"Cough!" Xiao Yaoqing coughed, pulled out from the role he was playing, changed back to the original male voice, bowed to the audience again and said, "thank you

"First of all, thank Mr. Liu Tong and the musicians at the scene." In the audience's applause and cheers, Xiao Yao first leaned to the direction of Liu Tong and other program groups with his whole palm, slightly bowed, then half turned around, pointed his palm behind him and said, "then, please allow me to introduce today's special guest, the accompanist of the folk music part of my performance -" women's music house "!"

The lighting on the stage was bright. A dozen girls in ancient ladies' silk shirts stood up from their chairs, walked gracefully to the front of the stage, stood in a row in front of the stage and bowed to the audience.

"Wow, they are all beauties!" Under the guidance of Xiao Yao, the audience also gave a burst of warm applause to the beautiful musicians.

"But why do I feel that Xiao Yao's Huadan is the most beautiful one on the stage?" There are also some viewers thinking.

"In fact, I wanted to introduce every musician in this women's folk music group. I also fought with the director group to introduce them. The director group agreed, but they refused." Xiao Yao then said, "so let's remember this group, their name is ~", and Xiao Yao went to the front edge of the stage and extended his microphone to the audience.

"Women's music square!" The audience yelled.

"Very good," Xiao Yao nodded with a smile and took back the microphone. "Then, please support them more and support their folk music!"

What Xiao Yao said is true. He really wanted to introduce everyone in the "women's music workshop" on the stage. Since it would take a long time to introduce more than ten people, Xiao Yao specially discussed with Tao Ran. Tao Ran agreed to Xiao Yao's request to introduce the musicians to the audience on stage, but he did not guarantee that he would keep all the scenes of introducing the musicians when the program was broadcasted. It is possible that he would only select a few more distinctive and famous musicians to introduce and broadcast, and the others would be cut off in the later editing.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao have always given full space to show their own characteristics, but this band is extremely United. They collectively refused Xiao Yao's good intention to introduce them individually. They just want to appear on this stage as a team of "women's music workshop", and they don't want to be introduced individually by Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao respected their demands.

After bowing, more than a dozen girls of the "women's music workshop" left the stage from the rear in turn, waving in the applause of the audience. At this time, Xiao Yao has no intention of leaving the stage, because he has something to promise others.

"Next, it's advertising time!" After watching more than a dozen girls leave, Xiao Yao stands in the middle of the stage again and says to the audience, "I feel good when I read the advertisement in this way!" With that, Xiao Yao couldn't help laughing.

"Wow ~" when Xiao Yao said "advertising time", the audience immediately began to shout again. As Liang Xueying explained to the audience at the beginning, the audience didn't feel surprised at Xiao Yao's advertisement, but just excited!

"Thank you for the high-quality water source from Tianshan Mountain. The good water source comes from the Tianshan ice spring in the sky..." Xiao Yao took a slight breath and read the advertisement words of more than 200 words very quickly.

"Look at Xiao Yao's dress and say the advertising words. It's not like crossing, it's like splitting!" In the rest hall, Hong Wei can't help leaning to Xiao Siqi.

"He will have too many things. Sometimes, I feel that he is divided!" Xiao Siqi said with a smile.

"Are you praising him?" Hong Wei stares at Xiao Siqi and says, "do you boast so much about your son?"

"During the program broadcast, you can scan the QR code at the bottom of the screen to participate in the program interaction, and there will be numerous prizes such as cash red envelopes and luxury Tourism Awards waiting for you to get!" On the stage in the studio, Xiao Yao finished his advertisement in one breath, and then gave a long breath.

Holding out his left hand and pressing down, Xiao Yao motioned to the audience who were screaming after listening to the advertisement to be quiet, and then continued with a smile: "OK, my task is finished. Next, I'll return the stage to the acting host of the show. Let's invite our host Liang Xueying to come on stage and continue to introduce the next singer's repertoire."

"Can you stop being such a host?" Liang Xueying, who walked onto the stage with a smile, said to Xiao Yao, "I'm the host today, OK?"

"I see. It means I can go!" Xiao Yao nodded with a smile and was about to step off the stage and leave from the front channel.

