Seeing Xiao Yao's insistence on playing the guitar, a barrage of resistance appeared in the live broadcast room. They all clamored for the anchor to play the guitar. But when Xiao Yao waved the strings, the number of viewers in the studio did not immediately decrease.

This is a piece of music with light rhythm and beautiful melody. Xiao Yao has a big window with a full screen open. He can see every move clearly, so when Xiao Yao's performance starts, the barrage in the studio changes the wind direction immediately.

"Not bad!"

"That sounds good!"

"Ask for the name of the song!"

"The music is beautiful, and the action of playing guitar is also very handsome. It would be better if you could see your face clearly."

"Ask for the name of the song! Ask for the name of the song

"Not enough! One more time

"Anchor, can I have a song?"

At the end of the song, the live room was full of screen full of praise and seeking the name of the song.

"If you think it's nice, pay attention. New anchor live for the first time, need everyone's support and encouragement Xiao Yao saw that the number of viewers in the live broadcast room had reached more than 600, and the number of followers was only more than 100, so he had to remind him.

Three seconds later, the number of people who followed became more than 400! Along with seven or eight pieces of news about water friends' reward of props and gifts, including two second-class props. According to Xiao Yao's previous understanding of the value of props and the proportion of the anchor, there are hundreds of yuan of income.

"Thank you for your attention," said Xiao Yao, turning a blind eye to the passing reward news. He only expressed his gratitude for the rising number of concerns, and then said, "what I just played was not a pure guitar song, but the soundtrack of a song with lyrics. Now is there anyone who says not to listen to singing? If there were any, I would not sing! Just play it again. "

"Oh, the anchor is still proud, so I'd like you to sing for his ugliness."

"Just for that song, the dead song has been recognized. You can sing it, anchor. My ears are ready to die bravely."

"How dare the anchor say the title of the song first? Let me go to the Internet and listen to the original song first, and then listen to you again?"

Although there was still a sound of ridicule and disdain in the barrage, there was really no saying that Xiao Yao would not be allowed to sing.

"The name of the song is" Xingqing ". I wrote all the lyrics and songs myself. I can't find them on the Internet. I'll give you one minute to search on the Internet. If I can find the original song, I'll lose!" Xiao Yao looks at the bullet screen.

"Damn, can the anchor write songs? Is it true or not? "

"What does" star clear "mean? A clear night sky with stars? I seem to smell romance. "

"Please sing! Please sing! The anchor loves to listen to this. Let's brush it up! "

"Please sing! Please sing

"Well, it's only a minute. If you don't find the original barrage, you can't find this song on the Internet," Xiao Yao said with a smile after staring at the barrage for a minute. "Now sing this song" Xingqing "to the single dogs in the studio. I hope you can find your other half as soon as possible!"

"I'll go, and the anchor will hurt when he sings!"

"Is the anchor a single dog?"

In the studio, the barrage started again.

"One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, looking at the sky, hand in hand, one star, two stars, three stars, four stars connecting the city line..."

ignoring the problem of single dogs, Xiao Yao played his guitar and murmured. This is the song from the first album of former Dong Zhou, and it is also the song that Xiao Yao heard most in his student days. Although it's an RNB song, there have been countless cover versions on the Internet for a long time, and there are many single guitar accompaniment versions. Such a song full of green and astringent sounds just as beautiful when accompanied by a simple guitar.

"Lying trough, what lyrics are these? Count? Anchor, are you too casual in your lyrics? "

"I'll go, I can write such lyrics too!"

Xiao Yao did not make complaints about the ambiguity of Jay Chou's previous words. The first lyrics appeared, and immediately attracted the voice of Tucao in the studio.

"Although it's very simple, don't you think it's beautiful?" Make complaints about make complaints about

. Of course, it is not all Tucao, but also in the large Tucao bullet screen comments, but not very conspicuous.

"Wandering in the blue sky by the wind, a cloud fell in front of me. Pinch into your shape, follow me with the wind, eat the sorrow one by one Xiao Yao make complaints about the computer screen Tucao bullet screen comments, and start singing the main song part.

"Damn, the voice of the anchor is so warm and pleasant."

"The voice of the anchor is so clean, the lyrics are so clean, like lying in the arms of nature."

"who make complaints about the lyrics just now, and stand up to ensure that you are not killed!"

"I think of my first love when I was a child. It was so beautiful at that time!"

"What a fresh song. I feel that the dirt in my heart has been washed away."

"It's sunny, but why do you still feel a little sad?""The taste of first love!"

make complaints about the sound of the voice in the bullet screen comments when Xiao Yao's songs entered the official main song.

"Good! The anchor is awesome! I've paid attention to it! "

"If you come in halfway, please sing it again! A shark to show sincerity

"It's a romantic song. It's warm in my heart. I fell in love with it in an instant."

"Anchor, can I have a song? Want to hear "summer rain"

"Don't ask for a song. I haven't heard enough of" star clear ". Sing it again!"

"What a fuckin 'affectation!"

