Keith obviously means that Xiao Yao, a Chinese teenager, has more musical talent and accomplishment than Bill Justin, the most popular young musical genius in the United States.

Although James Waco also thinks Xiao Yao's performance is very good, James, who is also a young American, is still a little upset to hear Keith say that American teenagers are not as good as Chinese teenagers.

James is not good at directly refuting Keith's words. On the one hand, with Keith's identity and age, it is inappropriate for him to question and refute at random on this occasion. What's more, James is not a music major. Even if he is questioning and refuting, he can't say anything substantial. In order to save the face of some American teenagers, James decided to open Xiao Yao's eyes in other ways.

"Keith, Ron, now that the recording is over, what's next?" James said to Keith and Ron, who are listening to the recording with a monitor headset.

"Well, we're going to do some post-processing for the song we just recorded." Keith replied.

After thinking about it, the band members on the other side of Keith said, "your work is done. You can go. After the post production, I will send a copy to Yang. Is that OK for you? "

"OK," Xiao Yao nodded his thanks. "Thank you, Keith."

"You're welcome. Remember what you promised me." Keith reminded with a smile.

"What did you promise him?" Samin said nervously.

"I promised Keith that our band would warm up for daydream in Los Angeles before Christmas." Xiao Yao explained, "I'm sorry that we made this decision without approval, but I think it's a rare opportunity, so I made the decision. I hope you have no comment on that. "

"Oh." Said Samin, relaxed.

"Of course not." Dean, Mike and George are excited. Give them a warm-up performance at the "daydream" concert, which is the dream opportunity of their student band.

"Well, we're going to work. You young people, go and play by yourself. " Ron also said, "this is Los Angeles. There are many interesting places."

"Yes, Yang has been here for three months. He has been in Calabasas all the time. Apart from passing by on the first day, he has never been to Los Angeles," Dean said, patting Xiao Yao on the shoulder. "Anyway, it's weekend. We might as well have a good time in Los Angeles and go back."

"OK, let's have a good look in Los Angeles, and then I'll go back with you." Xiao Yao nodded.

"Keith, I went back directly with my friends after that, which will save you the trouble of arranging a car for me. Please say goodbye to Betty for me Xiao Yao said to Keith Craig again.

"Well, I'll get in touch later." Keith waved.

After saying goodbye to Keith and Ron, the band members left Keith's studio. Before we could decide where to go, James Waco followed.

"Hey, where are you going?" James called the band's humanity. "Don't tell me about the places like starlight, Disney, Universal Studios. It's a tourist attraction. Aren't you so tacky? "

"So you have a good recommendation?" Xiao Yao looks at James strangely.

"Yes," James nodded. "I'll show you what the coolest young people in Los Angeles are playing."

"It's a new sport. It should be regarded as a kind of extreme sport. It's only about two years since it appeared. It's just beginning to be popular among young people in major cities in the world. It's very fashionable." James continued, "it happens that there will be activities this afternoon. I know the location. Why don't I take you to open your eyes."

"Yang? What do you think? " The rest of the band turned to Xiao Yao. After all, the four of them grew up in Calabasas near Los Angeles. They have been to all the famous scenic spots in Los Angeles for a long time, this time mainly to accompany Xiao Yao.

"I'm more interested in what James said." Xiao Yao said with a smile. Although he has been in Calabasas for the past three months, he has been to Los Angeles when he took photos with Chen Xuan. He has been to the famous scenic spots for a long time.

"But there are six of us, only one car." Samin frowned in embarrassment. It's full of five people in a car, but it's too crowded for six people. James, like Xiao Yao, came by Keith's car, but he didn't come.

"I borrowed Ron's car." James raised the car key in his hand, "anyway, he and Keith have to do music for a long time in the later stage, so we don't need the car for the moment." It turns out that James came out later than the band members because he went to Ron to borrow a car.

"OK, let's go. You lead the way, and we'll follow you. " Said, the band's five people very tacit understanding crowded into a car.

James didn't care. He got into Ron's car and drove to his destination.

Arriving at the destination, after getting off the bus, Dean and others looked at the spot in front of them strangely."Don't you mean extreme sports? How did you get to the residential area? " Dean asked James with an excited smile. "By the way, I didn't expect Los Angeles to have such a residential area."

At present, they are in a slightly old residential area, most of which are buildings with one or two or no more than three floors. However, unlike the middle-class residential areas, which are mostly single family houses, most of these buildings are connected, especially in the open space in front of the buildings, in addition to the lawn, there are undulating stairs, slopes and railings. Many low walls as partitions and stair handrails also create many narrow or wide passageways.