However, Xiao Yaogang raised his foot and took it back. He said to the audience: "finally, please remember to vote!" With that, Xiao yaocai stepped off the stage.

"Xiao Yao!"

"Xiao Yao!"

See Xiao Yao off the stage to leave, the audience and spontaneous shout up.

"Thank you Because the skirt is too long, Xiao Yao, who is carrying the skirt from both sides, hears the audience's enthusiastic shouts, stops, raises his hands slightly, and at the same time bends his legs slightly, nods to the audience.Xiao Yao did a western female curtsy, but he was dressed in a traditional Chinese costume. As soon as this Western-style action was made, the audience felt more split, and the screams began to ring again.

Liang Xueying on the stage just put the microphone in front of her mouth and was ready to host. She was interrupted by this wave of screams. She could only helplessly watch Xiao Yao drop her right hand holding the microphone and continue when he left.

Fortunately, Xiao Yao didn't continue to make a fuss. He quickly walked to the exit of the studio at the end of the passage with his skirt, and he didn't follow the graceful steps of ancient women.

After going out of the studio and closing the cheers and screams of the audience behind him, Xiao Yao takes Shen man back to the rest room.

This time, without being a host, Xiao Yao didn't plan to open the door and shout "I'm back!" as he did several times before But want to gently push open the door of the rest room, directly to the second floor of his room. However, when he gently pushed the door open, he found that the four singers who finished the competition had already stood behind the door waiting for him, and they all held a mobile phone in their hands.

Xiao Yao just pushed the door into the hall, in front of a flash light, shaking Xiao Yao subconsciously closed his eyes, and raised his hand to cover his eyes. Feeling the flash, Xiao yaocai opened his eyes, lowered his hand and said with a bitter smile: "do you want this battle? Are you going to blind me? "

"Of course, we have to take photos of your rare costume." Hong Wei smiles, then turns his mouth and says, "but if you want to be blind, our eyes will be blinded by you."

"Hey, hey," Xiao Yao said with a smile, "it's not hot and blind."

Liu Youyuan told Xiao Yao.

"You yuan oppa said that he had never seen the Huadan costume of Chinese opera before. He wanted to take a picture with Xiao Yao." Zhang Qiao helped translate.

"I understand." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"I know you understand, they translate it for us!" Hong Wei rolled his eyes, then thought of something and said, "although I've seen Beijing opera, I haven't seen Xiao Yao's Huadan. I want to take a picture with Xiao Yao, too!"

"I also want to take a picture with Xiao Yao station." Qin Xiaodong suggested, "why don't you take a group photo together?"

"But Xueying in our family is still in charge, not now, and weishile is not here. Don't wait for them to come back for a group photo?" Zhou Xiaodao. As Liang Xueying's agent, she will go to the front of the stage to watch when she sings, but she stays in the rest hall by herself at other times.

"Yes, let's wait for Xueying and weishile to come back and take a picture together!" Hong Wei nodded and agreed.

"I refuse! I don't want to sit in the hall like this. I want to go back to my room and get dressed! " Xiao Yao screamed, and he was about to rush up the stairs leading to the second floor room. But now he was really a burden, especially the skirt behind him was long on the ground. It was impossible to get up fast, and how could he escape the obstruction of others?

Qin Xiaodong's eyes are sick and his feet are fast. He steps on the tail of Xiao Yao's skirt, and Xiao Yao is pulled back.

"Well?" Xiao Yao looked back in surprise. Qin Xiaodong immediately moved his feet with a smile and said, "sorry, I stepped on it by accident!"

"Xiaodong, good job!" Everyone understood from Qin Xiaodong's smile that he was intentional. Hong Wei immediately gave a thumbs up.

"Want to run? It's not that easy! " After praising Qin Xiaodong, Hong Wei gives a sign to Liu Youyuan and grabs one of Xiao Yao's arms. Liu Youyuan's reaction over there is also very fast. Learning from Hong Wei, he grabs Xiao Yao's other arm, and the two pull Xiao Yao to the sofa in front of the live TV.

"Hey, you can't do that!" Xiao Yao also knew that he was dragging the long skirt, no matter what, he couldn't run away, and he couldn't do anything to them, so he could only cry helplessly.

