See Xiao Yao sitting in his seat. Li Hai on the stage also announced the official start of the competition.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following is the walk show and bidding of our program. The theme of this issue is sportsmanship. What kind of sportsmanship works will the five goddesses and their designers bring us? Please wait and see. " Li Haixuan preached, "the next goddess to appear is Miss Hong Xiuyan from South Korea. Let's see what gorgeous works she and her partner designers will bring us."

As Li Hai's voice fell, the main light of the studio went out again, and the stage fell into darkness. About two or three minutes later, the strong rhythm of the background music sounded, and several light spots gradually appeared on the stage. Every time the light flash, the audience can see a dancer in the same blue cape that boxers often wear before the competition, posing as a boxer in training or competition.

After that, the main tone light in the studio turned into a red main light, and the audience also saw a high platform in the shape of a boxing ring on the stage. Eight dancers, wearing the same blue boxer's Cape, danced in the ring with many boxing moves.

With the ring ringing at the beginning and end of the boxing match, the dancers' dance in the ring came to an end. At this time, there are models from the backstage began to step onto the stage.

Each issue of the program's clothing works are not just a set of clothes, but a series, so the program team has equipped each group of Goddess models and designers with four to six professional T-stage models. As the main attraction, the goddess model only shows the set of designers as the main products in the series, and the rest are displayed by these professional models who are not very famous in the eyes of the ordinary audience.

Therefore, the first model to appear on the stage is definitely not the goddess model in the group wearing the clothing of the main product, but the professional model assigned to their team by the program group. The main products the goddess wears are all the last to appear.

Seeing the first model's slightly strange appearance and her cold look, Xiao Yao knew that the models assigned by the program group to those teams were professional t-show models who took the HF route.

The professional standard of these models must not be said. The stride, movement and expression all have the feeling of high cold HF on the catwalk of fashion conference. But the rhythm makes Xiao Yao feel a little funny.

The background music selected by the designer for this set of works is a very intense and fast-paced English dance music. This kind of rhythm music is basically impossible to appear in those fashion shows. Those models probably have never been on the show under this kind of rhythm music before. Even if they had rehearsal before, they still can't adapt to it at this time. Therefore, Xiao Yao can clearly feel that the step rhythm of several HF models in front of the stage is somewhat different from the music, and even the step rhythm of two of them is chaotic and can't match the music at all.

As soon as he could see this funny scene, Xiao Yao felt that it was not in vain today.

From the perspective of personal aesthetics, Xiao Yao always thinks that HF models are not very attractive, and this is not a model competition, so after laughing in his heart, Xiao Yao turns his attention from models and their steps to their clothes.

Although the theme of this issue is sportsmanship, it doesn't mean that all the clothes in this issue are sportswear or the competition clothes of the project. It's boring and designers will have less room to play.

In this series, there are several sets of casual clothes that are more relaxed. In terms of color matching, it's black, white, blue and fluorescent yellow. What's more eye-catching is that some of the clothes are designed with mesh materials, which vaguely reveals that some of the inner sports underwear and body lines can give people a sexy feeling.

The loose overall style and several open toe thick soled boots on the model's feet, which are similar to the appearance of sports shoes, can also make people feel that this is a combination of sports and sexy. In particular, Hong Xiuyan has a set of white mesh fabric as the main body. At the same time, she has a set of knee length skirt with fluorescent yellow on both sides of the whole forearm and waist, and a black belt style stitching at the front and back of the waist. It gives people a very beautiful feeling.

With Hong Xiuyan's final pose, the background music stops and the dancers leave, Li Haiyan returns to the stage again.

"Thank you, Miss Hong Xiuyan, our goddess. Let's also welcome Mr. Yin Taihao, Miss Hong Xiuyan's designer partner." The first thing after Li Hai came to power was to invite Hong Xiuyan's designer partner out.

With the applause of the audience, a very thin young man stepped onto the stage, bowed slightly and said, "Hello, everyone, I'm Yin Tai Hao" in unskilled Chinese

After Yin Taihao came to power, Li Hai didn't directly start talking about his works, but turned to Hong Xiuyan and said, "your works are related to boxing. I know you've been to a boxing ring. But I have a pity that I haven't seen Hong Xiuyan boxing with her own eyes. "

Li Hai said here, the audience understood his meaning, so they clapped and roared.Both Hong Xiuyan and Yin Taihao are not good at Chinese. They can speak and listen to a few sentences of Chinese, which are limited to ordinary greetings and so on. Their ears are filled with earplugs connected with translation devices, and they communicate with each other through translation machines. Of course, in addition to greeting, they all speak Korean, so in addition to the audience, the buyer representatives, hosts, fashion judges and others are also equipped with translation machines, which can be used when Hong Xiuyan and her group go on stage. Through the translation machine communication, the reaction of the parties will be slower, but because of the late editing, the audience in front of the TV basically can't see it.

