Before the competition starts, Xiao Yao's door is knocked open by Hua Xiaoyun. It turns out that Xiao Yao's joke about gift giving in the last issue was really written down by Hua Xiaoyun. But she did not like Tian Wei, Wei shile in the first floor hall in front of everyone's face, but a room alone. It's not expensive either. It's a specialty of his hometown. At most, it's a gift box with more exquisite packaging. So Xiao Yao is not polite enough to accept it.

In the studio, the countdown sounds, and the competition starts. The light in front of the stage lights up. Xiao Yao's light blue pullover with a chicken heart collar shows a little white T-shirt with a round neck, blue jeans and casual shoes. The whole person appears on the stage in a very leisurely way. When the audience saw Xiao Yao on the stage holding a microphone, they were also very happy to send a burst of warm applause.

This is the second time that Xiao Yao did not wear formal dress. The last time I sang "when you are old", Xiao Yao's white shirt and jeans were also very simple in campus style. However, compared with the last time, it looked like a little fresh like a student. This time, it felt more mature and relaxed. Although the focus and feeling are different, but we all look very eye-catching. After so many periods, whether it's dazzling performance clothes, formal clothes specially prepared for the host in the early stage, or this kind of ordinary daily clothes, Xiao Yao seems to have a very good clothing control ability.

"Hello everyone, welcome to..." Xiao Yao first bowed to the audience, and then began to talk about the opening remarks step by step.

The opening remarks, the usual super fast advertising words, and then stressed to the audience that this is the last elimination match of this season. Xiao Yao introduced the competitive repertoire of the first singer according to the script. At this time of the competition, Xiao Yao doesn't want to interact with the audience any more and say some easy and funny jokes, so this time, Xiao Yao's script is almost unchanged, and he hosts it according to the script given by the program crew.

This issue is a bit subtle.

The three first-time singers are really the most nervous, because whether they are eliminated or not today is related to whether they can reach the finals directly. If they are eliminated and forced to participate in the breakthrough, it not only means that they have to spend more energy to prepare for a performance, but also means that they may miss the final. After all, there is more than one singer eliminated in the breakthrough competition. If one of them falls into the breakthrough competition, it is that 11 singers compete for five finals places, less than half of them. No one can guarantee that they will be able to break out of the breakthrough competition.

It's not accurate to say that the other four singers don't feel nervous at all and don't care at all. Although in accordance with the rules, they are determined to participate in the breakthrough, but whether they are eliminated today is also related to their entry order choice in the breakthrough. The way to determine the appearance order of the breakout is not to draw lots or play games, but to choose by the singers themselves according to their performance in the program. If they can not be eliminated today, then these online singers can give priority to their own appearance order in the breakthrough.

The specific rules to determine the order of appearance in the breakout competition are: among the online singers, the one with the longest online time will be selected first, and the one with the shortest online time will be selected later. After the online singers are selected, they are selected by the eliminated singers. Several eliminated singers are selected according to the length of time they stay in the program. Finally, when they fail in the competition, they basically have no choice. Last year, when there were two singers who failed in the competition, the program team would arrange a draw ceremony for them. This year, there was only one singer who failed in the competition, so it was certain that she would have to take the other one out.

Therefore, on the whole, the seven singers are still pursuing today's achievements, which ensures that there will be no singers to deal with the chores in today's performance, which is far below the standard of the past. But the pursuit of the two groups of people is not the same after all. At least from the performance of the first three singers, Xiao Yao thinks that Hong Wei's attention is different from that of Wei shile and Tian Wei, two non starter singers.

"Thank you for your wonderful performance!" After Hong Wei's performance ended and left the stage, Xiao Yao stood on the stage again. "By the way, I would like to remind you that now there are ten singers who are sure to participate in the next phase of the breakthrough competition. If one of the first singers is eliminated today, the number of singers participating in the breakthrough will increase to 11. If the non first singers are eliminated today, the number of singers participating in the breakthrough will be 10. Please consider carefully how to vote and how to choose. "

After reading this sentence, Xiao Yao felt a burst of diaphragmatic response. This feeling is to suggest that the audience will eliminate another first-time singer. If they really want to eliminate the first-time singer, Xiao Siqi, who ranked fifth in the last issue, is undoubtedly the most dangerous. Fortunately, the audience who participated in two consecutive episodes of this program was very few, and most of the audience did not know the singer ranking of the last show, which also prevented the audience from deliberately throwing Xiao Siqi out because they wanted to see one more singer in the breakthrough match. Therefore, Xiao Yao said this sentence honestly according to the script.

"Well, the next song..." Xiao Yao deliberately frowned and made a helpless expression of shrugging, "there is no introduction to this song on the program group's desk."

"Well?" The audience also showed a puzzled expression.Xiao Yao then said, "because this is a song that no one has ever heard!"

"Wow ~" the audience immediately understood that Xiao Yao was going to perform.

"You all understand, don't you?" Xiao Yao looked at the audience's sudden expression and said with a smile, "although the screenwriter of the program group didn't write the introduction, as a brazen host, I can temporarily add my own words. So I want to tell you that the next song is definitely a very nice song! "

"Ha ha ~"

"Hoo ~"

the audience burst into applause mixed with boos and laughter.

"He knows he's shameless, too!" In the rest room, several singers also pointed to Xiao Yao on TV and laughed.

"All right, take it!" Xiao Yao put away his smile and made another one handed fist. The audience cooperated and put away applause, boos and laughter.

"A song of" leaving people "for you Xiao Yao bowed slightly.

In the applause of the audience, Xiao Yao went back to the center of the stage. There, a vertical microphone rack had already been set up. Xiao Yao lifted the microphone rack and put it in the position he had just stood in front of the stage. After he got to the microphone rack, he inserted the microphone in his hand into the microphone rack, and then held the upright pole of the microphone rack with both hands.

