On the weekend of the week when Xiao Yao was concentrating on rehearsing two songs for the "singer" final, the program of the "singer" breakthrough competition was also broadcast on TV to meet the audience. Unexpectedly, when this program was broadcast, there was a lot of exclamation and... Few disputes on the media and the Internet!

As the most outstanding and topical character in singer, after the weekly singer program is broadcast, there are always comments and disputes about Xiao Yao's performance in the program in the media and on the Internet. However, this kind of weekly discussion has experienced a lot, and gradually made the audience get used to it.

Audiences are getting used to the media's surprise and comments on Xiao Yao's performance in singer. If there is no comment on Xiao Yao in the media or on the Internet after the program is broadcast, netizens will feel strange. Therefore, in the previous two programs, whether it was Xiao Yao's jazz song playing the piano, or Xiao Yao's performance of whistling and saxophone, although they were still amazing and eye-catching, they did not make the audience feel too surprised. Therefore, the enthusiasm of discussion was not very high.

However, after all, the breakthrough is different from the previous programs. The number of singers is the largest, and it's also a contest to eliminate six singers at once. The audience's attention to this program is much higher than that of the previous programs, and what happened in the breakthrough is too incredible. Therefore, after the broadcast of this breakthrough, the media and the Internet are very busy The discussion on this competition is much more enthusiastic than the previous ten programs.

Naturally, the first highlight of this program is that all the nine contestants who participated in the breakthrough competition chose Xiao Yao's songs as their competitive repertoire, turning a competition into a special concert of one's music works. Such a thing, let alone in China, has never happened in any other country's TV programs in the world.

So the program group deliberately arranged this statement in the program has not been broadcast at the end of the netizens have been watching live on the Internet. And some fast response network media also send out similar network news posts on their own websites before the program is completely over. For a while, the program team wanted to recommend Xiao Yao to the finals, and even the idea that he would be the champion was widely spread on the Internet.

These comments and reports have begun to appear before the end of the program. If we want to form a large-scale outbreak of public opinion, we have to ferment it for at least one night. Before these remarks ferment and break out, when the program comes to an end and Xiao Yao's last performance is broadcast, another big hot spot in the program appears again.

In the middle of Xiao Yao's singing, all of a sudden, the TV only saw Xiao Yao's lips moving, but he couldn't hear Xiao Yao's voice. The conductor and musicians of the band also stopped strangely. Seeing this, most of the audience understand what happened. After all, it's not the first time to see this kind of thing in TV programs in recent years.

What makes the audience more strange is that since the first half of last year, there was a device failure in a certain TV program, and the singer's live duet caused a great controversy on the Internet, and after he scolded the program, even if it was inevitable that such an accident happened in later TV programs, he just edited the scene of the accident into the gags and broadcast it In order to explain the reasons why some audiences have special expressions, the author tells the audience that they have had such an accident. There is no show that will put the accident singing and the subsequent ensemble together. This program is not live. Why did it come out during the official competition without editing?

Next, Xiao Yao's performance solved the audience's doubts, and also made everyone more shocked than the previous nine Xiao Yao's songs! Xiao Yao actually did not sing a duet, but went to the front of the stage, so he gave the audience a duet without microphone and accompaniment.

When Xiao Yao's microphone suddenly broke down, the TV audience didn't hear any sound. When Xiao Yao went to the stage to sing, the microphone in his hand was still the broken microphone, and he didn't put it on his mouth. His voice was recorded in several fixed positions in the audience, which were used to record the applause, cheers and screams of the audience . At that time, except for those microphones, no one else was carrying a microphone on the scene.

What audiences hear is the sound recorded by these microphones. The size, model and purpose of these microphones are different from Xiao Yao's microphone specially prepared for singer singing, and the recorded sound effect must be very different. Although I heard Xiao Yuan's voice which was slightly deteriorated, the sound and the scene were shocking enough.

Especially when the audience cheers and screams together, Xiao Yao's voice immediately becomes blurred. When Xiao Yao's hand is pressed down, the audience becomes quiet and Xiao Yao's voice becomes clear again, which also makes the audience in front of the TV and computer feel like they are on the scene. You should know that in previous programs, the singer's microphone and the audience were separated. Even if the audience screamed again, it did not affect the TV audience to hear the singer's voice on the stage.

In the absence of microphone amplification, it is enough to surprise the audience to force an unaccompanied duet. What they didn't expect is that Xiao Yao even motioned the band to continue playing and sang with the amplified accompaniment music without amplification equipment.Yes, the TV audience knows that Xiao Yao gestured to Liu Tong. There are several cameras in the studio. Although the audience didn't see Xiao Yao's gesture to Liu Tong, not only Tao Ran saw it, but also the cameramen who focused on it. One of the cameras specially gave Xiao Yao a close-up of that gesture. Liu Tong's expression at that time was also photographed by the camera. After editing the scenes of the two people together, the TV audience can easily understand the explanation of the program group: Liu Tong's conductor musicians received Xiao Yao's signal to perform again, and even the change of the accompaniment speed in the music behind was also closely related to the numbers Xiao Yao made with his fingers.

Seeing this, many viewers have doubted that the previous program group wants to recommend Xiao Yao to the final. With Xiao Yao's crazy and explosive performance in this competition, do you need to be recommended by the program team? At first, Xiao Yao's voice disappeared. When we guessed that Xiao Yao's microphone was broken, many people suspected that it was the arrangement of the program group. It was nothing more than arranging a duet to let Xiao Yao sing a song more than once, so that the audience would have a deeper impression and take advantage of voting.

