In the studio, after finishing his opening remarks, Xiao Yao did not chat with the audience any more. He went directly to the next stage according to the process, which was also a reserved program for the host himself, and read the advertising words quickly. This is the seventh time that Xiao Yao has read the advertisement like this. However, the audience are not bored at all. They are as excited as when they first listen to the advertisement. After the advertisement, applause and cheers are given to Xiao Yao on the stage.

Next, Xiao Yao began to introduce the competitive repertoire of the singers according to the script written by the program group. Although Xiao Yao modifies the script written by the screenwriter every time, most of them just modify the introduction of his appearance. Occasionally, he changes the chat and interaction with the audience at the beginning. For the introductions of other singers, Xiao Yao rarely moves.

More than half an hour later, the first four singers presented their performances in turn, followed by the fifth singer, Xiao Yao's turn.

"The next one is the fifth competing singer." After leading the audience to say goodbye to Tian Wei, the fourth singer, with another round of applause, Xiao Yao began the introduction of the fifth singer.

"First of all, the following remarks only represent personal views and have nothing to do with the position of the program group!" Xiao Yao did not directly introduce the song, but suddenly came such a sentence, and then began to evaluate the next singer, "I personally think that the next singer should be the weakest singer in this program."

"Well?" Hearing Xiao Yao's comment, many audience members were subconsciously stunned, "is it really good to comment on other singers openly in the program that they are the weakest? Although you are not afraid to offend people, you don't need to offend people intentionally. Are you really crazy? "

"Unless..." a lot of quick reaction audiences immediately thought of a possibility.

Sure enough, Xiao Yao's next words immediately made the audience realize.

"Why do you say that?" Xiao Yao then said: "recently, I saw a lot of comments and comments from the audience on the Internet, saying that the singer has to play tricks in every issue of the program. That's because he can't sing well. He can only rely on clothes, musical instruments and other things to attract people's attention and win some extra votes from the audience I can stay on this show all the time. After reading these comments, I think it seems reasonable, so I also think this guy is weak. What do you think? "

"No!" A lot of the audience shook their heads and yelled.

Before the plagiarism incident came out, Xiao Yao's performance in the program was the most talked about on the Internet. You've all seen these comments. When Xiao Yao said that, the audience immediately understood who he was talking about. Before yesterday's press conference, Xiao Yao had never publicly responded. He did not expect that if he did not say it, he would say that it was not only angry with reporters at the press conference, but also brought the topic to the stage.

"No?" Xiao Yao laughed, suddenly put on a look of disgust, and said to the audience, "you are not as knowledgeable as some netizens! People have said that this program is called a singer, not a musician, or a drama program. Apart from the period of singing, what's the matter with you singing with an instrument on the stage every day? If you have the ability, you don't take any musical instruments. Just sing one issue honestly, and see what you can sing like! "

"Xu ~" there was a hiss under the stage. I don't know whether it was some netizens or Xiao Yao on the stage.

"Don't you think he's going to sing honestly when he doesn't have any flower heads or musical instruments?" Many viewers follow Xiao Yao's words and guess in their hearts. At the same time, they are also filled with disappointment.

"So how did the singer respond?" Xiao Yao reached out and pointed to the side of the stage, "please look!"

The audience looked in the direction Xiao Yao pointed out and found that while Xiao Yao was talking just now, the staff of the program team had moved a black grand piano to the stage.

"He said," I want to be both a singer and a musician. Do you bite me? " Xiao Yao said in a loud voice.

"Ha The audience laughed and burst into a burst of warm applause.

"The next song, I want us to be together, for you all!" Xiao Yao finally reported the title of the song, turned and walked to the piano and sat down. The microphone in his hand was also put on the microphone rack beside him.

In this performance, Xiao Yao didn't nod to the conductor Liu Tong. After a breath, he stretched out his hands and played directly on the piano keys.

As soon as the prelude of piano sounds, a lot of audience will be in front of their eyes. It's not that the prelude melody of these few seconds is amazing or gripping, but from the prelude melody and the state of Xiao Yao's expression when playing, I feel that this song is quite different from Xiao Yao's previous works. At first glance, it sounds a little jazz casual. When the prelude is over and Xiao Yao starts to sing, the feeling is even stronger.

"The wind blows my face, my hands, my hair, my heart and my eyes in the distance~You stay far away in that city, that road, that room, that light, that window ~ "

" wow ~ "is just the first two sentences, Xiao Yao let the audience give a cry of surprise.

With the performance of reading advertising words for so many times, the audience is not surprised that Xiao Yao can sing these two extremely long sentences, but it is beyond their expectation to write a song like this and sing it like this.

"It's a jazz song. It's a good feeling to listen to!" Wei shile looked at the live TV picture.

"I'll be good. Is this little guy playing jazz again?" Sitting next to him, Hong Wei even changed his exclamation. He turned to Xiao Siqi on the other side and said, "old Xiao, can your son even play jazz? It seems to me that you haven't written jazz songs, have you

Xiao Yao is the fifth to appear. Now, except for Liang Xueying and Hua Xiaoyun, the first four singers who have finished singing have all returned to the rest hall to watch the live performance of the singers behind.

"It's also the first time I've heard a jazz song he wrote." Xiao Siqi said with a smile, "just because I haven't written jazz songs doesn't mean he can't write them. I haven't written rap songs yet. How many rap songs did he write? His music style is more complicated than mine. No, it's much richer. He said that his style is no style, any style and type will try. I taught him basic music theory and composition, but I was always influenced by him in terms of music style. "

"I remember you used to hold me with your eyes closed, as if I was your face, smiling ~

I don't know how to smile at you, crying and ignoring you like a machine ~"

on the stage in the studio, after the four sentences of Xiao Yao's first main song were sung, the song did not enter the chorus, but another main song with the same melody and long sentence lyrics.

