Compared with the previous regular programs, the special of this issue has similarities and differences in rules.

The whole game will be divided into three rounds. The first round is to divide the six players into three groups for pairwise PK. The two players in the same group first answer nine identical questions. After the nine questions, the one who answers more questions correctly wins. If the number of correct answers is the same, more tests will be given later. Those who get the right to answer questions will answer first, and there will be no extra points or deduction for wrong answers, but the right to answer questions will be automatically transferred to the other party. If both of them are wrong, they will continue to answer in the next round. In the extra test, as long as either side exceeds one point, the winner will be decided.

The second round is a contest between the three winners in the first round. This round does not answer questions, but PK the amount of poetry. Three people must take turns to say a poem containing a certain word. Those who answer wrong, repeat or fail to answer within the prescribed ten seconds will be eliminated. When one person is out, the round ends immediately, and the remaining two enter the final round to fight for the championship.

The third round was all about answering questions. In the same way as the first round, the player who gets the right to answer the question but gets the wrong answer will not be deducted, and the other party will answer. Two people who first answer five questions correctly in this round, get five points, who will become the final champion of this issue special.

Because of the cancellation of the competition with the audience, there are some changes in the competition system. However, in addition to increasing the possibility of grabbing answers in each round, the number and type of questions in each round are the same as those in the previous two seasons, and the audience will not feel completely unfamiliar.

After introducing the competition rules of this issue, Liao Qing divided the six players into groups. Grouping is a lottery. Six contestants take turns to draw a bamboo slip from the host Liao Qing's hand. The two contestants with the same Chinese characters on the bamboo slip are the same group of contestants.

Two of the six bamboo slips are written with the words "poem", "Ci" and "Fu" respectively. Xiao Yao gets the word "Ci" and is in the same group as Zhao Xuanyan, who is the oldest and currently the most educated master.

The division ends and the first round begins. The first two contestants to appear are tu Yiyuan, the number one scholar of Arts in eastern Zhejiang Province this year, and Su Qi, the number one scholar of Arts in southern Hunan Province last year. The other four players will sit in the waiting area for the time being.

Su Qi dares to come to this program, naturally has considerable confidence in his own strength. In the first round of the answer performance is quite good, but Tu Yiyuan after all has participated in this program and won the championship, two people in the amount of knowledge reserves which is better or worse may not be easy to judge for a while, but in the answer experience and psychological quality, Tu Yiyuan is obviously better than Su Qi.

In nine simultaneous questions. They also answered the first eight questions correctly, but in the last multiple-choice question, Su Qi, who is a little impatient, accidentally falls into the trap and chooses a wrong answer. However, Tu Yiyuan, who is more calm, avoids the hidden text trap in the title and is not "Yin".

The duel of the first group ended. Tu Yiyuan eliminated Su Qi with a score of 9-8.

Although Su Qi regretted to be out of the game, her overall performance was quite good. Even compared with the ordinary players in the previous two seasons, her performance was not bad. Falling into the trap of the topic was also considered as "non war crime". The comment teacher and the audience gave her warm applause.

After su Qi made a speech, she left the stage in the applause of the audience, and Tu Yiyuan also slowly returned to the waiting area to sit down. Next, it's the duel between Xiao Yao and Zhao Xuanyan.

"The next group of duels is the duel between our earliest champion and one of the two new champion this year." Liao Qing introduced a sentence and suddenly asked, "by the way, who is older, Xiao Yao and Tu Yiyuan

"I don't know." Xiao Yao shook his head. Although Xiao Yao did his homework and saw all the videos of the first two seasons of the program, neither in the program nor on the Internet revealed Tu Yiyuan's birthday.

"I'm more than a month older than him." Tu Yiyuan said with a smile, "I know his nickname is Bayi. He was born on August 1, 1998."

"I didn't expect that our Tu Yiyuan knew Xiao Yao very well." Liao Qing said with a smile.

