits by the fire and talks with Xiao Yao.

"You're from a big city, aren't you?" Jiang Yan asked curiously.

"Yes Xiao Yao nodded, "what's the matter?"

"But I feel like you're familiar with the mountains, too." Jiang Yan said, "I don't mean that you are familiar with this place, but you walk on the mountain road like walking on the flat ground. Except for stopping to take photos, when you walk, it doesn't slow me down at all, and the fire is also good. Moreover, when you meet today's situation, ordinary city people are already flustered, but I think you are more stable than me."

"I go to many places!" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "I have climbed the mountain many times and spent the night in the mountain. It's not the first time that we've caught the rain in the mountains. "

In terms of photography, Xiao Yao first published his works in the Geographic Photography Magazine, but he started out as a Geographic photographer. At the beginning, Xiao Yao not only learned photography skills, but also learned a lot of survival skills in the wild. I've been to the desert, and it's nothing to say about this kind of mountain.

"Oh? Where have you been? " Jiang Yanda is interested in Tao.

"Deserts, grasslands, mountains, seaside, all kinds of places, both at home and abroad." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"Have you ever been abroad?" Jiang Yan widened her eyes and said, "then tell me what foreign countries look like, and what deserts and seas look like? I'm so big that I haven't even been out of ABA! There are grasslands, forests and colorful pools in Aba, but there are no deserts and seas. "

"You should have a TV at home, haven't you seen it on TV?" Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"You are boring!" Jiang Yan dissatisfied, "I'm usually very busy with my studies. I go to help my parents with their work when I have free time. I don't have much time to watch TV.""No wonder you don't know me!" Xiao Yao said.

"Well, I'll tell you what you want to hear!" Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"Just pick up what you find most interesting." Jiang Yan curled up her legs and put her chin on her knee, a posture of listening to the story.

Xiao Yao then picked up some interesting things he had experienced when he was a beginner in photography and Chen Xuan was wandering around. He told her that he just concealed his age at that time.

Two people chatted for a while, unknowingly arrived at noon, two people also began to feel hungry. Outside the rain did not reduce, the two still can not go out. Fortunately, they were going to go out all day and brought food and water in their backpacks. Xiao Yao also brought a lot of chocolate bars and other food. Even if they had two meals, they would have no problem. Xiao Yao's backpack is waterproof, Jiang Yan's backpack is covered by Xiao Yao's assault suit, and the food itself is packed in plastic bags, all of which are well preserved.

Since they had food and drink, they opened their backpacks, took out food and water and began to have lunch.

After falling off the cliff, trekking the mountain road and getting wet, there were not many people who could hold on. As soon as lunch was over and my stomach was full, my excitement almost passed. At this time, the cave is warm, accompanied by hypnotic general patter of rain outside the cave, a tired intention, two people swept. Xiao Yao was a little better, and Jiang Yan yawned directly.

"Look, the rain can't stop for a while. Why don't you sleep for a while and I'll call you when the rain stops!" Xiao Yao yawns to Jiang Yandao, who starts rubbing his eyes.

"Well, we take turns." Jiang Yan nodded and said, "I'll sleep for a while. I'll get up for you later." With that, Jiang Yan lay on her side facing the fire, took her backpack as a pillow and closed her eyes.