"It's really great!" Zhao Xinghua waved his hand, motioned the candidates to be quiet, and told Xiao Yao with a smile.

"Thank you for your praise." Xiao Yao smiles with reserve.

"Not to mention that you never forget, anyway, I feel like I have more than a thousand words." Zhao Xinghua asked Xiao Yao with great interest, "what I want to know most is, do you have this ability of multitasking? When did you find out that you have this ability? Or do you exercise in some special way? "

Compared with Xiao Yao's terrible memory, Zhao Xinghua is more interested in Xiao Yao's real sense of distraction. Reading scripts and reciting lines is really something that every actor can't do without, but no matter how good the ability is, you can't conclude that you can be a good actor. And this kind of thing, even if you have poor talent, can also be solved, just spend more time than others. But this kind of distraction is different, this kind of talent and ability is more difficult for an actor.

The performance Department of Shen opera, like Yan Dian, is mainly a methodology School of teaching stani system. In other words, they also teach students how to fully integrate into the role, the actor and the role into one person. But everything also stresses a degree of mastery, in the performing arts, this involves the actor's first self and second self.

First, ego is the ID, the life form of natural person. Second, self is rational "I", ideology, self rational knowledge formed in the process of growth, and carrier of various cultures, thoughts and ideologies. For the actor's performance, the first self is the original self, and the second self is naturally the "self" of the role, which is formed by the thought, spirit and soul of the role.

In the performance, what the actor pursues is the coincidence of the first self and the second self, turning himself into the role he wants to play, and performing in the "self" state of the role. At that moment, "I" is no longer the actor himself, but the living role. This is the so-called "entering the drama".

However, if an actor is involved in the play too deeply, there may be the phenomenon of "over play" or difficult to be detached from the role.

When sun Zhihao first asked Xiao Yao to play in a drama, he also talked about this aspect. At that time, on the one hand, sun Zhihao believed that after Xiao Siqi remarried, Xiao Yao's participation in the opera was not too deep. On the other hand, sun Zhihao himself was always with Xiao Yao, supervising and controlling Xiao Yao's performance at any time.

Even Xiao Yao's first TV play "Chengying" had something to do with this problem. When Xiao Yao has been in the role of "taking pictures" outside shooting, it is also a kind of "too deep into the play" performance. But at that time, he was still a child, and the role of "Chengying" was not obnoxious, so people were more tolerant of his state, and did not force him to withdraw from the role and interrupt his role experience. But if Xiao Yao plays every role in every play in this way, I'm afraid few troupes can stand him.

The most ideal state is that an actor can rationally supervise his performance, grasp and control the degree of his performance when he enters the play through perceptual experience, which requires two uses of distraction.

However, this is only an ideal state in theory. In real life, even those super movie stars and actresses, no one can really separate the heart into sensibility and rationality. Only schizophrenics can really do this, right?

So when Zhao Xinghua saw Xiao Yao's true sense of "one heart, three uses", the old man's heart was extremely excited and excited. In his heart, Xiao Yao absolutely has a rare advantage and talent in performance. In Xiao Yao, he also saw the possibility of putting the idealistic state of pure theory into practice. Therefore, the old man didn't even care about Xiao Yao's calligraphy. First of all, he was concerned about whether Xiao Yao's "distraction and multi use" skill was born or could be exercised in some ways.

"It's all innate and acquired," Xiao Yao said. "I'm not modest. My brain is better than most people. I have a good memory since I was a child, and I can learn quickly, but it's hard to stay focused for a long time. When I was in primary school, although my academic performance was good, I was often absent-minded in class, so I was scolded by the teacher. Later, when I was in junior high school, I recited Chinese and foreign languages in advance. When I was in school, I secretly taught myself Korean in class. In order not to affect other students, and not to be found by the teacher, I put the Korean teaching materials in the English books and Chinese books, trying to read English in my mouth, but looking at the Korean teaching materials in my eyes. Maybe my brain is really better, and I found that I actually learned Korean in this way. That was when I first found that I could use it with one mind.

"Damn, that's all right!" It is estimated that many of the candidates at the scene have experienced doing other things in class, but Xiao Yao, for example, can read Korean while reading English texts, which is unheard of or even dare not think about.

"Later, I purposely strengthened the training in this area." Xiao Yao then said, "I can play musical instruments, and I can play them quite a lot, so I first practiced and tried playing musical instruments, trying to play guitar and harmonica at the same time, and then added playing drums with my feet. That's how I practiced the performance in the blind election of the voice. Later, I felt that playing three kinds of musical instruments at the same time was actually the same piece of music. There was no big rhythm change. It was not really "multitasking". So I began to try to do different things at the same time. For example, today's recitation, calligraphy and performance are carried out at the same time, which I just practiced recently. ""That is to say, you are born with a good brain that is different from ordinary people, plus the practice the day after tomorrow, so you can practice this skill?" Zhao Xinghua Road.

