When sun Tingting was sent back to her room, Xiao Siqi also happened to send Shen Na's private phone number. Look at the time is less than 11 pm, Xiao Yao will directly dial Shen Na's phone.

Shen Na, who receives Xiao Yao's call, first cares about Xiao Yao and sun Tingting's situation. When she hears that they are already together, Shen Na is also happy for them. But when she hears that Xiao Yao wants to take sun Tingting to the guidance class, Shen Na still refuses. Although Xiao Yao is a star student that she values very much, she doesn't want Xiao Yao to be too special in the class, so that other students in the class feel that there is a privileged class in the team. However, Shen Na said that Xiao Yao can take sun Tingting to the TV station with her. When she guides the class, she can arrange her assistant to stay with sun Tingting in other rooms, because there are 14 students divided into seven groups. On average, the time allocated to each group is not very much.

For Shen Na's arrangement, even sun Tingting did not express any dissatisfaction. What she is thinking about now is Xiao Yao. Naturally, she doesn't want to let Xiao Yao and his teammates have any estrangement because of her relationship.

Agreed on tomorrow's arrangements, Xiao Yao told sun Tingting an early rest, left sun Tingting's room. On the way back to the room, Xiao Yao went to Ma Peng's and Chen Mingfei's room to have a look. When they saw that they had come back, they went in and sat down again. In addition to satisfying the curiosity of the two classmates and good friends about the things between themselves and sun Tingting, they also told them their own arrangements for tomorrow. At the same time, tell them to practice the song of the next match for the next week, and let them arrange the following activities by themselves.

At 10 a.m. the next day, Xiao Yao appeared in rehearsal room 3 of Zhedong radio and television building on time and met with her tutor Shen Na, assistant tutor Sha Zhou and other 13 students in Shen Na's team.

Since the previous blind election was conducted in five sessions, that is to say, the 14 students were selected by Shen Na after five recordings. Some of them did not know each other, so Shen Na asked everyone to introduce herself first, and then introduced Sha Zhou, the assistant tutor.

Shazhou is one of the most active male singers of the middle generation in the world of Chinese music. He is in his thirties and is in his prime of life. He has rich experience and skills in singing for more than ten years. It is more than enough to help guide them.

Shen Na is most famous in the entertainment industry because she has strong contacts and good popularity. In addition to her carefree and generous personality, many unique ways of doing things are also one of the important reasons.

After we got to know each other, Shen Na didn't rush to start grouping them and arranging the chorus songs. Instead, she first built a group on the communication software and brought in all the students. Then, she chose the oldest one as the team leader, and asked the team leader to be responsible for organizing and taking care of all the team members during the subsequent competition. Finally, it was a forthright announcement that all members of the team would have dinner in the evening. The team leader was responsible for organizing the reservation and she was responsible for paying the bill. After everyone cheered and started to have a team, she started today's business.

According to the rules and procedures of the program, the next stage of competition is tutor selection competition. Each tutor will divide the 14 students into seven groups, and then sing a song in pairs. After their singing, the tutor selects the student who performs better to advance, and the other one will be eliminated. After the seven promoted students are selected, the tutor will select one of the seven students according to the previous performance to directly promote to the later stage of the tutor competition, and the remaining six people will conduct two PK again in the form of solo with self selected songs, and the tutor will select three people according to this, and together with the former directly promoted student, form a four person team for the tutor competition.

The first thing Shen Na needs to do is to pair up the students. Shen Na picked out or snatched back these students when she was blind. She knew their singing style and voice characteristics, so she had a draft in her heart on how to group and match them, and it went smoothly.

Finally, Shen Na separated Xiao Yao from a 20-year-old girl named Chen Yuhan. The two of them are the youngest in the whole team, and Shen Na's reason for grouping and pairing is exactly the same reason. However, in the eyes of several students who have seen the performance of their blind selection, although Chen Yuhan is two years older than Xiao Yao, his performance and singing skills are far worse than Xiao Yao.

One of the most intuitive points is that Xiao Yao was recognized as a four turn player by all her tutors, while Chen Yuhan was only favored by Shen Na in the blind election. At that time, only her tutor turned for her.

Of course, no one thinks that Shen Na is going to escort Xiao Yao. Because in the previous seasons of the program, it's not that there was no one who picked the four turn contestants in the chorus stage, even Shen Na's team had such a situation. Although Xiao Yao's performance in the blind election was amazing, most of it was because his magic skills of playing three kinds of musical instruments at the same time were too shocking. Although his song is very good, it's a folk song. It's the most attractive treble in the program and the basis of many people's judgment, but it doesn't show at all. Therefore, Chen Yuhan is not completely without opportunities.And Shen Na's performance after that also made everyone feel that Shen Na really didn't want to walk Xiao Yao. According to several team members who have heard Shen Na guide their singing, it seems that Shen Na is not inclined to Xiao Yao, on the contrary, she is biased towards Chen Yuhan and deliberately makes Xiao Yao difficult.

