Xiao Yao, who is on the stage now, doesn't know that he has gained a goddess level Mi Mei by accident. After helping Hong Xiuyan bandage her hands, Xiao Yao also bandages her hands.

When the bandages are all wrapped up, you can wear boxing gloves. It's very easy to wear a boxing ring. Put your hands in the boxing ring, and then stick the Velcro on the wrist tightly. In fact, this relatively simple action can be completed by herself, but Hong Xiuyan is probably very satisfied with Xiao Yao's bandage. She takes the initiative to walk up to Xiao Yao with a fist and says, "please."

Xiao Yao will not refuse the beauty's request. After helping Hong Xiuyan to put on the boxing ring, Xiao Yao puts on the boxing ring for himself, and then begins to guide Hong Xiuyan in boxing.

"You're more used to your left hand, aren't you?" Xiao Yao asks Hong Xiuyan.

Seeing Hong Xiuyan nodding in surprise, Xiao Yao continued: "so the strength of your left fist should be greater than that of your right fist, so you should take the posture of left fist fight."

Xiao yaolue explained with some awkward demonstration: "the two feet are the same width as the crotch, the right foot moves forward, the heel of the left foot is slightly raised, the knee joint is slightly bent, and the center of gravity is kept between the two legs."

After guiding the leg points in the standing posture, Xiao Yao raised his fists and demonstrated: "bend the elbow joint, close to the two ribs; the fist is parallel to the cheek, and the heart of the fist is inward. The right hand is slightly extended forward and the left hand is placed close to the cheek for defense; the jaw is tightened and the eyes are looking at the opponent; the shoulders are relaxed and slightly curled forward; the opponent is facing in a slightly sideways position

Xiao Yao explains step by step. When Hong Xiuyan doesn't do a good job, Xiao Yao will stop to help Hong Xiuyan adjust. Because it is through the contact of thick boxing, Hong Xiuyan is not embarrassed, but the scream under the stage is sounded again.

Xiao Yao and Hong Xiuyan are no longer influenced by the audience's calls. After teaching the standing posture, Xiao Yao continued to teach Hong Xiuyan the basic movements of straight fist, hook fist and swing fist. Because the program is recorded and broadcast, there is no time limit. We all patiently watch Xiao Yao Guide Hong Xiuyan.

"Your right hand is in the front, so the right hand is the front hand. When making a straight right hand fist, the right arm should be stretched out quickly with elastic force, while the right shoulder should be sent forward, and the upper body should turn slightly to the left, so as to increase the speed and strength of the fist. When the arm is straight forward, turn the right fist inward. When the center of the fist is down, hit it in a line with the forearm. With the center of the fist turning inward, lift the elbow joint upward to make the whole arm in a straight line.

At the same time, push the left foot on the ground, slide the right foot forward, and touch the ground with the inside of the forefoot. After the left foot pedals, lift the heel, straighten the hind leg slightly, and shift the body weight to the right foot. At the same time, the leg, waist and hip should be used to increase the hitting power, so that the power can hit the target along a straight line through the shoulder, arm, wrist joint and boxing peak.

In the process of boxing, relax the arm and shoulder muscles. When you are about to hit the target, the fist suddenly clenches, making the final stage more powerful. The left hand moves forward naturally with the right fist to protect the chin and face.

Because the positions of the two fists are different when standing, the straight fists of the front hand fist and the back hand fist are different. When you hit the left straight fist of backhand boxing, you start to use your left foot to push forward. The power of your left leg makes the left and right hips move forward, driving the waist to rotate forward quickly, and the left shoulder to move forward. The left is straight forward, attacking the opponent. Hip and waist twist and left shoulder forward, can increase your left straight strength and attack distance

After teaching Zhiquan, Xiao Yao explained and demonstrated to Hong Xiuyan how to swing and hook: "when you swing left, your right foot is in front, and your left fist moves forward from the left side of your body. When you straighten your arm, you hit it right and down, and your elbow should turn up. With the help of the power of turning right, you can increase the strength of your fist.

Hook is shorter than swing, so it's faster. Left hook boxing is mainly to push the right foot on the ground, straighten the right leg, stretch the right hip forward, turn the left heel inward when hitting, and at the same time, the left shoulder should exceed the right shoulder, which is a better posture to exert force... "

" Xiao Yao, have you really never practiced boxing professionally? " Although they are talking in Korean, the translator is still working. After listening to Xiao Yao's demonstration, Li Hai finally broke in and asked.

"I haven't practiced, but I've been taught these basic things." Xiao Yao naturally said Zhou Zhihao. The two men get together at least once a year to fight. As time goes by, Xiao Yao learns the basics of boxing from Zhou Zhihao.

"All right. Now try it. " Xiao Yao stood opposite Hong Xiuyan and touched her fists with each other several times, making a "bang bang" sound. He was eager to try and said to Hong Xiuyan, "now you attack me. Remember to use all your strength. Don't be afraid to hurt me. You can't hit me. "

Hong Xiuyan is also eager to try. She nods and stands according to the standing posture directed by Xiao Yao. Then, suddenly, the left paw kicks fiercely, and the left fist strikes Xiao Yao in front of him in a straight line.

"Beautiful Li Hai, standing on one side, couldn't help praising.

