"Thanks to Xiao Yao and" immortals "for their wonderful performance, or I should take out Xiao Yao's name and just thank" immortals "for it!" After Xiao Yao left with four band members, the host Ke Jun went back to the stage to continue his hosting work. He opened his mouth and seemed to laugh at Xiao Yao.

"Xu ~"

from the beginning when the host read the advertisement, Ke Jun seemed not to deal with Xiao Yao very well. Hearing Ke Jun say so, there were some boos in the audience.

"Don't Shh, everyone!" Ke Jun waved his hand and said, "the reason why I say this is that, as far as I know, Xiao Yao is still a member of the" immortals "band, which you can see from their clothes just now."

"Oh ~" the audience made a sudden sound.

"By the way, the light clothes on them are very cool," Ke Jun said with a thumbs up and a smile. "I have one too!"

The hiss started again.

Xiao Yao had done a similar thing when he took part in "kuaiban" before. Ke Jun was able to understand Xiao Yao's intention, so he helped him push again when he was in charge.

Whether it's complaining about Xiao Yao's absence from the recent Express Edition in the singer's lounge before or complaining about Xiao Yao's difficult way of reading the advertisement words at the beginning, Ke Jun pretends these things on purpose for the effect of the program. He doesn't really have any opinions on Xiao Yao. On the contrary, he is looking forward to more cooperation with Xiao Yao, a promising young star. This kind of easy to help things, can do naturally will not let go. Of course, like Xiao Yao, the advertisement for his help is more obscure. It doesn't mention Xiao Yao's personal brand name directly, so that the sponsors of the program can't find fault.

Help Xiao Yao push a wave of brand advertising, Ke Jun also returned to the normal process of the program, began to introduce the next singer.

According to the first round of ranking, the next singer is Qin Xiaodong. After Xiao Yao's original new song, Qin Xiaodong made the same choice as the previous singers, bringing the audience a masterpiece of his own.

The style of the song is campus folk songs. Although some music arrangements and music adaptations have been made for the live performance of tonight's final stage, the overall style of the song has not changed. After the audience became extremely excited because of Xiao Yao's flaming rock song, Qin Xiaodong also used this folk song to calm down the audience.

This is a work more than ten years ago. It is the main song of Qin Xiaodong's first personal album when he became a campus singer. It is not only his masterpiece, but also his famous song. In addition to using this song which is very consistent with his consistent image to show the quiet and gentle power of his song again, Qin Xiaodong also used this song to present a "memory killing" to the audience! From the audience's expression after listening, Qin Xiaodong's performance obviously hit the audience's heart.

After Qin Xiaodong's performance, Xiao Siqi, Xiao Yao's father, is the next singer to appear.

"The next singer will bring you a new song!" After thanking Qin Xiaodong for his performance, Ke Jun said with a smile, "this song is still not written by him."

"Oh?" The audience showed a puzzled expression again.

"I know you've begun to guess who the author of this song is," Ke Jun said with a smile, but he didn't solve the confusion for the audience and changed the channel. "I won't introduce the author of this song. This is a singing contest, not a song writing contest. Since it's not the singer's own song, it doesn't matter to you. Now let's enjoy this new song Xiao Siqi brought to you, "hills!"

"Wocao, is it not another song written by Xiao Yao?"

"Most likely, Xiao Siqi is a singer songwriter and seldom sings other people's songs. There should be no one but his son who can sing in the final

"Not necessarily. Mr. Shen Yinan is Xiao Siqi's teacher. Now he's in Xiao Siqi's studio. Maybe it's Shen's song. This is the final. Can Xiao Yao's song be more stable than Shen Lao's? "

"What happened to the final? Is Xiao Yao's song not suitable for the finals? There are three new songs of Xiao Yao in the final tonight. "

"If it was written by Xiao Yao, why didn't Ke Jun say it?"

"Are you afraid that the audience will vote for Xiao Siqi to Xiao Yao? Ke Jun also specially said that this is a program that is more than singing, not writing songs! "

Although Ke Jun said that he would not introduce the author of the song, it is inevitable to speculate on the Internet about the author of the last song in Xiao Siqi's program. Even the audience at the scene can't help muttering. However, both the comments of Internet friends and the murmurs of the audience stopped when Ke Jun left the stage and the stage lights were on.

