At this time, Xiao Yong's face was a little ugly, but he insisted: "Xiao Yao himself said that he inherited the shares from his mother, so the identity of the boss doesn't mean anything. Even if he has watched your project, it doesn't mean that he can understand it all."

"Ha ha," Xiao Yao did not wait for Li Hai to ask again this time. He directly replied with a smile to Xiao Yong: "in fact, Mr. Xiao... How can he be so awkward? In fact, Mr. Xiao Yong, you are right in some places. I came to this program to play. "

Seeing Xiao Yong's smiling face and wanting to open his mouth, Xiao Yao had already closed the smile on his face and said, "but do you doubt my qualification to sit here? In order not to be ridiculed by some unscrupulous teacher, I have to say it. "

Even a model he didn't know in his company was anxious to stand up for himself. Xiao Yao felt that his attitude couldn't be so gentle all the time.

"Oh?" Li Hai looked at Xiao Yao and said, "do you want to prove yourself?"

"Of course." Xiao Yao nodded, "what Mr. Xiao Yong means is that I'm not in the fashion circle, and I don't understand fashion. I didn't comment on those clothes just now, so I think my bid is unreasonable, just for fun, right?"

"Yes, that's basically what it means." Xiao Yong also nodded. There's an expression on your face that I can see what you can say.

"So are photographers in the fashion world? Or to be more specific, are the so-called fashion photographers who take photos of fashion magazines in the fashion circle? Do you understand fashion? " Xiao Yao looks at Xiao Yong and asks.

"Of course." Xiao Yong looked back at Xiao Yao and said, "are you still a fashion photographer?"

"Why not?" Xiao Yao sneered, "emmar took pictures of three main watches in the spring of last year and outdoor advertisements; D & C's catalogue of two main snow boots in the winter of the previous year; cover photos of ivy magazine in August of the previous year, March and may of last year; live photographer of EVA show of the previous year; contracted photographer of worldfashionimage website. So far, 17 photos have been included..." Pulling his fingers and counting, "is that enough? It's not enough. There's more. "

Emmar, D & & C are all world famous luxury brands. Ivy is a first-class fashion magazine that has been published in more than 20 countries in the world. Let alone EVA show, the launch of top underwear brands. And can have the work to be included by the worldfashionimage website, is already in the world fashion photography circle to admit that you have such a personal logo. Xiao Yao put out these names, not only for the audience, but also for the models and four buyers on the stage, as well as the other two fashion experts sitting on the fashion jury.

"You took all that you said?" Xiao Yong's face was full of disbelief and said, "it's impossible. The achievements you mentioned, not to mention Huaxia, are already famous fashion photographers all over the world, but I haven't heard of you in fashion photographers at all."

"Xiao Yao never heard of it? No wonder." Xiao Yao smiles, "what about" ys "? "Young Shanghai", my English name

"You're ys"? How is that possible? " Xiao Yong was even more surprised. "Don't you say that the favorite student of Thiel Chen is a Chinese French?"

"No? Who said that? " Xiao Yao asked with a smile: "it's Chen Xuan... Oh, it's Thiel Chen. His Chinese name is Chen Xuan. Did Chen Xuan say it or did" ys "say it? Chen Xuan is a French mixed race with Chinese blood, but who stipulates that his students must also be French? "

"That's not necessarily you." Xiao Yong said with some disbelief: "as far as I know," ys ", a signed photographic work, first appeared in a public publication in 2009. How old were you then? Eleven? Twelve years old? Are you still a primary school student? Fifth grade or sixth grade? "

"No, my first work selected by the magazine was in pictures of the city of Paris. It's not a fashion magazine, but a professional photography magazine. It was at the end of 2007, when I was nine years old and in the third grade of primary school. " Xiao Yao corrected.

"Nine? The more you talk about it, the more you lose it. " Xiao Yong is no longer a question of whether he believes it or not. Instead, he looks at Xiao Yao with a strange look. "If you are such a talented young photographer, why have you never heard of your name in China for so many years? The media has never reported anything like this? "

"Because I usually follow Chen Xuan to play abroad. Besides, photographers are not like actors and singers. They are not the focus of media reports. Should I go to the media or shout all over the world, and tell everyone what works of Xiao Yao were published in this year and last year? The domestic media don't know, and naturally they don't report, just like you just know. " Xiao Yao continued.

