The audience was in a bit of a hurry. Most importantly, they have been worried about what happened to fan linxuan backstage. Although Xiao Yao's song just made them very happy and satisfied, if fan linxuan's last song was cancelled for some reason and Xiao Yao won the championship in this way, they would still feel very unhappy.

Fortunately, we didn't let the audience wait too long. We found that the staff on the scene started to move. When they moved a black grand piano to the stage, the audience's heart was put down. This shows that the last song is still to be performed, otherwise they would not spend that effort to move such a big guy on the stage.

Soon, Chen Nan, He Sen and several tutors came out of the backstage passageway. Several tutors and music director He Sen returned to their respective positions, while Chen Nan stood directly on the stage to inform the audience of the situation just now.

"I'm very sorry for the delay. On behalf of the program team, I'd like to apologize to you first." Chen Nan bowed to the audience, straightened up, and then continued: "the performance of fan linxuan's last song originally invited Ding Yun as a pianist to accompany her on the stage. The sudden situation just now was that Ding Yun and this special guest had some physical problems. Now she went to the hospital to see a doctor, so she couldn't accompany fan linxuan's song on the stage 。”

"Ah?" There was a cry of surprise from the audience below. Ding Yun is a very popular young pianist this year. It's not easy for Chen Huan and fan linxuan to find her to help. And hide her all the way to the third song, I think it's also used as the last mace. Unfortunately, I went to the hospital before I got out of school.

Originally, Xiao Yao was ahead of fan linxuan, and the song just now made a lot of female audience excited. If fan linxuan is no longer a powerful pianist, even if she can still sing this song on stage, I'm afraid the effect will be greatly reduced. Is there any hope for her to attack? Wait, since the pianist went to the hospital, what did the staff do when they moved the piano to the stage?

As if seeing the audience's doubts, Chen Nan continued to explain: "just now, after the discussion among the executive director of the director group, several tutors, music director Mr. He Sen and the parties concerned, fan linxuan has temporarily found another pianist to replace the pianist who can't appear because of her body. What I want to say is that the pianist fan linxuan temporarily asked for is also very special, even more surprising than the original one. "

"More amazing pianist than Ding Yun?" The audience was also intrigued by Chen Nan's statement.

"Cut ~ now the domestic pianists who are better than Ding Yun are basically able to count with one hand. Who can fly to save the field in such a short time? Even with Chen Huan's face, I'm afraid it's impossible, right? I'm afraid the person fan linxuan is looking for is at most the keyboard player of the live band? " Zhao Rui said.

"Is there any other student in Chen Huan's team who plays the piano well? Are you here? At the time of the first song, fan linxuan's band members on stage were all her teammates? Is it possible to pull someone up from his teammates again? " Lin Qisan also guessed.

"I think of someone. If he goes up, it will be more sensational than Ding Yun, and he is at the scene. " Sun Tingting frowned.

"Who? So good? Wait, you don't say yes? " Zhao Rui stares at the frowning sun Tingting.

"What do you say?" Sun Tingting looked back at Zhao Rui and said, "the last song fan linxuan Sang was Uncle Xiao's song."

"Damn, this boy can do it! He can't get along with himself. " Cried Zhao Rui.

"Haozi, it seems that you can beat the boy Bayi more." Zhao Rui took Zhou Zhihao's shoulder and said, "beat hard at that time!"

"Brother stone!" Sun Tingting looks at Zhao Rui angrily.

"Wait a minute, Tingting. You said it would be Xiao Yao who will help fan linxuan play the piano later?" Chen Mingfei and Ma Peng understand their conversation.

"Well, although we guessed it, but now on the scene, who else can surprise us more than Ding Yun?" Sun Tingting nodded.

"Is Xiao Yao crazy?" Cried Chen Mingfei and Ma Peng.

The answer to them was a bitter smile from several people nearby.

As the lights above the stage dimmed, the audience knew that the performance of the last song was finally about to begin.

"Next, let's invite fan linxuan to bring us his own song, which is also our last song of the season --" night of missing you "!" Chen Nan also announced again.

With Chen Nan's voice, two figures holding hands appeared in the passage from the back of the stage to the backstage. Fan linxuan changed into a long black skirt with slim body and buttocks, and the slant line of the skirt showed a long and white leg. But this sexy dress did not attract the audience's eyes, because the audience's eyes were all attracted by the man in a black suit next to her.

"Xiao Yao!" Although the light on the top of the stage was dimmed, the audience could clearly see Xiao Yao leading fan linxuan out of the passageway. "He accompanies fan linxuan on the piano? His heart is too big, isn't it? Does he really don't care about the champion The audience began to talk."It's him!" Zhao Rui patted his forehead and said with a bitter smile, "he can really do it!"

