"Wow ~" see Xiao Yao and Chen Yuhan walking out of the backstage passage hand in hand. There was a burst of cheering from the audience.

Because the last pair to appear tonight is not only the youngest pair in this season's program, but also the most eye-catching pair in this stage of the competition.

In order to cooperate with the performance of the song, the two are also dressed up. Xiao Yao was dressed in a black suit, which was well cut and showed his figure. There was no black shirt with tie and bow tie in it. He loosened the top button, which was not only formal but also inflexible. Chen Yuhan is also a semi formal dress, wearing a dark blue V-neck dress, earrings and necklaces with the same blue water drop shaped pendant on her earlobe and neck, and a few strands of curled hair hanging from her temples, which is elegant and playful at her age.

Both of them have good looks and height, and each of them is wearing gorgeous clothes to set off their good figure. The appearance hand in hand naturally attracted the audience to cheer. Even Yi Kun couldn't help saying, "it's beautiful. No wonder Xiao Yao wants to go to sister Na's team! "

And the audience also sounded some whispers: "although I know Xiao Yao has a girlfriend, but watching them walk out like this, I feel that they really match each other."

"How do you know Xiao Yao has a girlfriend? In the blind election, the beautiful woman in the group of relatives and friends said that she wanted to chase Xiao Yao, but it was not sure whether she could. Didn't Xiao Yao say that Shen Na was chosen because there were so many beauties in Shen Na's team? Maybe Xiao Yao is here for Chen Yuhan. It's not like she's a junior holding a BRIC. Xiao Yao is seventeen and Chen Yuhan is twenty, just three years older. "

Xiao Yao leads Chen Yuhan to the center of the stage. After bowing to the tutors and the audience with her, he leaves Chen Yuhan in the center of the stage and sits down beside the piano. When

saw Xiao Yao sitting down, he adjusted the position of his front microphone and gently put his hands on the keys of the piano. Chen Nan also announced in a loud voice: "the final chorus of Shen Na group decision making competition begins now."

As Chen Nan's voice fell, the light in the studio dimmed, and the two white spotlights above hit Chen Yuhan and Xiao Yao on the stage. The audience also calmed down. In a quiet environment, an elegant piano with sad melody sounds. With Xiao Yao's fingers dancing on the piano keys, Chen Yuhan also raises his microphone to his mouth and starts to sing.

"It's dark outside the window, another night without you..."

after Chen Yuhan sings a few words, Xiao Yao on the stage and several tutors in the tutor's seat can't help frowning, because only from these two words Chen Yuhan starts to sing, everyone can hear that her voice is a little dry and astringent, and her throat is obviously tight.

Not only Xiao Yao and several tutors, but Chen Yuhan, who heard his own voice in his ears, was also shocked by his own voice. After singing two sentences along with the inertia, Chen Yuhan suddenly felt a moment's blank in his mind. Then she found that she had forgotten her words.

Shen Na changed her solo song into two chorus versions, and made some changes in the arrangement. In order to match the stage effect of their performance, in the first paragraph of the main song, the soundtrack is only Xiao Yao's piano on stage. This arrangement was originally designed to better show Chen Yuhan's voice characteristics at the beginning of the song. Now this situation just gives Xiao Yao the opportunity to save her.

Xiao Yao, who has already heard Chen Yuhan's poor state in the first two sentences, deliberately slowed down some speed when playing. He pressed the first note of the fifth sentence, but he didn't hear Chen Yuhan's voice. He immediately began to pick up the song.

"How I miss you looking at me like that..." Xiao Yao played and sang the fifth sentence. When he sang the last "looking at me", Xiao Yao deliberately raised a tune on the basis of the original tune. Because Xiao Yao's singing and performance are synchronous rising, although it sounds a bit abrupt, it doesn't make the whole song appear too uncoordinated, which makes everyone feel that this is just a more distinctive change after the song is rearranged.

After practicing a song for more than a week, although Chen Yuhan forgot the words, she was still very impressed by the tune of the whole song, so she recognized the difference between Xiao Yao's sentence and the original rehearsal at the first time. Then she reflected that this sentence should have been sung by herself, but she forgot the words. How could Xiao Yao connect it so perfectly? What about the back? Does he sing or I sing? At this time, Chen Yuhan has completely forgotten his nervousness and quickly turns to look at Xiao Yao.

Since Xiao Yao took over the song, he could not finish it with only one sentence. In that case, anyone could see that it was not arranged in advance, so he could only continue to sing the following four sentences. While he is singing and playing, his eyes are always staring at Chen Yuhan.

After four lines, Xiao Yao smiles and nods to Chen Yuhan. Chen Yuhan immediately understood, and immediately took over the song from Xiao Yao. Then Chen Yuhan found that Xiao Yao's mouth did not close, but continued to open and close. Looking at the shape of his mouth, he continued to sing the song behind in silence.