Because she had to wait for the translation machine in the earplug to translate, Hong Xiuyan gave a slower response. When she wanted to answer Li Hai, there were applause and cheers on the scene. It was not very nice for her to refuse.

"I'm a rather stupid person. I can only do well if the coach guides me on the spot. I don't know if there is a boxing coach on the spot to guide me. " Hong Xiuyan did not give in immediately, but asked Li Haidao in Korean with a smile.

Similarly, due to the reason of waiting for the translator to translate, the reaction of the people on the scene was also a little slow, except for one person. Just as Hong Xiuyan's voice fell, Xiao Yao raised her arm.

"Xiao Yao, do you have something to say?" Li Hai is just facing Xiao Yao, so when Xiao Yao raises his hand, Li Hai finds out.

"I can be the on-site guidance for Miss Hong Xiuyan's boxing." Xiao Yao said with a smile. He was originally here to play. Now he has the opportunity to interact with beautiful women on stage. How can he let it go?

Xiao Yao answers Li Hai's question, and Hong Xiuyan's words are also translated in the translation machine. Because all the Chinese translators are synchronized, Li Hai is also sensitive to note that when Xiao Yao raises his hand, Hong Xiuyan's words have not been translated in the translator, and it seems that it is too early for him to give his response.

Then Li Hai noticed that Xiao Yao didn't have an obvious black earplug line around his two ears, like other people. He didn't use a translator at all, so Li Hai was a little surprised and asked, "do you still know Korean?"

"Yes Xiao Yao nodded naturally. He really didn't use the translator the program group gave him.

Seeing Xiao Yao's natural appearance, Li Hai felt that the question he had just asked was a bit out of place, but fortunately it wasn't live broadcast, so he could cut it off later. So Li Hai quickly adjusted his mind and continued to ask, "you've practiced martial arts, I know. You've also learned boxing?"

"I haven't learned from the coach formally, but I always fight with professional boxers every year, and I learn more or less." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "so teaching Miss Hong Xiuyan a few movements is still competent."

"Well, in that case, let's invite our male god Xiao Yao to give boxing guidance to our goddess Hong Xiuyan." Li Hai announced in a loud voice.

Seeing that Xiao Yao put down his tablet computer and began to walk on the stage, Li Hai faced the audience and said, "audience, you can see the male God and goddess fighting together at the same time. It's a great gift."

The answer to Li Hai was naturally another round of applause and cheers from the audience. To see Hong Xiuyan and Xiao Yao boxing together, the audience and Li Hai are also very excited and looking forward to it.

When Xiao Yao stepped onto the stage, Hong Xiuyan politely took the initiative to come forward, slightly bowed her hand and said in Chinese, "thank you, hard work."

Xiao Yao shook hands with her and said in Korean, "it's my pleasure."

A Korean speaks Chinese, while a Chinese speaks Korean. Li Hai on the stage looks at these two people and feels strange.

Seeing Xiao Yao on stage, Li Hai said to the work area beside the stage, "please take up the prepared gloves."

A staff member came with two pairs of boxing gloves. After Li Hai went to the stage and took them, he handed them to Xiao Yao and Hong Xiuyan.

Seeing that Hong Xiuyan took the gloves, she had to put them on. Xiao Yao stopped them in Korean and said, "wait a minute."

Then Xiao Yao frowned slightly and said to Li Hai in Chinese, "is there no bandage? Bandage your hands before you wear gloves. If you wear them empty handed, you will be easily injured. "

Li hailou a little embarrassed smile: "it seems that you really quite professional." Then he told the staff on the stage to take the bandage.

At this time, Hong Xiuyan also received Xiao Yao's words translated by the translator. She said to Xiao Yao with a smile of gratitude: "thank you."

Soon, the staff brought the bandage. Xiao Yao took a look and found that it was really a professional boxing hand bandage. Then he nodded with a smile. It seems that the crew is not unprepared, but the staff is negligent.

"Can you do it? Shall I help you? " Xiao Yao holds the bandage and asks Hong Xiuyan.

"No, please." Hong Xiuyan shook her head, then stretched out her hands with five fingers open.