The light above the stage lights up, and the scene on the stage is displayed in front of the audience. On the slightly empty stage, only Xiao Siqi was sitting on a chair with an acoustic guitar in his arms. There was a vertical microphone stand in front of him.Xiao Siqi was wearing a simple, even slightly wrinkled blue denim shirt, gray casual pants and black casual shoes. The guitar in hand is not only ordinary in shape, but also looks very old. Although it looks well maintained, it is inevitable that some mottled traces of years can be seen from the color of the box. In addition to his clothes and guitar, Xiao Siqi's make-up has also changed a lot. He has long lost the handsome image of singing with Ye Jiaying in the first round. His exquisitely treated hair droops on his head at will, and there are still strands of white hair in the middle that I don't know if it has been dyed.

"Damn it, Xiao Siqi is playing and singing? But how did he become like this? " Seeing the audience of Xiao Siqi on the stage, they were all surprised. They didn't care to guess who was the author of his song.

We all know that Xiao Siqi can play musical instruments. Xiao Yao has said publicly more than once that he learned to play musical instruments from his father Xiao Siqi. However, when Xiao Siqi performs, he seldom performs live singing. Xiao Yao has played musical instruments in so many episodes of this program, which has caused numerous topics. However, Xiao Siqi, as Xiao Yao's musical instrument teacher, only played a hand disc with Xiao Yao once in one episode. Seeing Xiao Siqi with his guitar in his arms and a posture of playing and singing by himself, the first reaction of many audiences is to feel surprised. However, when we look at Xiao Siqi's appearance, the audiences are only surprised, but not happy.

"What I want to say but haven't yet said ~"

through a song by Qin Xiaodong, the audience's boiling mood and mood brought by Xiao Yao's rock song have already calmed down. Now, due to the surprise of Xiao Siqi's appearance, the scene environment is very quiet. In this extremely quiet environment, Xiao Siqi approached the microphone in front of him without warning, and began to talk like a chatter.

It is said that there is no sign, because the live band did not start to accompany, and Xiao Siqi himself did not pluck the guitar strings in his hand. If it is not for the obvious sense of vicissitudes in Xiao Siqi's voice and rhythm, many audiences will doubt whether Xiao Siqi chatted with the audience before the performance.

After the recitation, Xiao Siqi plucked the strings of his guitar and continued to sing like recitation:

"there is still a lot more ~"

the guitar began to sing. After the first recitation, the whole song began to have a stronger flavor. However, this kind of singing method is rare in the world.

"Save is because you want to write a song ~"

"let people sing gently ~ remember lightly ~"

"even if you finally forget ~ it's worth ~"

this is a singing without any skills. It sounds like Xiao Siqi is just "speaking" or "reading" the song words. Normally speaking, this kind of singing should have made people feel more insipid, but with Xiao Siqi's magnetic voice full of vicissitudes and texture, the audience felt that it had a special appeal.

"Maybe I'll have a trickle of ideas in my life ~"

"fluke into a river ~"

"and then we each end ~ look at the bend of the river ~"

"finally dare to be bold ~ smile ~ face the difficulties of life ~"

"wow ~" heard here, there was a small sigh in the audience.

Although so far, the accompaniment is still only a thin guitar sound, but the audience did not feel the slightest insipid and boring, but gradually immersed in Xiao Siqi's song, completely captured by Xiao Siqi on the stage, and many audiences have already felt the extraordinary of this song.

"Maybe we are never mature ~"

"before we know it, we are going to be old ~"

"although the young man is still alive in our heart ~"

"looking back frequently because of uneasiness ~"

"asking for help in ignorance ~"

"climbing every hill tirelessly ~"

hearing this, some audiences seem to understand the significance of the stage Why Xiao Siqi appeared in such an image. Xiao Siqi has always been a relatively pure musician and seldom appeared on TV. Later, after he opened a studio with Ye Jiaying, he had fewer opportunities to appear on TV. Most of the audience's deepest impression on Xiao Siqi is the unreliable dad who has no musical talent but low living ability in "where is Dad" more than ten years ago.

