"What did Guo Zi and Xiao Yao say? Why are you talking so much? Is this painting style changing too fast? " The players on the sidelines did not listen to the conversation between the two players because of the distance, but they could clearly see the conversation and the expression on their faces, so they were curious about the change of their relationship.

On the other side of the court, the assistant coach of the national team, who had sorted out the training record data, pointed to the two players and asked the coach, "AJ, it's time for a break. Do you want to stop their game and start the next training project?"

"No, let them finish." Alex Jefferson shook his head and said to the assistant coach who had worked with him for more than ten years in his team and brought him from the United States: "today, the end of training will be delayed. We can make up for the delay, but I think this game will bring a lot of harvest to Guo."

"Is it?" Assistant coach hesitated to look at the two people on the field, then doubted: "isn't this the photographer Yang asked for? How could it be Guo's opponent? Is Guo playing with him just playing with him? Is this photographer still a basketball expert of national team level

"The level of the national team is not as good as that, but it's qualified to be Guo's opponent." Alex Jefferson said with a smile: "the key is that this guy is just a photographer, an amateur basketball player. It must be a great stimulation for Guo to play against him with all his strength. And we need this kind of stimulation for the players

As national coach Alex Jefferson said. After two goals, Guo Qi has put away the heart of contempt, the real Xiao Yao as an opponent.

Xiao Yao's subsequent performance also proved that Guo Qi regarded him as an opponent and it was a very correct way to go all out to treat him. Although Guo Qi then scored two more two-point goals, turning the score into 4-2, it took Guo Qi more than 10 seconds for each of the two goals. He used various means to create a shot opportunity.

In terms of strength, speed, bounce and other aspects of physical fitness, Xiao Yao and Guo Qi are similar. Guo Qi has advantages over Xiao Yao in height, arm development, basketball skills and experience, but Xiao Yao's brain turns faster than Guo Qi's, and he knows more about Guo Qi than Guo Qi knows about him, so their game is not a one-sided massacre.

In the seventh ball, that is, Guo Qi's fifth attack, Xiao Yao successfully defended Guo Qi's attack with his understanding of Guo Qi's playing habits, making the two men's attack and defense state change again.

The first four attacks were all positive breakthroughs. In the fifth attack, Guo Qi changed a way, dribbled with the center's technique of playing the inside line, facing Xiao Yao with his back, and slowly squeezed into the three second area. Looking at the distance, Guo Qi leaned back on her upper body, and then turned to jump shot. This way of attack is the only way Guo Qi used in the professional league after transposition to the inside line, so Xiao Yao slightly sank his body and stabilized his center of gravity when Guo Qi leaned back. While Guo Qi turned around, Xiao Yao had already stepped forward and jumped up directly.

In order to avoid being blocked, Guo Qi's turn jump shot was tilted back, but Xiao Yao's timing was very good, and the whole person jumped forward, so Xiao Yao blocked Guo Qi's shooting route. Guo Qi can't rely on the stagnant air to wait for Xiao Yao to fall, so he can only temporarily adjust the arc of his hand, hoping to cross the palm of Xiao Yao's hand. As a result, the basketball was still rubbed by the tip of Xiao Yao's middle finger in the air, the whole parabola changed, and finally the basketball hit the outside of the front edge of the basket frame and flew.

"Good ball!" This next side of the team began to watch Xiao Yao called good. Although it's not a complete block, it's a very beautiful defense. In particular, Xiao Yao's timing of take-off was very accurate, which made up for the gap between the two men's height and arm exhibition, and basically completely blocked Guo Qi's shot route. If Xiao Yao's fingers can't touch the basketball in the air, it means that Guo Qi's arc will change a little more. In that case, unless Guo Qi is lucky enough to explode, there is no possibility of scoring the ball.

"Xiao Yao, come on!" See Xiao Yao with the ball ready to attack, the national team players have begun to add oil for Xiao Yao. Guo Qi, who is in a defensive position in front of Xiao Yao, can't help pulling her cheek muscles.

"Don't worry, your teammates are sympathizing with the weak." Xiao Yao, who clearly saw Guo Qi's expression, comforted him with a smile.

Guo Qiqiang resisted the impulse of rolling his eyes and stared at Xiao Yao's action. At the first goal, he had suffered a loss. In any case, he could not let Xiao Yao distract himself with words. If Xiao Yao scored another three points, he would lose directly.

As soon as Xiao Yao's voice fell, he suddenly started and dribbled through his right hand. Guo Qi's attention is very focused this time, and immediately slightly turns to the left, taking side steps to keep up with Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao, who took two steps to the right, saw that he couldn't shake off Guo Qi and stopped. In the middle of the three-point line and the three second line, the dribbler stopped, and at the same time, the whole person straightened up from the posture of bowing and breaking through.

Guo Qi did a good job in defense, Xiao Yao stopped, he also stopped, still blocked in front of Xiao Yao. Want to rely on the emergency stop to get rid of Guo Qi's defense, Xiao Yao basically has no hope."The defense is really good," Xiao Yao looked at Guo Qi and said with a smile, "but you start and stop with me in such a hurry, can you stand it?"