"Besides reading poetry, I can also surf the Internet." Tu Yiyuan said, "I like his" new princess drunk "and the song he wrote to Gong Chen," water melody. When will the moon come? ". In addition to the beautiful song for Su Shi's Ci, the lyrics of Beijing Opera in the drunken new princess are also very interesting. I think his lyrics are very good, so I also pay attention to him. His information is very detailed in the encyclopedia. It's not difficult to know his date of birth. "

"It seems that you are still a fan of Xiao Yao," Liao Qing said with a smile, turning to several comment teachers. "Just now, before the duel between Tu Yiyuan and Su Qi, several teachers were more optimistic about our second season champion, that is, the younger Tu Yiyuan. As a result, Tu Yiyuan won. It seems that several teachers are very accurate. So what's on the stage now is the contest between the youngest player and the oldest player. I don't know which one of the teachers is more optimistic about? "

"I prefer Zhao Xuanyan." Chen Qun first said, "although I appreciate Xiao Yao's creative talent. Whether it's about writing songs or poems. By the way, I've heard a lot of Xiao Yao's songs. However, this is not a contest of creation after all. Tu Yiyuan was chosen just now because she has more experience in this program, and we know her better and she is very stable. It's the first time for both of them to participate in this program. Xiao Yao has no advantage in experience, so his age may be a disadvantage. ""I'm also optimistic about Zhao Xuanyan." Xu man also said, "I'm not because of my age. In fact, Xiao Yaogang's poem is really amazing, and I am also amazed at his creative talent. It's just that this competition is not a contest of talents, but a knowledge reserve of ancient poems. Xiao Yao plays, writes songs, sings, dances, hears and practices martial arts. Moreover, the academic courses of middle school students are much more tense than those of graduate students. As a top student in the science college entrance examination, I think that even if he likes ancient poetry and can spend more time reading poetry, he can't compare with Zhao Xuanyan, can he? "

After Chen Qun and Xu man, Yuan Meng and Lu Xiyuan also expressed their views one after another, and they were also more optimistic about Zhao Xuanyan. It's about the same as Chen Qun and Xu man. Xiao Yao's creative talent is undoubtedly amazing, but in terms of the reserve of poetry, Xiao Yao, who has many talents, can't compare with Zhao Xuanyan.

"It seems that this time several teachers are more optimistic about Zhao Xuanyan, who is older and should spend more time reading poetry. Are the teachers right Liao Qingxuan preached, "the second group of the first round will begin immediately."

Several teachers are quite confident in their own judgment, but what they didn't expect is that the two people on the field surprised them on the second topic.

The first two of the nine questions are to select a five character poem from nine words and a seven character poem from twelve words. The answers to the first question are the same, and they are all right. However, in the second question, two people have different answers, that is to say, at least one person answered wrong.

Zhao Xuanyan's answer is "a lonely city, wanjian mountain", while Xiao Yao's answer is "a lonely sail, a lonely day". When their answers came out together, the audience was in an uproar, and several teachers in the comment room were also surprised.

From the popularity of the poem, it is obvious that Zhao Xuanyan's poem "Liangzhou Ci", which was once included in the junior high school Chinese textbook, is more famous. But when she saw Xiao Yao's answer and looked at her own again, Zhao Xuanyan patted her forehead with regret.

"The second question in the second group has a different answer." Liao Qing was also surprised. "But from Zhao Xuanyan's performance, we seem to know who is right and who is wrong."

Zhao Xuanyan said regretfully, "Xiao Yao's answer is right, my answer is wrong."

"And your answer? Maybe there are two answers to this question? " Liao Qing said with a deliberate smile.

"No, in my poem, the character of Wanjianshan's blade is wrong. It should be a single person." Zhao Xuanyan said bitterly.

"Yes." Chen Qun commented, "the character Ren beside a single person is an ancient unit of measurement, which means eight feet. It can be height or depth. For example, the story of Yugong moving mountains, which is well known to us, comes from Liezi Tangwen. The first sentence is Taihang Mountain and Wangwu mountain, which are seven hundred Li and ten thousand Ren high. It's this Ren, which describes the height of the mountain. "

"In fact, in ancient times, the Ren character beside a single person can be used as a blade character. For example, in Zuozhuan, there is" Zi Yue comes from Shixi, Zi Bei comes from Ren to cut Yong ". Here is the Ren character beside a single person can be used as a blade character. But the character Ren beside a single person can be the same as the blade of a blade, but vice versa. The blade of a blade can't pass through the character Ren beside a single person, so your answer is really wrong Lu Xiyuan also went on to explain.

