The next morning, when Xiao Yao and Tim haggis walked into the ninth branch of the New York police department with wailing, the waiter, the lawyer Veronica Quinn who had received Xiao Yao's phone call the night before was already in the Department.

Veronica Quinn has obviously been angry with detective Mel, so when shauyao and Tim haggis arrive with willin, detective Mel and Veronica are already waiting in the public office area next to the reception desk.

Seeing the three men arrive, detective Mayer gives Tim haggis a complicated look and is ready to take willin to the interrogation room to re record his statement.

"Detective Mayer," said Tim haggis, stopping him as he pulled willing away. "I asked to participate in the investigation of this case."

"What?" Mel looked back at Tim haggis in surprise and said, "what do you want from the FBI? This is our NYPD case! "

"Don't get me wrong," Tim haggis said quickly. "Our FBI doesn't want to rob your NYPD case. This case belongs to you. I just want to help. You see, we found this new clue. I don't want to give up halfway and follow this case completely. I applied with my boss yesterday, and he agreed that I would assist the ninth Bureau in your case as an FBI agent. " In the end, Tim haggis made a deliberate pause on the word "yours" to emphasize it.

Tim haggis, who had his badge on when he was looking for welling with Xiao Yao last night, reported the incident to his boss, Alan hall, when he went back in the evening. At the same time, he also applied to Alan hall to participate in the investigation of the local police station. On the one hand, he had been reading the case file last night, and he was also very interested in the case. On the other hand, he also saw that Xiao Yao would not let go of the case and would certainly try to participate in it. Instead of surreptitious investigation, it's better to take him to investigate openly, so as to avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings with the New York police.

After hearing Tim haggis's explanation, Alan hall thought about it and agreed. Tim haggis is a rookie in investigation, which is also a good opportunity for him to gain experience. As for the ownership of the case, he did not want to grasp all cases as others thought.

In a word, the resources of the FBI are definitely superior to those of the local police. If they use their own resources to help with the investigation, the local police will feel much more relaxed. Since the FBI says it doesn't care about the ownership of the case, it's a good thing, so detective Mayer didn't think much about it. When he nodded and agreed, "since that's the case, come in with me. I'm taking a new confession of him now. You can join me or watch in the observation room next door. "

"Actually, it's not just me, it's him." Tim haggis pointed to Xiao Yao again and said, "you should know that I have another task to protect him. I can't let him out of my sight. What you don't know is that he helped us find a well hidden drug trafficking suspect in the FBI before. Yesterday, he saw that the victim Laura may have taken drugs and the waiter gave false statements before, so I want him to participate in this case as a special adviser. "

"He?" Detective Mayer said suspiciously.

"Yes," Xiao Yao nodded, "this case happened at chambers Conservatory of music, and all the people involved are students of conservatory of music. I am a professional musician and can provide professional advice. Seeing that the victim may be taking drugs and the waiter lying, I rely on my professional music knowledge. " Xiao Yao was informed yesterday after Tim haggis and Alan hall passed the ditch. Xiao Yao naturally expressed his thanks to Tim haggis for his actions. At this time, he was ready and knew how to persuade the police.

"He's not a police officer. Can you guarantee that he won't make trouble?" Detective Mel frowned at Tim haggis.

"Of course, I'm in charge of him." Tim haggis said immediately, "if anything goes wrong with him, I will bear the consequences."

"All right," detective Mayer waved his hand. "Come along, but he's your special adviser, not ours. Please watch him and don't let him mess with you."

"I promise." Tim haggis road.

After entering the police station, detective Mayer took wailing, the waiter, to the interrogation room. Xiao Yao thinks that what willin knows should have been said in the restaurant last night, and there is nothing special to explain today, so he suggests Tim not to participate in the interrogation, and they go to the observation room next to him. Watching the detective interrogate the witness through the one-way glass window is also a novel experience for Xiao Yao for the first time. Along with Xiao Yao and Tim, there is also lawyer Veronica Quinn. As sun Tingting's lawyer, she has the right to know all the details of the case, so she can also watch detective Mayer's interrogation.

Willing's confession to detective Mayer is really nothing special. Basically, he overturned the previous confession and repeated what he said to Tim and Xiao Yao last night. The only function is to prove that Wyatt left the restaurant before 8 pm the day before yesterday. In fact, he did not have an alibi and had a time to commit the crime.