"This is to make me an artificial teleprompter for fear that I will forget my words again?" Chen Yuhan's heart was fixed. Instead of turning back to face the audience and tutors, he took two steps towards Xiao Yao and came to the side of Xiao Yao's piano. With one hand holding the piano and the other hand holding the microphone, he watched Xiao Yao sing.As Xiao Yao said before he stepped on the stage, Chen Yuhan, who was watching Xiao Yao, was no longer as nervous as he was facing the audience and tutors. In addition, Xiao Yao's manual teleprompter saved her worries. After the beginning of the first chorus, the addition of a live band enriched the soundtrack of the whole song. At the same time, the rendering power of the music was greatly enhanced, and she could start to pay attention to it All the strength is on the sound.

In this way, the voice has been fully opened, she began to sing better, the whole person also began to gradually immersed in the song. As a result, her expression in singing and the emotion expressed in her voice are perfectly matched with this song. The only problem is that she is facing Xiao Yao, not the audience and tutors. This is different from Shen Na's original arrangement, but for Chen Yuhan, she can't care about it now.

Fortunately, there are many cameras on the recording site, and there is no lack of rocker arm. The rocker arm of a camera stretches to the side of the stage, aiming at the two people beside the piano. The large screen also cuts out the close-up shot of the two people watching each other attentively while singing.

Because Xiao Yao almost seamlessly connected with Chen Yuhan's singing, except for Shen Na and Sha Zhou who knew the arrangement of the song in advance, no one, including the other three tutors, could see Chen Yuhan's forgetting words. So when you see Chen Yuhan singing on the big screen, Xiao Yao is singing with Chen Yuhan in silence I didn't feel anything wrong. Because the clever Chen Yuhan in Xiao Yao singing, the mouth also did not stop, the same in and his mouth.

The performance of the two people, on the contrary, shows that their relationship is particularly close. It seems that they do not want to miss each other's paragraphs. In addition, after Chen Yuhan came to the piano, they looked at each other all the way and focused on each other for a moment. It seemed that they could hear some different feelings from their songs.

At the end of the song, against the backdrop of Xiao Yao's stable baritone, Chen Yuhan also has a gorgeous high pitch, which brings a beautiful ending to the whole song.

In the cheers and applause of the audience, the two people who finally closed their eyes and were immersed in the mood of the song just now slowed down for a few seconds before they opened their eyes again. Xiao Yao stands up, takes the microphone from the microphone stand in front of him, holds it in his hand, and takes Chen Yuhan's active hand. They walk back to the middle in front of the stage.

"Thank you for your wonderful singing." Chen Nan praised and went on the stage again. After going to the stage, Chen Nan couldn't help glancing at the hand they were holding, joking: "among all the students' singing, this is probably the group I saw with the most emotional performance. It is also the most frequent and natural group of students who are competitors. "

Hearing Chen Nan's ridicule, Chen Yuhan released Xiao Yao's hand slightly red on his face and said in a bit of embarrassment: "in fact, Xiao Yao knows that I'm not used to wearing high-heeled shoes. Today, she's a little nervous on the stage. She's afraid that I'll fall on the stage, so she leads me like this."

Hearing Chen Yuhan's explanation, there was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Chen Nan also laughed with the audience. But soon, he stopped smiling, looked at the tutor seat and said, "now let's invite some tutors to comment on the performances of the two just now. Mr. Yu Qing

"Before I start commenting, I have to complain first!" Yu Qing is not angry.

"Oh? Tutor Yu Qing, what's your complaint and what do you want to complain about? " Chen Nan's strange way.

"For the performance just now, the piano is not enough, but the clothes on them... Why don't the students in our group have such gorgeous costumes as them? The program group is Kan Na Jie, who is the only female tutor, so are you biased? " Yu Qing points to the gorgeous clothes of Xiao Yao and Chen Yuhan on the stage.

"Then you've wronged us." Chen Nan said with a smile, "I can reply you to this question now. They are not provided by our program group."

"That's sister Na," Yu Qing turned to Shen Na again. "Then I'll say a word for your team members. Sister Na, you are partial. Why are their clothes much better than those of other members of your team?"

"You are trying to sow discord." Shen Na pointed at Yu Qing with a smile and said, "but I can tell you, it's useless! Because I didn't prepare for them both. The costumes for their performance were made by Xiao Yao himself, and even the whole modeling of the two were designed by Xiao Yao. Don't you know someone else is a fashion photographer? Getting two sets of clothes and designing two shapes is not a problem at all

"So it is." Yu Qing suddenly, then said with a smile, "since it's like this, it's a good choice. Chen Yuhan stays. Xiao Yao doesn't have to leave even if he is eliminated. You can leave him and select clothes and designs for the students in your team in the later competitions. "

"Hello, Mr. Yu Qing, please be more serious and give a suggestion to Mr. Shen Na." Chen Nan helpless socket way.

"That's my serious advice." Yu Qing said, "they both performed very well just now. Although Chen Yuhan made a little mistake in the first two sentences, they performed brilliantly later. Xiao Yao is very stable from the beginning to the end, although there are no mistakes, but when it comes to brilliant, I think it is not as good as Chen Yuhan. I don't know how to choose, so I'll choose from other aspects. "