"In 2006, our company asked tiel Chen to take model cards for some of our models. Xiao Yao was tiel's photo assistant at that time. I think that's when Xiao Yao became a student of tiel. " Nie Yao came out again to prove it.Xiao Yao smiles to Nie Yao and says, "forget it, believe it or not, it's meaningless to say too much about these things."

Hearing Xiao Yao say so, everyone's first reaction is that Xiao Yao is going to stop. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yao continued: "since you said I didn't evaluate any suit just now, I'll evaluate it now."

"Just now, the two buyers around me and several of your representatives have said a lot about the advantages and highlights. I'll just talk about the disadvantages. It can also be used as a reason for me to give a low price." Xiao Yao said, "I hope a few designers don't mind."

"Of course not," said Chen Lan, who was given the lowest price by Xiao Yao. "I also want to know what shortcomings my design has in your eyes."

It seems that her words just now are easy to be interpreted as angry words, and Chen Lan is a little embarrassed to say: "three years ago, I once practiced and studied in josini for a period of time, and met tiel Chen and ys once at the shooting scene. Because there was no communication at the scene at that time, even if it was not familiar. But as soon as you said that, I remember that you and ys are very consistent in terms of appearance and age, so I believe you are the student ys of tiel. "

After the initial surprise, the audience are now confused about the identity of Xiao Yao. Now hear Chen Lan all stand out to say so, obvious to believe Xiao Yao this side inclined a lot. So there were some "Oh ~" voices on the scene.

"Yes? At that time, in addition to learning to take pictures, Chen Xuan was just looking at beautiful models, so he didn't pay much attention to other people. " Xiao Yao is also very sincere.

For Xiao Yao's honesty, the audience responded with laughter. Tonight's festival catalog here, the audience think it is simply too much value. Especially after the completion of the original program process, the unexpected dispute, whether the program team will broadcast on TV is uncertain. In the future, TV viewers may not be able to see it, but they can see the whole process on the spot.

"Well, it's time for me to offend." Xiao Yao adjusted his sitting posture and began to comment: "first of all, I want to complain about all the models except Deng Zixuan's group."

"Don't you comment on clothes? How to complain for a model when you open your mouth? " We are completely confused about Xiao Yao's routine.

"It can be seen that all the models on the stage are very professional T-stage fashion models, and the basic skills of the steps are not to be said." Xiao Yao first praised the models, and then said, "except for Deng Zixuan, the background music used by the other four groups is too fast.

Although models should have the ability to adjust their own steps according to the music rhythm, the rhythm is so fast that it's beyond the scope that models can adjust. They are used to elegant steps, so they can't let models pop on the stage, can they? So most of the models I see can't match the pace of the music. Even if some models specially adjust the pace much faster to match the music, it still doesn't fit very well, and it also gives people a kind of awkward feeling.

The music of Deng Zixuan's group is very soothing. Relatively speaking, the performance of the models in this group is also the most natural. After all, it's much easier to adjust slowly than fast, and it looks much more comfortable. "

"Then you gave Deng Zixuan the lowest price?" Xiao Yong and the audience at the same time make complaints about it.

"Because I also play music, I can't help talking about music related aspects first." Xiao Yao laughed and continued: "let's talk about clothes. After all, clothes are the key."

"Is this a big show coming?" The attention of the audience increased a little bit.

"Let's talk about the first group, Hong Xiuyan." Xiao Yao said, "the edge of the hard collage fabric on the right side of the chest of the third appearance model's body is tilted, and the warping extent has affected the natural swing of the model's right arm. Every time the model's arm swings, the sleeve part of the upper arm will scratch with the edge that is tilted. Whether it's a design defect or a mistake in the production process, the result is the same, which affects the comfort of the clothes. "

Xiao Yao said that the third model of Hong Xiuyan's group took the initiative to stand in front of the stage from the back and swayed her arms back and forth. When you look at it, you can see the scratch between the sleeve and the edge of the collage fabric when the model swings her arm.

Just now, the model was standing in the crowd. When Xiao Yao spoke, he was not facing the models on the stage, but the audience. This shows that Xiao Yao is not picking faults from the models on the stage at this time, but these shortcomings have been discovered by him just now. He just didn't want to talk about it in the comments on the catwalk.