"As like as two peas," he said, "but, brother, you say it again, and it's better to say exactly the same thing as you said before. If I let you lie, I'll lie to you."

She didn't finish what she said, but the hunter shivered.

He couldn't help congratulating himself for not lying.

In fact, for a moment, he wanted to make up a lie.

He repeated what he had just said.

Shen Ning nodded: "you're right. I'll ask you again, is tiger tooth Valley really haunted?"

The hunter did not dare to lie and shook his head and said, "no, I made it up on purpose to deceive you."

"Who sent you? Why cheat us? Why did you kill me Xiao Si snapped.

The hunter clenched his teeth.

"Xiao Si, don't ask. He won't say it, but if he doesn't, I know."

Shen Ning did not look at the hunters, and pointed to the direction of hunting. He found a sycamore tree.

"Let's go."

The fourth looked back at the hunter and said, "what should he do?"

"Let him live and die. Anyway, he is not a good thing to kill you."

Shen Ning said carelessly and went on.

Four a stomach of doubt, followed Shen Ning behind, walked for a while, finally could not help but ask: "Miss Shen, how do you know he is not a hunter?"

Shen Ning didn't look back. She said, "hunters often have thick cocoons when they use wooden cots or wood knives. But when I handed the hare to him, I found that the mouth of the tiger was smooth and tender. However, there were several cocoons in the palm of his hand, which should have been left during sword practice."

"So it is!" Xiao Si suddenly realized that he slapped him on the back of his head.

In vain, he always thinks he is clever and clever, but compared with Miss Shen, he doesn't even deserve to lift shoes!

After thinking about it, he asked, "Miss Shen, who do you think sent this man? Why did he deceive us that there was a ghost in Huya Valley and not let us go? "

Shen Ning said, "it's complicated. I can't explain it for a while, but the person who sent him is not all malicious. He doesn't want us to find tiger tooth valley. As for why, I can't guess."

"Then why don't you keep questioning that guy? As long as the ant bites, I think he can say anything

"If he really said it, he would be dead. Heaven has a good life. He has said what should be said. As for whether he is dead or alive, it depends on his luck."

Shen Ning's secluded way caresses his abdomen.

If she had been changed before, she would never be polite to the hunter. But I don't know why. Since she knew that she had a baby in her stomach, she would always feel soft hearted.

Don't want to kill.

At this time, suddenly in the two behind, came a long cry.

It's from the hunter.

"Well, I didn't think he could escape his fate."

A deep sigh.

Xiao Si also knows in his heart that the hunter must have been killed by the man who sent him.

Thinking that there are people hiding in this mountain forest, Xiao Si feels creepy.

He looked around warily, but found nothing.

"Fourth, you don't have to look around. We shouldn't be in danger. The man can instruct the hunter to warn us, but he doesn't want us to find tiger's tooth valley. If he wants to kill us, he can do it." Shen Ning noticed his mind and said with a smile.

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