When detective Mayer finished the second interrogation of willing, he was sent away and entered the observation room with a document on his hand."Welling's statement, as Ms. Quinn told me earlier today, proves that Wyatt did not have an alibi. In addition, the toxicological test report also came out. The test results showed that the blood of the victim Laura SIM contained the chemical composition of a certain drug. The forensic judge from the content believed that the victim was indeed taking drugs before she died. " With that, Mel hands a report to Veronica Quinn.

"What are you going to do next, detective?" It's enough to know the result, and Xiao Yao can't understand the professional test report, so Xiao Yao doesn't read the report in Veronica Quinn's hand, but asks detective Mel.

"I know what you're thinking," detective Mayer said, looking at Xiao Yao. "This test report can only prove that the victim used drugs before his life. There is no evidence that the drug incident is related to Wyatt. Of course, there is no reason to apply for a search warrant to search Wyatt's house."

"Ah?" Xiao Yao was obviously disappointed.

"But the falsification of the alibi is enough for us to call him back to the police station to talk about it." Mel turned out into the aisle. "Are you coming?"

"Of course!" Tim haggis and Xiao Yao immediately followed.

"I'll go to the district attorney and tell him the new situation to see if I can postpone the prosecution against Miss Sun." Cried Veronica behind her.

"Thank you Xiao yaotou also didn't return of waved a hand way.

Out of the observation room, Mel called two uniformed officers and drove to Wyatt Wayne's house.

Chambers College of music provides students with dormitories, but it does not require students to live on campus. Wyatt Wayne does not live on campus, but rents an apartment outside.

Wyatt Wayne's apartment is on the fourth floor of a six story apartment building. When arriving at the apartment building and waiting for the elevator, Xiao Yao could not help but ask detective Mayer, "detective Mayer, can I ask you a question?"

"What?" Detective Mayer looks at Shaw road.

"I know that American police officers work in teams of two, but why do you always have two uniformed police officers in one person every time you investigate a case? Don't you have a partner?" Xiao Yao asks curiously.

"My partner is a female detective. Now she is pregnant and on maternity leave. At present, there is no single detective in the police station who can be assigned to work with me temporarily, so I have to work alone for the time being." Mel explained.

"I see." Xiao Yao nodded.

"Do you think I'm not careful enough?" All of a sudden, Mel turned to Xiao Yao and said, "because I work for two people on my own, I'm a bit sloppy?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Xiao Yao immediately shook his head. Even if I really think so in my heart, Xiao Yao will not be so stupid as to show it now.

When he reached the door of the room with the 4E sign on it, detective Mayer reached out and knocked on the door, shouting, "is there anyone in it? NYPD! "

a young man opened the door, saw detective Mayer and two uniformed officers, and said impatiently," detective, is it about Laura again? Didn't I go to the police station to take a statement? I've told you what I know. There's nothing else to say. " Obviously, the young man who opened the door was Wyatt Wayne.

Because detective Mayer and two uniformed officers were standing in front of the door, Xiao Yao and Tim haggis were not at the door, and they were not in the sight of Wyatt Wayne who opened the door.

Xiao Yao whispered in Tim haggis's ear. Tim haggis nodded and suddenly pushed aside a uniformed police officer. He flashed his badge in front of Wyatt and said, "FBI anti drug unit!"

"Damn it Wyatt's face immediately changed and slammed the door. Then there was the sound of objects crashing down in the room.

Wyatt's performance naturally made several policemen outside suspicious. Tim haggis stepped back two steps, stuck to the opposite wall, and was ready to rush up and hit the door with his shoulder. Xiao Yao had already walked to the door and put his foot on the door. Then he saw that the whole door fell inward.

"My God! So fierce? " The two uniformed police officers were a little silly.

Ignoring the exclamation of the two police officers, Xiao Yao kicked open the door and rushed in directly. After a glance around, he soon found the open window of the living room and ran quickly.

Xiao Yao leaned over and looked out. He found an iron staircase outside the window. Wyatt was running down the staircase. Without saying a word, Xiao Yao immediately went through the window and ran after him.

Tim haggis's action is not slow, two steps back, he had already made a gesture to rush inside, at this time is also closely behind Xiao Yao, chasing out of the window.

When detective Mayer ran to the window and looked out, he found Wyatt was almost on the first floor, while Tim haggis was still on the corner of the fourth and third floors. What about Xiao Yao who chased out earlier? When detective Meier looked forward, he found that Xiao Yao was holding the floor of the stairs outside the window on the fourth floor in front of him, and his feet were hanging outside the iron stairs.