Seeing that everyone nodded, Xiao Yao continued: "I know you are worried that the specific plot will affect your performance in dance arrangement. In fact, you don't have to worry about this. I have taken it into consideration. "

"Do you know which of us is good at what movement?" Many people looked at Xiao Yao and muttered in their heart, but they all held back and didn't say it.

"First of all, at the beginning of the dance, only two people appeared," Xiao Yao pointed to Zhou Jingyi and said, "Jin, you are the heroine." Then he looked at Paul and said, "you're Paul, aren't you?" Seeing Paul nodding, Xiao Yao continued: "you are the hero. The opening stage is mainly your duet, mainly locking, to show the identity of your two lovers, so the music is more cheerful. "

"Then it's you, you, you..." Xiao Yao ordered eight people in one breath, and then he continued: "I know you are good at popin. You are responsible for playing zombies. The second part is mainly the popin group dance of you zombies, so the music of the second part is a bit gloomy."

"The rest of us are normal human beings. This part of the dance is more intense. You are the main body. It's also the time when you show your magic power. Your masterpieces are all expressed at this time. What somersault ah, a variety of floor movements, you can take out the skills, of course, I also designed some extra movements for you, I hope you can do it Xiao Yao looked at the rest of the street dancers and said.

"Finally," Xiao Yao's eyes returned to Zhou Jingyi and Paul, "it's your two protagonists again. Here, I designed some modern dance movements for Jin. Jin, you are learning modern dance systematically, so there should be no problem, right? Paul, although you haven't learned modern dance, your movements are very simple, basically just a few lifting movements. You just need to have enough strength to lift Jintao. There's no difficulty in skills. "

"What the hell? We are hip-hop dancers. We are participating in a hip-hop competition. Why do we have modern dance moves? " This time, even Zhou Jingyi has some strange ways.

"Why not?" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "it's just adding a few moves. It won't change the overall style of this hip-hop dance. The hip-hop part of this dance is more than 80% and the modern dance movement is less than 20%. No one can say that this dance is not hip-hop. "

"But is it strange that hip-hop and modern dance are mixed together? Anyway, I have never seen or imagined the effect of mixing these two dance movements. " Zhou Jingyi still has some worries. Paul, TJ and other dancers also nodded in agreement.

"Want to see the effect? I have a way With that, Xiao Yao took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened a video and handed it to Zhou Jingyi, saying, "this is a dance that was popular in China for a while two years ago. The combination of hip-hop dance, modern dance and ballet, in which hip-hop dance and academic style account for almost half of each. You can see the overall effect of this dance. "

After Zhou Jingyi took over the mobile phone, other members of the dance team were also curious and gathered around Zhou Jingyi to watch together.

What Xiao Yao showed Zhou Jingyi was naturally the dance video of "boutit" he designed for Chenxi dance company. After the initial rehearsal, Xiao Yao also saved a video of their dance on his mobile phone.

At the beginning of the electronic sound of drums and keyboards, then the majestic sound of violins came out. Everyone felt numb. Just listening to this score, everyone felt shocked.

In the video, the whole dance team is obviously divided into two parts. The boys are mostly hip-hop dancers, while the girls are responsible for ballet and modern dance. The two teams not only have their own individual performances, but also have group dancing time together, in which there is no lack of the content of dancing each other. Of course, when dancing, the difficulty of the action will be lower.

Two teams, two types of dance mixed together, but there is no sense of disobedience. Whether it's the muscular boys or the slim girls who jump up to the national standard, they will not jump out of the feeling process of the dance, that is to say, they will not be so-called "acting".

"This dance is incredible."

"I didn't expect that dance could still dance like this."

"Who made up this dance? Bull man

"It's just the soundtrack. It's energetic and it's very grand."

The members of the dance team in front of Xiao Yao may not say too much in theory, but since they are all dancers, their perception of dance is beyond that of ordinary people, so it is easy to judge whether a dance is excellent.

"So, do you think there is no problem with this mixed dance form?" Xiao Yao looked at the amazing people and said, "there is no type limit to this dance in the video, so we can achieve half hip-hop dance and half academy style dance. This time we are participating in the hip-hop dance competition. The dance as a whole must be hip-hop dance. Naturally, we can't use this kind of half design, but we can add some modern dance movements to enhance the expressiveness and appeal of the whole dance. Thank you Do you still think there is a problem? ""No problem." Concrete examples have been put in front of us, and we have seen and felt the effect. Naturally, no one has any objection.

"Wait!" Zhou Jingyi suddenly opened her mouth and immediately attracted everyone's eyes and attention. Does Zhou Jingyi, who supported Xiao Yao most at the beginning, have any objection at this time?

