"Bayi, what are you going to do?" Xiao Yao and Xiao Siqi are psychologically prepared for being exposed to plagiarism. To clarify, Xiao Siqi is of course involved in it. This son has a big idea. Xiao Siqi also calls Xiao Yao for the first time to ask about his plan.

"What else can we do? A press conference. " Xiao Yao said, "now it's like this on the Internet. All the media are looking for me to interview. When do we have to talk about the past one by one? Of course, it was a press conference, which brought the media together to clarify. "

"OK," Xiao Siqi agreed with Xiao Yao's decision, and then asked, "is it in Yanjing or Shencheng? I'll let the people in the public relations department of the studio contact the venue in advance to prepare. "

"I'm not going to Yanjing, and you're not going to Shencheng. We'll open in southern Hunan." Xiao Yao said, "anyway, we are all going to southern Hunan to participate in the recording of the next issue of" singer ". Now it is not a few days before the recording of the next issue. Let's go to southern Hunan ahead of time and hold a press conference the day before the recording. After that, we just took part in the next recording. So we don't have to run around each other like that. "

"That's a good idea. Let's put it in the long yarn." Xiao Siqi agreed, "I'll let the people from the public relations department go to Changsha to prepare."

"Well," said Xiao Yao, "let's meet directly at the long yarn. I still have some preparatory work to do. Don't forget what you need to prepare. "

"Don't worry," Xiao Siqi said with a smile, "I've been waiting for this day since more than ten years ago, and I'll never forget it!"

While the public and the media were talking about Xiao Yao's silence on the plagiarism incident, Qijia studio suddenly issued a statement on the official microblog and website at the same time. It is announced that a press conference will be held in the news release Hall of Kaiyue hotel in gaoguansha city of southern Hunan this week. At that time, Xiao Yao himself will publicly respond to the current online plagiarism incidents at the press conference. All journalists and media are welcome to attend.

In addition to the statements on Weibo and the official website, many media with good relations with Qijia studio were also invited to participate in the press conference, inviting media reporters to participate in the press conference.

The day before the tenth issue of singer was recorded, it was 9:40 a.m. There are dozens of media reporters in the news release Hall of Kaiyue hotel in gaoguansha city of southern Hunan. Because of Xiao Yao's identity, the reporters here are not only entertainment news media reporters, but also more than a dozen social news media reporters.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the protagonist arrived on time, and the host of the press conference immediately announced the start of the conference.

"Welcome to media friends. Today's press conference is mainly to clarify Xiao Yao's plagiarism on the Internet and some media during this period." In addition to the host standing on one side, only Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao sat side by side on the rostrum. It was Xiao Siqi who spoke.

Seeing all the media reporters on stage looking attentive, Xiao Siqi solemnly continued to announce: "here, our studio solemnly assures you that Xiao Yao certainly did not copy the music works of American piano composer and performer Mr. horn Bernie as mentioned in some posts and comments on the Internet. It's not just Mr. horn Bernie, but all of Xiao Yao's signed works are not plagiarized. "

If you admit plagiarism, you can make a statement at most. There is no need to make such a formal press conference to embarrass the father and son and the studio in public. Therefore, the media reporters who attended the meeting had been psychologically prepared for Xiao Siqi's remarks, which was expected by the media. However, there is no explanation for the accusation of plagiarism, which is obviously not enough to satisfy and send the media reporters present at the scene. Therefore, after Xiao Siqi's speech, most of the media reporters on the scene raised their arms almost immediately, indicating that they wanted to ask questions.

At the end of the speech, Xiao Siqi looked at the arms of the audience, and did not immediately signal the host of the press conference to select reporters to ask questions. Instead, he looked at Xiao Yao sitting beside him. Xiao Yao adjusted the angle of the microphone in front of him and said to the media reporters with a smile: "I think the questions you want to ask now should be the same. I also know what this question is, so I'll give some explanations first."

Hearing Xiao Yao say so, many media reporters put down their raised hands and focused on Xiao Yao beside Xiao Siqi, waiting for his speech. Most of them believe that what Xiao Yao wants to say now must be the answer to the question they want to ask.

Xiao Yao raised a finger and said, "first of all, let's make a point. My original piano album as like as two peas in childhood memories, daydreams and serenade, are exactly the same as those three pieces that Horn Bernie had performed at his concert. "Three of them are melodies."

"Hua ~" as soon as Xiao Yao said this, the media reporters at the scene were in an uproar.

Most of the media reporters thought that Xiao Yao would explain the differences of several pieces of music to you from the professional point of view of music. Unexpectedly, more arms were raised immediately.

"But Xiao Yao also turned a blind eye to those raised arms and went on, "those three pieces are not the original works of Mr. horn Bernie! Although Mr. horn Bernie is indeed a well-known composer, as a pianist, not all the music he played in the concert was written by himself. These three pieces are not! Since Mr. horn Bernie didn't write the three pieces himself, I can't copy them! ""You said the three pieces were not written by horn Bernie. Is there any evidence?" A young male reporter couldn't help but stand up and interjected. He really can't wait for the reporter to ask questions, and was selected by the host to stand up and ask questions.