"That's where the sport is played." James explained with a smile: "it's not like extreme sports like skateboarding or cycling. It's a kind of sports based on the scenes of daily city life."

"Look," James pointed to a group of people running through the building, "there are no established rules and actions, just running, jumping, crossing these simple ways of movement, but they can give full play to their imagination and use their own unique way to overcome these obstacles. This is a kind of sports art that relies on one's own physical fitness and physical quality to quickly, effectively and reliably control any known and unknown environment. Isn't that cool? "

Looking at the group of people with a variety of strange movements across the obstacles, fast and smooth and very flexible, both novel and highly ornamental, several people can't help nodding.

"By the way, this sport is called..." James finally introduced the name of the sport.

"Parkour!" A voice took James's words.

James looked back in surprise and found that it was Xiao Yao, the Chinese boy he wanted to bring to the world. At this time, when Xiao Yao crossed his fingers, turned his palms, stretched his arms forward, and tilted his neck, he could still hear a slight "click" sound.

"You know?" James looks at Xiao Yao strangely.

"Of course, I played in China." Xiao Yao replied with a smile.

After a simple exercise, Xiao Yao took off his coat and said to James, "I haven't run for a long time. Now I want to run. Those people don't mind my joining, do they? "

"Of course, it's a very open event for anyone to join in." James replied subconsciously. Then he asked, "are you sure you can play? If you look at their movements, it's a dangerous sport. Today, the terrain of this place is quite complicated. It's not recommended that people with little or no experience should take part in it rashly. "

"Yes, it's really dangerous to look at. Let's just look around. You'd better not take risks." Mike and George are also worried, "we still have the task of warming up" daydream "before Christmas. If you get hurt or break a bone, it may affect the performance at that time."

"The art of sports in any known and unknown environment. Who said that? It's a good summary. " Xiao Yao praised in his heart, then comforted Mike and George with a smile, "don't worry, I'm not a reckless person. I really have the experience of playing this game, and I have the ability to control the danger correctly and minimize it. "

"I believe in Yang!" Dean stood up and said, "young always knows what he's doing."

Sammien also had some worries on her face, but she looked like she wanted to talk and stop, and finally she didn't say anything.

Throwing his coat into the car from samien, Xiao Yao walks slowly to the side of the buildings and chooses a starting point at will.

Take a few deep breaths and adjust your breathing. Xiao Yao squats and rushes out.

The first obstacle in front of him was a low wall about one meter high for partition. Xiao Yao lowered his center of gravity, raised his arms and jumped forward. Hold your hands on the wall, lift your body up, put your feet in front of you, and bend your knees. At the same time, press down with both hands. When the body reaches the top of the obstacle, push back with both hands. Through inertia, the body will slide forward naturally, and then cross the low wall lightly.

"King Kong jump!" James called softly.

When Xiao Yao wanted to play parkour, the rest of the band followed him. James thinks his skill is poor, and he is still in the basic practice stage. Instead of running with Xiao Yao, he stands with the rest of the band to watch Xiao Yao run.

Band a few people turned to look at James, instantly also understand that this is James called the name of Xiao Yao this action. From this we can see that Xiao Yao really has a lot of experience in playing this game.

The movements of monkey jumping, cat climbing, stepping on the wall, side hand grabbing the railing and side hand grabbing the wall were made in the process of Xiao Yao's running, and also jumped out of James's mouth one by one. In particular, many of Xiao Yao's skills, such as front, back and side somersaults, have long been too surprised for James to close his mouth.

In addition to gorgeous and beautiful movements, Xiao Yao's whole running is also very smooth and fast, so those young people who are already running are surpassed by Xiao Yao one by one.

Xiao Yao's action naturally attracted everyone's attention. Even many people who are running unconsciously stop and focus on Xiao Yao's running after seeing Xiao Yao surpass himself with all kinds of difficult movements.Since it's running, it's natural to move. It's impossible for the band and James to stand in the same position to watch Xiao Yao's whole run, so they have to run with Xiao Yao. It's just that Xiao Yao is running in a variety of cool ways of crossing obstacles, and they are constantly moving their position according to Xiao Yao's running route.

Their run naturally attracted other people's attention. A few people in the band are strange faces, and they don't care much. James Waco and their group of Parkour fans often hang out with each other. Everyone is very familiar with him, so they all gather around him and listen to Xiao Yao.

"Jim, do you know that guy?"

"Jimmy, I saw you guys coming together. Where did you get such a good guy? "