Xiao Yao asked, and the faces of the Smiths changed. After a pause, Mrs. Smith said with a slightly embarrassed smile to Xiao Yao, "Yang, let's go home."

Seeing that Mrs. Smith avoided answering her questions, Xiao Yao, who thought Mr. Smith had not appeared because of his work or other reasons, also found out that there seemed to be something hidden. He wisely did not ask, but nodded his head with a smile and said hello.

"Dean, shouldn't you help with your luggage? Yang is a guest Mrs. Smith looked at the huge suitcase beside Xiao Yao and said to her second son.

"No," Xiao Yao said without waiting for Dean to reply, "I can do it myself. I don't want you to treat me like a guest. "

"Mom, you see, he said I don't need to take it." Dean shrugged with a big card.

Mrs. Smith shook her head helplessly and walked to the parking lot of the airport with some children.

Mrs. Smith's car is a very popular Ford sedan. After Mrs. Smith took the key to open the car door and trunk, Dean quickly walked to the back of the car, threw his pick-up card into the trunk, and then sat in the back seat of the car with Samin.

Xiao Yao put the trunk into the trunk of the car and closed the trunk door. Seeing that both Samin and Dean had been in the back row, they got into the co driver's seat. Three 17-year-old children are crowded in the back seat. It's obviously inappropriate for a 12-year-old girl to sit in the co pilot's seat alone. It's better to let the three of them sit in the back together.

It's about an hour's drive from Los Angeles Airport to Calabasas. Along the way, the older sammien and Dean didn't speak much. On the contrary, the youngest Elena pestered Xiao Yao to ask many questions about Hua Xia, and Xiao Yao patiently answered them one by one.

"Yang, there's something I think I should tell you." In the middle of the car, Mrs. Smith couldn't help but say.

"Is it about Mr. Smith?" Xiao Yao asked, as if he had expected.

"Yes." Mrs. Smith nodded and then said, "I'm divorced from Paul. However, Xiqiao high school and I did not deliberately cheat you and your Huaxia school. The information of the host family was sent to Huaxia two months ago, and Paul and I divorced last month. In fact, it was my idea to apply for a host family as an exchange student. Xiqiao middle school also thought that even if Paul left, I could take care of your life by myself, so I didn't change the host family for the time being. Of course, if you don't want to live in a single parent family, Xiqiao middle school can help you arrange a new host family. "

"There's no need," Xiao Yao shook his head. "Single parent families are no problem for me. In fact, I had several years of experience of single parent children myself."

"How?" Mrs. Smith said with some surprise.

"When I was more than three years old, my biological mother died in a car accident." Xiao Yao said.

"I'm sorry." Mrs. Smith interrupted.

"Thank you," Xiao Yao continued, "my father remarried when I was eight years old, so I spent almost five years in a single parent family. These are not written in my data

The three children in the back seat didn't cut in when their mother and Xiao Yao were talking, but Xiao Yao's words were word for word. They heard them in their ears and expressed some surprise in their expressions.

"In that case, I don't think I have much to worry about." Mrs. Smith said with a relieved smile, "I think you will have a very happy year at my house."

Xiao Yao smiles and doesn't answer. Looking at the two big children in the back seat through the rearview mirror, Xiao Yao expressed some doubt about Mrs. Smith's words.

The Smiths' house is a typical middle-class wooden single family house in the United States. A two-and-a-half-story house with a low loft under a sloping roof. Xiao Yao's room is in this attic.

Although the room is in the attic on the top floor, but the layout is very clean and tidy, a large single bed, wardrobe, bookshelves, desks and other furniture furnishings are all available, upright walls and windows with a pot of green plants, sloping roof with a skylight, is above the bed. Because the area is not too large, the whole room has a warm feeling.

"Is this room OK? If you are not satisfied, I can find a way to rearrange your room. " Mrs. Smith asked Xiao Yao.

"No, no, I like this room. I love this sloping roof. You can see the stars directly through the window when you lie in bed at night. It must be very romantic. " Xiao Yao waved his hand.

"He'll think about the stars, and he'll talk about romance? It doesn't seem like a complete nerd Smith's three children are also in Xiao Yao's room at this time. Through the performance on the road just now and in the room now, both Samin and Dean begin to feel that Xiao Yao is not as "nerd" as they originally thought."If you like it," Mrs. Smith said with a smile, "then you can pack up and have a rest. We'll go down first. I'll call you when dinner is ready."

"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Smith." Xiao Yao nodded his thanks.

Seeing off the Smiths, Xiao Yao falls on his own bed. The setting sun sprinkles a touch of gold on the room through the window, and Xiao Yao begins to look forward to his American life in the coming year.

