Hearing this, the members of the expert group almost laughed.

How ridiculous!

The condition of the old man's leg is very serious, and it will be in a precarious situation. If the limb is not amputated as soon as possible, once the nerve tissue is necrotic, it will cause bone and joint necrosis and further spread to the whole body.

Once it gets worse, the old man's life will be lost.

The girl who didn't know the height of heaven and Earth actually wanted to cure the old man's leg with massage and acupuncture.

Either she's crazy, or they're crazy.

It's impossible!

The expert group leader had planned to stop interrupting, but when he saw old man Bo lying in the hospital bed, he thought that the old man had been a soldier for a lifetime, but he had been fooled by a little girl to delay his illness. If there was one accident

He can't bear it.

So he decided to try his best to dissuade him.

"Old chief, you must not believe this girl's words. The massage and acupuncture she said can only relieve the pain at most, and it is impossible to cure your leg. Your condition has already been delayed and must be treated immediately. Please believe us, our plan is the most effective and effective..."

Mr. Bo said coldly, "the most effective and feasible way is to cut off my leg. I don't agree with you!"

"Old chief..." The expert group leader also wants to persuade.

"I'd rather be killed by this girl than saw my legs!" Mr. Bo was determined.


The expert group leader couldn't say anything.

He saw that the old man was determined to go his own way, but he could not persuade him. He had no choice but to look at Mrs. Bo for help.

Mrs. Bo stepped forward and whispered, "Dad, don't be angry. Experts are all for your health. I know that you believe in Dr. Kong, but his descendants may not have his high medical skills. Besides, she is so young that you can't make fun of your body. It doesn't matter if you insist on your own opinion, but if you delay your illness, why should we, the younger generation, be in love? "

Her voice was soft and reasonable, and Mr. Bo didn't know how to retort.

He glared at Mrs. Bo: "can't I be the master of my body?"

Mrs. Bo said gently, "you have to think about it for us, or you'd better prepare for it with both hands, OK?"

"What two hands to prepare?" Old man Bo frowned.

Mrs. Bo looked at Shen Ning: "you said massage and acupuncture can cure the old man. How long do you need? Is seven days enough? If the old man's leg doesn't improve after seven days, you should be responsible for persuading him to go to hospital and accept the treatment proposed by experts. How about that? "

As soon as she finished speaking, the room quieted down.

Everyone's eyes are on Shen Ning.

That's a good word!

Experts all know that massage and acupuncture have the effect of soothing the meridians, but it takes a long time for treatment to be effective. A short period of seven days is useless, not to mention the old man's disease is very serious.

Seven days later, if the girl's treatment does not work, she will have to persuade the old man to go to hospital for amputation.

She first gave the old man hope, and then put it out with her own hands. It was better not to give hope at first.

It's strange that the old man doesn't hate her!

Mrs. Bo dug a hole for the girl.

Experts have a number in mind.

It seems that Mrs. Bo doesn't like this future daughter-in-law.

Ah, there are many grievances among the rich and powerful families. They can't afford to mix them up.

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