At the beginning, after Xiao Yao's interview for the role of "Chengying", Ye Jiaying had asked Xiao Yao to help write the theme song or episode suitable for her singing. Xiao Yao couldn't remember the song "old beauty" in the previous life "Langya list". At the same time, he didn't feel much about that song, so he moved one of Hu Yanbin's "old beauty" to her. The melody of this song is what Ye Jiaying can sing, and the lyrics just match the emotional line of the characters in the play. At the same time, there are also some lyrics fragments of golden and heroic love, which were successfully selected by director Li Xin.

Being selected as the performance repertoire of the award ceremony also proves that in the eyes of the organizers, this song is extremely excellent both in itself and in matching with the drama. Li Xin thinks that there is no award for the best episode in the "flying Apsaras" award, otherwise the nomination for "Ling Yunzhi" might be added.

However, when the song was handed over to the producers, Ye Jiaying didn't expect Xiao Yao's "Chengying" to be so brilliant, and Xiao Yao didn't expect that he would become the focus of the second wave of publicity after the show started, so the lyrics of the song were signed with "XY". After all, there are two excellent film and television music works under the title of "the original scenery of hometown" and "insects flying". Signing this name will give this song a greater chance to be selected by the producers and directors.

After Ye Jiaying's performance, the awards continued. The host went back to the stage, and after thanking Ye Jiaying for her performance, she continued: "next, let's welcome the award awarding guests for the best photography..."

awards were awarded one after another, and soon came to the best screenwriter award, another Award nominated by lingyunzhi team. However, it is a pity that with the awarding guests pronouncing the name of the winner, after the team of Ling Yunzhi lost the best costume design award, the screenwriter Li Hui also lost the competition for the best screenwriter.

At the beginning of the first two awards did not get, "Ling Yunzhi" crew also had some frustration. However, according to the process, there will be performance awards soon. Among the five awards in the performance category, "Ling Yunzhi" has all been nominated, and the first one among them should be the best newcomer. For this award, the whole crew has absolute confidence, and everyone's frustration should not last long.

As the host invited the best newcomer award awarding guests, the ceremony also came to the moment when the Best Newcomer Award ownership is about to be announced.

When the host read out the name of one of the awarding guests, there were cheers in the audience of the "Ling Yunzhi" crew.

According to the Convention, the award for the best newcomer is usually given by the "old guy" in the TV industry, which also means that it is passed down from generation to generation. This year, the best newcomer awards were presented by two veteran actors, a man and a woman, who are over 60 years old and respected in the actor circle and have worked in the industry for more than 30 years. The reason for the cheers is that one of the awarding guests is Xiao Yao's grandfather Xiao Chengru.

Seeing that Xiao Chengru is the guest of the award, the team of Ling Yunzhi naturally thinks that this is the intentional arrangement of the organizer. Granddad's award to grandson is not only the inheritance of the family, but also the inheritance of the industry. How meaningful and funny is this? Although Xiao Yao did not come, the sense of the picture is a little worse, but the meaning is the same. Therefore, Xiao Yao's award has been guaranteed in their hearts, and the cheering is naturally much bigger than just now. Of course, even if Xiao Yao didn't win the prize in the end, Xiao Chengru, Xiao Yao's grandfather and Ye Jiaying's father-in-law, can be regarded as the family members of the crew, so it's not unreasonable to send some extra cheers for his appearance.

With Xiao Chengru's partner, Tian Fangzhen, a silver haired but still hale and hearty female performance artist, presented the award. Over 60, she was not as old as an ordinary old woman. On the contrary, she was very lively and made fun of her old partner as soon as she came to the stage.

"Lao Xiao, you have participated in the award ceremony and served as a guest of the award ceremony many times. I want to ask you, is today your most nervous time Tian Fangzhen looks at Xiao Cheng with a smile.

"Ha ha, I know it so well." Xiao Chengru gave a dry smile, and really made a very nervous expression, but Xiao Chengru's face changed too fast, we can't see whether he was really nervous or pretended.

"Today, the organizer invited you to be the awarding guest of this award. Did it imply anything to you?" Tian Fangzhen doesn't plan to let him go and continues to ask.

"Of course not." Xiao Chengru immediately righted his way.

"Also," Tian Fangzhen said with a smile, "you stop here, it's a kind of hint, isn't it?"

"I don't think so," said Xiao. "The performances of the five new nominees are wonderful. It's possible for anyone to win the prize. Let's look at the nomination list on the big screen first."

Along with Xiao Chengru's words, the big screen on the stage also successively put up the five nominated actors' highlights in their respective plays. Although all five are new, they are old and young. The oldest one is already 25-6 years old, and the youngest one is only 10 years old. Xiao Yao is not the oldest or the youngest one, but the cheering is the biggest when he plays the "photo" segment on the big screen. This time, the cheers were not just from the crew of "Ling Yunzhi".Seeing that the clip on the big screen was finished, Xiao Chengru continued: "OK, now let's announce the winners." Speaking of this, Xiao Chengru put the envelope into Tian Fangzhen's hand and said, "you can announce it."

Tian Fangzhen took the envelope, opened it and glanced at it. Then she handed Xiao Chengru a piece of paper with the name of the winner in it and said, "I think it's better for you to announce it."

