As early as the "singer" program was still on the air, there was a rumor on the Internet that this year's "good voice" of Zhedong satellite TV will be revised, and all the tutors will be changed, and Xiao Yao, the runner up student of the year before last, will be invited to be the tutor of this year.

Similar news came out once last year, but it wasn't long before the voice crew clarified that there was no such thing. This year, the news came out again. When the media found someone from the program group of the voice for confirmation, the program group didn't give a positive answer. It just said that the tutor was still in the process of selection and contact, and there was no final decision. Such an ambiguous answer can't help people's imagination.

If this news appeared a long time ago, it might cause a big stir on the Internet, but the time when this news appeared was after Xiao Yao appeared many times in the "singer" program. With his performance in the program, especially the "brightest star in the night sky" prepared for Liang Xueying, Chen Nan of the current period introduced the details of the program revision. After the four flags on the stage were raised and the tutors sat on the four new chairs in front of the stage, Chen Nan announced the official start of the blind election and left the stage. In the blind selection stage, there is no host, so after introducing the details of the revision, Chen Nan went back to the backstage as usual, went to the room where the singers' friends and relatives stayed, and watched the live broadcast on TV with them.

The baffle in front of the four tutors rose slowly, and the light on the stage also dimmed a little.

"Welcome to the first trainee!" With the sound of white beside the scene, a figure came out from the backstage passage and walked briskly to the stage.

The first student is on the stage!

The first student is a petite girl. With shoulder length half long hair, loose yellow short sleeve T-shirt on the upper body, slightly tight white jeans shorts on the lower body, revealing a pair of white legs, and a pair of inner height sports shoes on the feet, the whole person looks a little higher.

"Wow ~" when the TV picture gives the girls exquisite and beautiful facial features, in the applause of the audience, there are some surprised voices of the audience.

The baffle in front of the tutors is only used to block the sight of the tutors, which is quite a distance away from the tutors. The camera on the scene can still capture the facial expressions of the tutors. After the voice of surprise appeared at the scene, the TV pictures quickly cut out the facial expression pictures of several tutors. Several tutors are face dew wry smile, some also helpless shake head. This point of the program has not changed, that is, the greater the audience's reaction to the students, the more curious and painful the instructors who can't see the stage feel.

After a burst of applause from the audience, the lights on the stage changed, indicating that the performance of the students was about to start, and the audience were all quiet.

There is no host at the scene, so the title of the song that the first student will sing is displayed on the big screen and the screen in front of the tutors at the same time.

"Come to an end"? What song is this? Original new songs? " Looking at this strange song title, the tutor and the audience felt a little surprised. But if you think about it, it seems understandable. Although Xiao Yao, who always throws out original new songs in the program, didn't come as a tutor, since the program group still added the setting of displaying lyrics, it's certainly not for no reason.

The instructors and the audience were relieved to put down their surprise and began to pay attention to the singing and performance of the students on the stage.

After a prelude that sounds cheerful and slightly strange, the students on the stage sing with a smile:

"one piece, white shirt, roll up, wipe the floor. Two people, old photos, wipe dust, pad tea cup

"men's perfume is more than half bottle, toilet brush, fragrant. There are some things that are useless to keep. If you should throw them away, you have to throw them away! "

After the first lyrics came out, there was a burst of laughter in the audience. Several tutors sitting in the tutor's seat also smile after seeing the lyrics on the screen in front of them.

Just singing the first paragraph of the beginning has made people feel that this is a very special and interesting song. From the perspective of lyrics, the so-called "ending" should refer to what happened after the girl and her boyfriend broke up. However, no matter the lyrics, the score or the girl's singing, there is no sentimental feeling of death, but the feeling of extra free and easy, as well as fun.

And when the three minute song is finished, people's feeling is even stronger. The whole song sounds like a tough declaration after a girl breaks up.

The melody of the whole song is very brainwashing. After all the students' singing, the audience still feel that there seems to be a student's song in their ears. They also have a feeling that they have not heard enough of it and want to listen to it again.

However, what makes the audience feel even more regretful is that the tutors are confused by the brainwashing melody and funny lyrics, or they feel that the song does not show enough singing skills and voice characteristics of the students on the stage. After the students finished singing on the stage, none of the four tutors took the button on the armrest. No teacher in front of the baffle in the process of singing students down, which means that this first appearance, sing such a fun song students were eliminated!Although there is no tutor to choose from, there are still some follow-up interactive communication links. So after the students' singing and the music stops, the baffle in front of the four tutors slowly drops down, and the four tutors finally see the students on the stage.

"Hello, four teachers!" Seeing that the baffle in front of the tutors was lowered, the female students on the stage bowed first and said hello.

"Hello, first of all, please introduce yourself!" After seeing the students on the stage, there was a flash of surprise in Shazhou's eyes, and then he took the lead in speaking. As the only one of the four tutors who has participated in this program before, the rhythm of the blind selection stage is mainly controlled by him.

"Hello teachers, my name is Chen Beila!" The female student on the stage simply introduced herself.

"La Jie!" There were sporadic shouts from the audience.

"That's it? How old are you? What about careers? " Several tutors were waiting for Chen Beila's introduction. Unexpectedly, when she finished her name, there was no following. Wan Peiling couldn't help asking.

"My profession is a network anchor," Chen Beila then introduced a sentence, and then some embarrassed asked, "age can not be announced?"

"Network anchor?" Wan Peiling and other tutors were stunned.

"It's for webcast." Sha Zhou laughs and explains to Wan Peiling at the beginning of the film. Then she looks at Chen Beila and says, "I just heard someone in the audience calling La Jie. Is it your fan? You're very famous here? "

"Chen Beila is the best!" There was a cry at the scene. The scene also attracted a burst of exclamation and laughter.

"Well?" Several tutors were also surprised and looked at Chen Beila in surprise.

"No!" Chen Bella was embarrassed to smile, "teachers, don't listen to them shouting! It's OK for me to be a network anchor. I have some fans, but I can't compare with those stars in the traditional entertainment circle. "

"Some of them?" Sha Chau continued with a smile, "can you tell me the exact number?"

"There are three million Weibo fans and more than five million fans in the live broadcast room, but usually the audience is hundreds of thousands." Chen Beila replied truthfully.

"Wow," the audience exclaimed.

"That's already very powerful," Sha Chau said with a smile. "You're the kind of network anchor who is popular. It's strange that you have to be willing to disclose your age."

Another tutor, Feng Lingshan, asked, "what do you usually do when you live live? Do you sing? "

"Yes, I will do other things, but mainly singing." Chenbella nodded with a smile.

"So you're an Internet singer?" Xu Haokun, the last teacher, asked, "can you write songs? Did you write this song? "

"How's the little turtle that hasn't changed its water?" Feng Lingshan suddenly asked.

Feng Lingshan asked this question because there were two lines in the Song Chen Beila sang just now: "raised, little turtle, never changed water. Some animals who have lost their love can only accept bad luck. "

"No, I can't write a song. It's written to me by someone else." Chen Beila first answered Xu Haokun, then said with a playful smile to Feng Lingshan, "the man who wrote this song to me is a boy, so this song is definitely not written by his own experience. He has a lot of female friends, and I don't know which tough girl is holding that unfortunate little turtle. How is it going now? "