On the stage, Xiao Yao leads fan linxuan to the front of the stage, smiles, reaches for her hand, and then goes back to the piano on one side of the stage and sits down. This scene seems to be very similar to when he and Chen Yuhan sang together before.

At this time, fan linxuan was also a little nervous. Holding the microphone in both hands, she bowed her head and hesitated for a moment. Then she turned back and stood by the piano. Then she made an OK gesture to the live conductor Hesen. Then she turned to look at Xiao Yao and nodded slightly, indicating that she was ready.

Xiao Yao smiles and presses his finger on the piano.

Fan linxuan's version and Xiao Siqi's original version are basically unchanged in tune and rhythm, but they have made some adaptations on the soundtrack for better live effect. Therefore, as far as Xiao Yao's piano part is concerned, it is not different from the piece he is familiar with.

After three or four piano notes, the live violin began to ring. Xiao Yao, who had never practiced together at all, played the prelude of the song with the violinists in the live band, and there was no problem at all.

"The day you left, I watched you go away, all the promises turned into a period ~" fan linxuan opened her mouth, which shocked the audience and quickly brought her singing into a sad mood.

Fan linxuan is a cover of Xiao Siqi's song, but she doesn't know that this song was actually created by the guy who helped him play the piano in front of her. Even the lyrics of the first sentence were changed by him. A man's sad love song makes girls sing differently. Although it's the first time in Xiao Yao's life that she heard this song sung by someone other than Xiao Siqi, when she heard fan linxuan's voice, Xiao Yao unconsciously remembered the version that Sheila had sung in her previous life, and felt that when they sang this song, they sounded a little like each other.

I don't know if she intended to learn from the performance of Chen Yuhan and Xiao Yao in the chorus. When fan linxuan sang this song, she didn't look at the audience, but looked directly at Xiao Yao who accompanied him on the piano. When Xiao Yao plays the piano, he doesn't look at the keys, but at the front, so they basically look at each other in the whole process, and naturally there is no lack of eye contact.

This scene reminds many people of the chorus of Xiao Yao and Chen Yuhan. In that game, Chen Yuhan didn't play well at the beginning, but after turning to Xiao Yao, he performed extremely well. Fan linxuan watched Xiao yaolai sing from the beginning. Will she have a very good performance?

After Xiao Yao helped Xiao Siqi to make this song, up to now, he has not officially seen Xiao Siqi's live interpretation of this song. At this time, listening to fan linxuan's singing, coupled with fan linxuan's eyes with the mood of the song, Xiao Yao can't help but be brought into the mood of the song. Now he seems to be able to understand Xiao Siqi's bitterness because of Chen Zilin's death.

When a close-up of the two people was cut from the large screen, the audience also saw the expressions and eyes on their faces. This is said to be a temporary combination, can have such a tacit understanding of the performance, seems to be able to see a trace of the reason from this lens, because both of them have really devoted themselves to the song.

"I wish you could be by my side when I miss you, but I have no chance to change for you. Oh, miss you night, please let me love you again, let love return to the origin When fan linxuan sings the chorus, Xiao Yao has no mind to think about the lyrics changed by herself, but is deeply moved by the feelings contained in her singing, and even some can't help reddening her eyes.

This song ends with the repeated chorus, which is also the climax of the whole song. Fan linxuan, who has already entered the state and mood, sings her own tone higher and higher at the end, which makes people feel stronger and stronger.

After fan linxuan finished the whole song with a very high pitched voice, Xiao Yao, like drums and other musical instruments, stopped with fan linxuan's voice. Instead, he added a soft melody to the end of the whole song. It not only eases everyone's emotion caused by fan linxuan's last explosive performance, but also makes the whole song's performance more complete and perfect.

Fan linxuan naturally heard that Xiao Yao had added a short paragraph to her at the end of the song, and this paragraph was very well added, so after Xiao Yao stopped playing, she didn't use the microphone to whisper to Xiao Yao: "thank you!"

Xiao Yao nodded with a smile, then stood up, took fan linxuan and went to the front of the stage to thank the audience.

At this time, just recovered from the sad mood of the song, the audience saw the two people walking to the front of the stage, also burst into thunderous applause and cheers.

When the applause and cheers of the audience were a little less, Chen Nan took the microphone to the stage.

"Such a performance, such a performance combination, is the first time on our stage. This is the most special cooperation of our program so far. " Chen Nan slightly excited way, "who can think that our last song of this season's performance is actually the cooperation of two competing champion candidates!""Here, I'd like you to give us warm applause again for the wonderful performance that these two brought us. In particular, we would like to give our applause to Xiao Yao, who stands out selflessly to help when his competitors are in trouble! " With that, Chen Nan clapped again. So the applause that the scene has not completely fallen is warm again.