"Sit down!" Hong Wei and Liu Youyuan pull Xiao Yao to the sofa together, press Xiao Yao on the sofa and sit down, "do you think it's like you were in" good voice "last time, just run if you want?"

"I'm sitting here. Don't you think it's weird? Don't you feel uncomfortable? " Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Yao turns to other humanists.

"I don't think so!" Hong Wei and Qin Xiaodong laugh together. Xiao Siqi smiles but does not speak. Liu Youyuan also smiles and shakes his head.

"But I'm very awkward!" Xiao Yao said with a bitter smile.

"That's awkward." Hong Wei shrugged indifferently, then pointed to the TV and said, "don't make any noise. Wei shile starts to sing. Listen to others quietly!"

"I didn't expect you to have today!" Looking at Xiao Yao's sad face, the agents of several singers and the filmmakers in the hall couldn't help laughing.

After appearing in this program, Xiao Yao has always been an active singer, and every time he fights with other singers in the hall, he always has the upper hand. This is the first time that we have seen him suffer.

In the TV, Wei shile has appeared and started his own singing. Xiao Yao no longer makes a sound and quietly watches Wei shile's performance.Wei shile sings the main song of the latest album released last year, which is also the most widely sung song. Wei shile was born on Hong Kong Island and studied in Britain for several years. She is most used to Cantonese and English, but she speaks Mandarin very well. From the communication with other singers before the competition, we feel that she is much better than Zhao Lixun. Most of the songs she sings are in Mandarin, and a small part is in English. It's also a good song for her appearance on this stage, at least showing her advantages in language.

It seems that there are not many people in the audience who have heard her song before, but the quality of Wei shile's song is excellent, and it plays very well. With its performance on the stage, it has also conquered many people, including the singers watching the live broadcast in the rest hall, and finally won the very warm applause and cheers from the live audience in the studio.

At the end of the performance, Wei shile and Liang Xueying returned to the rest hall. One is a new replacement singer, and the other is a hard-working host. When they came back, several singers in the hall stood up one after another to greet them with applause and expressed their welcome and thanks to them respectively.

Wei shile is a newcomer to this program only today. He was not very familiar with these singers before, so he showed restraint. After politely expressing his thanks to everyone for welcoming his applause and praise, he sat down on the outermost side of the sofa and didn't take the initiative to open any topic.

Liang Xueying was different. After sitting down, she began to tease Xiao Yao in the first sentence: "I thought there were four male singers and three female singers today. There are more male singers than female singers. But now I look around, how can I feel that there are more female singers than male singers?"

In the hall, the male singers are Xiao Siqi, Qin Xiaodong and Liu Youyuan, and the female singers are Hong Wei, Liang Xueying and Wei shile. Liang Xueying's words clearly put Xiao Yao in the ranks of female singers from male singers.

"That's right!" Liang Xueying's words immediately caused a burst of laughter in the hall, and Hong Wei nodded while laughing.

"I'm going up to take off my make-up and change my clothes!" Xiao Yao pretended to be discontented and stood up and cried, "no more group photos!"

"Don't," said Hong Wei, holding Xiao Yao, "you've been sitting like this for a long time. Do you still care about the time for the group photo?"

"Come on, let's take a picture together quickly. Don't make our little Huadan angry!" Hong Wei greets everybody again.

"Xiao Yao will go back to her room to remove makeup and change clothes when she comes back, but sister Hong won't let her. She said that she wants to take a picture with him when you come back." Zhou Xiao explained to Liang Xueying in a low voice, "his clothes are too cumbersome to run away. He has been forced to sit here by sister Hong for a long time. He has been depressed for a long time!"

"Ha, Xiao Yao is also depressed Liang Xueying first showed an expression of surprise, then said with a smile.

"Thank you for waiting for me." Liang Xueying stood up and gave Hong Wei a big hug. Then she said excitedly, "come on! I want to stand next to Xiao Yao! "

They all huddled together happily. A cameraman in the film crew took a group photo for them. Then Xiao Yao went back to his room to remove his make-up and change his clothes.

When Xiao Yao came downstairs, Tao Ran also sent someone to inform everyone to go to the video studio to listen to the voting results.