After Xiao Yao's plagiarism incident came to light, we also had some basic understanding of that Horne Bernie. Both at home and abroad, many musicians themselves are composers. This horn Bernie happens to be a composer himself, and his music is mainly piano music. Although not all the music he performed in the concert was created by himself, most of the new music was created by himself, except for the classic works of some music masters who played an important role in history. Xiao Yao said that the three pieces were not created by Horne Bernie, and reporters dare not believe them or believe them all.

"This media friend, it's not time to ask questions." One side of the conference host said.

"Nothing! Since the reporter friends are so anxious to ask questions, it's better to enter the reporter's question session ahead of time. " Xiao Yao first waved his hand to the host, then turned his head to the reporter and said, "of course there is evidence! I have a video of Mr. horn Bernie's statement here

With that, Xiao Yao picked up a remote control and pressed a button on a projector installed on the top of the hall. Behind Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao, a video appears on a large white screen on the left side of the background.

"Hello, I'm horn Bernie!" In the video, a middle-aged white man in a black suit faces the camera and says in English, "I hereby declare to you that memories of childhood, daydream and Serenade are not my original music works, but the commercial performance rights I bought from other composers."

After the exposure of the plagiarism incident, many people went to the piano player who was far away in the United States to have a certain degree of understanding, at least his appearance is very familiar to the media reporters on the scene. The middle-aged white man in the video is a close-up of his upper body, which is very close to the camera. Almost immediately, reporters recognized that the middle-aged white man in the video was indeed the horn Bernie.

Many reporters at the scene were surprised to hear that horn Bernie said that he was not the original author of the three songs, but bought the commercial performance copyright from others. Many of the media reporters at the scene also reported that Xiao Yao copied the works of American pianist horn Bernie, but before they reported, they did not know that horn Bernie was not the original author of the three pieces.

Of course, it's not to blame the journalists for not doing their homework. Because these three pieces of music only appeared in the concert of horn Bernie, never appeared in the music album released by horn Bernie. You can't see the introduction of the author in the album. In the concert, horn Bernie didn't specially introduce the author of each piece of music played, so you take it for granted that these three pieces of music are the same as other new pieces of music of horn Bernie It's time to create.

However, it doesn't mean that it's Xiao Yao who created the music works not by horn Bernie himself. Although the reporters were surprised, they didn't make a sound because the video was still playing. They were curious to know if horn Bernie would tell the original author of the three songs in the video.

Horne Bernie did say that the name was not Xiao Yao as you expected, but it also surprised the reporters on the scene.

"Memories of childhood and daydream were purchased nine years ago, and Serenade was purchased three years ago. The original author of these three songs is the same person. I don't know his real name, but he uses two letters to make his name. His name is XY! "

" XY?! "the reporters at the scene gave a cry of surprise," is that mysterious XY again? Has his works been sold to the United States? And ten years ago? "

But now is not the time to sigh XY bull force, today's protagonist is Xiao Yao, to make sure that Xiao Yao in the end is not plagiarized! Although we all know that the mysterious XY is Xiao Siqi's friend, most of them will not come forward to publicly accuse Xiao Yao of plagiarism, but plagiarism is plagiarism. As long as you don't write it, and you take your father's friend's things as your own, it will make people spurn you. Even relying on acquaintances, others won't trouble you. Just take other people's things as your own, it's OK It's even worse.

"I don't think you need me to translate, do you?" At the end of the video, Xiao Yao continued with a smile, "if any reporter friend doubts the authenticity of the video, I can send a copy of the video to you. You can find technical personnel to make technical identification of the video picture and audio, or find lip experts to interpret lip language."

It's not that no one at the scene has ever flashed this idea in his mind, but since Xiao Yao dares to take the initiative to say it, there is no flaw in this point. Moreover, if these three songs are created by XY, most of the live reporters will also choose to believe them. But now the question is, even if what horn Bernie said is true, you Xiao Yao is still a shameful scribe. What can you be proud of?

"Even if horn Bernie is not the original author of those three songs, it can't be the reason why you didn't copy them, can it?" Another reporter stood up and asked, "is plagiarizing horn Bernie's music plagiarism, and plagiarizing XY's music is not plagiarism? Even if XY doesn't want to come forward and accuse you face to face because of your father's relationship, it can't change the fact that you copy other people's songs, can it"Oh ~" Xiao Yao sneered and looked at the reporter who stood up to ask questions, "if it's someone else's music, it's really plagiarism! What if it's your own music? Is that plagiarism? "

"My own music?" The reporter also sneered, and then reacted. His face changed color, and he said with an incredible expression, "what do you mean?"

"Yes." Xiao Yao nodded, "I am XY! Do you want me to admit that I copied myself?"

"No way!" The reporters at the scene issued a cry of surprise, and they all looked at Xiao Yao inconceivably.

"How could it be?" The reporter who stood up to ask questions said subconsciously.

"Why not?" Xiao Yao stood up and said, "XY? X is the first letter of Xiao and Y is the first letter of Yao. Isn't that enough? "

After listening to Xiao Yao's words, the media reporters at the scene pondered slightly and found that this was really the case.

"Is XY really Xiao Yao?" Many people suddenly had such an idea in their heart, but they were soon overthrown by themselves, because it was too incredible.

"What if it's just a coincidence?" The reporter who stood up to ask questions again asked the reporters, "XY's works first appeared more than ten years ago. How old were you then? Isn't that ridiculous? "

"I'll answer that question!" Xiao Siqi got up to the microphone and took over the reporter's question with a smile.