Xiao Chengru took the paper and looked at it. His lips trembled obviously.

After taking a breath, Xiao Chengru came up to the microphone and said in a slightly trembling voice, "the winner of the best newcomer, Xiao Yao, the actor of" Chengying "in Ling Yunzhi!"

"Wow There was applause and cheers again.

Watching Ye Jiaying come to the stage excitedly, Tian Fangzhen, who didn't take part in the red carpet show and didn't know that Xiao Yao didn't come today, said to Xiao Cheng confucianistically: "shouldn't you give your grandson an award? How come it's your daughter-in-law? "

Xiao Chengru naturally knew that Xiao Yao didn't come today, but he didn't explain to Tian Fangzhen. Ye Jiaying, who will receive the award on behalf of Xiao Yao, will naturally say these words later.

After receiving the cup from Xiao Chengru, Ye Jiaying first hugged Tian Fangzhen to express her gratitude. Then she breathed and stood in front of the microphone and said, "Xiao Yao didn't come today. I'll take the award instead."

"Ah ~" although you guessed that Xiao Yao didn't come to the scene when you saw Ye Jiaying on stage, when Ye Jiaying's words came out, there was still a sigh of regret.

"As for why Xiao Yao didn't come?" As she continued to speak, Ye Jiaying changed her face and said, "he said that my best actress is probably out of the question. In order to avoid my going to work in vain today, he won't come, so that I can get a chance to go on the stage and help him receive the award. Do you think I should praise him or beat him? "

"Wow "Ha There were shouts and laughter under the stage.

"Well, no kidding." Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene had changed from regret to joy, Ye Jiaying returned to normal and said, "Xiao Yao is still a student. Students take learning as their first priority. The reason why she didn't come today is because of learning."

"But although Xiao Yao didn't come today, he also prepared his acceptance speech." Ye Jiaying didn't mention the Olympic mathematics winter camp either, so she took out a note and read it: "first of all, thank you for your support for Xiao Yao and the audience friends and fans of the role of" Chengying ". Whether you like Xiao Yao or" Chengying ", thank you here. And then thank you to all of you. I'd like to say a few more words here. As a new actor in a TV play for the first time, I would like to thank all the members of the crew for their tolerance of my misdeeds. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to those who have been teased and tricked by "Chengying" in the cast. In this trophy, you also have a share of the credit. "

Read here, not only on stage Ye Jiaying mouth with a smile, the stage also rang out a burst of applause mixed with laughter.

However, Ye Jiaying has not finished. After waiting for the applause to stop, she continues to read: "finally, and most importantly, I want to thank my family. Since my childhood, my grandfather has taken me to a lot of troupes, which has made me understand the industry and interested me in performance. "

When Ye Jiaying read here, they found Xiao Chengru standing behind Ye Jiaying and laughing happily.

"Thank you, Dad, for raising me. I've been dependent on each other for several years. You're both a father and a mother. It's hard for you. Although you were a disaster when you were in the kitchen, you are really a great father

Although Xiao Siqi didn't appear at the scene, the audience were all from the entertainment circle. They all knew that Xiao Siqi lost his wife in the car accident a few years ago. In the following years, he and his son depended on each other until he met Ye Jiaying on the stage. Therefore, after hearing Xiao Yao's speech, there was another round of applause under the stage, which was also mixed with the audience's whispered comments that were teased by the last sentence.

Lao Tzu, who is watching Xiao Siqi live in front of the TV, is now smiling and scolding. "This kid, I don't make complaints about Tzu Chi," he said.

"Thank you, mother Ye Jiaying. Thank you for saving our father and son from the miserable life of taking out in Dunton. I have been able to thrive. With such a good body, I can cope with so many plays of" Chengying. " When she read this, Ye Jiaying burst out laughing. No wonder Xiao Yao told her not to read the prepared thank-you note in advance when she handed it to her.

But seeing the back, Ye Jiaying restrained her smile and said solemnly, "thank you, my biological mother Chen Zilin. Although I was too young when you left, I didn't have a deep impression on you, but my father and the doctor told me that if you hadn't protected me with your own body during the car accident, maybe I would not have been in this world long ago and Xiao Yao would not be what I am today . Today, when you see my mother holding my cup in the sky, and see that I am not only well taken care of in my life, but also have made some achievements, I think you should feel happy and comforted. " Reading here, Ye Jiaying looked up at the sky and her eyes were a little red.

"Thank you, thank you all!" At the end of the thank-you speech, Ye Jiaying bowed slightly to the audience and walked backstage with the two award winners."Thank you, two prize awarding guests and Ye Jiaying. At the same time, congratulations and thanks to Xiao Yao. Although he was not at the scene, he still brought us a wonderful and touching speech The host went back to the center of the stage and said to the audience, "the next award is the best supporting actress award. Let's welcome the awarding guests..."

after walking back to the backstage, Ye Jiaying comforted Xiao Chengru, who also had red eyes, and then quietly walked around to her seat in the audience. After returning, Ye Jiaying didn't pay attention to the new awarding guests on the stage, but silently said to Chen Zilin, who had never met her before: "Zilin, you can look at it in the sky. I won't do worse than you. I will take good care of their father and son."