"Why do you talk so much nonsense?" Guo Qi finally couldn't help it.

"Isn't there a lot of rubbish on the basketball court? I'm not even rubbish. Can't stand it? " Xiao Yao said strangely.


when Xiao Yao saw that Guo Qi wanted to speak, he immediately lowered himself and stepped forward with his left foot, making a breakthrough gesture.

"Damn it Guo Qi was startled and immediately took a step backward with her right leg. At the same time, he scolded in his heart: "Damn it! The boy said so much to distract me

As a result, Xiao Yao's right hand didn't swing forward, but stepped out of the left foot to push on the ground. Instead, he took a step backward. At the same time, his right hand picked up the ball. After he jumped back to the ground, he immediately jumped up to shoot.

"Step back and shoot!" Guo Qi glared. Guo Qi stepped back, Xiao Yao stepped back, the distance between the two has been opened two steps, and his body center of gravity is still behind, so Xiao Yao this ball, he is completely unable to prevent. Now he can only pray that Xiao Yao won't shoot.

As a result, it backfired, and Xiao Yao made a steady shot in the middle distance.

"Damn it Guo Qi patted her back neck in chagrin.

"Xiao Yao got three points, and you lost with one more goal." On the sidelines came the shouts of his teammates.

Guo Qi glared at the unscrupulous teammates on the sidelines, then forced herself to calm down and concentrate on Xiao Yao's next attack.

This time, Guo Qi closed her ears and turned a deaf ear to Xiao Yao's speech attack. Her eyes were just staring at Xiao Yao's actions. Therefore, Guo Qi, who is superior in technology and experience, succeeded in attacking and defending Xiao Yao for the fourth time.

Finally got the right to attack the ball, this time Guo Qi can no longer figure simple and easy. When attacking, he completely adopted his most familiar outside player's playing method. He patiently tried to get rid of Xiao Yao's defense by relying on his technique and shaking time and again. He didn't shoot or rush to the basket to lay up until he thought he had a chance.

Guo Qi this out of his best way of attack, Xiao Yao really no effective way. After all, the strength gap between the two is there, a basketball national player against an amateur player, nothing unexpected, amateur players are basically impossible to win the basketball national player.

But it happened that when the score was 9-3, there was an accident. Probably because the victory is in sight, Guo Qi's psychology appeared a little fluctuation. Results in this attack, Guo Qi completely got rid of Xiao Yao's defense, a close to the top of the three second zone line, for Guo Qi, should be a sure shot in the middle distance did not shoot.

Now, Xiao Yao's chance comes again.

Xiao Yao didn't expect Guo Qi to miss the middle distance shot without defensive pressure. However, Xiao Yao knows that with the current score and Guo Qi's current playing style, this is probably his last attack opportunity.

This time, Xiao Yao did not use the language interference that had no effect on Guo Qi. Instead, like Guo Qi's first miss, he chose the simple and crude back dribble to squeeze under the basket.

"What is this for?" For Xiao Yao's choice of attack mode, everyone is puzzled. Xiao Yao's basketball skills, we obviously already see that he is actually a player playing outside position. Guo Qi's use of center technique is at least because his height is superior to Xiao Yao's, and he will have a certain advantage after going to the basket with Xiao Yao's defense. But Xiao Yao did the same. Why can't you see.

Xiao Yao didn't start to dribble the ball directly from the top of the three-point line. Instead, he started to dribble the ball outside the three-point line and squeeze it under the basket from near the baseline.

Watching the two people stick together from the three-point line to the right side of the basket in the three second area, this is basically the shooting point for the center to launch the attack. All the spectators are looking forward to what way Xiao Yao will choose to complete the attack.

Guo Qi's whole center of gravity is forward now. If Xiao Yao chooses to squeeze backward and then turn over the jump shot, Guo Qi, who has the advantage in height and arm development, can easily seal Xiao Yao's shot. If he doesn't take off and directly take a hook shot in situ, Xiao Yao's arm will press Guo Qi's arm as soon as he lifts it. It's also because Guo Qi's height and arm length It's still hard for Xiao Yao to have a chance. But in people's eyes, Xiao Yao's attack methods at this time are just these two.

Xiao Yao, who has entered the three second zone, didn't choose any way of attack that the spectators thought. He didn't even shoot at this point. Instead, he quickly swung his right arm back with the ball. Then the whole person immediately turned to the left, turned close to Guo Qi's left body, and went to Guo Qi's back. When he received the basketball from the ground, Xiao Yao was dead From the right side of the basket to the left side of the basket. After catching the ball, Xiao Yao didn't delay for half a second. He immediately jumped up under the basket and sent the basketball into the basket with a small throw.At this time, Guo Qi, who turned around, just saw the basketball falling from the basket.

"The dribbler behind the ball has split the ball, and the streetball moves have come out!" Several players were surprised to see the road on the court.

"I won!" Xiao Yao looked at his hands in disbelief. Although he took advantage of six points, the result was still unexpected.