Because Hong Xiuyan well remembers the movements and key points directed by Xiao Yao. Therefore, the punch is good in speed and strength, and it looks very powerful.Xiao Yao is used to his right hand, so he stands in a right fist stance, just opposite to Hong Xiuyan. Hong Xiuyan's left straight fist is a backhand fist, Xiao Yao's right fist is a frame posture, and the right fist opposite to Hong Xiuyan's left hand is also placed behind. So Xiao Yao stretched his right fist forward a little, deflected his right fist a little, changed the heart of his fist inward to the heart of his fist backward, and took over Hong Xiuyan's left straight fist with a thick back.

Hong Xiuyan's punch was very beautiful, which naturally made her strong. After the two fists collided, Hong Xiuyan obviously felt a strong shock, probably because the bandage was well wrapped, and her left wrist didn't feel any discomfort. At this time, he also understood why Xiao Yao insisted that she put on a bandage and then put on a boxing ring.

There are no worries about security, and Hong Xiuyan is more open-minded. Right straight fist, hook fist and swing fist are also used one after another. Xiao Yao knew that what he showed this time was Hong Xiuyan's boxing action, not a fight, so he only defended but did not attack. He moved his feet back and forth, left and right, and took all Hong Xiuyan's attacks with his own boxing back. Neither let Hong Xiuyan's fist fail, nor let her fist fall on her body.

After seven or eight punches in a row, Hong Xiuyan was already a little out of breath. At the same time, Xiao Yao only defends but does not attack, and in order not to let his fist fail, Xiao Yao does not dodge at all, but uses the back of his fist to catch his fist. For the sake of effect, Hong Xiuyan did her best in every blow. She was afraid that if she really hit Xiao Yao, she would hurt him, so she gasped and stopped.

Hong Xiuyan hit seven or eight fists, Li Hai also felt enough. Seeing Hong Xiuyan stop, Li Hai also ends the interaction: "great. Thank you for Hong Xiuyan's wonderful performance. Of course, thank you for our male god's careful guidance to the goddess. "

Hong Xiuyan's fists just now were really beautiful. She looked like a boxer. The audience also gave applause again.

Knowing that his task had been completed, Xiao Yao bowed slightly to the audience and began to step to one side of the stage, ready to step down.

Seeing that Xiao Yao is about to step down, Hong Xiuyan holds up a pair of boxed hands to stop him.

"Do you need me to help you take off the bandage?" Xiao Yao asked in surprise. I'll help you with the bandage. I'll help you with the bandage. It's understandable that you can't bandage, but you can't even take off the bandage, can you?

"No, I don't understand. I have to wear it for a while." Hong Xiuyan shook her head. "I want to thank you." With that, Hong Xiuyan clasps Xiao Yao's shoulders with her boxed hands and hugs Xiao Yao.

"Wow, this is the first time to see our goddess Hong Xiuyan embrace the male guests." Li Haili said to one side, "it seems that Hong Xiuyan is very satisfied with Xiao Yao's guidance."

"Yes," Hong Xiuyan nodded, "I feel very good about the fists just now. Thank you very much, Xiao Yao

Xiao Yao politely smile, has taken off the boxing, he side of the bandage back to his seat.

"Well, it's time for our four buyer representatives to bid." Li Hai saw that Xiao Yao had returned, and then announced the next flow path.

When Hong Xiuyan heard Li Hai say this, she put on the boxing posture that Xiao Yaogang had taught her in the face of four buyer representatives and said, "I've just learned that your price should be higher."

Such a pretty girl, even with her standard posture and sharp eyes, gives people the feeling that she is more cute than threatening others.

Several representatives of the buyers and the audience were also surprised by her appearance, and then they were cute.

Li Hai looked at Hong Xiuyan with wide eyes, and then said in surprise: "Hong Xiuyan, are you threatening the buyer's representative with your new skills?"

Without waiting for Hong Xiuyan to reply, Li Hai has turned to the four representatives of the buyers and said, "OK, let's start bidding now. For the four buyer representatives, I would like to kindly remind them: bid carefully

Then representatives of the four buyers began to bid for the series on stage. Each buyer representative can bid three times, and there are two opportunities to increase the price after the first offer. In the interval of every price increase of buyers, Yin Taihao's introduction of this series of fashion design concepts and comments of two fashion experts from fashion review panel are interspersed, so as to move buyers to offer higher prices.

After three rounds of fierce bidding competition, Hong Xiuyan and other models finally sold the clothing of this series at the copyright price of 7.53 million. Finally, the highest bid for the copyright was made by four fashion brand enterprises named "Shangyi Chengpin".

This price is a little higher than the total price of Hong Xiuyan's and Yin Taihao's previous works. Hong Xiuyan and Yin Taihao are also very satisfied with this result.

"Well," Li Hai said, looking at Xiao Yao sitting on the jury seat, "it's our turn to bid for Hong Xiuyan's suit." Speaking of this, Li Hai turned to Hong Xiuyan and said, "do you want to pose a threat to him?"

"Of course not." Hong Xiuyan said with a smile. Then she blinked her eyes and put her hands on her chest, showing a pure cute expression. Korean said to Xiao Yao, "the price is higher."