"Gesture + mouth sound card dog!"

"Sing it again! Please sing a duet

After the song, the first thing Xiao Yao saw was the moving and praising barrage on the screen. There were also several messages about brushing gifts. Of course, there were also some unreasonable abuse. Xiao Yao also watched the number of viewers and followers in the live broadcast room, and found that after a song, the number soared a lot. The number of viewers has exceeded 4000, and the number of followers has nearly 2000, which has doubled.

"Cough ~" Xiao Yaoqing coughed, picked up the water cup on the table and drank, then continued with a smile: "is it OK to sing?"

"It's not only OK, it's so nice!"

"I've become a fan. Would you like to ask the anchor if she's going to make an appointment?"

"It's nice to sing. If only I could see my face clearly!"

"Well done, well done! Anchor, that's what you want to hear. If you want to keep listening to us, just keep singing! "

"Sing it again!"

"Ugly people who dare not show their faces!"

"Damn, there are sunspots. The housing management works!"

"I'll go. The anchor just started the live broadcast. There's no housing management! Apply for housing management

"Anchor, give it to the housing authority. Is one shark enough? Not enough for the whales

As soon as the barrage was brushed, the news of several gifts and props floated by.

"Well, the live broadcast just started, there is no real estate management yet." Xiao Yao said, "please wait a moment. I'll choose some housing management. By the way, my criteria for choosing housing management are the content and enthusiasm of my speech, which has nothing to do with whether I brush gifts or not. "

After a while, there were three people who had the identity of housing management. Two of them only gave low value goldfish, and another one didn't give any gifts, but had more positive comments.

"Shit, there's no shark or whale. The anchor really doesn't care about the money!"

"Anchor, you're going to die of poverty, don't you know?"

"Up to now, the anchor really didn't mention the local water friends who gave gifts!"

"I finally saw a wonderful anchor who is not a local tyrant."

"The anchor is the real local tyrant!"

"Look at the environment and layout of the anchor, the guitar in hand is not a big brand, not a local tyrant!"

"Well, the Housing Authority has it. It's up to you to clean up the brainless sunspots. Of course, please don't seal people at will. I'm a little anchor. It's hard to start. It's not easy to accumulate popularity! " Xiao Yaodao.

"Two thousand in half an hour, more than a lot of new anchors start broadcasting in a week. It's a hard start. Don't you blush, anchor? "

"Pull, pull! Anchor meaning very clear, do not want money, want a person only

"Hurry up and help the anchor!"

"Anchor, sing fast, how can you increase the number of people if you don't sing!"

"The anchor hastened to sing" Xingqing "again, and the number of people naturally rose!"

"It's no fun to sing the same song in succession. Here's the time to ask for a song. Let's ask for a song first, and sing it later!" Xiao Yao said, "well, just wait for more new comers to sing."

"Damn it, anchor, it's a deliberate appetizer!"

"I'm a new comer. I've never heard of starshine!"

"Don't make any noise. It's good to ask for a song."

"Ask for a song, ask for a song! Brush a shark to sing the truth

"I think of my first love. My first love is at the same table. Can the anchor sing Xiao Yao's you at the same table?"

"I've asked to sing" summer rain "several times, but I can't afford the gift. Can the anchor sing it?"

As soon as Xiao Yao said this, except for a few who expressed dissatisfaction, all the people on the barrage were singing.

"I'll see if I can order a song, and I'll see what kind of song you order more. It's still nothing to do with gifts." Xiao Yao said, "but I don't have accompaniment software installed on my computer. I only have a guitar, so I only perform guitar playing and singing. I've seen "summer rain" several times, so I'll sing this song. "

This is a very popular song in the world. Xiao Yao is familiar with both the lyrics and the music, so he chose this one.

"I'll go. It's nothing to do with gifts. It's a wonderful anchor who doesn't need money!"

"Anchor, you're really going to die of poverty!"

"The fans give the anchor a gift, and the fish also have a share. If you do this, you don't want the recommendation seat?""It's more than recommendation. Be careful of being sealed up by fish!"

Xiao Yao ignored the new wave of ridicule barrage and focused on playing and singing the song "summer rain". Although it is a song accompanied by a variety of instruments instead of a single guitar, Xiao Yao's performance is also very good. After singing a song, the number of audience and attention in the studio only went up.

"The summer rain is a folk song. It's nice to hear!"

"What a great anchor!"

"The voice of the anchor plus a guitar is everything!"

"It's really moving to sing" summer rain "! Anchor, I'm going to help the housing management. I promise to do a good job! "

"Continue to order songs, I want to listen to" night ", everyone help me to brush up!"

The vast majority of the barrage is in Kua Xiao Yao. Even if Xiao Yao said that the song had nothing to do with the gift, several audiences gave Xiao Yao another brush. It seems that only in this way can they express their love for Xiao Yao's singing.

Xiao Yao conveniently set the audience who ordered "summer rain" as the housing manager, and then said: "next, continue to order songs for one minute. I'll sing the song that appears most frequently in the barrage."