"Yes." Xiao Yao nodded.

"Which of these two factors do you think is more important?" Zhao Xinghua then asked.

"It should be very important," Xiao Yao said. "But if we have to say which factor is more important, I want to borrow Edison's words: Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration...

" isn't this the famous saying hanging on the corridor outside the primary and secondary school classroom? " Many examinees said with a smile.

"In other words, the day after tomorrow is more important?" Zhao Xinghua said with a smile.

"No," Xiao Yao shook his head. "I heard that there are still half sentences after this sentence, but the one percent inspiration is the most important, even more important than the ninety-nine percent perspiration. I know this sentence is pasted on the hallways of many schools, but it has never been more than the first half. In fact, I don't know if Edison ever said the second half of the sentence, but I personally agree with the second half. "

"Take me for example," Xiao Yao said, pointing to the rice paper on the table. "I started to learn calligraphy when I was more than three years old, and began to learn photography when I was more than eight years old. I have spent much more time learning and practicing calligraphy than photography. But now my photography works have been published in many professional photography magazines, but my calligraphy is still only in shape but not in spirit, and I can only read it We have to go through. I don't believe that any calligraphy magazine will publish my calligraphy works. The reason is that my talent in calligraphy is not as good as that in photography, so I think talent is more important. "

"Can you still photograph?" Zhao Xinghua glared. As a scholar who focuses on theoretical teaching in school, Zhao Xinghua's understanding of Xiao Yao is obviously not comprehensive.

"Yes," Xiao Yao nodded, "I'm the youngest photographer whose works appear in French city pictures and American world geography." Since it's a talent show, Xiao Yao doesn't mind introducing his talent more. If it's not convenient for live performance, it's easy to say.

"Damn, is this guy human?" There are many candidates who don't know Xiao Yao well enough.

"Do you know why we call him the devil all the time?" Lin Qisan said to Nina with a smile, "I have been to the scene of EVA show with the light of his photographer."

Master Zhao Xinghua no longer knows what language to use to describe his mood at this time. Looking down and seeing the rice paper on the table in front of him, Zhao Xinghua picked up Xiao Yao's calligraphy and changed the topic. "Your evaluation of your calligraphy is quite pertinent, tangible and spiritless. You can barely see it, but it's quite rare for your age... Wait, what are you writing?"

"A modern poem of my own creation." Xiao Yao smiles.

"What's the matter?" Several other examiners and teachers also curiously looked at the rice paper in Zhao Xinghua's hand, and then looked at Xiao Yao with some complicated eyes, with a bitter smile on his face.

"What is it?" The back of several teaching assistants also stood up slightly and looked at the rice paper. The other candidates next to them looked at the examiners with a puzzled face. They didn't know why the examiners would react like this.

"Read it to me." Zhao Xinghua noticed everyone's expression and handed the rice paper to a teaching assistant behind him.

The assistant behind Zhao Xinghua stood up and took the rice paper. After years of practice, he said in a resonant voice: "if talent can't be recognized...

" poof ~ ", several assistant teachers immediately sprayed. The candidates also looked at Xiao Yao with constipation.

"If talent is not recognized? The actor's Flying Star Award, the Best Newcomer Award, the music "Golden Disc" award, the photography works in magazines and the Oscars have all been there. How do you want others to admit your talent? Do you feel bad about writing such a poem Many people make complaints about it in their hearts.

"Since no one knows a star today, why not have a bright moon tomorrow?"

After reading aloud, the assistant returned the rice paper to Zhao Xinghua and sat down. The same face complex and can't laugh and cry to see to Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao wrote a modern poem by Wang Guozhen, a former modern poet. Its name is "if talent is not recognized". There is nothing wrong with this poem itself. It is a very inspirational modern poem with positive energy. However, when it is written on this occasion, it makes people feel a little bitter. This is originally an art test to test their talents, and the "Star" in the two most impressive sentences at the end just corresponds to their future "Star" identity.

"Just now, he said that we should not do anything. In a twinkling of an eye, he wrote such a poem." Lin Qisan rolled his eyes in his heart and said, "now you are doing something, OK?"

"The poem itself is very good, especially the last two sentences. It's very tasteful." Zhao Xinghua commented with a smile, "but why do you write such a poem on this occasion? Do you think you can't pass the exam? "