When Xiao Yao got up to pack his luggage and had a rest, he heard a sound of jumping up the stairs. Then came Elena's cry: "Yang, dinner is ready."

"OK, I'll be right down." Xiao Yao got up and opened the door to go downstairs, but saw that Elena, who had finished shouting, was still bouncing up, and people had already arrived at the door of his room.

"Isn't dinner ready? Why did you come up? " Xiao Yao looks at Elena at the door.

"Have you packed yet? I'd like to visit your room and see if you've brought any mysterious oriental things. " Elena tilted her head and laughed.

"There's nothing mysterious," Xiao said with a smile. "It's OK to visit, but you have to hurry up. We shouldn't let Mrs. Smith and your brother and sister wait too long." With that, Xiao Yao stepped aside.

Elena walked into Xiao Yao's room with happy steps. After scanning around, she found that there was nothing special in Xiao Yao's room, so she stepped out slightly disappointed.

Dinner is more American food, chicken, mashed potatoes with long beans, Mrs. Smith also specially prepared some spaghetti for Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao didn't get used to the food and enjoyed it.

After dinner, Mrs. Smith showed Xiao Yao around and introduced the whole house except for the garage beside him. Then she told Xiao Yao some family rules. Although she was boarding as an international exchange student, Mrs. Smith still asked Xiao Yao as if she were her two high school children. What things are not allowed to be done, what regulations can not be violated, and even the punishment of foot ban is the same for Xiao Yao.

It can also be seen that although Mrs. Smith is very warm and kind, she is also a strict mother in essence. Xiao Yao originally came to feel the study and life in the United States, and naturally accepted them one by one.

In the evening, he talked with his parents on the phone and talked about his impression and feeling of the host family. Xiao Yao collapsed on the bed with ease. Through the window on the sloping roof, Xiao Yao is happy to find that he can really see the stars directly. So Xiao Yao fell asleep in the very childish and boring act of counting the stars.

The next morning, affected by a certain time difference, Xiao Yao got up later than usual, so he canceled the long-term early exercise.

When Xiao Yao came downstairs dressed neatly, he heard the sound of the kitchen on the first floor and went directly to the kitchen. In most American houses, the dining table is placed in the kitchen with large space, and the dining is in the kitchen. So when Xiao Yao came into the kitchen, he saw five plates and several empty cups on the table, while Mrs. Smith was busy in front of the kitchen utensils on one side.

"Good morning," Mrs. Smith said as she saw Xiao Yao come in. "Sit down first. Breakfast will be ready soon." Then he went to the kitchen door with the spatula in his hand and called to the upstairs, "are you three guys all right? Today is the first day of the new term. Don't be late. "

When Mrs. Smith came back to the kitchen, the toaster jingled, and then two pieces of baked bread popped out. Mrs. Smith quickly picked up two plates from the table, put one piece of baked bread on each plate, then took out two pieces from the side, put them into the toaster, turned back, shoveled the fried eggs out of the frying pan and covered the toast. Then from the side of the chopping board took two pieces of cut tomatoes, put into the plate.

Putting the plate in front of Xiao Yao, Mrs. Smith asked Xiao Yao, "coffee, milk or juice? The milk and juice are in the refrigerator. The coffee in the coffee pot is made. Pour it yourself. But I don't recommend that boys your age drink coffee in the morning

"I drink juice." Xiao Yao nodded, got up, took out juice from the refrigerator, poured a cup for himself, and then sat down to eat his breakfast.

Half way through Xiao Yao's meal, the Smiths' three children came into the kitchen one after another. Seeing that Xiao Yao is already eating at the table, Elena immediately says good morning to Xiao Yao, and happily runs to sit beside Xiao Yao. Samin and Dean also politely greet Xiao Yao, sit at the table, pick up the juice and pour it into their own cup. Looking at their expressions, although they are not as enthusiastic as Elena, they are not as indifferent to Xiao Yao as they were yesterday.

As soon as five people finished their breakfast, a car horn sounded outside the door.

"The school bus is here, Ellie. Take your bag. It's time to go." Mrs. Smith got up and said to Elena.

"Mom, will you drive me to school today?" Elena said coquettishly to her mother.

"No, mom is going to send yang to school today. Plus you, one side must be late." Mrs. Smith shook her head and refused."Come on, you're still in seventh grade. You're not in the same school as us." Dean said to Elena with a banter.

"Hum!" Facing his brother's Tucao, Elena make complaints about his brother's voice and he picked up his schoolbag and went out to school bus.

"Let's go, too." Mrs. Smith, who watched Elena board the school bus at the door, turned to the three older children in the room.

Mrs. Smith looked at Xiao Yao and asked, "are you nervous on your first day of school in America?"

"No, I'm looking forward to it." Xiao Yao said with a smile.