At the end of the second part of the main song, the audience who can see the lyric teleprompter have already recognized that it is a sad love song with a slightly decadent flavor. After so many episodes of the program, it's not surprising that Xiao Yao wrote this type of song. What surprised the audience was the strong jazz style in Xiao Yao's song. In the audience's impression, Xiao Yao has played ballads, rock, Rb, hip-hop and even opera. Jazz? This seems to be the first time.

In addition to the surprise brought by the style of the song, the audience also found that Xiao Yao's performance today is different. It's not the first time that Xiao Yao plays and sings the piano on the stage. It's just that whether it's the present or the red rose, Xiao Yao's piano performance doesn't run through the whole process, and he doesn't take the piano as the only music for a long time. This time, sitting in front of the piano, Xiao Yao finished the first two main songs with his piano accompaniment.

I want us to be together is a masterpiece created by Li Quan for fan Xiaoxuan's transformation. Li Quan studied piano since childhood and majored in piano at the Conservatory of music. In his works, piano has always been in the leading position in the score, which is also the biggest feature of the score arrangement. In this jazz style song, the piano also occupies a dominant position, with distinctive characteristics.

The piano sound in this song is very attractive. This pure piano accompaniment, without the interference of other musical instruments, makes the audience concentrate on Xiao Yao. In addition to Xiao Yao's rare jazz style and singing, Xiao Yao's free and easy piano performance also impressed the audience.

"I'll go. Xiao Yao plays the piano too well!"

"Look at his state, it's just like playing the piano!"

Many live audience in the heart of a variety of exclamations.

When I saw Xiao Yao's piano performance on the stage two times before, it was obvious that the piano playing was only an auxiliary part of the song performance. Most of the audience's impressions were just "Xiao Yao can also play the piano", "Xiao Yao can play and sing by himself" and so on. At most, I was surprised by his age and his ability to play. As for how he played, most of the audience thought that he had a lot to do with it There's not much difference between singers who have played the piano while singing.

But this time, such a long piano solo music, give the audience a different feeling. This kind of casual jazz style and Xiao Yao's live performance make many people distinguish Xiao Yao from other singers who play piano in concert parties or TV programs. I think it's the kind of performance where I can hold a piano recital alone.

Although Xiao Yao did hold a piano recital for more than half an hour in the program, and the singers had seen his piano level for a long time, because of the time limit of the program, this kind of gag can be broadcast on TV, and the audience can see only a few seconds of clips. For many audiences, it is the first time for them to feel the concert level piano performance on the stage.

Even those singers who have heard Xiao Yao's private piano recital are surprised at the moment. However, what surprised them was not Xiao Yao's piano playing skills, but Xiao Yao's song."I know!" Tian Wei suddenly clapped and called.

"What do you know?" Hong Wei looked at Tian Wei and said, "what are you doing? What's the surprise?"

"When I had a break in rehearsal, I heard the musicians of the band chatting that Xiao Yao had changed songs in the middle of this competition. Now I know why!" Tian Wei said, "the piano in this song is really brilliant. He intentionally used this way to respond to the online accusations that he copied other people's piano music! It's not enough to just hold a press conference and tell everyone that he is XY. He has to further prove himself on stage with his works and actions! "

"Really?" Hong Wei looked at Xiao Siqi and said, "don't tell me that this song was specially written by him after the plagiarism incident?"

"Don't look at me, don't ask me!" Xiao Siqi put out his hand and said, "I don't even know about his changing songs in the middle of the way. We don't ask each other what songs they sing

"Oh, I said you father and son, as for you?" Hong Wei rolled his eyes.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.

It's not that Xiao Yao never thought that the whole song would be accompanied by a single piano. Li Quan had a pure piano accompaniment version of this song in his previous life, and Xiao Yao could not play it like this. But considering that this is a competition scene after all, instead of playing casually in the recording room, Xiao Yao still needs to consider the audience's audio-visual experience and appreciation needs, so Xiao Yao adopts fan Xiaoxuan's version of the soundtrack, and adds the accompaniment of drum, accordion, Viola, Violin and other musical instruments to enrich the live performance of this song The expressiveness of time.

However, even if other musical instruments are added, the main music of this song is still Xiao Yao's piano sound.

This song is a relatively rare structure of two consecutive main songs followed by three consecutive chorus. There is a relatively long interlude between the first chorus and the second chorus. In this interlude, whether it is a long period of accordion performance with the characteristics of the first half, or the ensemble of the military drum in the first half and the accordion, Violin and drum in the second half, there is no pressure on the piano. Piano has always been the most recognizable and characteristic accompaniment instrument throughout the song. Xiao Yao never left the piano stool under his buttocks from the beginning to the end. He played the piano part of the whole song by himself.

as like as two peas in the three paragraph of the

, the first two are the same, and the third most important chorus is the most important ending.

After singing the last sentence, Xiao Yao slightly raised his head, left the microphone in front of him, closed his eyes and played the last part of the song with the accordion.

"Xiao Yao!"

"Xiao Yao!"

When the piano sound of the last note dissipated and Xiao Yao put his hands back on his knees, many audience members could not wait to stand up from their seats, raised their hands, clapped and yelled. This time, no one in the excited audience deliberately called XY, but his real name Xiao Yao.