But looking at Xiao Yao, Zhou Jingyi said, "one is hip-hop plus ballet, modern dance, national standard and other academic styles, the other is hip-hop plus modern dance movements. There are also male and female protagonists, both of which are duets with outstanding male and female protagonists and group dances of the whole team. This is the dance of a Chinese dance team. You are from China. Most importantly, this video is obviously a rehearsal video in the rehearsal room, not a stage performance video. So, the choreographer and soundtrack of the dance in this video are also you? "

"Wow Hearing Zhou Jingyi's comparison one by one and listing the reasons, everyone thought that it was really such a thing. They all widened their eyes and looked at Xiao Yao in surprise.

"Yes, I made this for them two years ago, and I made the soundtrack as well." Xiao Yao nodded with a smile, "I told you that I am also a member of the dance team in Huaxia. The dance team in the video is the one I joined in Huaxia. After I choreographed this dance for them two years ago, they invited me to join them. That's when I started learning to dance with them. "

"That is to say, when you make up this dance, you can't dance at all?" TJ continues to confirm.

"Yes, I couldn't dance before. But my mother used to be a professional dancer before she became an actor, and I know something about dance. I've seen a lot of dances and had a lot of ideas. " Xiao Yaodao.

"At that time, the leader of the girl side of the dance team was my friend. I used to follow her to the dance team and watch them rehearse. Later, I found out that their dance team was divided into two independent parts. They danced hip-hop, ballet, modern dance and national standard. They seemed to have nothing to do with each other, which made me feel like two teams. And I thought, why don't you put the two parts together and do a dance? And then there was this dance, and I was invited to join their dance team. "

"I'll go. It's a goddamn choreographer who can score music." TJ let out an exaggerated cry.

"If you had shown us this video three days ago, we would have invited you to join us at that time to help us choreograph and score music. How could there have been such an agreement that people would vote to see the works three days later?" Paul also said with a smile, his face is clearly a look of treasure.

"It seems so," Xiao Yao scratched his head. "Why didn't I think of that at that time. It's really a very simple way

Since he had choreographed works before, just show them directly. Unfortunately, Xiao Yao didn't think of such a simple way at that time.

"In any case," Xiao Yao put down his hand and continued, "the result is the same. I didn't waste my time doing useless things. Even if you agreed to join me at that time, I didn't have a formed dance on hand to give you at that time. It still takes me about three days to get this dance to show up

"In that case, let's not waste our time." Paul got up and said, "guys, do you have any objection to young joining us as our choreographer and sounder?"

"No!" Everyone shook their heads.

"Well, let's start rehearsing." Paul clapped his hands and made everyone stand up. Then he turned to look at Xiao Yao and said, "choreographer, what should we do in the future, how should we practice? We'll listen to you now."

"Well, first of all, let's start with the movements of you and Kim. Let's practice freely for the others." Xiao Yao said.

Zhou Jingyi and Paul stand in front of Xiao Yao, looking forward to how Xiao Yao will guide them. Although other people heard Xiao Yao say free practice, they didn't walk away. They just stood aside and looked at the three people curiously. They also wanted to see how Xiao Yao, the new choreographer, guided the two key members of the team.

Xiao Yao didn't care much about the onlookers and began to explain the movements to Zhou Jingyi and Paul. He had choreographed Cheng Xi and Chen Chen in Chenxi dance company before. With some experience, he came according to the method at that time. First explain, then do demonstration, let them understand the designed action, and then train with the music rhythm and emotional interaction between them.

After two years of practice, Xiao Yao, who has some basic skills in dance, is much easier, more standard and fluent than when he directed Cheng Xi and Chen Chen. At the beginning, he had to rely on his martial arts training body foundation, one by one, his movements were forced down.

Although the members of the dance team enjoyed Xiao Yao's guidance of Zhou Jingyi and Paul, the audience of the other band members couldn't make much of it.A pair of high cold appearance of sameon or leaning on the column quietly watching, Dean and George, Mike three people simply to one side to watch Xiao Yao, side whisper chat.

"I didn't expect that Yang would be able to choreograph that kind of dance. It was two years ago. How old was he then? It's less than sixteen, isn't it? It's hard to imagine George whispered. When Zhou Jingyi took Xiao Yao's mobile phone to watch the dance video, some of them also came to watch it.

"Yes, learning to be a bully, martial arts, playing bands, choreographing and dancing. What else do you think he can't do?" Dean also shook his head and sighed, "I thought the Huaxia exchange student who lived in my home was just a common nerd in the school, but it was such a monster. Do you think this is my luck or misfortune?"

"Come on, don't sell yourself if you get cheap." Mike and George looked at Dean contemptuously. George said, "aren't you already learning to compose and write songs with young? This is the treasure you found. What I regret most now is that I didn't let my parents go to school to apply to be a host family for exchange students. "