He really gives people the impression that he is a bit "never mature". He is always a "young man" in his heart. After all, it has been more than ten years. His son has grown up and can stand on the same stage and PK with him. He is really "getting old". He has been on the road for more than 20 years, and now he has climbed many "hills" in his love life, his children's education and his own career! Some people even associate the previous sentence "maybe my life's little ideas will merge into a river, and then we will watch the river bend at each end" with the head of Xiao Siqi's wife, Xiao Yao's biological mother Chen Zilin, who died unexpectedly.

"Over the hills, though my head is white ~"

"chattering on, I don't feel sad ~"

"before I see immortality, I will lose myself first!""Over the hills, I found no one waiting ~"

"chattering, I can't call back Tenderness ~"

"why can't I remember who gave me a hug last time and when ~"

but this is obviously not a song Xiao Siqi sang about himself, or more than his own song. When the song goes into the chorus part, the music is not more abundant, but Xiao Siqi's singing has a small explosion, like the lyrics, feeling up to a certain height and over a hill. But also because of the lyrics, the audience no longer think about Xiao Siqi's life, but think of themselves. Although Xiao Siqi had experienced the ups and downs of his life in the first half of his life, now his family is happy and his career is very successful. There is absolutely no "Sadness", "losing himself" or "no one waiting"!

A song, a performance, the audience can listen to the song, from think of the singer's experience to resonate like think of their own experience, this song, this performance, is absolutely very successful.

"I didn't deliberately hide it, and I didn't mean to make you sad!"

"How many times have we been drunk, swearing that life is too short, and sighing that it's too late to see ~"

"let women cry, no matter!"

In the second part of the main song, with the progressive emotional expression and sense of strength in Xiao Siqi's song, especially when hearing the word "you" in "I have no intention to make you sad", the whole song seems to change from Xiao Siqi's emotional monologue to a dialogue with the audience, and the audience's feeling of resonance is even stronger. Some of the audience even shook their heads slightly in their hearts and sighed: "how can such a song full of life sentiment not be" sentimental "

"It's a pity that we are never mature ~"

"we are old before we know ~"

"we try our best but still don't understand the young people around us ~"

"we can find a reason for ourselves, tease our love, and fight back until we die!"

In the second part of the main song, Xiao Siqi's singing has become more and more powerful, and the lyrics make the audience feel more and more excited. When he sings to the end of the song "until death", Xiao Siqi has a fierce continuous sweep on his hand, and his voice is finally released.

"Over the hills, though my head is white ~"

"chattering on, I don't feel sad ~"

"before I see immortality, I will lose myself first!"

"Over the hills, I found that there was no one waiting ~"

"chatter endlessly, I can't call back Tenderness ~"

"why can't I remember who gave me a hug last time and when ~"

after the end of the second main song, Xiao Siqi entered the second part of the chorus without stopping. With Xiao Siqi's intense sweeping of the guitar, the drum of the drum began to ring, and the magnificent string music also joined the accompaniment of the song, and the whole song officially ushered in a big climax.

"Hua ~" in this grand accompaniment, the whole song's realm has also been significantly improved. Xiao Siqi's voice with a full sense of vicissitudes and strength has a greater psychological impact on the audience.

Some of the audience stood up from their seats with red eyes and excited expression, and stood up and clapped silently for Xiao Siqi. Different from the standing ovation of some audiences in the previous performance, most of the audience who stood up this time were older in the 40 + and 50 + age groups, and they didn't cheer or scream when they stood up. Yes, only heartfelt applause!

"Over the hills, though my head is white ~"

"chattering on, I don't feel sad ~"

"before I see immortality, I will lose myself first!"

"Over the hills, I found that there was no one waiting ~"

"chatter endlessly, I can't call back Tenderness ~"

"why can't you remember who gave me a hug last time and when ~"

after a string based interlude, Xiao Siqi once again sang the chorus of the song. Under the background of more and more intense strings, Xiao Siqi's song shocked people more and more The stronger. Such a song can make people feel the same way, look back on their own life, and then feel something, think something, feel something, also conquered more and more audience. Gradually, the audience of the two oldest age groups all stood up, and some of the audience of the 30 + age group also started to stand up. Among the 20 + and 10 + audiences who have less life experience and feel a little lower, many of them who feel "unknowingly sharp" also stand up.