First of all, after grouping, Shen Na chose a song "dark night" for Xiao Yao and Chen Yuhan. This is Shen Na's own song, that is to say, it's a girl's song. This is relatively favorable for Chen Yuhan, a girl. In the allocation of singing paragraphs, the more familiar, relatively simple and expressive paragraphs fall on Chen Yuhan's head. And Xiao Yao is responsible for most of the relatively difficult and not very brilliant parts. Not only that, Xiao Yao was arranged by Shen Na to play the piano during the performance. It's self-evident which side is more difficult to play while singing.

Even Shazhou has doubts about Shen Na's arrangement. Although he is the first time to be a tutor, he has seen the first few seasons of this program, and he knows the difference in popularity between Xiao Yao and Chen Yuhan. Does Shen Na want to eliminate a high popularity student and leave a low popularity student? Is she all right?

Shen Na's brain certainly has no problem, she dares to arrange like this, naturally has the absolute confidence to Xiao Yao. After all, she has heard a lot from Xiao Siqi about Xiao Yao and his musical talent and ability. As long as Xiao Siqi doesn't completely ignore the fact of false flattery, Xiao Yao's performance is enough to let her choose Xiao Yao to promote in the tutor choice competition. At the same time, such an arrangement can also be a good way to stop her doubts about the arrangement of four transfer students and one transfer students together.

In the next few days, Xiao Yao's performance did not disappoint Shen Na. At the same time, it also made the assistant tutor Sha Zhou approve the arrangement of old friend Shen Na.

On the first day of guidance class, the performance of the two who also got the score of the competition chorus song for the first time was quite different. Xiao Siqi told Shen Na more than once that Xiao Yao's memory is amazing. Xiao Yao also confirmed this in front of Shen Na and Shazhou. Five minutes after getting the score, Xiao Yao took the lead in singing the whole song in front of them. Not to mention the level and effect of singing, there is no mistake in the whole song alone, which is enough to surprise Sha Chau. Chen Yuhan, who only began to sing more than ten minutes later, had two small mistakes in lyrics and tunes.

After the segmented practice and Xiao Yao joined the piano practice, the contrast between the two is more obvious. At the time of blind selection, Xiao Yao showed off his skills of one mind and three uses. At that time, he played three kinds of musical instruments at the same time, and also sang while playing two kinds of musical instruments. Naturally, he had to play the piano and sing at the same time. What Shazhou didn't expect was that after listening to Xiao Yao's piano performance, he found that Xiao Yao's piano playing level seemed to be higher than that of the guitar he played for the longest time when he was blind.

Because there are seven groups of students in total, Shen Na has arranged to work seven hours a day. Each group of students has one hour of tutoring time every day, and the rest of the time is to practice by herself. According to the arrangement of Shen Na and Sha Zhou, in the first few days, they will guide one of the students in each group, each responsible for the part that the students need to sing and play. Until the first two days of the competition, they will put the two students in each group together for chorus practice.

No matter how fierce Xiao Yao is, it is impossible for her to sing a song perfectly when she sings for the first time. The emotional expression in her voice, the mastery of rhythm and even the expression on her face are Shen Na's guiding areas. But because of Xiao Yao's strong memory and the skill and ability of controlling his own voice accumulated by more than ten years of practice, he hardly had the problem of repetition, so Shen Na's guidance was very easy.

Comparatively speaking, both basic skills and performance experience are very lacking. Chen Yuhan, who just rushes into Shen Na's 14 member Cadet team with a unique good voice, gives Sha Zhou a lot of headaches.

Then Shazhou found that Shen Na could rest at least half an hour more than him every day. Because he spent more time guiding Chen Yuhan than Shen Na did guiding Xiao Yao. Most of the time, it is Shen Na who, after completing the task of directing Xiao Yao and seeing him off ahead of time, joins his singing guidance for Chen Yuhan with a leisurely and playful face, and continues until the arrival of the next group of students.

After the last two days of joint training, Shazhou also had to admit that the solo song prepared by Chen Yuhan would not have a chance to appear on the stage on the day of the competition unless Xiao Yao's performance was abnormal or Chen Yuhan suddenly burst out.

Shazhou has this feeling, which is even more obvious for Chen Yuhan as the party concerned. Mingming is a song that is more beneficial to her, and the paragraph allocation is also her singing. The paragraph is a more brilliant part, but in the rehearsal, the effect of her singing is not as good as that of Xiao Yao's singing, and this is still under the condition that Xiao Yao has to play the piano accompaniment. So on the first day of joint training, she was upset because of psychological frustration, and her frequent low-level mistakes were not as good as her performance on the second day of practice alone.

For Chen Yuhan's performance, Shen Na and Sha Zhou can only sigh helplessly. But there are two people in the chorus, one of them is too bad. Finally, Shen Na and Sha Zhou patiently help Chen Yuhan to do psychological counseling and psychological construction, and then let her slowly return to normal.