"Thank you for your answer." Zhao Xuanyan said, "although I know I'm wrong, I don't know that the Ren character beside a single person can be a blade."

"This is only the second question," Liao Qing comforted, "so you can't be regarded as the failure of shanjiuren. There are at least seven questions behind. You still have the chance to pull back. Don't lose heart and continue to refuel."

"Well, thank you, sister Liao Qing." Zhao Xuanyan nods to Liao Qing gratefully.

"This problem is really a big trap," a lonely city Wanren mountain "is more well-known. It usually appears in people's minds earlier than" a lonely sail comes to the sun ". If you don't pay attention to it, you will be caught." Xu man continued, "I thought Xiao Yao might fall into this problem. After all, generally speaking, girls are more careful than boys, but Zhao Xuanyan was wrong."

"This song Liangzhou CI is actually included in junior high school textbooks," Yuan Meng speculated. "Maybe Xiao Yao is closer to junior high school than Zhao Xuanyan, and he is more impressed."

At the end of the second question, Xiao Yao took the lead 2-1, and they continued to answer the following questions. Zhao Xuanyan, who was behind in the score, became more calm. Almost every question in the back was confirmed within the last two seconds of the prescribed time. This kind of cautious practice also let her behind did not make this kind of careless mistake. However, Xiao Yao's performance is still calm, no mistakes, Xiao Yao has also maintained a one point lead, until the eighth question.

The eighth question is a multiple-choice question. The question is how long does the word "autumn" refer to in the question of "one day's absence is like three autumn". The three choices are January, a quarter and a year. On this question, the two people's answers once again appear different. Zhao Xuanyan chose a year, while Xiao Yao chose a quarter.After the results were announced this time, Zhao Xuanyan didn't immediately show remorse when she saw Xiao Yao's choice. It's not a matter of carelessness. Zhao doesn't think she was wrong.

"The two people's answers to this question are not consistent," Liao Qing said after looking at the results, "but this time their expressions are very normal, obviously they don't think their answers are wrong. But there must be only one correct answer to this question. So which teacher will help us with the correct answer? " Liao Qing finally looked at the teachers in the comment room.

"I want to listen to the reasons why the two of them chose the answer first," Chen said with a smile.

"I'll talk first." Xiao Yao was not courteous this time. He took the lead in saying, "in fact, Sanqiu in this sentence has become a general term for a long time, not a specific term. However, since this topic is raised here, we have to consider it from its source. This is from the book of songs in the "Wang Feng. Caige", the original sentence is: that caige Xi, a day away, such as March Xi! It's like three autumn days when I don't see you in a day! It's like three years old. Three months, three quarters and three years, respectively. So I chose the second answer, a quarter. "

"Well said, well explained." Chen Qun applauded, "we don't need to add anything."

"This time Zhao Xuanyan is not careless," Xu man said, analyzing the cause of Zhao's mistake. "She was misled by our current usage habits. There is only one autumn in a year, so one autumn is a year. In fact, many people think so now. Of course, this also reflects Zhao Xuanyan's lack of knowledge reserve. If she and Xiao Yao can remember the whole poem from which this sentence came, and know that there is a "Ru Sui Xi" behind it, she should not make a mistake to choose autumn to represent a year. If autumn represents a year, how long does the year of three mean? "

"Thank you, teacher, and Xiao Yao. I've been taught!" Zhao Xuanyan nodded slowly and said, "it's really my lack of knowledge."

"Then the result is obvious. The correct answer is Xiao Yao, and Zhao Xuanyan is wrong. Now the score has become eight to six, that is to say, with one question left, Xiao Yao has already defeated Zhao Xuanyan and entered the next round ahead of time. " Liao Qingxuan preached.