"Ready to sing? Today, I'm not playing musical instruments at all, and I'm not doing any tricks? " Looking at the stage, there is only Xiao Yao dressed in casual clothes and a microphone stand, some audiences think inexplicably.

Xiao Yao nodded his head to Liu Tong's direction. The light on the stage weakened a little, and a beam of chasing light hit Xiao Yao from top to bottom.

Liu Tong waved his hand and a soft piano sound came out. Just listen to the melody of the prelude, we feel very beautiful. As a result, before we had time to close our eyes, we heard a whistle. As Xiao Yao stands in front of the stage, you can clearly see that Xiao Yao behind the microphone tilts his head slightly, his cheeks retract slightly, his mouth puffs up, his lips stretch forward into a circle, facing the microphone, and the whistle is obviously blown by Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao's whistle is not a simple whistle sound. It is not only long, but also melodic. It is obviously a part of the prelude of the song with the piano sound.

"This time, instead of playing musical instruments, whistling? But don't say, that's a nice whistle! " The audience said in their hearts.

It took seven or eight seconds for the whistle to disappear, followed by a solo piano accompaniment.

"The silver boat is rocking, swaying and bending, hanging in the fluffy sky ~"

at the end of the prelude, Xiao Yao began to sing affectionately and gently.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." after listening to the first sentence, the audience had a feeling of kneeling. Xiao Yao has not sung a slow lyric song on this stage before, but neither the red rose nor the ballad when you are old has such a gentle and attractive first sentence.

"Your thoughts are three or three, two or two, blue and blue, which stop on my quiet heart ~"

when I continue to sing the second sentence, many audiences feel that their hearts are beginning to crisp. The feeling at the beginning of this song is a kind of light melancholy, with an abnormal softness. But at this time, Xiao Yao not only has a soft expression, but also supports the microphone stand with both hands, slightly bends his knees, bows his body and tilts his head, which is not as straight as usual. Whether visual or auditory, let the audience a little bit into the warm and soft water, unable to extricate themselves.

"My luggage is lonely, simple and scattered, causing melancholy ~"

with Xiao Yao's singing, we find that the feeling of tenderness of this song is not reduced, but the melancholy is getting stronger and stronger. The mood of many audiences began to be brought up by Xiao Yao's singing, and the scene began to become more and more quiet.

"It's like entering the fifth season to leave people and exile to the border. The day and night are chaotic and harmonious, the tide is full of willfulness, and there is no spring in the dictionary ~"

when the song comes to the chorus, Xiao Yao's tone is improved, and the meaning of the sadness of separation is a bit stronger. Although the lyrics of "the fifth season" and "there is no spring in the dictionary" make many audiences confused and don't understand the specific meaning, the artistic conception and melodious melody created by the previous lyrics still make people enjoy this song.

"People who leave are wasting their tears and avoiding the parting that is still in front of them. If you don't want to say goodbye, I dare not think that tomorrow, someone will say goodbye once, there will be a star in the sky, and it will go out again ~"

when the song comes to the second part of the chorus, many audiences have been red eyed by Xiao Yao. But before the audience had time to cry, they widened their eyes because of the scene on the stage.

When Xiao Yao finished the second part of the chorus, the light on Xiao Yao's head suddenly went out, and the front of the stage became pitch black. At the same time, another light on the back of the stage came on, also from the top to the bottom. In the light column formed by the light, there was one more person on the stage, playing with a saxophone. In the sound of the scene, there was also a burst of saxophone music.In the interlude, after a period of more than ten seconds of saxophone accompanied by strings, accompanied by the addition of drums, an obviously higher tone of saxophone sounds. The light in front of the stage is also on again. Xiao Yao, who reappears in the audience's sight, has an extra musical instrument in his hand and is playing. The instruments Xiao Yao and the man behind him are saxophones, but the one behind him is curved pipe, and the one behind him is straight pipe.

"As expected, it's still inseparable from musical instruments!" Xiao Yao's playing is still going on. In order not to destroy the artistic conception of the song, most of the audience didn't clap or cheer. They just looked at Xiao Yao on the stage and said with a silent smile.

"The silver boat is rickety, swaying and bending, hanging in the fluffy sky ~"

after the performance of the interlude saxophone, Xiao Yao holds up the saxophone and gets to the microphone to sing the second part of the main song. Although there was something more in his hand, it didn't affect Xiao Yao's next singing at all. It was just that his hands holding the microphone pole were changed to holding the saxophone. His expression, eyes and posture were no different from before.

The second half of the song's main song and chorus are the same as the first half, but the second part of the chorus is repeated once more as the end of the song. This is a song that needs to be savored carefully, and the more you listen to it, the more interesting it is. Therefore, the two identical lyrics and melody do not make the audience feel bored at all, but deepen their understanding of the artistic conception of the song.

When Xiao Yao repeated the second part of the song's chorus with a slightly different rhythm, most of the audience felt that Xiao Yao's song should be over. However, after Xiao Yao's voice fell, the accompaniment did not stop immediately. Just when we were wondering if Xiao Yao was going to show another piece of saxophone at the end of the song, we found that the melody at the end of the song was the same as the prelude. A few seconds later, Xiao Yao, holding the saxophone in his hand, did not put the mouthpiece of saxophone into his mouth. Instead, as at the beginning, he tilted his head and whistled in front of the microphone.

Seeing this scene, some of the audience who had not had time to wipe away their tears couldn't help smiling again.

This time, Xiao Yao's whistle lasted longer than the prelude. After more than ten seconds, it gradually stopped with the accompaniment of the piano.