At the end of the entrance examination, the results come out, fill in the high school volunteer, the graduation ceremony is completed, all these steps are completed, junior high school graduates officially bid farewell to junior high school life, also rare completely relaxed.

Although many parents attended their graduation ceremony together, not everyone would follow their parents home after the graduation ceremony.

From the school auditorium out, many students are in a hurry and their parents said hello, began to call friends, began to organize activities to celebrate their farewell junior high school life. At this time, the parents are also very considerate of them, a rare summer vacation to completely relax, but also completely let them go.

Chen Mingfei was one of the activists. After saying goodbye to his parents, he began to gather friends he knew and went directly to the back door of the auditorium to block Xiao Yao.

"Thank you for your support." At this time, Xiao Yao is still on the phone backstage after removing her make-up. At the other end of the phone is her father Xiao Siqi.

"How do you know we're here? We came here in disguise. No one else found us. Did you see us? Your eyes are not so poisonous, are they Xiao Siqi was surprised at the end of the phone.

"Ha ha," Xiao Yao said with a smile, "it's my first formal music performance on the stage, and neither of you has any notice or performance to be present today, so I guess you will come. It seems that I guessed right."

"He guessed that we were under the stage." This sentence came from the other end of the phone. It seems that it was said by Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying. Then he said to Xiao Yao, "I see many students say goodbye to their parents and then organize their own activities to play. I think you should also have your own activities, so we won't disturb you. We're going back now. Have a good time with your classmates. "

"I don't have any activities in the back, and I'm going home." Xiao Yaodao.

"I doubt that." Xiao Siqi said with a smile, "just now a group of students ran in front of us. I heard them talk about blocking you at the back door of the auditorium. There is the little fat man who has been to our house. By the way, the little fat man is much thinner now. I almost don't know him."

"Chen Mingfei," Xiao Yao nodded, "it seems that it's impossible for me to go home directly. They can't let me go so easily. Then you go home first. I'll be back later. "

After receiving the call, Xiao Yao tidied up, said hello to the students who were still cleaning up the scene backstage, and walked to the back door.

When he came to the door, Xiao Yao stopped and found that there was no sound outside. Xiao Yao smiles, grabs the door handle and turns it open. He pulls the door open, but the man stands inside and doesn't go out.

"Ha Sure enough, seeing the back door open, Chen Mingfei and Li Qian quietly hiding on both sides of the door yell and jump out, but they don't see Xiao Yao's figure.

"What about people?" Quite strange Chen Mingfei curiously stretched out a head to enter the door, unexpectedly ear a burst: "ah!"

Chen Mingfei quickly covers his ears and looks sideways. However, he sees Xiao Yaozheng with his guitar bag standing inside the door, next to the wall beside the door, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Damn it Chen Mingfei yelled and backed out. He told other people outside the door, "boss Xiao is really boss Xiao. Instead of plotting against him, he plotted against him."

"How grown-up, do you still play this? Naive or not? " Xiao Yao, who came out after him, said.

"Hey, who attacked me and yelled in my ear just now? My ear is still buzzing. Do you mean we are childish?" Chen Mingfei's dissatisfaction.

"I'll teach you a lesson!" Xiao Yao is a natural way.

"Well, don't make any noise." Hu Chang came forward to mediate, "let's talk about where to play."

"Let's sing at KTV." Chen Mingfei suggested.

Then Chen Mingfei was caught by several people except Xiao Yao. "Xiao has just sung such a song. You asked us to sing K with him. Didn't you ask us to find stimulation?"

"I'm asking boss Xiao to give us an exclusive concert." Chen Mingfei quickly explained, "when boss Xiao becomes a big star, how can we have such a good thing. Most concerts have to pay for tickets. "

Then Chen Mingfei was pounded by Xiao Yao, "you want to be beautiful!"

"Go skating," Xiao Yao suggested. "I remember Chen Mingfei said he would invite me to go skating, but he didn't succeed all the time. It's better to go today."

"No," Chen Mingfei objected, "it's summer vacation now. Not only our junior high school graduates are on holiday, but all the students are on holiday. This kind of place must be overcrowded now. You can't have fun when you're all huddled together. "

Going to the movies? It's not lively enough. Amusement Park? There are many people. In the end, we discussed it, but we went back to the original proposal and decided to sing.

"Boss Xiao, you go to karaoke with your guitar on your back?" Li Qian pointed to the guitar bag on Xiao Yao's back with a smile and said, "is it a little arrogant?"