But what happened later made people immediately dispel this speculation. In the competition, let a singer sing in front of hundreds of audience in a studio without microphone, or even sing with human voice alone without microphone, or even against the accompaniment music in the sound? No program group will be so brainy as to propose such a design, and no singer will be so brainy as to dare to agree to such an arrangement.

Don't say that the voice of Xiao Yao's Qingchang is also fake. It's also the kind of words made in the later stage. Not to mention Xiao Yao's slightly deteriorated sound quality, the crazy performance of the audience on the scene is enough to show the authenticity of this thing. It's normal for the audience of TV programs to have a few "nurseries" who are tearful in front of the camera. I'm afraid no program can do it if we want to make hundreds of audience on the scene cooperate with the crazy performance. At the end of Xiao Yao's singing, there was a long shot in the TV screen, which swept the audience's crazy expression.

Moreover, the other nine singers are not clay sculpture. You deliberately make a device failure, they may not be able to say anything, but you ask three promoted singers and hundreds of audience to perform a big play for Xiao Yao? This kind of thing can't hide from the singers participating in the competition. I'm afraid that some singers have been withdrawing from the competition for a long time. This is a recorded program recorded two weeks ago. So far, no singer has publicly claimed that he wants to withdraw from the competition or disclosed that the program group is cheating.

The breakthrough competition of this program ends with Xiao Yao's unexpected and crazy performance. At the later stage when the results are announced, all the people watching TV almost believe that Xiao Yao can definitely enter the final with this performance. If Xiao Yao does not enter the final, they may have to shout that there is a black curtain on the program and deliberately suppress the young newcomers. But with Xiao Yao's performance in this program and his current hot topic, I'm afraid that the program team will deliberately exclude him from the finals only if they are crazy. Therefore, for the audience, the suspense of this program has changed from which four singers will reach the final to which three singers will enter the final together with Xiao Yao.

During the period before the results were announced, only Xiao Yao's arrogant "who else" conversation with Shen man in the corridor after his singing was released, as well as other singers' praise for Xiao Yao's performance and Xiao Yao's thanks for their singing after entering the rest hall. As for a group of singers competing for Xiao Yao's rights to cover their songs like robbers, the program team probably considered the image of the singers and didn't release them. Instead, it played Xiao Yao's performance when he just saw the script in his room before the competition.

On the one hand, the nine singers chose Xiao Yao's songs at the same time, which is really a highlight of this program. The program group does not want to expose the audience before the competition starts, but wants the audience to find out by themselves after watching the singers' performances.

On the other hand, the program team also considered that after the program was broadcasted, the audience would surely guess that this situation was deliberately arranged by the program team. At this time, Xiao Yao's performance released in the program was also a response to this speculation. Through Xiao Yao's performance and Shen man's words, I would like to remind you that all the singers in this program are big stars, and no one will let the program group knead them. It is impossible for these nine people to choose songs according to the arrangement of the program group and cooperate with the program group to praise one person!

After the final result was announced, Xiao Yao won the first place in the breakthrough competition unexpectedly. When Tao Ran said this place, no matter the other nine singers or their agents in the video studio at that time, their expressions were quite convinced. When congratulating Xiao Yao, their expressions were very sincere, and there was no shadow of being arranged by the program team.

For the other three players, although netizens have a little doubt, the overall controversy is not very big.

Although the two biggest hot spots of this breakthrough match are about Xiao Yao, after the program was broadcast, there were less disputes about Xiao Yao. Maybe it's like what Shen man said. In the past, Xiao Yao was mostly black because he relied on musical instruments and costumes in the program. This time, Xiao Yao had no musical instruments, no guests, no special costumes, and finally even no microphone. He could sing so crazy to the audience. Who can say that he didn't sing well, didn't deserve to participate in the program, and didn't qualify for the finals?As for the nine singers singing Xiao Yao's songs at the same time, a lot of good media went to interview some singers concerned.

"Xiao Yao's music works have won more than 20 nominations and seven or eight trophies in the two" Golden Disc "awards. He is the youngest winner of the best creative newcomer in Chinese history and the nominees of the best creative person. Who doesn't know if his songs are well written? Isn't it normal for me to choose his songs as my competition songs? "

"When did you hear that this program will arrange singers to choose songs? If they sing what has the final say, I will not come to the show.

"Xueying also sang his songs in front of Xiao Yao in the program. Why can't I? Xue Ying sang Xiao Yao's song, but she won the first place in the current period. I also want to win the first place in the breakthrough competition, can't I? He didn't say that no one else could sing his songs on the show! "

"Xiao Yao is the singer who impresses me most in the program. It's normal for me to think of his songs when I choose songs."

"I'm also surprised at this situation, but it's certainly not something we discussed in advance, and it's impossible to discuss this kind of thing. We are all competitors in the breakout. Who will ask other singers what songs they are going to sing in the breakout? But later I saw Xiao Yao's frightened expression when he got the script. I was very happy! It can only be said that we have a tacit understanding! "

Although several singers interviewed have different answers, their attitudes are very consistent.

Therefore, after the breakthrough was broadcast, there was not much controversy in the media and on the Internet about Xiao Yao's performance and the result of his promotion to the finals, and there was not much criticism of the program group and Xiao Yao for fraud. This breakthrough in the hearts of the audience will only leave a feeling, that is shocked!