Su Jin only looked at the prince of the Northern Qi Dynasty a few eyes, and once again raised doubts.

Is it not to say that there are more than 2000 envoys sent by the Northern Qi Dynasty this time?

Why are there less than 100 people in Beijing this time.

What about the rest? Where did you go?

She looked behind the prince of the Northern Qi Dynasty for a long time, but she didn't even find a single figure.

At this time, the people who watched and cheered in front of the city gate had gradually dispersed and no longer became extremely crowded.

The appearance of the prince of the Northern Qi Dynasty in front of the city gate only caused a burst of stealing whispers among the people, but did not make any loud cheers.

Compared with his sister the third princess, the prince of the Northern Qi Dynasty was obviously less valued.

Su Jin secretly called not good, heart, if the prince of Northern Qi care, afraid it is another trouble.

To her surprise, the prince of the Northern Qi Dynasty was always lazily riding on his horse, with his eyes closed, as if he was sleeping or waking up. It was like a small bell tied behind the tail of the whole team, which was rusty and unimportant at all.

What a freak!

Su Jin murmured in her heart.

Seeing that the crowd was not so crowded, she thought that she would hurry back to the palace and report what she had seen and heard to the Empress Dowager. At this time, the Empress Dowager must have been extremely anxious.

She was about to go down the wall with Xiao Qinzi when she heard a strange commotion in the distance.

"No way!"

"Something's wrong!"

"The big thing is not good!"

The soldiers who had been guarding the gate immediately separated out some of them and ran in the direction of the commotion.

Su Jin and Xiao Qin Zi caught sight of them from afar on the city wall. They saw the crowd rushing towards one direction, which was the place where the emperor and the third princess had gone. This made their hearts rise to their voices.

"Xiaoqinzi, go and see what happened!" Su Jin was so anxious that the sweat on her forehead came out.

I thought, don't let anything happen! Emperor, you must be good!

Don't do anything stupid!

Her first instinct was that her dream came true!

It made her cold all over the body for an instant, and her heart almost stopped beating.

"Yes." Small Qin Zi is also a face nervous, promised a, hurried to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Su Jin didn't want to take out the Empress Dowager Zhou's Yizhi from his arms and handed it to xiaoqinzi.

"This is a beautiful edict written by the Empress Dowager herself. If anything happens, you can take out this Yizhi. The Empress Dowager is responsible for everything. Remember, you must not let the three princesses go wrong, let alone the emperor!" Su Jin ordered urgently.

"Yizhi?" Xiaoqin Zi was shocked and looked at the Yizhi in his hand. His fingers were shaking.

But he quickly clenched Yizhi: "aunt Su Jin, don't worry, xiaoqinzi knows!"

With that, he strode down the wall and went in the direction of the change.

"Let's go! Let's go! All yield

Xiao Qinzi waved his arms and pulled the crowd to both sides, trying to squeeze out a passage.

But too many people crowded, he even milk out of the strength, also did not squeeze out far away.

"If you handle a case according to the order, get out of the way! Or you will be killed! "

Xiaoqinzi was eager and intelligent. He held up his Yizhi and raised his voice.

It worked.

As soon as the people heard the words "handle a case according to the order and shoot to death", they were all shaking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!