"What else?" Xiao Yao's helpless hand, "can't throw the guitar away." Xiao Yao came to school today with his guitar on his back. He didn't want to take his guitar to the classroom, so he came to the auditorium to store his guitar in the backstage before he went to the classroom to fill in his volunteers. Now that he has officially graduated, he can't continue to throw his guitar in the auditorium. The students in the auditorium have to lock the door after they have cleaned up. I should have asked my father Xiao Siqi to wait for a while and let him help me bring back the guitar. Unfortunately, I didn't think of it just now."Arrogance is arrogance," Chen Mingfei said. "Boss Xiao is not without the qualification of arrogance." Then he said to the two boys next to him, "thunder, Dong Cheng, you two are familiar with the territory. Is there any suitable place?"

"Let's talk about mclard, a chain of KTV brands. There are no messy things and buffet. We can have fun and rest assured." Xiao Yao said, "there is one on Longzhong road. Let's take a taxi." He doesn't want to lead a bunch of underage guys to nightclubs or anything.

"Well, I'll go there. Stop at the school gate. " Everyone agreed.

Four men and three women, seven people, stopped two cars, came to the Mai ledi of Longzhong Road, asked for a medium-sized private room, a few people happily entered the room to sing.

Several people think that they don't sing as well as Xiao Yao, but with this kind of relationship, it's not as good to say that they are too scared to take the microphone in front of Xiao Yao. On the contrary, because of his existence, everyone rushed to the jukebox to order the songs they wanted to sing. They wanted to sing before Xiao Yao spoke.

Xiao Yao doesn't care much about this either. In his previous life, he was not a maiba in the K room. In this life, because he studied music with Xiao Siqi, he seldom has the opportunity to enter the K room, and he has no interest in being a maiba. He had a good time to put the guitar, see a few people are still in front of the jukebox, had to pick up the tea table on the list of drinks and snacks to look up.

"What would you like to drink? Would you like a drink? " Xiao Yao shouts to the guys who are still in front of the jukebox.

"Yes." Chen Mingfei was the first to raise his hand and shout, "brother Yao, how about we try foreign wine? I'll have whiskey. "

"Don't talk about it. You're not an adult yet." Xiao Yao didn't want to refuse, "drink some beer at most, girls can drink cocktails." This group of junior high school graduates are all 15 or 16 years old. They have 40 degree whisky. He dare not let them drink it casually. As for Xiao Yao's cocktail, it's not the kind of cocktail that is currently mixed in the bar. It's a pre mixed cocktail in a bottle. The alcohol level is only about 4 degrees. Like the previous "Rio" and "Bacardi Bingrui" and the current popular brand called "road", they are also colorful and beautiful.

"Beer and rod." Several people responded. Everyone's attitude now is to be presumptuous and naturally drink some wine.

Xiao Yao shook his head, pressed the pager on the wall, called the waiter, ordered a dozen beers and a dozen "rod", and also ordered some popcorn, fruit plate, dried fruit and other snacks.

The waiter quickly brought in the drinks and snacks. The six people in front of the order machine finally ordered the first round of songs to be sung. They grabbed the first and second singers and took the microphone to prepare. The ones behind them opened the wine and the food. Xiao Yao didn't have a chance to have a look in front of the jukebox until then. In a short time, there were almost 20 songs in the queue. If he didn't jump in the queue, he would have to wait an hour to order one.

"Brother Yao, what are you doing?" Lei Ming holds a bottle of beer and says to Xiao Yao, "we have decided to deprive you of the right to order songs after discussion. If you want to sing, you can only sing the songs we ordered. You are better than us. We can't let you sing whatever you want. We can only let you sing whatever you want. So, you'd better come and have a drink. "

"Nani?" Xiao Yao looks at the crowd in surprise. No matter singing or drinking, they all stopped and nodded to him.

"The minority is subordinate to the majority," Chen Mingfei said with a smile. "Although you are one to six, we are not the army. You can't resist violently."

"You mean I can only sing the songs you ordered?" Xiao Yao confirmed. Seeing the crowd nodding, Xiao Yao changed his words and said, "that is to say, I can sing all the songs you ordered?" All the people are still making Xiao Yao depressed and complacent. They don't realize the difference between Xiao Yao's two sentences and continue to nod.

"Good." Xiao Yao got up and left the music machine, went to thunder, took the beer he handed him, took a sip and moistened his throat, then took the microphone from Dong Cheng's hand and said, "in this case, let's show you what is Mai ba."

At this time, Li QianDian, the first singer, just finished the first main song and the second song. After the interlude, Li Qiangang began to sing the second main song, but Xiao Yao's voice came in. It's a girl's song, but Xiao Yao's song is a tune higher than the original one. Because of Xiao Yao's joining, Li Qian can't sing any more after she sings two sentences. She can't help it. She is always unconsciously brought up by Xiao Yao, and then she can't sing any more.

"Well, since you can sing, this song is for you. I'll wait for the next one." Li Qian hate hate Road, unwilling to put down the hands of the microphone.

"Next?" Xiao Yao sneered in his heart, "the pattern is broken."